Condylomata Acuminata

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common viruses transmitted through intimate contact, causing many benign and malignant diseases. Vaccination protects against these diseases. Despite the HPV vaccination being recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), knowledge and vaccination rates in Germany are very low. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the HPV knowledge among German students.
    METHODS: Between 06/2019 and 01/2024, a nationwide online survey on HPV knowledge among students in Germany was distributed via the respective student councils. The survey included two aspects: 1) basic characteristics of the participants and 2) knowledge questions about HPV (e.g., transmission routes, effectiveness, and side effects of vaccination, knowledge about the HPV subtypes). Data collection was anonymous.
    RESULTS: A total of 459 students took part in the study. Of these, 335 (72.98%) were female, 122 (26.57%) were male, and 2 (0.45%) did not specify their gender. The average age of the students was 24.02 years, and most of the participants were in their 6th (23.31%/107) semester. In all, 75.82% (348) of the participants were medical students followed by law students with 19.61% (90) participants. The most represented study location was Aachen, with 270 (58.82%) participants. Only about half (48.80%/223) of the students knew that approximately 8000 new cancer cases in Germany are HPV-associated annually. Regarding the HPV vaccination, more than a third (35.82%/163) of participants did not know that it also protects against genital warts, while 21.93% (100) did not know that boys can also benefit from the HPV vaccination and that it does not only improve HPV protection of girls against cervical cancer.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite several years of HPV vaccination recommendation by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), knowledge about HPV among college students still remains very low. Further prevention and educational efforts are needed to address HPV knowledge gaps, with the additional goal of improving HPV vaccination rates.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND UND FRAGESTELLUNG: Humane Papillomaviren (HPV) zählen zu den häufigsten durch Intimkontakte übertragenen Erregern und verursachen viele gut- und bösartige Erkrankungen. Eine Impfung gegen diese Viren schützt sehr sicher vor diesen Erkrankungen. Trotz einer durch die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) empfohlenen HPV-Impfung sind das Wissen und die Impfrate in Deutschland sehr niedrig. Ziel der Studie war es daher, das HPV-Wissen unter deutschen Studierenden zu erheben.
    METHODS: Zwischen 06/2019 und 01/2024 wurde eine deutschlandweite Online-Umfrage über den HPV-Wissensstand unter Studierenden über die jeweiligen Fachschaften verteilt. Die Umfrage beinhaltete 2 Aspekte: 1) Grundcharakteristika der Teilnehmer und 2) Wissensfragen über HPV (z. B. Übertragungswege, Effektivität und Nebenwirkungen der Impfung, Wissen über die HPV-Subtypen). Die Datenerhebung erfolgte anonym.
    UNASSIGNED: Insgesamt haben 459 Studierende an der Studie teilgenommen. Hiervon waren 335 (72,98 %) Frauen, 122 (26,57 %) Männer und 2 (0,45 %) haben keine Angabe über ihr Geschlecht gemacht. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 24,02 Jahre und die meisten Teilnehmer befanden sich im 6. (23,31 %/n = 107) Semester. 75,82 % (n = 348) der Teilnehmer waren Medizinstudierende und am zweithäufigsten mit 19,61 % (n = 90) nahmen Studierende der Rechtswissenschaften teil. Der häufigste vertretene Studienort war Aachen mit 270 (58,82 %) Teilnehmern. Nur die Hälfte (48,80 %/n = 223) der Studierenden wusste, dass jährlich ca. 8000 neue Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland HPV-assoziiert sind. Bezüglich der HPV-Impfung wusste mehr als ein Drittel (35,82 %/n = 163) der Teilnehmer nicht, dass diese auch vor Genitalwarzen schützt, während 21,93 % (n = 100) der Teilnehmer nicht wussten, dass von der HPV-Impfung auch Jungen profitieren können und diese nicht nur vor Gebärmutterhalskrebs schützt.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trotz mehrjähriger HPV-Impfempfehlung durch die STIKO ist das Wissen über HPV unter Studierenden weiterhin sehr gering. Es bedarf zur Behebung der HPV-Wissenslücken weiterer Prävention- und Aufklärungsarbeit mit dem zusätzlichen Ziel, die HPV-Impfrate zu verbessern.






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    文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The spirochaete Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, which causes the infectious disease syphilis, can be spread through sexual contact or perinatal transmission. In recent years, cases of syphilis have increased, especially among individuals engaging in behaviour that makes them more vulnerable (condomless sex and multiple sexual partners). Condylomata acuminata (external genital warts) is one of the most common viral sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Individuals who are behaviourally vulnerable are also highly prone to two or more STIs. Our case exemplifies the occurrence of two STIs in a young man who was behaviourally vulnerable to acquiring STIs.
