Correctional Facilities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prior research in the Santa Clara County (SCC) Jail showed that knowledge of hepatitis C virus (HCV), perception of risk, and perceived coercion impacted participation in routine HCV screening; however, the experiences of patients undergoing screening were not assessed. The purpose of the study was to understand patient perceptions of undergoing routine viral hepatitis screening and receiving a diagnosis of HCV while incarcerated. A qualitative design was employed using semi-structured interviews of individuals newly diagnosed with HCV via routine screening in the SCC Jail between March and November 2023. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Of the 15 participants, most were within the 35 to 44 (47%) and 25 to 34 (40%) age ranges, were White or Caucasian (47%), and all were male. Nine themes emerged: (1) risk perception as a motivator for testing, (2) testing convenience to maintain health, (3) minimal to no prior testing experience, (4) mixed experiences testing in the jail, (5) negative to neutral reactions to HCV diagnosis, (6) intrinsic motivation to get treated, (7) basic HCV knowledge after diagnosis, (8) seamless treatment experience in the jail, and (9) barriers to continuing care upon release. The HCV screening process, including disclosure, education, and treatment initiation, was positively received among participants.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous morbidities are not uncommon in correctional centres and environmental cleanliness and sanitation practices influence their prevalence and pattern. Overcrowding and poor living conditions are common in correctional facilities and may increase the prevalence of skin diseases amongst inmates. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of dermatoses in a correctional centre in southern Nigeria.
    METHODS: The study was an institutional-based cross-sectional descriptive study carried out during a health outreach to the facility involving inmates of a correctional centre in southern Nigeria. Using a purpose-designed questionnaire, sociodemographic data containing information on sex, age, prison status, and number of inmates per room was obtained from a total of 252 inmates who consented to the study. They were subsequently clinically examined for skin diseases. Dermatological tools like dermoscopes were used to boost diagnostic accuracy where expedient. All data collected were subsequently analysed using SPSS version 23.0.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of cutaneous morbidities amongst the inmates was 224(88.9%). A total of 332 skin morbidities were observed in 224 prison inmates with a ratio of 1.5:1 per affected inmate. The common dermatoses encountered in our study were scabies 181(71.8%), bedbugs 38(15.1%), dermatophytosis 24(9.5%), pityriasis versicolor 20(7.9%), and pediculosis 18(7.1%) in a decreasing order of frequency.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cutaneous morbidities are common among prison inmates in southern Nigeria. Scabies was the most common dermatoses observed.
    BACKGROUND: Les morbidités cutanées ne sont pas rares dans les centres pénitentiaires et les pratiques d\'hygiène et d\'assainissement de l\'environnement influencent leur prévalence et leur répartition. Le surpeuplement et les mauvaises conditions de vie sont courants dans les établissements pénitentiaires et peuvent augmenter la prévalence des maladies de la peau chez les détenus. Cette étude visait à déterminer la prévalence et la répartition des dermatoses dans un centre pénitentiaire nigérian du sud du.
    UNASSIGNED: Il s\'agissait d\'une étude descriptive transversale institutionnelle réalisée lors d\'une campagne de santé dans l\'établissement, impliquant des détenus d\'un centre pénitentiaire du sud du Nigeria. À l\'aide d\'un questionnaire spécialement conçu, des données sociodémographiques contenant des informations sur le sexe, l\'âge, le statut pénitentiaire et le nombre de détenus par cellule ont été recueillies auprès de 252 détenus ayant donné leur consentement à l\'étude. Ils ont ensuite été examinés cliniquement pour les maladies cutanées. Des outils dermatologiques comme les dermoscopes ont été utilisés pour améliorer la précision du diagnostic lorsque cela était nécessaire. Toutes les données collectées ont été analysées à l\'aide de SPSS version 23.0.
    UNASSIGNED: La prévalence des morbidités cutanées chez les détenus était de 224 (88,9 %). Un total de 332 morbidités cutanées ont été observées chez 224 détenus, soit un ratio de 1,5 : 1 par détenu atteint. Les dermatoses les plus fréquentes observées dans notre étude étaient la gale (181, 71,8 %), les punaises de lit (38, 15,1 %), la dermatophytose (24, 9,5 %), le pityriasis versicolor (20, 7,9 %) et la pédiculose (18, 7,1 %) dans l\'ordre décroissant de fréquence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les morbidités cutanées sont fréquentes chez les détenus du sud du Nigeria. La gale était la dermatose la plus fréquente observée.
    UNASSIGNED: Dermatoses, Centre pénitentiaire, Gale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Governance models are a defining characteristic of health-care systems, yet little research is available about the governance of health-care delivered in correctional facilities. This study aims to explore the perspectives of correctional services leaders in British Columbia, Canada, on the motivations for transferring responsibility for health-care services in provincial correctional facilities to the Ministry of Health, as well as key lessons learned.
    METHODS: Eight correctional services leaders participated in one-on-one interviews between September 2019 and February 2020. The authors used inductive thematic analysis to explore key themes. To triangulate early effects of the transfer identified by participants the authors used complaints data from Prisoners\' Legal Services to examine changes over time.
