
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single treatment of metallised food packaging plastics waste (MFPW) has shown disappointing results with recycling rate <20 % due to its complex structure consisting of 10 % aluminium (Al) and 90 % mixed plastic films made of PE, PP, PS, PET, etc. Besides, it is generating many emissions and residues that must be landfilled making it difficult to integrate them into the circular economy. Therefore, a multi-stage recycling (MSR) approach has recently been developed using several sequential mechanical, thermal and chemical processes to recover energy and Al from MFPW with additional revenue for recycling plant operators. The thermal treatment helps to decompose the plastic fraction into wax or oil, gaseous, and solid residue (SR) composed of Al and coal, while the mechanical process can be used as a pre-treatment of MFPW feedstock and SR. Finally, the chemical treatment (leaching and functionalization) can be used to extract Al from SR and to refine coal into carbon microparticles (CPs), respectively. In order to investigate the environmental performance of the proposed MSR system, this research was developed. The investigation was performed using SimaPro life cycle analysis (LCA) tool according to ISO 14040/44 Standards and the impact assessment method is ReCiPe 2016. Five different scenarios were proposed in the constructed LCA layout, namely, conversion of MFPW to a) wax and gas (pyrolysis), b) wax, gas, and aluminium chloride (AlCl₃) (pyrolysis and leaching), c) wax, gas, AlCl₃, and CPs (pyrolysis, leaching, and functionalization), and d) oil, gas, AlCl₃, and CPs (catalytic pyrolysis, leaching, and functionalization). Besides, the oil produced from catalytic pyrolysis is used for generation of electricity (scenario e). The results showed that wax and gas recovery scenario (a) has better environmental potential and environmental benefits compared to incineration practice. The results did not change much after extraction of Al and CPs (scenario b, c), with a few increasing by 2-4% in the total score. While a lot of environmental burdens from upgrading and utilization (Scenario d, e) were recorded, reaching 79 % due to the huge amount of the catalyst was used. Thus, MSR systems have bigger environmental benefits, however, the chemical and catalytic processes still need to be further improved to reduce the effect of terrestrial acidification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhizoctonia zeae was recently identified as the major Rhizoctonia species in corn and soybean fields in Nebraska and was shown to be pathogenic on corn and soybean seedlings. Fungicide seed treatments commonly used to manage seedling diseases include prothioconazole (demethylation inhibitor), fludioxonil (phenylpyrrole), sedaxane (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor), and azoxystrobin (quinone outside inhibitor; QoI). To establish the sensitivity of R. zeae to these fungicides, we isolated this pathogen from corn and soybean fields in Nebraska during 2015 to 2017 and estimated the relative effective concentration for 50% inhibition (EC50) of a total of 91 R. zeae isolates from Nebraska and Illinois. Average EC50 for prothioconazole, fludioxonil, sedaxane, and azoxystrobin was 0.219, 0.099, 0.078, and > 100 µgml-1, respectively. In planta assays showed that azoxystrobin did not significantly reduce the disease severity on soybean (P > 0.05). The cytochrome b gene of R. zeae did not harbor any mutation known to confer QoI resistance and had a type-I intron directly after codon 143 suggesting that a G143A mutation is unlikely to evolve in this pathogen. For prothioconazole, fludioxonil, and sedaxane, EC50 of isolates did not differ significantly among years of collection (P > 0.05) and their single discriminatory concentrations were identified as 0.1 µgml-1. This is the first study to establish non-target site resistance of R. zeae to azoxystrobin and the sensitivity of R. zeae to commonly used seed treatment fungicides in Nebraska. This information will help to guide strategies for chemical control of R. zeae and monitor sensitivity shifts in future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) is a cornerstone of environmental policy in the United States. The law regulates the generation, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals. Although regulated, hazardous releases can still occur at RCRA sites due to flawed equipment, human error, and dated historical practices. Releases are investigated and remediated through what is known as a Corrective Action (CA). Using Census data and a novel dataset of RCRA facilities across the contiguous U.S., we examine the possibility of systematic inequities with regards to the (i) siting of RCRA facilities, (ii) occurrence of releases and CAs, (iii) duration of CAs, and (iv) permanence of remediation methods. We find evidence of disproportionate impacts across racial, ethnic, and income dimensions. The results vary, however, depending on the different aspects of the siting and cleanup process, thus highlighting the need for multi-layered analyses to identify and fully understand potential inequities associated with environmental programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Chemical dissolution of nickel-titanium (NiTi) files involves the application of a fluoride solution in direct contact with a damaged instrument, whereas electrochemical dissolution involves the application of an electrical current to the electrolyte, which accelerates fragment dissolution. This study aimed to determine the hardness and concentration of calcium and phosphorus (Ca and P) ions in dentinal walls following chemical and electrochemical dissolution of fractured ProTaper F2 files with a novel chemical