    UNASSIGNED: We report a case of a 21-year-old year old heterosexual man presenting with concomitant primary syphilis and genital warts. He presented with a painless genital ulcer and warty growths on his glans penis. Examination showed a painless indurated ulcer and multiple genital warts. Serology was positive for quantitative Venereal disease research laboratory test (1:16 titre). The patient was diagnosed with two concomitant STIs. He was treated as per the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for primary syphilis and podophyllin resin for genital warts. After four weeks, the genital ulcer showed complete healing and there was a significant reduction of genital warts.
    UNASSIGNED: Individuals with multiple sexual partners engaging in sexual activity without the use of prevention tools are at a greater chance of acquiring two or more STIs. To reduce concomitant transmission, preventive measures against genital ulcer diseases like syphilis, herpes, and chancroid, such as early identification and treatment, and condom distribution, must be strengthened as part of national STI prevention. Patients with two or more STIs should be followed regularly to assess the progress of infection and should be offered timely medical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The patient was a 71-year-old male whose chief complaint was a scrotum mass. The mass had gradually increased in size without any associated symptoms. The physical examination revealed a pedunculated, radish brown, and elastic soft tumor (4. 5×3. 5×3. 0 cm) in the right scrotum. Blood chemical analysis of HbA1c and squamous carcinoma antigen were 8. 3% and 38. 4 ng/ml (≦1. 5), respectively. This tumor was successfully treated with surgical resection. Histopathological examination showed condyloma acuminatum without malignant findings. Giant condyloma acuminatum commonly affects the genital and perianal areas. An immunocompromised state generally exists in the background of the patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Condyloma acuminatum is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which typically presents as excrescent, pedunculated, papillomatous lesions which may be of a pale colour. On rare occasions, we have observed pigmented genital lesions that are similar to seborrhoeic keratoses, but with histological findings of condyloma acuminatum and positive genotyping for HPV. We have termed these \'seborrhoeic keratosis-like\' type condylomas.
    METHODS: This is an observational retrospective study. The following clinical data were collected: age, sex, time of evolution, location, isolated or multiple lesions, monomorphous or polymorphous/mixed lesions. HPV genotyping was performed in all cases, and excision for histological study in eight cases.
    RESULTS: A total of 31 patients were diagnosed with this type of pigmented condylomata acuminata. Of these, 16 had isolated lesions (less than five lesions) and 15 had multiple lesions. 67% of the lesions exhibited slow growth, with an evolution period of greater than 1 year. The most frequent location was the base of the penis and pubis. HPV genotyping of the lesions was positive in all cases, with the HPV-6 genotype predominating (28 cases, 90.3%). The lesions exhibited dermoscopic differences from other pigmented lesions and histological findings attributable to HPV infection (pseudoparakeratosis, koilocytosis, etc) and others similar to those observed in seborrhoeic keratoses.
    CONCLUSIONS: A total of 31 patients were diagnosed with pigmented verrucous lesions, excrescents, isolated or multiple, in the genital region. These lesions exhibited clinical characteristics similar to seborrhoeic keratoses, with positive genotyping for HPV. In the majority of cases, the genotype was HPV-6. These lesions have been named \'pigmented condylomata acuminata seborrhoeic keratosis-like\'. Only 10 cases of these lesions have been described in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The menace of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections among low- and middle-income countries with no access to a free HPV vaccine is a public health concern. HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Nigeria, while the most known types of HPV genotypes being transmitted are the high-risk HPV-16 and 18 genotypes. In this study, we explored the predictors of self-reported HPV infections and HPV genital warts infection among a population of students, non-academic staff, and academic staff of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) University located in Lapai, Nigeria. We also assessed their knowledge about HPV infections and genotypes, and sexual behaviors. An online cross-sectional study was conducted by setting up a structured questionnaire on Google Forms and it was distributed to the university community via Facebook and other social media platforms of the university. The form captured questions on HPV infection, and knowledge about HPV infection and genotypes, as well as the sexual health of the participants. All variables were described using frequencies and percentage distribution; chi-squared test statistics were used to explore the association between HPV infection (medical records of HPV infection) and the participants\' profile, and a logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the factors associated with HPV genital warts infection among the population. This study reveals those participants between the ages of 26-40 years (81.3%) and those currently not in a sexually active relationship-single/divorced (26.4%)-who have self-reported having the HPV-16 and -18 genotypes. Moreover, participants between 26-40 years of age (OR: 0.45, 95%CI: 0.22-0.89) reported themselves to be carriers of HPV genital warts. Therefore, this study reveals the factors associated with HPV infection and genital warts peculiar to IBB university students and staff. Hence, we suggest the need for HPV awareness programs and free HPV vaccine availability at IBB university.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical diagnosis of pigmented genital lesions is challenging. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is effective for diagnosis but is limited in its application due to elevated costs. A more affordable dermatoscope with a 400x magnification (D400) has recently been brought to market. The aim of our study was to compare these two imaging techniques for the analysis of pigmented genital tumours. An observational, prospective and mono-centric study was carried out from October 2017 to May 2019, in which clinical, dermatoscopic (20x and 400x) and RCM data from 207 pigmented genital lesions were collected. The images generated via D400 and RCM were analysed by three expert investigators. Similarities between the criteria observed using D400 and RCM were evaluated by each investigator. In total, 207 lesions were included: 183 melanosis, 19 nevi, one basal cell carcinoma (BCC), two condylomas and two melanomas in situ. Our series correlates well with data found in the literature especially for the distribution of different lesions, their topography, and their aspect using x20 dermatoscopy and RCM. Pattern and cell criteria defined using RCM largely paralleled those observed with D400 for all three investigators. Correlation between D400 and RCM was moderate to strong with regards to the identification of the ring pattern and clustered round cells, strong for dendritic and plump cells, and perfect for isolated round cells and spindle cells. D400 is an easy-to-use, cost-effective alternative for the analysis of pigmented genital lesions, particularly for melanosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in condyloma acuminatum (CA) and to explore their probable regulatory mechanisms by establishing coexpression networks.