    RESULTS: The authors identified four major themes related to the rationale for this transfer: 1) quality and equivalence of care, 2) integration and throughcare, 3) values and expertise and 4) funding and resources. Facilitators included changes in the external environment, having the right people in the right places, a strong sense of alignment and shared goals and a changing culture in corrections. Participants also highlighted challenges, including ongoing human resourcing issues, having to navigate and define shared responsibilities and adapting a large bureaucracy to the environment in corrections. Consistent with outcomes described by participants, data showed that a lower proportion of complaints received after the transfer were related to health-care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The perspectives of correctional leaders on the transfer of governance for health-care services in custody to the community health-care system provide novel insights into the processes and potential of this change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Telehealth is a great tool that makes accessing healthcare easier for those incarcerated and can help with reentry into the the community. Justice impacted individuals face many hardships including adverse health outcomes which can be mitigated through access to telehealth services and providers. During the federally recognized COVID-19 pandemic the need for accessible healthcare was exacerbated and telehealth use surged. While access to telehealth should be considered a necessity, there are many challenges and barriers for justice impacted individuals to be able to utilize this service. This perspective examines aspects of accessibility, pandemic, policy, digital tools, and ethical and social considerations of telehealth in correctional facilities. Carceral facilities should continue to innovate and invest in telehealth to revolutionize healthcare delivery, and improve health outcomes for justice impacted individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Prison settings have limited resources, and it is of particular interest to analyze which antipsychotics are commonly prescribed in these conditions and to determine the prevalence of the adverse effects.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional, epidemiological survey was used to measure the prevalence of antipsychotic prescribing among adult prisoners in Sremska Mitrovica Prison in 2020.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of antipsychotic use was 7.58%. The most commonly prescribed antipsychotic was clozapine (45.36%), but also olanzapine, haloperidol and risperidone were prescribed. The incidence of extrapyramidal adverse effects was nonexistent and the metabolic parameters did not differ between participants using metabolic syndrome-inducing antipsychotics and those who were prescribed metabolically inert medications. The prescribed doses were lower compared with the recommended.
    CONCLUSIONS: This research includes certain points that should be cautiously considered. First, the data were cross-sectional and the findings did not provide causal interpretations. Second, the data are from a single penitentiary institution, albeit the largest in the country; however, that may affect the generalizability of the findings. Third, because the included subjects were not hospitalized, some laboratory analyses were not available, according to the local regulations, and thus the prevalence of metabolic syndrome could not be precisely determined.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of the antipsychotic use in prison environment is significantly higher than in general population. The most frequently prescribed antipsychotics are clozapine and olanzapine. The prevalence of adverse effects is rare, however, that is possibly due to low doses of the prescribed antipsychotics. The list of therapeutic options available to the incarcerated persons in this facility is also limited. The list of available antipsychotics does not include some atypical antipsychotics with more favorable safety and tolerability profile, such as aripiprazole or cariprazine. Long-acting antipsychotic injectables were also not available to these patients. Laboratory analyses are not regularly conducted and do not include some essential parameters such as lipid status or differential blood count. Low-dose antipsychotics for behavioral symptoms appears to be well tolerated under prison conditions where adherence is assured. It is effective during the prison stay but long-term effects, especially after release from prison, had not been studied.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper advocates for better quality of health care in this correctional facility: more therapeutic options and better laboratory monitoring. The authors justify the use of clozapine in this settings due its benefits in reducing violence and aggression; however, further research would be necessary to clarify does the use of clozapine in incarcerated persons cause behavioral improvements that could result in shorter incarcerations, less recidivism and better quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of the authors\' knowledge, this is the first insight of the antipsychotic prescribing practice in Serbia. There is very limited data on prisoners\' health care, especially mental health care, in Balkan countries. The antipsychotic prescribing pattern in this sample is characterized with higher than expected clozapine use, but without expected adverse effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conventions adopted by the United Nations and Council of Europe pay special importance to the treatment of prisoners with mental health problems. Their treatment is close-ly related to respect for human dignity, and the prohibition of torture, cruel and degrading treatment or punishment. The Eu-ropean Court of Human Rights, in many cases, has ruled that the detention of a mentally-ill person can raise issues under Ar-ticle 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and that the lack of adequate medical care can result in treatment in con-travention of this article. The Republic of Kosovo is not a mem-ber of the United Nations and Council of Europe. However, it has incorporated in its Constitution a number of Conven-tions adopted by the United Nations and Council of Europe. Also, Kosovo has adopted a legal framework which prohibits torture, cruel and degrading treatment or punishment in ac-cordance with the international human rights standards. The Constitution also provides that human rights and fundamen-tal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution shall be interpret-ed in accordance with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
    METHODS: Review of Ombudsperson\'s, Committee for the Prevention of Torture, Prison Health Department of Kosovo Ministry of Health reports, as well as reports of the NGOs in Kosovo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) care cascade data by race/ethnicity for US correctional populations are sparse.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the HCV care cascade by race/ethnicity for a state correctional population.