solution. Materials & Methods : Thirty human maxillary first molar palatal roots with fractured ProTaper F2 files in the middle third (length, 2.5 mm were divided into three groups according to the treatment techniques used with a novel solution (NaF 12 g/L + NaCl2 60 g/L + MgCl2 60 g/L + CaCl2 60 g/L) at pH 5: Group 1: distilled water (control group), Group 2: electrochemical dissolution, and Group 3: chemical dissolution using the novel solution. The novel solution was placed for 10 min using an electrochemical technique, and for 30 min in contact with the separated instrument in the chemical group. The Vickers microhardness test was performed in three areas: at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex, and an energy-dispersive X-ray test for both Ca and P ions was performed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey\'s tests were used for statistical analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the one-way ANOVA analysis, no difference was observed between the tested approaches (P > 0.05) in the three areas evaluated (3, 6, and 9 mm), with no difference in the Ca/P ratio between the tested groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared to the control group, the use of chemical and electrochemical dissolution methods with the novel solution did not affect dentin hardness or dentinal structure in terms of the Ca/P ratio, thereby indicating promising results while saving time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduced sensitivity to demethylation inhibitor (DMI) and quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) fungicides in Nothopassalora personata, the cause of late leaf spot of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) complicates management of this disease in the southeastern U.S. Mixtures with protectant fungicides may help preserve the utility of members of both DMI and QoI fungicide groups for leaf spot management. Field experiments were conducted in Tifton, GA from 2019 to 2021 and in Plains, GA during 2019 and 2020. The primary objective was to determine the effects of mixtures of DMI fungicides, tebuconazole and mefentrifluconazole, and QoI fungicides, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin, with micronized elemental sulfur on late leaf spot in fields with populations of N. personata with suspected reduced sensitivity to DMI and QoI fungicides. In four of the experiments, the efficacies of elemental sulfur and chlorothalonil as mixing partners were also compared. In most cases, standardized area under the disease progress curve (sAUDPC) and final percent defoliation were less for all DMI and QoI fungicides mixed with sulfur or chlorothalonil than for the respective fungicides alone. In most cases, sAUDPC and final percent defoliation were similar for sulfur and chlorothalonil when mixed with the respective DMI or QoI fungicide. These results indicate that mixtures of DMI or QoI fungicides with either micronized sulfur or chlorothalonil can improve control of late leaf spot compared to the DMI or QoI fungicide alone. These results also indicate that elemental sulfur has potential as an alternative to chlorothalonil in tank mixes where that protectant fungicide is currently being used as a mixing partner to improve leaf spot control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging fungal pathogens have always been an issue of concern in southeastern U.S. strawberry production. In 2023, an unusual outbreak of Gnomonia leaf blotch occurred at one North Carolina (NC) and multiple South Carolina (SC) strawberry farms and marked the first report of its occurrence in SC. Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of isolates from multiple locations identified the fungus Gnomoniopsis fructicola as the causal agent. In vitro germination of G. fructicola progressed slowly and remained less than 40% even after 24 h of incubation. Similarly, germ tube growth was slow compared to other pathogens. Slow symptom development on strawberry leaves of young strawberry plants grown in the greenhouse started 5 weeks after inoculation. Once the pathogen established on greenhouse plants, leaf necrosis forming blotches was observed. The baseline sensitivity of G. fructicola isolates to commonly used chemical classes of fungicides was assessed. Propiconazole, cyprodinil, pyraclostrobin, and fludioxonil were highly effective in mycelial growth assays with EC50 values < 0.01 µg/ml. Iprodione and thiophanate-methyl were also effective with EC50 values ranging from 0.05 to 1.38 and 2.01 to 23.96 µg/ml, respectively. Fluopyram and fenhexamid were ineffective with EC50 values >100 µg/ml. Based on conversations with the producers, the disease outbreak was linked to transplants from the same nursery source. This study reports for the first time the presence of Gnomonia leaf blotch in South Carolina and provides valuable insights into chemical management options for G. fructicola.