Clinical Audit

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In the UK, guidelines recommend pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) to all people with unresectable pancreatic cancer. In 2023, we published a national audit of PERT which showed suboptimal prescribing and wide regional variation in England. The aim of this manuscript was to describe how we used the PERT audit to drive improvements in healthcare.
    METHODS: Building on the PERT audit, we deployed an online dashboard which will deliver ongoing updates of the PERT audit. We developed a collaborative intervention with cancer nurse specialists (CNS) to improve care delivered to people with pancreatic cancer. The intervention called Creating a natiOnAL CNS pancrEatic cancer network to Standardise and improve CarE (COALESCE) will use the dashboard to evaluate improvements in prescribing of PERT.
    RESULTS: We demonstrated how large databases of electronic healthcare records (EHRs) can be used to improve cancer care. The PERT audit was implemented into a dashboard for tracking the progress of COALESCE. We will measure improvements in PERT prescribing as the intervention with CNS progresses.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improving healthcare is an ongoing and iterative process. By implementing the PERT dashboard, we created a resource-efficient, automated evaluation method enabling COALESCE to deliver a sustainable change. National-scale databases of EHRs enable rapid cycles of audits, providing regular feedback to interventions, working systematically to deliver change. Here, the focus is on pancreatic cancer. However, this methodology is transferable to other areas of healthcare.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses play a key role in collecting good quality data which are needed in clinical audits to identify shortcomings in healthcare. Nurse-driven interventions can be designed to improve healthcare. In this study, we capitalize on the unique role of CNS coordinating care for every patient with cancer. COALESCE is the first national collaborative study which uses CNS as researchers and change agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Oral surgical records contain all the information regarding a patient, including their history, clinical findings, diagnostic test results, pre-and postoperative care, progress, and medication. Notes that are properly drafted will help the physician argue that the course of therapy is appropriate. Several tools have been created for auditing clinical records; one such tool that may be used for any inpatient specialty is the CRABEL score system developed by CRAwford-BEresford-Lafferty. Aims This research aimed to evaluate the oral surgical records using the CRABEL scoring system for quality assessment. Materials and methods The case audit was performed from June 2023 to February 2024 for all Excisional biopsy cases of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Relevant data was retrieved from the Dental Information Archival Software (DIAS) of Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai. It was evaluated by two independent oral pathologists trained in CRABEL scores. Two consecutive case records were evaluated. Fifty points were given for each case record. Scoring was given according to initial clerking (10 points), subsequent entries (30 points), consent (5 points), and discharge summary (5 points). The total score was calculated by subtracting the total deduction from 100 to give the final score. The mean scores of the case records were calculated. A descriptive statistical analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0; IBM Inc., Armonk, New York). Inter-observer agreement and reliability assessment were made using Kappa statistics.  Results From the DIAS in that period, the data of 52 cases were retrieved and reviewed. There was no proof of a reference source in the audited records, and one deduction was made to the reference score in the initial clerking, and the effective score was 98 out of 100. The mean values of 52 case records were also 98 out of 100. The observed kappa score was 1.0. There was no inter-observer bias in the scoring criteria. Both observers also gave the same scoring. Conclusion Our study illustrates that oral surgery case records in our institution were found to be accurate, as they maintained 98% of the CRABEL score value. Frequent audit cycles will help in standardizing and maintaining the quality of oral surgery case records.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Feedback on clinical performance aims to provide teams in health care settings with structured results about their performance in order to improve these results. Two systematic reviews that included 147 randomized studies showed unresolved variability in professional compliance with desired clinical practices. Conventional recommendations for improving feedback on clinical team performance generally appear decontextualized and, in this regard, idealized. Feedback involves a complex and varied arrangement of human and non-human entities and interrelationships. To explore this complexity and improve feedback, we sought to explain how feedback on clinical team performance works, for whom, in what contexts, and for what changes. Our goal in this research was to present a realistic and contextualized explanation of feedback and its outcomes for clinical teams in health care settings.
    METHODS: This critical realist qualitative multiple case study included three heterogeneous cases and 98 professionals from a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital. Five data collection methods were used: participant observation, document retrieval, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires. Intra- and inter-case analysis performed during data collection involved thematic analysis, analytical questioning, and systemic modeling. These approaches were supported by critical reflexive dialogue among the research team, collaborators, and an expert panel.
