Child Care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grandparents play an essential role in childrearing and fill the parenting gap for dual-earner Chinese families. Many Chinese grandparents engage heavily in childcare, which may increase the risk of child abuse.
    This study aimed to examine grandparental use of psychological and physical aggression toward children and explore its associated risk factors.
    This was a cross-sectional study which involved purposive sampling of 278 grandparents (204 females and 74 males) taking care of at least one grandchild below 18 years old in Shenzhen, China.
    Information on childcare was collected, including grandparents\' use of psychological and physical aggression and their involvement in childcare in terms of intensity and activity.
    An alarming percentage (57.1 %) of grandparents had used psychological aggression, while 26.5 % had used corporal punishment, in the past year. The average use of psychological aggression and corporal punishment was 16.10 times and 10.08 times per year, respectively. Grandparents taking care of two or more grandchildren were more likely to use psychological aggression and corporal punishment compared to those taking care of only one grandchild. Higher mental and physical health summary scores were associated with lower likelihood of psychological and physical aggression of grandparents.
    This study advances our understanding of negative grandparenting behavior in childcare. As grandparents play a significant role in childcare, we need to improve their grandparenting skills, provide more formal childcare services to ease their childcare burden, and support their physical and mental well-being to reduce the risk of child abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mothers compose a significant proportion of women in substance use treatment services. These women have needs that, if not addressed, can negatively impact their capacity to parent. This study explores the feasibility of using free-text notes from electronic health records (EHRs) to identify factors that impair mothers\' ability to care for their children.
    This study is a qualitative analysis of EHRs of 50 women attending substance use services in Southeast London who were parents of dependent children (defined as mothers of children aged <18 years independent of living together). We developed a sampling stratification process to ensure an adequate volume of data were available and analyzed per case. The study identified and tested search terms. We extracted data from clinical notes and letters of communication with other services/agencies (free-text notes) using the identified search terms and conducted deductive thematic analysis.
    The mean number of documents per case was 92.17 (SD = 18.51). The study identified five themes with subthemes: childcare arrangements, family context, safeguarding issues, factors that might impact the treatment plan and care of the child, and communication between the health care and child welfare systems.
    The study demonstrates a novel approach for exploring parenting-related characteristics of mothers in substance use treatment. Despite a range of maternal and childcare-related information available on EHRs, the type of treatment and support being offered to patients in response to the reported information is less well documented. Findings highlight the need for further investments in implementing effective family centered strategies within substance use services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a consequence of recent socio-demographic trends and labour market transformations the role of grandparental support has become pivotal in individuals\' and households\' life courses. In Southern European countries the availability of grandparents affects young couples\' labour market participation and fertility decisions. In the present paper, it is asked if the potential availability of social support from the older family generation is associated with more or less inequality in the division of unpaid housework in couples with minor children, in Italy. Using data from the 2016 Family and Social Subjects survey it is shown that while there is not a clear relation between intergenerational face-to-face contacts and the symmetry of the division of household labour, adult children and older (grand)parents coresidence is associated with a more gender-equal sharing of housework within couples, arguably because co-residing grandparents take on the execution of a number of household tasks. The observed effect is comparable to that of hiring a paid housekeeper and higher than hiring a babysitter. Thus, despite one may think that three-generation households are characterized by a culture of traditional norms, our findings indicate that they have a more gender-equal division of housework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Men are currently underrepresented in traditionally female care-oriented (communal) engagement such as taking parental leave, whereas they are overrepresented in traditionally male (agentic) engagement such as breadwinning or leadership. We examined to what extent different prototypical representations of men affect men\'s self-reported parental leave-taking intentions and more generally the future they can imagine for themselves with regard to work and care roles (i.e., their possible selves). We expected prototypes of men that combine the two basic stereotype dimensions of agency and communion to increase men\'s communal intentions. In two experiments (N1 = 132, N2 = 233), we presented male participants with contrived newspaper articles that described the ideal man of today with varying degrees of agency and communion (between-subjects design with four conditions; combined agentic and communal vs. agentic vs. communal vs. control condition). Results of Experiment 1 were in line with the main hypothesis that especially presenting a combination of agency and communion increases men\'s expectations for communal engagement: As compared to a control condition, men expected more to engage in caretaking in the future, reported higher parental leave-taking intentions, and tended to expect taking longer parental leave. Experiment 2 only partially replicated these findings, namely for parental leave-taking intentions. Both experiments additionally provided initial evidence for a contrast effect in that an exclusive focus on agency also increased men\'s self-reported parental leave-taking intentions compared to the control condition. Yet, exclusively emphasizing communion in prototypes of men did not affect men\'s communal intentions, which were high to begin with. We further did not find evidence for preregistered mechanisms. We discuss conditions and explanations for the emergence of these mixed effects as well as implications for the communication of gendered norms and barriers to men\'s communal engagement more broadly.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Spinal cord injury (SCI) sustained during pregnancy may be dangerous to the mother and her child. The risk is associated both with necessary diagnostic work-up and with the therapeutic process (radiographic investigations, surgical procedures, anesthesia, spinal shock, SCI complications, delivery). However, infant care is an enormous challenge for a woman with motor disability. The authors present a case report concerning the problems of treatment, rehabilitation and infant care in an SCI woman. To our knowledge, it is the first paper to describe SCI at such an early stage of gestation (2.5 weeks of gestational age/WGA).