    METHODS: High-throughput RNA sequencing was performed to assess genome-wide lncRNA expression in CA and paired adjacent mucosal tissue. The expression of candidate lncRNAs and their target genes in larger CA specimens was validated using real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT‒qPCR). Furthermore, Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analyses were used for the functional enrichment analysis of these candidate lncRNAs and differential mRNAs. The coexpressed mRNAs of the candidate lncRNAs, calculated by Pearson\'s correlation coefficient, were also analysed using GO and KEGG analysis. In addition, the interactions among differentially expressed lncRNAs (DElncRNAs)-cis-regulatory transcription factors (cisTFs)-differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were analysed and their network was constructed.
    RESULTS: A total of 546 lncRNAs and 2553 mRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in CA compared to the paired control. Functional enrichment analysis revealed that the DEGs coexpressed with DElncRNAs were enriched in the terms of cell adhesion and keratinocyte differentiation, and the pathways of ECM-receptor interaction, local adhesion, PI3K/AKT and TGF-ß signaling. We further constructed the network among DElncRNAs-cisTFs-DEGs and found that these 95 DEGs were mainly enriched in GO terms of epithelial development, regulation of transcription or gene expression. Furthermore, the expression of 3 pairs of DElncRNAs and cisTFs, EVX1-AS and HOXA13, HOXA11-AS and EVX1, and DLX6-AS and DLX5, was validated with a larger number of specimens using RT‒qPCR.
    CONCLUSIONS: CA has a specific lncRNA profile, and the differentially expressed lncRNAs play regulatory roles in mRNA expression through cis-acting TFs, which provides insight into their regulatory networks. It will be useful to understand the pathogenesis of CA to provide new directions for the prevention, clinical treatment and efficacy evaluation of CA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Condyloma acuminata (CA) is a common, and recurrent sexually transmitted disease (STD) that greatly contributes to direct health care costs and has a substantial psychosocial impact. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination (containing L1 protein for HPV types 6 and 11) effectively controls CA.
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated attitudes toward the HPV vaccine for CA and willingness to undergo vaccination among STD clinic attendees in China.
    METHODS: Attendees at STD clinics at two selected hospitals in Guangdong and Jiangsu Provinces from May to September 2017 were requested to complete a self-administered questionnaire for this cross-sectional study.
    RESULTS: The participants\' median age was 28 years (IQR: 24.0-34.0), and the sex ratio was balanced; 63.5% were from Guangdong, 36.5% were from Jiangsu, and 44.5% had a history of CA. The vaccine acceptance rate was high among the participants (85.8%,235/274) to whom the HPV vaccine for CA was available, especially among those who had heard of CA (89.0%, AOR = 3.14, 95% CI: 1.29-7.63, p = 0.0114). 95 (34.7%) of 274 participants had a positive attitude toward the HPV vaccine for CA. STD clinic attendees who had heard of the connection between HPV and CA (AOR = 2.56, 95% CI: 1.31-5.00, p = 0.0060), had heard of the HPV vaccines or cervical cancer vaccines (AOR = 1.90, 95% CI: 1.02-3.54, p = 0.0444) and had ever proactively discussed CA or the vaccine with others (AOR = 1.95, 95% CI:1.00-3.79, p = 0.0488) had better attitudes toward the HPV vaccine for CA. Over half of the participants (52.5%) expected the price of the HPV vaccine for CA to be under $90.
    CONCLUSIONS: The acceptance of the HPV vaccine for CA was high among STD clinic attendees in China, and the participants\' self-perceived knowledge of CA and HPV was associated with better attitudes toward the HPV vaccine for CA. Education to improve knowledge is vital for reducing vaccine hesitancy.





