Collateral Ligament, Ulnar

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: metacarpophalangeal dislocations of the thumb are not very frequent injuries, it is necessary to know the anatomy of the region to know possible causes of interposition that prevent a closed reduction of this pathology.
    METHODS: we present the case of a 75-year-old woman with a post-traumatic metacarpophalangeal dislocation of the thumb that required open reduction and surgical repair. In this procedure, we performed reduction of the dislocation, mobilization of the interposed structures, repair of the capsule and reinsertion of the ulnar collateral ligament. The early mobilization protocol helped to obtain very good results.
    CONCLUSIONS: it is imperative to consider possible associated injuries during the acute phase to achieve optimal short, medium, and long-term outcomes for our patients. A comprehensive and proactive approach to diagnosis and treatment is vital in effectively addressing this pathology and minimizing its potential sequelae.
    UNASSIGNED: las luxaciones metacarpofalángicas del pulgar no son lesiones muy frecuentes, es necesario conocer la anatomía de la región para conocer posibles causas de interposición que impidan una reducción cerrada de esta patología.
    UNASSIGNED: presentamos el caso de una mujer de 75 años con luxación metacarpofalángica postraumática del pulgar que requirió reducción abierta y reparación quirúrgica. En este procedimiento realizamos reducción de la luxación, movilización de las estructuras interpuestas, reparación de la cápsula y reinserción del ligamento colateral cubital. El protocolo de movilización temprana ayudó a obtener muy buenos resultados.
    UNASSIGNED: es imperativo considerar posibles lesiones asociadas durante la fase aguda para lograr resultados óptimos a corto, mediano y largo plazo para nuestros pacientes. Un enfoque integral y proactivo del diagnóstico y tratamiento es vital para abordar eficazmente esta patología y minimizar sus posibles secuelas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The mechanism of injury and the conservative rehabilitation of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow (UCL) are well studied and reported in overhead athletes, while research on gymnastic athletes is sparse. Evidence suggests exercise as the mainstay in UCL injury rehabilitation. With this report, we aimed to provide a complete rehabilitation protocol following a partial UCL tear of an acrobatic athlete, where exercise and adjunct treatments, such as manual therapy, were used in a progressive staged rehabilitation.
    METHODS: A 16-year-old female acrobatic athlete was diagnosed with partial tear of the anterior band of UCL. The rehabilitation included progressive exercise loading in conjunction with manual therapy for 10 sessions in 8 weeks. Pain, UCL special tests, the Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand Score Questionnaire (DASH), and the Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI) were assessed and administered at baseline and at 3, 6, 10 weeks, and 3 months.
    RESULTS: Improvement in all outcome measures was noted at the 3-month follow-up indicating a substantial reduction in pain and disability, and an increase in stability of the elbow joint. Return to training was achieved at 8 weeks from the initial visit, while return to sport at the pre-injury level was achieved at 3 months.
    CONCLUSIONS: Progressive exercise loading along with the addition of manual therapy is an effective intervention for the rehabilitation and return to sport following a partial UCL tear. A progressive staged rehabilitation guideline for acrobatic athletes with UCL injuries has been provided to be used and guide clinical practice.
    METHODS: Level IV.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Acute medial collateral ligament (MCL) tears of the great toe metatarsophalangeal joint are rare, leading to sparse literature regarding their management. Suture anchor repair with suture tape augmentation is an effective treatment of thumb ulnar collateral ligament tears, a close analog. This case report presents a 23-year-old professional surfer with an acute hallux MCL avulsion. Management included repair with suture anchor and suture tape augmentation. The patient returned to sport quickly and had no pain or complications at 1-year follow-up.
    In this case of acute MCL tear of the great toe, suture anchor repair with suture tape augmentation facilitated early mobilization, rapid rehabilitation, return to competitive sport, and sustained good outcome.
    Level V.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears are common in baseball players. When nonoperative management fails; reconstruction or repair may be necessary to restore physical function. There is no clear consensus regarding the indications for surgery based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tear characteristics or the indications for selecting repair over reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to define the indications for UCL surgery based on MRI and to elucidate indications for UCL repair vs. reconstruction.
    METHODS: Twenty-six orthopedic surgeons who treat baseball players were surveyed. Forty-five MRIs were reviewed: 15 without UCL tears, 15 with intraoperatively confirmed partial-thickness tears, and 15 with full-thickness tears. Factors investigated included ligament characteristics (periligamentous or osseous edema, ligament hypertrophy, calcification, partial or full-thickness tearing) and location (proximal, midsubstance, or distal). Surgeons were given a clinical scenario and asked whether 1) surgery was indicated and 2) whether repair or reconstruction was recommended. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) helped identify significant predictors for both queries.
    RESULTS: The odds of recommending surgical treatment compared to nonoperative treatment were 2.4× more likely for a proximal partial-thickness tear, 3.2× for distal partial-thickness tear, 5.1× for distal full-thickness tear, and 7.0× for proximal full-thickness tear (P < .001). Significant indications for repair included distal partial (OR = 1.6, 95% CI 1.0, 2.1, P < .001) and full-thickness tears (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1.1, 2.3, P < .001). Repair was 3× less likely recommended for midsubstance full-thickness tears (OR = 3.0, 95% CI -5.0, -1.0, P = .004). Ultrasound stress testing was requested in 78% of partial tears.