    UNASSIGNED: A 20-year old paraplegic woman after SCI was pregnant. The period of diagnostics (MRI, X-ray), surgery and rehabilitation was associated with minor complications for the mother and no complications for the child. At discharge from the rehabilitation center the patient presented Th11 paraplegia (AIS-C), 24.5 WGA, and she could walk using a walker with a knee-ankle-foot-orthosis on the right and an ankle-foot-orthosis on the left lower limb. She delivered at 38 WGA via cesarean section (girl, birth weight 2960 g, length 50 cm, APGAR = 9 and 10). Bathing the baby and walking with it were the main problems of the post-delivery period.
    UNASSIGNED: Factors potentially threatening the mother and child\'s health in SCI during pregnancy do not always contribute to the complications of the clinical status and health of the child. Comprehensive approach to the treatment, rehabilitation and care of pregnant women with SCI facilitates the course of pregnancy, delivery and child care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research demonstrates that children\'s participation in quality early childhood care and education often has immediate positive effects on their social-emotional, self-regulation, and achievement outcomes. Most of the research on the impacts of early child care and education has focused narrowly on the United States, but advocacy for economic and social investment in early childhood care and education to support future children\'s growth and well-being now exists on an international scale. The longer-term outcomes from prekindergarten programs have not been as strong. To improve children\'s long-term outcomes, one suggested strategy is an intentional, scripted curriculum. Our goal in this monograph is to provide a fully integrated and comprehensive account of a large-scale, longitudinal, field-based randomized control trial of the Tools of the Mind (Internal consistency of the Tools) prekindergarten curriculum that occurred in the United States. Our intent is twofold. First, we examine the impact of the Tools curriculum itself, addressing both the potential impacts of the curriculum to improve prekindergarten quality and children\'s academic, executive function, self-regulation, and social outcomes. Second, we consider the broader question of whether the use of intentional, scripted curricula during early education can, more generally, enhance both short- and long-term outcomes in children. Developed from a Vygotskian framework, Tools focuses on equipping children with cognitive tools for learning that they can then apply to the task of acquiring and sustaining academic knowledge as well as behavioral competencies. Thus, Tools is an integrated, comprehensive curriculum, not a supplementary one. The Tools approach follows from a socio-cultural perspective on child development that emphasizes children\'s acquisition of skills and cultural tools in collaboration with knowledgeable others. The methodology of the 4-year longitudinal cluster randomized control trial is described in detail. We provide comprehensive information about recruitment, randomization of treatment condition, child assessment instrumentation and procedures, as well as observational assessments, including fidelity of implementation and teacher and child classroom behaviors. We provide results comparing 32 classrooms assigned to the Tools condition and 28 assigned to the business-as-usual control condition for children\'s academic, executive function, self-regulation, and social gains from prekindergarten to the end of first grade. Developers of the curriculum specifically expected to see benefits on these measures. There were no positive effects for Tools on any of the outcomes. The lack of expected curriculum effects required careful consideration and raised more general questions about how curriculum experiences manifest themselves in assessed skills. As a first step to understanding the findings, we focused on teachers who were implementing Tools and examined the degree to which the curriculum was delivered as intended and the relations between fidelity of implementation and children\'s outcomes in prekindergarten. Results indicated a wide variation in observed fidelity of implementation but no consistent associations between fidelity of implementation and any child outcomes. In terms of more general practices and interactions associated with positive student outcomes, developers of the curriculum hypothesized that implementing Tools would enhance classroom practices and teacher-child interactions. Among the aspects they expected to be affected were the amount of non-instructional behaviors, teacher-led and child-directed activities, teacher and child talk, social learning interactions, classroom emotional climate, quality of teacher instruction, and children\'s level of involvement. Teachers varied as much within treatment and control classrooms as they did between conditions on most of the aspects examined. We found no differences between experimental conditions on most practices and interactions. Curricula vary in scope and content, but they are universally intended to change classroom processes in ways that in turn will facilitate the development of targeted skills. For this mediational hypothesis to hold, the targeted classroom processes must be associated with child outcomes. We examined the associations between the classroom processes and children\'s prekindergarten and kindergarten gains and found support for their importance in early childhood classrooms. These findings demonstrate the value of identifying strategies to enhance these classroom practices and interactions. We situate the findings of our study within the larger context of early childhood education expansion policies and practices, and we offer a set of lessons learned. The study we report is a single evaluation of a single curriculum, yet we hold that the lessons learned are general and shed light on understanding why evaluations of curriculum have yielded such mixed results.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Health services have not provided adequate support for young people with long term health conditions to transfer from child to adult services. National Institute of Health and Care (NICE) guidance on transition has been issued to address these gaps. However, data are often sparse about the number of young adults who might need to transition. Using Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as an exemplar, this study used an existing surveillance system and a case note review to capture the incidence of the transition process, and compared and contrasted the findings.