    METHODS: This retrospective cohort study used Connecticut Department of Correction data for incarcerated individuals tested, diagnosed, and treated for chronic HCV infection with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) from 2019 to 2023.
    METHODS: HCV care cascade outcomes, including testing, treatment, and cure rates, were compared by race/ethnicity. Poisson regression was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PRs), with adjustment for demographic and legal status factors.
    RESULTS: A total of 24,867 patients tested for HCV (88.9% men, mean (SD) age 35.6 (11.8), 32.7% White, 37.9% Black, 28.4% Hispanic, 0.6% Asian, 0.4% American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN), 34.7% sentenced ≥ 1 year). Both HCV exposure and chronic HCV were highest for White (27.1% and 15.2%) and lowest for Black individuals (4.6% and 2.6%) (P < 0.01, for both outcomes). While incarcerated, 63.2% of chronic HCV patients started DAAs, and treatment rates did not significantly differ by race/ethnicity (P > 0.05). For those treated and having post-treatment lab data available, cure rates were 98.8% or better for all racial/ethnic groups (P > 0.05). In the adjusted regression analyses, HCV treatment initiation was lower for those sentenced < 1 year (PR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.67-0.87) and unsentenced (PR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.80-0.91) than those sentenced ≥ 1 year. The adjusted prevalence of advanced fibrosis stage/activity grade was not significantly associated with race/ethnicity.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort study, less than two-thirds of chronic HCV patients initiated DAA treatment during their incarceration, and for those with available data, nearly all were cured. While there were disparities in HCV exposure and chronic HCV infection, significant racial/ethnic differences were not observed for treatment initiation or cure rates. Further efforts are needed to increase HCV treatment, especially for patients with shorter incarceration periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although prison facilities are not fully isolated from the communities in which they are located, most of the population is confined and requires high levels of health vigilance and protection. This study aimed to examine the dynamic relationship between facility-level wastewater viral concentrations and the probability of at least one positive COVID-19 case within the facility. The study period was from January 11, 2021 to May 8, 2023. Wastewater samples were collected and analyzed for SARS-CoV-2 (N1) and pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) three times weekly across 14 prison facilities in Kentucky (USA). Positive clinical case reports were also provided. A hierarchical Bayesian facility-level temporal model with a latent lagged process was developed. We modeled facility-specific SARS-CoV-2 (N1) normalized by the PMMoV wastewater concentration ratio threshold associated with at least one COVID-19 clinical case at an 80 % probability. The threshold differed among facilities. Across the 14 facilities, our model demonstrates a mean capture rate of 94.95 % via the N1/PMMoV ratio threshold with pts≥0.5. However, as the pts threshold was set higher, such as at ≥0.9, the mean capture rate of the model was reduced to 60 %. This robust performance underscores the effectiveness of the model for accurately detecting the presence of positive COVID-19 cases among incarcerated people. The findings of this study provide a facility-specific threshold model for public health response based on frequent wastewater surveillance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The physical environment of correctional facilities promote infectious disease transmission and outbreaks. The purpose of this study is to compare the COVID-19 burden between the correctional facility (incarcerated individuals and staff members) and non-correctional facility population in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: All individuals in Ontario with a laboratory confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 between 15 January 2020 and 31 December 2022 and entered into the provincial COVID-19 data were included. Cases were classified as a correctional facility case (living or working in a correctional facility) or a non-correctional facility case. COVID-19 vaccination status was obtained from the provincial COVID-19 vaccine registry. Statistics Canada census data were used to calculate COVID-19 incidence and hospitalization rates for incarcerated cases and the non-correctional facility population.
    RESULTS: Between 15 January 2020 and 31 December 2022, there were 1,550,045 COVID-19 cases in Ontario of which 8,292 (0.53%) cases were reported in correctional (63.8% amongst incarcerated individuals, 18.6% amongst staff and 17.7% amongst an unknown classification) and 1,541,753 (99.47%) were non-correctional facility cases. Most cases in correctional facilities were men (83.8%) and aged 20-59 years (93.1%). COVID-19 incidence and hospitalization rates were generally higher among incarcerated individuals compared to the non-correctional facility population throughout the study period. COVID-19 incidence peaked in January 2022 for both the correctional facility population (21,543.8 per 100,000 population) and the non-correctional facility population (1915.1 per 100,000 population). The rate of COVID-19 hospitalizations peaked for the correctional facility population aged 20-59 in March 2021 (70.7 per 100,000 population) and in April 2021 for the non-correctional facility population aged 20-59 (19.8 per 100,000 population). A greater percentage of incarcerated individuals (73.0%) were unvaccinated at time of their COVID-19 diagnosis compared to the non-correctional facility population (49.3%). Deaths amongst correctional facility cases were rare (0.1%, 6 / 8,292) compared to 1.0% of non-correctional facility cases (n = 15,787 / 1,541,753).
    CONCLUSIONS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals incarcerated in correctional facilities in Ontario had higher COVID-19 incidence and hospitalization rates compared to the non-correctional facility population. These results support prioritizing incarcerated individuals for public health interventions to mitigate COVID-19 impacts in correctional facilities.