    CONCLUSIONS: Among surgeons surveyed, the highest odds for recommending operative treatment were proximal full-thickness tears, then distal full-thickness, distal partial-thickness, and proximal partial-thickness tears. Repair was most appropriate for partial and full-thickness distal tears, but relatively contraindicated for complete midsubstance UCL tears. Ultrasound stress testing was frequently requested for partial tears. Given the lack of consensus among surgeons, future prospective registries are necessary to determine whether these factors associate with clinical outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traumatic triceps tendon ruptures are rare and known to result in substantial disability unless appropriate surgical treatment is performed. A traumatic rupture can occur due to a fall onto the outstretched hand. Tearing of the triceps tendon results in a valgus load onto the elbow, which can lead to injuries to the radial head/neck and/or the ulnar collateral ligament. Hence, attention must be paid to associated pathologies after diagnosis of rupture to the distal triceps tendon. Our surgical procedure in these cases includes diagnostic arthroscopy to detect concomitant injuries. In the following, we present three cases where we performed an open suture bridge repair of the triceps tendon followed by suture repair of the ulnar collateral ligament. All patients recovered well and reported no elbow pain or limited range of motion. The ASES and Mayo Elbow Performance scores were 100 at the 1-year follow-up.
    Traumatische distale Trizepssehnenverletzungen sind seltene Verletzungen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist die korrekte Therapie entscheidend für die Funktion des Armes. Der Sturz auf den ausgestreckten Arm kann die Ursache sein. Die Ruptur der Sehne im Unfallmoment verändert die Krafteinwirkung, sodass Begleitverletzungen wie die Radiuskopffraktur oder der Riss des medialen, ulnaren Kollateralbandes nicht selten sind. Daher sind mögliche Begleitverletzungen bei einer distalen Trizepssehnenruptur dezidiert zu prüfen. Gemäß unserem Vorgehen kann neben der MRT-Diagnostik eine Arthroskopie hilfreich sein, um mögliche Begleitpathologie adäquat zu erfassen und zu adressieren. Im Folgenden werden drei Fälle vorgestellt, die operativ mittels Trizepssehnen-Naht sowie Refixation des medialen ulnaren Kollateralbandes versorgt wurden. Das 1-Jahres-Followup zeigte keine Bewegungseinschränkungen oder Instabilitäten, der ASES- und Mayo Elbow Score waren 100.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical, radiographic, and diagnostic ultrasound findings in a patient who sustained a type III Salter-Harris fracture of the first proximal phalanx.
    UNASSIGNED: A 14-year-old male baseball player presented to a chiropractic clinic with a 2-day history of proximal thumb pain, which began following a forceful hyperabduction injury while sliding into base. Thenar swelling was evident on clinical examination, and both active and passive thumb motions were painful in all directions. Radiography revealed a type III Salter-Harris fracture of the first proximal phalangeal base. Additionally, diagnostic ultrasonography demonstrated a probable high-grade ulnar collateral ligament sprain. No further displacement of the fracture fragment was visualized with radial deviation stress.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient was referred to a pediatric hand orthopedic specialist for consultation and treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: Salter-Harris III fractures of the thumb base warrant special attention to various clinical and imaging features, which may affect patient outcomes. Fracture characterization with radiography is essential in determining the proper management. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging may be useful in the evaluation of concomitant soft tissue injuries, as demonstrated in this case report.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 23-year-old woman with an Osborne-Cotterill lesion and posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) of the elbow was treated with osteochondral allograft transplantation (OCA) and lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) repair with internal brace. Two years after surgery, she reported resolution of pain and returned to all recreational activities. She reported no mechanical symptoms and no episodes of postoperative instability.
    PLRI can present with an Osborne-Cotterill lesion in addition to LUCL injury. The purpose of this case report was to describe the use of OCA to manage bony defects in the capitellum in addition to LUCL repair for patients with PLRI.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 33-year-old man presented with a painful instability of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of the little finger after recurrent sports-related traumatic injuries. Stress testing and radiography demonstrated the instability of the ulnar collateral ligament. We performed an ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction of the DIP joint using the palmaris longus tendon. One year after surgery, the patient reported a painless and stable DIP joint with good functional outcome.
    This procedure could be a viable treatment option for active, high-demand patients experiencing chronic symptomatic instability of the DIP joint because of a longstanding tear of the collateral ligament.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health technology assessment provides a means to assess the technical properties, safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and ethical/legal/social impact of a novel technology. An important component of health technology assessment is the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), which can be performed using model-based CEA. This study used the CEA model to compare the cost-effectiveness of a novel ligament augmentation device with the standard technique for primary repair of complete ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears.
    A model was developed for complete UCL tear requiring acute surgical repair, comparing the cost-effectiveness of standard technique primary repair and repair using a ligament augmentation device from a societal perspective. Primary outcomes included quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), cost, net monetary benefit (NMB) and incremental NMB. A cost-effectiveness threshold of CAD $50,000/QALY was used to compare the 2 techniques. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the parameter uncertainty, specifically the impact of device cost, time off work, probability of complication, and postoperative outcome.
    The NMB for the standard technique was CAD $42,598, and the NMB for repair using the ligament augmentation device was CAD $41,818. The standard technique was the preferred strategy for primary repair of complete UCL tears. One-way sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the ligament augmentation device became cost-effective if individuals return to work in <18 days (base case 23 days). The device was also favored when the cost was less than CAD $50 and the difference in time to return to work was at least 1 day.
    Our model demonstrates that there may be significant costs associated with the introduction of novel health technologies, and certain conditions, such as an earlier return to work, must be met for some devices to be a cost-effective option. This study provides an example of how model-based CEA is a useful tool to assess the cost-effectiveness of a novel device.
    Economic/Decision Analysis II.





