Cost-effectiveness analysis

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Decision-analytic models (DAMs) with varying structures and assumptions have been applied in economic evaluations (EEs) to assist decision making for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) therapeutics. This systematic review aimed to summarize and critically appraise the EEs of guideline-directed medical therapies (GDMTs) for HFrEF.
    A systematic search of English articles and gray literature, published from January 2010, was performed on databases including MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, NHSEED, health technology assessment, Cochrane Library, etc. The included studies were EEs with DAMs that compared the costs and outcomes of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-receptor neprilysin inhibitors, beta-blockers, mineralocorticoid-receptor agonists, and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. The study quality was evaluated using the Bias in Economic Evaluation (ECOBIAS) 2015 checklist and Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) 2022 checklists.
    A total of 59 EEs were included. Markov model, with a lifetime horizon and a monthly cycle length, was most commonly used in evaluating GDMTs for HFrEF. Most EEs conducted in the high-income countries demonstrated that novel GDMTs for HFrEF were cost-effective compared with the standard of care, with the standardized median incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of $21 361/quality-adjusted life-year. The key factors influencing ICERs and study conclusions included model structures, input parameters, clinical heterogeneity, and country-specific willingness-to-pay threshold.
    Novel GDMTs were cost-effective compared with the standard of care. Given the heterogeneity of the DAMs and ICERs, alongside variations in willingness-to-pay thresholds across countries, there is a need to conduct country-specific EEs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, using model structures that are coherent with the local decision context.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: Health technology assessment (HTA) organizations vary in terms of how they conduct assessments. We assess whether and to what extent HTA bodies have adopted societal and novel elements of value in their economic evaluations.
    METHODS: After categorizing \"societal\" and \"novel\" elements of value, we reviewed fifty-three HTA guidelines. We collected data on whether each guideline mentioned each societal or novel element of value, and if so, whether the guideline recommended the element\'s inclusion in the base case, sensitivity analysis, or qualitative discussion in the HTA.
    RESULTS: The HTA guidelines mention on average 5.9 of the twenty-one societal and novel value elements we identified (range 0-16), including 2.3 of the ten societal elements and 3.3 of the eleven novel value elements. Only four value elements (productivity, family spillover, equity, and transportation) appear in over half of the HTA guidelines, whereas thirteen value elements are mentioned in fewer than one-sixth of the guidelines, and two elements receive no mention. Most guidelines do not recommend value element inclusion in the base case, sensitivity analysis, or qualitative discussion in the HTA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ideally, more HTA organizations will adopt guidelines for measuring societal and novel value elements, including analytic considerations. Importantly, simply recommending in guidelines that HTA bodies consider novel elements may not lead to their incorporation into assessments or ultimate decision making.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The etiology of acute and chronic wounds goes beyond those often reported in the literature, including those with exposed structures, those in which the entire wound bed cannot be visualized, and patients who are not candidates for typical standard of care. Treatment options for these patients may be limited. TABCT is a viable option for these complex wound types and is not hindered by logistical, procedural, or patient factors. A consensus panel of providers with extensive experience in treatment of these wound types was convened to develop consensus recommendations on the use of TABCT in specific complex wound types. Four consensus statements were defined for TABCT use in patients who cannot undergo sharp or extensive debridement, as a protective barrier to prevent further bacterial ingress, in patients with wounds in which the entire wound bed cannot be safely visualized, and in wounds with exposed tendon and/or bone. Consensus panel recommendations show that TABCT application assists in maintenance of a moist wound healing environment, autolytic debridement, recruitment and delivery of factors essential for wound healing, prevention of pathogen entry, and ability to completely fill wound voids that cannot be fully visualized. Additional advantages of TABCT use are its cost-effectiveness, ease of access, minimal related complications, and proven clinical efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The provision of guideline-based care for patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers (DFU) in clinical practice is suboptimal. We estimated the cost-effectiveness of higher rates of guideline-based care, compared with current practice.
    The costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) associated with current practice (30% of patients receiving guideline-based care) were compared with seven hypothetical scenarios with increasing proportion of guideline-based care (40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%). Comparisons were made using discrete event simulations reflecting the natural history of DFU over a 3-year time horizon from the Australian healthcare perspective. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated for each scenario and compared to a willingness-to-pay of AUD 28,000 per QALY. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to incorporate joint parameter uncertainty.