    RESULTS: Despite the use of a single implementation model throughout the institution, results differed on contextual decision-making structures, responses to controversy, feedback loop practices, and use of varied technical or hybrid intermediaries. Structures and actions maintain or transform interrelationships and generate changes that are in line with expectations or the emergence of original solutions. Changes are related to the implementation of institutional and local projects or indicator results. However, they do not necessarily reflect a change in clinical practice or patient outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: This critical realist qualitative multiple case study offers an in-depth explanation of feedback on clinical team performance as a complex and open-ended sociotechnical system in constant transformation. In doing so, it identifies reflexive questions that are levers for the improvement of team feedback.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To examine the reported incidence and features of disseminated varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection following live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine live (ZVL: Zostavax, Merck) in immunocompromised people in Australia.
    ZVL was funded in 2016 in Australia for people aged 70 years, with a catch-up programme for those 71-79 years. From 2016 to 2020, three deaths due to disseminated vaccine-strain VZV infection occurred following inadvertent ZVL administration in individuals with varying levels of immunocompromise. This descriptive study examined 4 years of national surveillance data reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration\'s Adverse Event Monitoring System (AEMS). Denominator data for rates were from doses recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register.
    Individuals vaccinated between 1 November 2016 and 31 December 2020 who experienced adverse event(s) following immunisation (AEFI) after ZVL recorded in the AEMS.
    Rates and outcomes of confirmed (Oka strain positive) or probable disseminated VZV infection, and inadvertent administration of ZVL in immunocompromised individuals.
    854 AEFI were reported from 1 089 966 doses of ZVL administered (78.4 per 100 000 doses). Of those, 14 were classified as confirmed (n=6, 0.55 per 100 000) or probable (n=8) disseminated VZV infection. The confirmed cases were all hospitalised, and most (5/6) were immunocompromised; three cases died. Thirty-seven individuals were reported as vaccinated despite a contraindication due to immunocompromise (3.4 per 100 000), with 12/37 (32%) hospitalised.
    Disseminated VZV is potentially life-threatening and occurs mostly in those with severe immunocompromise. Inadvertent administration of ZVL to immunocompromised individuals has occurred despite initial provider guidance and education. Multiple additional strategies to assist providers to identify contraindications have been implemented to prevent adverse outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare professionals have to give substance to the role of a champion in order to successfully lead quality improvement (QI) initiatives. This study aims to unravel how hospitalists in training shape their role as a champion within the context of QI projects in hospital care and why some are more effective in leading a QI project than others. We focus on the role of credibility, as it is a prerequisite for fulfilling the role of champion. This multiple-case study builds upon 23 semi-structured interviews with hospitalists in training: quality officers and medical specialists. We first coded data for each case and then described the different contexts of each case in detail to enable comparison across settings. We then compared the cases and contrasted the attributes of credibility. Four attributes of credibility emerged and were identified as essential for the hospitalist in training to succeed as a champion: (1) being convincing about the need for change by providing supportive clinical evidence, (2) displaying competence in their clinical work and commitment to their tasks, (3) generating shared ownership of the QI project with other healthcare professionals, and (4) acting as a team player to foster collaboration during the QI project. We also identified two contextual factors that supported the credibility of the hospitalist in training: (1) choosing a subject for the QI project that was perceived as urgently required by the group of stakeholders involved, and (2) being supported by the board of directors and other formal and informal leaders as the leader of a QI project. Further research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between credibility and sustainability of change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent evidence shows that point-of-care (POC) testing is a more feasible alternative for diagnosis of COVID-19 in settings that have poor access to laboratory diagnostic services. Equitable access to POC testing can be optimised through well-established supply chain management (SCM) systems. The proposed study aims to develop a novel approach for improving SCM for COVID-19 POC diagnostic services in resource-limited settings with poor access to laboratory diagnostic services, using Mopani District in Limpopo Province, South Africa as a study setting.
    This study was guided by results of the scoping review. Following the scoping review, we propose a mixed-methods study, which will be implemented in three phases. First, we will perform a geospatial analysis to investigate the spatial distribution of COVID-19 testing services. Second, we will perform an audit of POC diagnostic services including its supply chain to evaluate the effect of SCM on accessibility of COVID-19 POC diagnostic services and reveal SCM barriers and enablers of accessibility of COVID-19 POC diagnostic services. Third, we will perform a nominal group technique to collaborate with key stakeholders in co-creation of a novel approach for improving SCM systems for COVID-19 POC diagnostic services. For the geospatial analysis, we will employ the ArcGIS Software. For the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data that will be generated from the audit and nominal group discussion, we will employ Stata software and NVivo software, respectively.
