Consensus sequence

  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Motivated by the pressing need to characterize protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions on large scale, we review a comprehensive set of 30 computational methods for high-throughput prediction of RNA- or DNA-binding residues from protein sequences. We summarize these predictors from several significant perspectives including their design, outputs and availability. We perform empirical assessment of methods that offer web servers using a new benchmark data set characterized by a more complete annotation that includes binding residues transferred from the same or similar proteins. We show that predictors of DNA-binding (RNA-binding) residues offer relatively strong predictive performance but they are unable to properly separate DNA- from RNA-binding residues. We design and empirically assess several types of consensuses and demonstrate that machine learning (ML)-based approaches provide improved predictive performance when compared with the individual predictors of DNA-binding residues or RNA-binding residues. We also formulate and execute first-of-its-kind study that targets combined prediction of DNA- and RNA-binding residues. We design and test three types of consensuses for this prediction and conclude that this novel approach that relies on ML design provides better predictive quality than individual predictors when tested on prediction of DNA- and RNA-binding residues individually. It also substantially improves discrimination between these two types of nucleic acids. Our results suggest that development of a new generation of predictors would benefit from using training data sets that combine both RNA- and DNA-binding proteins, designing new inputs that specifically target either DNA- or RNA-binding residues and pursuing combined prediction of DNA- and RNA-binding residues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last 2 years, several novel genes that encode glucose transporter-like proteins have been identified and characterized. Because of their sequence similarity with GLUT1, these genes appear to belong to the family of solute carriers 2A (SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT). Sequence comparisons of all 13 family members allow the definition of characteristic sugar/polyol transporter signatures: (1) the presence of 12 membrane-spanning helices, (2) seven conserved glycine residues in the helices, (3) several basic and acidic residues at the intracellular surface of the proteins, (4) two conserved tryptophan residues, and (5) two conserved tyrosine residues. On the basis of sequence similarities and characteristic elements, the extended GLUT family can be divided into three subfamilies, namely class I (the previously known glucose transporters GLUT1-4), class II (the previously known fructose transporter GLUT5, the GLUT7, GLUT9 and GLUT11), and class III (GLUT6, 8, 10, 12, and the myo-inositol transporter HMIT1). Functional characteristics have been reported for some of the novel GLUTs. Like GLUT1-4, they exhibit a tissue/cell-specific expression (GLUT6, leukocytes, brain; GLUT8, testis, blastocysts, brain, muscle, adipocytes; GLUT9, liver, kidney; GLUT10, liver, pancreas; GLUT11, heart, skeletal muscle). GLUT6 and GLUT8 appear to be regulated by sub-cellular redistribution, because they are targeted to intra-cellular compartments by dileucine motifs in a dynamin dependent manner. Sugar transport has been reported for GLUT6, 8, and 11; HMIT1 has been shown to be a H+/myo-inositol co-transporter. Thus, the members of the extended GLUT family exhibit a surprisingly diverse substrate specificity, and the definition of sequence elements determining this substrate specificity will require a full functional characterization of all members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The small, proline-rich (SPR) genes consist of three subclasses closely linked on human chromosome 1, a region referred to as the epidermal differentiation complex. SPR genes consist of two exons, with the second exon containing the entire open reading frame. SPRs are expressed in all squamous tissues of the skin, scalp, footpad, vaginal epithelia, and most of the epithelial lining of the digestive tract, including the lip, tongue, esophagus, and forestomach. Although SPR1 is absent in normal mucociliary epithelium of the respiratory tract, epithelia that undergo squamous differentiation in response to vitamin-A deficiency or to injury owing to exposure to environmental toxicants express SPR1. High levels of SPR1 are detected in various diseases and cancers of the skin or respiratory epithelia and in nonkeratinizing papillary adenocarcinomas. SPR expression can be regulated by transcriptional factors, by posttranscriptional factors, or by factors that affect SPR1 mRNA translation or protein turnover. Furthermore, regulation can be affected by the state of cell proliferation. The presence of SPR1 in most of these epithelia, and the absence of SPR3 in normal skin, suggest that these subclasses have distinct functions. Various approaches to the study of the cross-linked envelope (CE) components in identifying SPR1 and SPR2 and in suggesting that SPRs are one of the precursor proteins of the CE. However, expression of SPR1 in nonsquamous tissues and cell lines indicates a function not associated with