Cathepsin K

组织蛋白酶 K
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    External cervical resorption (ECR) is an aggressive disease characterized by resorption of the tooth root structure. While the pericanalar resorption-resistant sheet (PRRS) impedes ECR progression towards the pulp, the underlying mechanisms of its protective role in human teeth remain unclear. This study aimed to elucidate the pathology of ECR in a 31-year-old female patient by employing radiographic, histological, and immunohistochemical analyses of an extracted tooth. Histological examination revealed that the PRRS comprised dentin, predentin, and reparative bone-like tissue. Notably, clastic cells were observed on the surfaces of all three tissues within the same specimens. Immunohistochemical staining for cathepsin K demonstrated diminished resorptive activity of clastic cells on predentin compared to dentin and bone-like tissue. These findings suggest a potential role for predentin in attenuating clastic cell activity, potentially serving as the final barrier safeguarding the pulp tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas (ACPs) are rare benign epithelial tumours with high recurrence and poor prognosis. Biological differences between recurrent and primary ACPs that may be associated with disease recurrence and treatment have yet to be evaluated at the proteomic level. In this study, we aimed to determine the proteomic profiles of paired recurrent and primary ACP, gain biological insight into ACP recurrence, and identify potential targets for ACP treatment.
    METHODS: Patients with ACP (n = 15) or Rathke\'s cleft cyst (RCC; n = 7) who underwent surgery at Sanbo Brain Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China and received pathological confirmation of ACP or RCC were enrolled in this study. We conducted a proteomic analysis to investigate the characteristics of primary ACP, paired recurrent ACP, and RCC. Western blotting was used to validate our proteomic results and assess the expression of key tumour-associated proteins in recurrent and primary ACPs. Flow cytometry was performed to evaluate the exhaustion of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in primary and recurrent ACP tissue samples. Immunohistochemical staining for CD3 and PD-L1 was conducted to determine differences in T-cell infiltration and the expression of immunosuppressive molecules between paired primary and recurrent ACP samples.
    RESULTS: The bioinformatics analysis showed that proteins differentially expressed between recurrent and primary ACPs were significantly associated with extracellular matrix organisation and interleukin signalling. Cathepsin K, which was upregulated in recurrent ACP compared with that in primary ACP, may play a role in ACP recurrence. High infiltration of T cells and exhaustion of TILs were revealed by the flow cytometry analysis of ACP.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a preliminary description of the proteomic differences between primary ACP, recurrent ACP, and RCC. Our findings serve as a resource for craniopharyngioma researchers and may ultimately expand existing knowledge of recurrent ACP and benefit clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: The study evaluates the levels of matrix metalloprotease-8 (MMP-8), and Cathepsin-K (CatK) in peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) among patients with immediate loaded (IL) and delayed-loaded (DL) implants at different time points to know the inflammation and osteogenic status.
    METHODS: The study population consisted of two groups (n = 25, each group) with a mean age of 28.7 ± 3.5 years, and PICF was collected. MMP-8 and CatK levels were quantified through ELISA.
    RESULTS: We observed the concentrations of inflammatory markers (MMP-8 and CatK) at three time points in the IL and DL groups. The mean concentration of MMP-8 in the IL group was 9468 ± 1230 pg/mL, 5547 ± 1088 pg/mL, and 7248 ± 1396 pg/mL at 2 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months, respectively; while in the DL group was 10 816 ± 779.7 pg/mL, 9531 ± 1245 pg/mL, and 9132 ± 1265 pg/mL at 2 weeks, 3 and 12 months, respectively. The mean concentration of Cat-K in the IL group was observed at 422.1 ± 36.46 pg/mL, 242.9 ± 25.87 pg/mL, and 469 ± 75.38 pg/mL at 2 weeks, 3, and 12 months, whereas in the DL group was 654.6 ± 152.9 pg/mL, 314.7 ± 28.29 pg/mL, and 539.8 ± 115.1 pg/mL at 2 weeks, 3 months and 12 months, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the levels of CatK and MMP-8 levels decline at 12 months in both groups, and the IL group shows lower values compared to the DL group; however, no significant changes were observed after analyses were adjusted for multiple comparisons (p > 0.025). Therefore, there is not much difference observed in the inflammation process between immediate and delayed loading. (Clinical trial identifier: CTRI/2017/09/009668).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cathepsin K (catK) modulates the degradation of dentin collagen. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of catK inhibitors on dentin erosion. Dentin beams were eroded (4 times/d for 5 days) and immersed in deionized water (negative control), 0.1 M NaCl, 0.3 M NaCl, 0.5 M NaCl, or 1 μm odanacatib (each n = 16) for 30 min after each erosive challenge. Erosive dentin loss (EDL) and demineralized organic matrix (DOM) thickness were evaluated profilometrically. Additionally, dentin beams were demineralized, immersed in the respective solutions for 30 min each (n = 5), and then incubated in artificial saliva for 5 days. Dentin collage degradation was evaluated by quantifying the levels of the C-terminal peptide of type I collagen (CTX), C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), and hydroxyproline (HYP) in the incubation media. Significantly lower EDL and dentin collagen degradation (CTX, ICTP, and HYP) and thicker DOM layers were observed in the samples treated with 0.3 m NaCl and 1 μm odanacatib than in those treated with deionized water (all p < 0.05). The samples treated with 1 μm odanacatib showed significantly lower levels of CTX and HYP than those treated with 0.3 M NaCl (all p < 0.05). The present findings support the potential use of catK inhibitors in controlling dentin erosion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This post hoc analysis and modeling study examined the mechanism of action of odanacatib using a statistical model to explain sCTx response in ODN-treated patients as a function of other bone-turnover biomarkers that, with other observed biomarker changes, showed that odanacatib persistently inhibited osteoclastic bone removal activity without preventing osteoclastogenesis.