    The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System (CAPSS) was used to estimate the incident transition of young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from child to adult services. This involves consultant child and adolescent psychiatrists from the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (ROI) reporting relevant young people as they are seen in clinics. In parallel, a case note review was conducted using the Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Clinical Records Interactive Search (CRIS). The study period ran for twelve months with a nine month follow up to see how the transition proceeded.
    CRIS identified 76 cases in the study period, compared to 18 identified using surveillance via CAPSS. Methodological issues were experienced using both methods. Surveillance issues; eligibility criteria confusion, reporting errors, incomplete questionnaires, difficulties contacting clinicians, and surveillance systems do not cover non-doctors and psychiatrists who are not consultants. Case note review issues using CRIS included the need for researchers to interpret clinical notes, the availability and completeness of data in the notes, and data limited to the catchment of one particular mental health trust.
    Both methods demonstrate strengths and weaknesses; the combination of both methods in the absence of strong routinely collected data, allowed a more robust estimate of the level of need for service planning and commissioning.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Many children with complex needs exhibit eating, drinking, and/or swallowing disorders (dysphagia). These children often have associated learning needs, and require assistance from carers for daily tasks such as eating and drinking. The aim of this study was to identify which strategies to manage dysphagia were challenging for family carers, and reasons for any non-adherence.Method: In this service evaluation researchers observed carers during mealtimes, and investigated carer opinions of strategies used to minimise the risks of dysphagia. Eight children with complex needs aged 3.4-7.5 years and their primary family caregiver participated.Results: Adherence with speech and language pathologists\' dysphagia recommendations overall was over 50% in all but one case. For specific strategies, the highest adherence was observed for diet modifications of foods (89%), communication during the mealtime (83%), amount of food to present (81%), and the pacing of fluids and foods (81%). Lower levels of adherence were identified in relation to postural management (58%), environmental changes (58%), utensils (56%), and preparatory strategies (49%).Conclusions: Adherence with use of strategies to support mealtimes was over 50% in all but one case. Findings suggest that support is essential to promote safe mealtimes, reduce family carers\' stress and increase knowledge, confidence, and adherence in implementing dysphagia guidelines in the family home. Implications for rehabilitationDifficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing (dysphagia) can impact on the parent-child mealtime experience.Mealtime strategies as recommended by a speech-language pathologist can support children who have difficulties eating, drinking, and swallowing.Some strategies to support eating, drinking, and swallowing are easier for carers to adhere to than others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Institutional care has proven to be detrimental for child development. This study examined the status of the State Program on Deinstitutionalization and Alternative Care (SPDAC), a public policy aimed at transforming 55 institutions covering 14,500 children during 2006-2016 in Azerbaijan. The success of this public policy was crucial for the country\'s entire child welfare system. The study used a crosssectional, descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative method. Data were collected through in-depth, semistructured interviews and archival resources. Twenty key informants were selected through a purposive sampling strategy. They led projects or were heads of departments related to implementing the SPDAC at government agencies, national or international nongovernmental organizations, UNICEF, or as social workers in newly established alternative services. Interviews were analyzed in TAMSAnalyzer. Themes supporting possible explanations such as lack of political will, weak child protection systems, weak civil society, illequipped human resources, absence of alternative services, and low levels of knowledge of children\'s rights emerged in the analysis. The findings could contribute to research on child welfare reform and reflect hidden factors behind policies to guide practice in former Soviet Union states and countries rich in natural resources such oil, gas, and minerals. The primary finding of a lack of political will raises the question of how to create political will and how to motivate government officials to invest in the welfare of children.