    All seven scenarios with higher rates of guideline-based care were likely cheaper and more effective than current practice. Increased proportions compared with current practice resulted in between AUD 0.28 and 1.84 million in cost savings and 11-56 additional QALYs per 1000 patients. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses indicated that the finding is robust to parameter uncertainty.
    Higher proportions of patients receiving guideline-based care are less costly and improve patient outcomes. Strategies to increase the proportion of patients receiving guideline-based care are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Open extremity fractures can be life-changing events. Clinical guidelines on the management of these injuries aim to standardise the care of patients by presenting evidence-based recommendations. We performed a scoping systematic review to identify all national clinical practice guidelines published to date.
    METHODS: A PRISMA-compliant scoping systematic review was designed to identify all national or federal guidelines for the management of open fractures, with no limitations for language or publication date. EMBASE and MEDLINE database were searched. Article screening and full-text review was performed in a blinded fashion in parallel by two authors.
    RESULTS: Following elimination of duplicates, 376 individual publications were identified and reviewed. In total, 12 clinical guidelines were identified, authored by groups in the UK, USA, the Netherlands, Finland, and Malawi. Two of these focused exclusively on antibiotic prophylaxis and one on combat-related injuries, with the remaining nine presented wide-scope recommendations with significant content overlap.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical practice guidelines serve clinicians in providing evidence-based and cost-effective care. We only identified one open fractures guideline developed in a low- or middle-income country, from Malawi. Even though the development of these guidelines can be time and resource intensive, the benefits may outweigh the costs by standardising the care offered to patients in different healthcare settings. International collaboration may be an alternative for adapting guidelines to match local resources and healthcare systems for use across national borders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Arterial hypertension (AH) is associated with a high economic burden for the individual patient and for society in general. The study evaluates antihypertensives and their cost-effectiveness, comparing diuretics (D), beta-blockers (B), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin-II receptor blockers (A) and calcium channel blockers (C) with no intervention (NI).
    METHODS: The study included five health states in a Markov model. Cost values included average cost of the drugs used, treatment in hospital and treatment in general practice (collected from Croatian Health Insurance Fund). The study was conducted separately for 65-year old men and women, with an initial probability of cardiovascular death risk of 2% and heart failure risk of 1%. The results were presented in terms of increase in QALYs and associated financial savings or costs in euros (€).
    RESULTS: Results for men (compared with NI): treatment with D resulted in a QALY increase of 0.76 and €886 in savings, treatment with C in an increase of 0.74 QALYs and €767 in savings, treatment with A in an increase of 0.69 QALYs and €834 in savings, treatment with B resulted in an increase of 0.40 QALYs, but with an additional cost of €41. Results for women (compared with NI): treatment with D resulted in an increase of 0.93 QALYs and €987 in savings, treatment with C in an increase of 0.89 QALYs and savings of €855, treatment with A in an increase of 0.86 QALYs and savings of €991, treatment with B in an increase of 0.48 QALYs, but with an additional cost of €148.
    CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of AH with D, C and A is cost effective compared with the no-intervention scenario. Diuretics are the most cost-effective first-line treatment. The scenario with beta-blockers resulted in additional QALY when compared with no intervention, but also additional costs; therefore, based on our results, this therapy would not be recommended as first-line treatment.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    In July 2018, the UK Minister of Public Health announced that human papillomavirus vaccination would be extended to 12-year-old boys. This decision was informed by updated evidence from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) published earlier that month. Vaccination of boys had been found not to be cost-effective in a series of analyses conducted for the JCVI, including the most recent assessment prior to the minister\'s announcement. These analyses were conducted under the standard methods for cost-effectiveness analysis recommended by the JCVI, which are primarily based on guidelines from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence. Although the JCVI concluded they were unable to advise extending vaccination on the basis of standard appraisal methods, their most recent round of assessment also considered analyses using nonstandard appraisal methods. In particular, the JCVI noted that vaccination of boys was likely to be cost-effective when a lower discount rate of 1.5% is applied to costs and health effects, as opposed to the 3.5% rate usually employed. The JCVI stated that they were supportive of applying such alternative methods, and on this basis, they would advise extending vaccination to boys. This commentary explains the JCVI\'s application of nonstandard appraisal methods and considers whether it was justified. We conclude that the JCVI was not justified in applying the lower discount rate. We voice concerns that a willingness to endorse a politically popular intervention may have driven the JCVI to depart from a fair and consistent application of healthcare rationing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The epidemiological association of cholesterol associated with low density lipoproteins (LDL-c) levels and the development of atherosclerotic vascular disease has been ratified by mendelian randomization studies. Paradoxically, the success of statins led to the underestimation of other lipid-lowering therapies and even the measurement of LDL-c. Recent studies show that the reduction of LDL-c to extraordinarily low levels through absorption inhibition, and, in a particularly intensive manner, with monoclonal antibodies against pro-protein convertase subtilisine Kesine 9 (PCSK9) continues to offer cardiovascular protection. However, the high cost and limited experience with PCSK-9 inhibitors advised a prudent use of them. An appropriate selection of patients most likely to benefit from treatment with PCSK9 inhibitors emerges as the basis for a consensus of international guidelines: the combination of a high absolute vascular risk and a greater expected benefit by the starting LDL-c levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several specialty societies have recently updated their breast cancer screening guidelines in late 2015/early 2016.
