Congo red stain

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although AA amyloidosis is primarily caused by inflammatory conditions, associations between AA amyloidosis and solid cancers have occasionally been described. Herein, we report the case of a 48-year-old man in whom resection of a proliferating pilomatricoma with deposition of AA amyloid resulted in remission of concomitant AA gastrointestinal amyloidosis. A rapidly growing, giant, reddish, ulcerated tumor measuring 16 × 13 cm in size was identified on the upper left arm on a visit to our hospital. Gastrointestinal AA amyloidosis was diagnosed from colorectal mucosal biopsy at the same time, and weight loss and profuse diarrhea were clinically evident. As treatment, the tumor was resected with a 10-mm surgical margin. Histologically, the tumor predominantly comprised a lobular proliferation of basophilic cells peripherally, filled with eosinophilic, cornified material and shadow cells with mitoses observed in basophilic cells. Specimens revealed eosinophilic, homogeneous deposits around tumor nests, which were confirmed as amyloid deposits by positive staining with Congo red stain. These deposits were immunohistochemically positive on staining with anti-serum amyloid A antibody. Collectively, proliferating pilomatricoma with AA amyloidosis was diagnosed. After tumor resection, chronic diarrhea resolved and no amyloid deposition was apparent in colorectal biopsy. It is important to remember that if amyloid deposition is present in a tumor, aggressive tumor excision may alleviate systemic amyloidosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Amyloidosis is a disease caused by amyloid deposition in tissues or organs. According to the extent of the lesion, it can be divided into systemic amyloidosis and localized amyloidosis. Amyloidosis originating in the larynx accounts for approximately 0.5% to 1.0% of benign lesions of the larynx; such lesions are relatively rare and mostly localized. Nasopharyngeal amyloidosis combined with laryngeal amyloidosis is even rarer. We herein present a case involving a patient with amyloidosis in the nasopharynx and larynx who presented with a foreign body sensation and hoarseness in the pharynx. Electronic fiber laryngoscopy revealed a smooth neoplasm in the left nasopharynx and left vocal cord. The patient underwent surgical treatment, and the postoperative pathologic examination results suggested amyloidosis. Special staining performed using Congo red and crystal violet was positive, confirming amyloidosis. The patient recovered after surgery, and no recurrence was present at the 3- and 6-month follow-ups.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary amyloidosis is a rare condition with 6-10 cases in a million, with focal involvement representing 9%-15% of those cases [1,2]. Isolated tracheobronchial amyloidosis is extremely rare and when present, can result in focal or diffuse thickening of the glottis, trachea and bronchi, leading to hoarseness, shortness of breath, and dysphonia. Computed tomography (CT) usually shows circumferential thickening of trachea and bronchi with or without calcifications and associated airway narrowing of affected segments. MRI demonstrates intermediate to low signal on T1, low signal on T2 and variable heterogeneous enhancement. Multiple conditions can result in thickening of the airway including but not limited to inflammatory, infectious, and neoplastic etiologies. Biopsy with histologic correlation provides a definitive diagnosis. Biopsied tissue demonstrates characteristic apple-green birefringence with Congo red stain. There is no cure for amyloidosis and the prognosis is quite variable depending on the extent of airway involvement. Current treatments are aimed at alleviating symptoms and include bronchoscopic debridement, laser therapy, and balloon dilation with adjuvant radiation therapy. Here, we present a rare case of a 47-year-old male with isolated laryngotracheal amyloidosis with marked airway narrowing and vocal fold involvement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 35-year-old woman with progressive decrease of vision in both eyes and with no other associated symptoms, manifested as the only antecedent, the death of her brother due to amyloidosis. The visual acuity was counting fingers at 30 centimetres in the right eye and 20/70 in the left eye. In ophthalmoscopy of the right eye, a white, homogeneous vitreous, that was difficult to assess in detail, was observed, and in the left eye a whitish vitreous with band-like opacities in the cortical region. Vitrectomy was performed in the right eye, and a study with specific stains showed positive for amyloid material. A case is reported of amyloidosis diagnosed with specific stains in a vitreous sample for which the initial and only manifestation was the presence of vitreous opacities. The processing of these samples should be considered in patients with family history, early vitreous opacities, negative results of systemic biopsy, or atypical course of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: AL Amyloidosis is known to be a systemic disease affecting multiple organs and tissue while it\'s rare that patients present with gastrointestinal symptoms at first and later develop multiple-organ dysfuction. Clinical signs are not specific and the diagnosis is rarely given before performing immunofixation and endoscopy with multiple biopsies. We would like to emphasize the value of precise diagnostic process of AL amyloidosis.
    METHODS: In this case report, we describe a 56-year-old man who presented with recurrent periumbilical pain for 4 months and gradually worsened over a month. After a series of tests, he was finally diagnosed with primary systemic AL amyloidosis. He was treated with a chemotherapy regimen (Melphalan, dexamethasone and thalidomide) achieving a good clinical response.
    CONCLUSIONS: On account of the high misdiagnosis rate, establishing the most precise diagnosis in first time with typing amyloidogenic protein becomes increasingly vital. Although the presenting feature is usually nonspecific, AL amyloidosis ought to be considered when multiple organs are involved in a short period.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary amyloidosis (AL) is a rare variety of plasma cell dyscrasia, the diagnosis of which is often difficult to establish. Pathogenesis of amyloidosis involves extracellular deposition of insoluble protein fibrils in tissues, leading to insufficiency of affected organs. According to various sources, mean survival rate of patients with primary amyloidosis ranges from 12 to 24 months, making primary amyloidosis a disease with a very poor prognosis. Survival rate is significantly lowered in case of cardiac manifestation of amyloidosis (about 6 months survival in untreated patients). In recent years a considerable progress in AL treatment has been observed. Nowadays we are able not only to delay progression of amyloidosis, but also to improve the function of the affected organs. Unfortunately as first signs and symptoms of AL are usually nonspecific, the diagnosis of AL is often delayed, resulting in late introduction of optimal therapy. There are many diagnostic tests which can be used in diagnostic process of amyloidosis, i.e. electrophoresis, serum and urine immunofixation or affected organs and bone marrow biopsy. On establishing the diagnosis in a patient with suspected amyloidosis it should be remembered that particular diagnostic methods vary considerably in sensitivity. The aim of this paper is to present a case report of a 27-year-old patient with primary amyloidosis focusing on diagnostic aspect of this condition. On the basis of this case, the authors would like to emphasize the value of precise diagnostic process, with immunological techniques playing undoubtedly a crucial role.