    This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by two institutional review boards: University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee (approval number 655/2021) and Limpopo Department of Health Research Ethics Committee (approval number LP-2021-12-007). The results of this study will be disseminated through national and international presentations and peer-reviewed publications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the complexity of emergency care increases, current research methods to improve care are often unable to capture all aspects of everyday clinical practice. Video recordings can visualize clinical care in an objective way. They can be used as a tool to assess care and to reflect on care with the caregivers themselves. Although the use of video recordings to reflect on medical interventions (video-reflection) has increased over the years, it is still not used on a regular basis. However, video-reflection proved to be of educational value and can improve teams\' management and performance. It has a positive effect on guideline adherence, documentation, clinical care and teamwork. Recordings can also be used for video-reflexivity. Here, caregivers review recordings together to reflect on their everyday practice from new perspectives with regard to context and conduct in general. Although video-reflection in emergency care has proven to be valuable, certain preconditions have to be met and obstacles need to be overcome. These include gaining trust of the caregivers, having a proper consent-procedure, maintaining confidentiality and adequate use of technical equipment. To implement the lessons learned from video-reflection in a sustainable way and to continuously improve care, it should be integrated in regular simulation training or education. This narrative review will describe the development of video recording in emergency care and how video-reflection can improve patient care and safety in new ways. On our own department, the NICU at the LUMC, video-reflection has already been implemented and we want to further expand this. We will describe the use of video-reflection in our own unit. Based on the results of this narrative review we will propose options for future research to increase the value of video-reflection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Case-finding for low mood in primary care can be time-consuming using current depression inventories.
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic accuracy, of a single verbally administered question on the emotional quality of life (Emoqol 100), for low mood in patients with symptoms of distress in an ambulatory care setting.
    METHODS: Eligible patients were consecutive patients seen by one of the authors over 13 months with possible distress/low mood. The index test was the verbally asked Emoqol 100, which is the patient\'s emotional quality of life now, with 100 being perfect emotional health and 0 being the worst imaginable. The reference standard is the written version of the PHQ-9 with a cut point of ≥10.
    METHODS: A retrospective audit of consecutive consultations in a single primary care clinic.
    RESULTS: One hundred two patients were seen during the study period, of which 76 met the eligibility criteria for this audit, and there were 215 test results. For a cut point of <50 on the Emoqol 100 and the PHQ-9 ≥10 the sensitivity was 47% (95% CI 39-54), and the specificity was 93% (95% CI 86-100). The positive predictive value was 95%, and the negative predictive value was 37%.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first accuracy estimation of the Emoqol 100. It appears to have a high specificity which means when it is positive (<50) it is a good estimate of a high PHQ-9, i.e. a mood issue probably exists. The test will be helpful for busy primary care clinicians as it takes less than 15 seconds to verbally administer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Use of statin has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases events and mortality. However, in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the protective effects of statin are controversial. To evaluate the impact of chronic statin use on clinical outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with ESRD.
    METHODS: We enrolled 8056 patients with ESRD who were initially diagnosed and admitted for first AMI from Taiwan\'s National Health Insurance Research Database. Of which, 2134 patients underwent statin therapy. We randomly selected and use age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), peripheral vascular diseases (PVD), heart failure (HF), cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, matched with the study group as controls (non-stain user). We compared the effects of statin use in term of all-cause death among patients with AMI with ESRD.
    RESULTS: Statin use resulted in a significantly higher survival rate in patients ith AMI with ESRD compared with non-statin users. After adjusted the comorbidities the male patients and patients with DM, PVD, HF and CVA had lower long-term survival rate (all p<0.001). Patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (p<0.001), ACE inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers (p<0.001), β receptor blockers (p<0.001) and statin therapy (p=0.007) had better long-term survival rate. Patients with AMI with ESRD on statin therapy exhibited a significantly lower risk of mortality compared with non-statin users (p<0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with ESRD with AMI, statin therapy was associated with reduced all-cause mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