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development and market emergence of vaginal sensors have begun to demonstrate their impact on women\'s healthcare. Until recently, in limited cases, these sensors have exhibited their capabilities in diagnosing and monitoring disorders of the vaginal tract during different stages of women\'s lives. This Perspective is a compilation of what has been accomplished so far in the landscape of vaginal sensors. The text explores the diverse types of vaginal sensor technologies, their applications, and their potential impact on women\'s healthcare. The review introduces the anatomy of the vagina and cervix and categorizes vaginal sensors that have been developed, highlighting the technologies and potential applications. The paper covers biomarkers of the vaginal tract and discusses their importance in maintaining the overall characteristics of the vaginal system. The text also explores the clinical implications of vaginal sensors in pregnancy monitoring, disease detection, and sexual health management. In the final step, the manuscript provides future perspectives and possibilities that can be incorporated in the emerging field of vaginal sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluazinam, a fungicide widely used in agriculture and turf management, was traditionally thought to pose a low risk of resistance. However, our in vitro sensitivity test conducted in 2021 revealed reduced sensitivity of fluazinam in dollar spot, highlighting the need for more careful field monitoring. In 2022 and 2023, we evaluated the field responses of four Clarireedia jacksonii isolates with different in vitro sensitivity to fluazinam. Fluazinam was used at a full labeled rate (0.5 oz/1,000 ft2) and a half-rate (0.25 oz/1,000 ft2) to evaluate the effectiveness of isolate-inoculated plots in the field. In 2022, natural and sensitive isolates showed significantly better control than insensitive isolates in both half- and full-rate treatments. However, in 2023, half-rate fluazinam demonstrated limited control in high disease pressure, providing relative disease control of dollar spot less than 45% across all treatments. In contrast, full-rate fluazinam maintained significantly better control of natural and sensitive isolates compared to insensitive isolates. Our results showing in vitro insensitivity leading to field insensitivity under inoculated field conditions suggest the development of fluazinam insensitivity in the C. jacksonii population. This highlights the need for judicious use of the fungicide fluazinam and the establishment of continuous resistance monitoring. Furthermore, the loss of control observed when applied at half-rates under high disease pressure highlights the importance of careful use of fungicides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola is one of the most important diseases affecting peach production in the southeastern USA. Management often involves the use of demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides, but efficacy can be compromised due to overexpression of the MfCYP51 gene encoding the 14α-demethylase of the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway. This study aimed to investigate the influence of the biorational fungicide Howler EVO containing Pseudomonas chlororaphis ASF009 metabolites, on the expression of MfCYP51 in M. fructicola and associated synergy with a DMI fungicide for control of DMI-resistant strains. Mycelia from two DMI-sensitive and three DMI-resistant M. fructicola isolates were exposed or not to propiconazole (0.3 µg/ml), Howler (78.5 µg/ml), or the combination propiconazole + Howler for 6 h prior to RNA extraction. Real-time PCR indicated that Howler reduced the constitutive expression of MfCYP51 in DMI sensitive and two of three DMI-resistant isolates. Propiconazole-induced expression of the DMI target gene was significantly reduced by Howler and by the mixture of Howler plus propiconazole in all isolates. Detached fruit studies on apple revealed that the combination of Howler plus a reduced label rate of Mentor (50 µg/ml propiconazole) was synergistic against brown rot caused by a DMI-resistant isolate in high and low inoculum spore concentration experiments (synergy values of 40.1 and 4.9, respectively). We hypothesize that the synergistic effects against M. fructicola resistant to DMI fungicides based on MfCYP51 gene overexpression can be attributed to reduced 14α demethylase production due to transcription inhibition, which may necessitate fewer DMI fungicide molecules to arrest fungal growth. The use of Howler /DMI mixtures for brown rot control warrants further investigation because such mixtures could potentially allow for reduced DMI fungicide use rates in the field without compromising yield or increased resistance selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The commercial swine industry utilizes artificial insemination (AI) in their breeding programs. With this assisted reproductive technology, the process starts by obtaining fresh ejaculates from desirable boars who are housed in a dedicated facility (i.e., stud) that also contains a clean-room laboratory where semen quality is assessed and then ejaculates processed into AI doses. In concert with AI adoption, disruptions in sow herd reproductive performance have been traced back to contributions made from the boar stud. Through field investigations and research, several extrinsic contaminants have been identified that impact semen quality either at the boar or AI-dose level. These contaminants can be categorized as either biological or chemical in origin, eliciting reprotoxic outcomes at the boar level and/or spermatotoxicity at the AI-dose level. Biological contaminants include multiple genera of primarily opportunistic microbes (i.e., bacteria, fungi), along with their secondary metabolites (e.g., endotoxins, exotoxins, mycotoxins). Chemical contaminants appear to originate from products used at the stud, and include cleaning agent/disinfectant residues, leachates from gloves and plastics, semen extender impurities, purified and drinking water impurities, and pesticides (i.e., biocides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, wood preservatives). In conclusion, contaminants are a real and constant threat to the health and productivity of a stud, and have caused significant reproductive and economic losses in the swine industry. The knowledge gained in recognizing the types and sources of contaminants provides a solid foundation for the development and implementation of pro-active strategies that mitigate risk to the industry.