squamous differentiation. Several studies have demonstrated that SPR1 antibodies react with nuclear proteins and that SPR1 is expressed in cells before entering the G0 phase of the cell cycle. Future studies should clarify the role of SPRs by modifying their contents in CE, and should identify SPR-associated proteins to clarify the cell growth-related role of SPR1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review describes the numerous and innovative methods used to study the structure and function of viral fusion peptides. The systems studied include both intact fusion proteins and synthetic peptides interacting with model membranes. The strategies and methods include dissecting the fusion process into intermediate stages, comparing the effects of sequence mutations, electrophysiological patch clamp methods, hydrophobic photolabelling, video microscopy of the redistribution of both aqueous and lipophilic fluorescent probes between cells, standard optical spectroscopy of peptides in solution (circular dichroism and fluorescence) and attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of peptides bound to planar bilayers. Although the goal of a detailed picture of the fusion pore has not been achieved for any of the intermediate stages, important properties useful for constraining the development of models are emerging. For example, the presence of alpha-helical structure in at least part of the fusion peptide is strongly correlated with activity; whereas, beta-structure tends to be less prevalent, associated with non-native experimental conditions, and more related to vesicle aggregation than fusion. The specific angle of insertion of the peptides into the membrane plane is also found to be an important characteristic for the fusion process. A shallow penetration, extending only to the central aliphatic core region, is likely responsible for the destabilization of the lipids required for coalescence of the apposing membranes and fusion. The functional role of the fusion peptides (which tend to be either nonpolar or aliphatic) is then to bind to and dehydrate the outer bilayers at a localized site; and thus reduce the energy barrier for the formation of highly curved, lipidic \'stalk\' intermediates. In addition, the importance of the formation of specific, \'higher-order\' fusion peptide complexes has also been shown. Recent crystallographic structures of core domains of two more fusion proteins (in addition to influenza haemagglutinin) has greatly facilitated the development of prototypic models of the fusion site. This latter effort will undoubtedly benefit from the insights and constraints gained from the studies of fusion peptides.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal of this review is to present some of the recent molecular aspects in the fish virus studies. Although more than 50 different fish virus have been isolated and tissue-culture adapted, very few of them have been molecularly cloned and sequenced. Five virus families have been mostly studied: Birnaviridae, the prototype being the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), and the channel catfish virus (CCV) belonging to the Herpesviridae family. In the Iridoviridae family, the fish lymphocystis disease virus (FLDV) is the most studied. Retroviridae have been recently isolated and studied. The last family is the Rhabdoviridae, in which infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) have been extensively studied.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Antiplatelet therapy has become a useful means of preventing acute thromboembolic artery occlusions in cardiovascular diseases. The rationale for this is an enhanced activity of circulating platelets and release of platelet-derived vasoactive mediators, probably due to endothelial dysfunction. This review discusses the current status of 4 major classes of antiplatelet compounds: (i) aspirin and related drugs active via cyclo-oxygenase product formation; (ii) thienopyridines (ticlopidine and clopidogrel); (iii) direct thrombin inhibitors (e.g. hirudin); and (iv) GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists [e.g. abciximab (c7E3 Fab)]. It is concluded that aspirin is the drug of choice for long term oral treatment, specifically for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, and is also a suitable basic but not maximally efficient drug in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and platelet activation during clot lysis. Ticlopidine has a similar indication and may be superior to aspirin in prevention of ischaemic stroke and peripheral arterial occlusion. Direct thrombin inhibitors and glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists need further investigation in clinical trials. To date, these compounds have a higher bleeding risk and currently they are available only for short term parenteral application. They are superior to aspirin in acute platelet-dependent ischaemic syndromes, such as unstable angina, and in connection with therapeutic PTCA because of their high potency in preventing platelet-dependent reocclusion. Future developments include more selective thromboxane inhibitors, i.e. combined-mode agents; nonpeptide clot-specific thrombin inhibitors with longer lasting action and nonpeptide fibrinogen receptor antagonists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