    To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of US-based mammography screening guidelines.
    We developed a microsimulation model to generate the natural history of invasive breast cancer and capture how screening and treatment modified the natural course of the disease. We used the model to assess the cost-effectiveness of screening strategies, including annual screening starting at the age of 40 years, biennial screening starting at the age of 50 years, and a hybrid strategy that begins screening at the age of 45 years and transitions to biennial screening at the age of 55 years, combined with three cessation ages: 75 years, 80 years, and no upper age limit. Findings were summarized as incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (cost per quality-adjusted life-year [QALY]) and cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier.
    The screening strategy that starts annual mammography at the age of 45 years and switches to biennial screening between the ages of 55 and 75 years was the most cost-effective, yielding an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $40,135/QALY. Probabilistic analysis showed that the hybrid strategy had the highest probability of being optimal when the societal willingness to pay was between $44,000/QALY and $103,500/QALY. Within the range of commonly accepted societal willingness to pay, no optimal strategy involved screening with a cessation age of 80 years or older.
    The screening strategy built on a hybrid design is the most cost-effective for average-risk women. By considering the balance between benefits and harms in forming its recommendations, this hybrid screening strategy has the potential to optimize the health care system\'s investment in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A model-based cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of implementing the clinical guideline for the treatment for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO). The treatment indication for GIO in the current Japanese clinical guidelines is likely to be cost-effective except for the limited patients who are at low risk for fracture.
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of implementing the clinical guideline for the treatment for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) from the perspective of the Japanese healthcare system.
    METHODS: A patient-level state transition model was developed to predict lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) in postmenopausal Japanese women with osteopenia or osteoporosis using glucocorticoid (GC). An annual discount rate of 2% for both costs and QALYs was applied. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of 5-year alendronate therapy compared with no therapy was estimated with different combinations of the risk factors such as starting age (45, 55, or 65), femoral neck BMD (% young adult mean (YAM) of 70%, 75%, or 80%), dose of GC (2.5, 5, or 10 mg per day), and the presence of previous fracture (yes or no).
    RESULTS: For 55-year-old women using GC with a BMD of 75% of YAM, the ICER ranged from $10,958 to $ 29,727 per QALY. Scenario analyses indicated that the lower age, the lower BMD, the higher dose of GC, and the presence of previous fracture associated with lower ICER. The best-case scenario was 45-year-old women with a BMD of 70% of YAM, GC dose of 10 mg per day, and previous fracture, and resulted in healthcare cost-savings. The worst-case scenario was 65-year-old women with a BMD of 80% of YAM, GC dose of 2.5 mg per day, and no previous fracture, and resulted in the ICER of $66,791 per QALY. Sensitivity analyses in the worst-case scenario showed that the annual discount rate for costs and health benefit had the strong influence on the estimated ICER. Although the ICER was influenced by other parameters such as disutility due to vertebral fracture, efficacy of alendronate, and so on, the ICERs remained more than $50,000 per QALY.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cost-effectiveness of preventive alendronate therapy for postmenopausal women with osteopenia or osteoporosis using GC is sensitive to age, BMD, GC dose, and the presence of previous fracture. Our analysis suggested that the treatment indication for postmenopausal women with osteopenia or osteoporosis using GC in the current Japanese clinical guidelines is likely to be cost-effective except for the limited patients who are at low risk for fracture.