    BACKGROUND: Odanacatib (ODN) is an oral selective cathepsin K (CatK) inhibitor, previously in development for osteoporosis treatment. A post hoc analysis examined ODN\'s mechanism of action on bone-turnover biomarkers.
    METHODS: A subset of patients who completed 60 months\' treatment in the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT; NCT00529373) (N = 112 [57 ODN, 55 placebo]) were evaluated. Serum (s) and urine (u) samples were assayed at baseline and months 6-60 for 10 known bone-remodeling biomarkers: sCTx, uαα- and uββCTx/Cr, uNTx/Cr, sNTx, uDPD/Cr, sICTP, sTRAP5b, sPINP, and sBSAP. Because the CrossLaps® CTx assay identifies the CTx peptide as well as larger molecular weight CTx-containing peptides, including ICTP, a best-fit model was developed to explain the transient sCTx reduction in ODN-treated patients.
    RESULTS: ODN persistently reduced the bone-resorption markers sNTx, uNTx/Cr, uαα- and uββCTx/Cr, and uDPD/Cr, and gradually increased the target-engagement marker sICTP and osteoclast number (sTRAP5b), versus placebo from baseline to month 60. sCTx was transiently reduced with ODN within 12 months, returning to baseline by month 48. Modeling suggested that sCTx changes in the ODN group were primarily due to increased accumulation of larger CTx species, including sICTP. The bone-formation markers sPINP and sBSAP showed partial reductions, versus placebo, in the first 6 months but approached baseline by months 48-60.
    CONCLUSIONS: Observed changes in bone-turnover biomarkers support the persistent efficacy of ODN in direct inhibition of osteoclastic bone-resorption activity, without inhibition of osteoclastogenesis. Long-term evaluation also underscores the unique mechanism of ODN on osteoclastic collagen processing and subsequently osteoblastic bone formation.
    BACKGROUND: NCT00529373.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) development programmes face challenges due to discordance between structural changes and symptoms. A novel cathepsin-K inhibitor, MIV-711, recently reported structural benefits, but did not demonstrate a significant difference from placebo in symptoms. Previous work suggests that pain from non-target joints may confound OA pain outcomes. We therefore conducted an exploratory analysis in participants with predominantly unilateral knee pain from the MIV-711-201 trial.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants scoring below median contralateral knee NRS pain at baseline from the MIV-711-201 phase 2a clinical trial (n=119) were analysed by treatment group for differences in change from baseline in WOMAC pain, quantitative magnetic resonance imaging bone area and cartilage thickness with a repeated-measures mixed model adjusting for relevant co-variates.
    RESULTS: In the subgroup with unilateral knee pain, treatment with MIV-711 100 mg led to greater reduction in WOMAC pain compared to placebo (-5.0, 95% CI: -8.69 to -1.3, p=0.008), while 200 mg did not (-2.5, 95% CI: -6.5 to 1.6, p=0.23). MIV-711 treatment was associated with a reduced change in bone area compared to placebo (200 mg; -19.6 mm2 , 95% CI: -36.2 to -3.0, p=0.02, and 100 mg; -12.5 mm2 , 95% CI: -27.8 to 2.8, p=0.11,). No observed differences between treatment groups in cartilage thickness were found in this subgroup.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a subgroup with predominantly unilateral knee pain, significant reduction in OA pain by MIV-711 100 mg treatment was found, with concurrent beneficial structural effects, highlighting the importance of appropriate pain inclusion criteria in OA trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The only difference between fractured and non-fractured postmenopausal women with PHPT of same sex, age, and BMI was a significantly mean higher serum k-periostin level. K-periostin value was associated with fracture at any site (odds ratio 1.044, 95% CI 1.005-1.091, p = 0.03).
    BACKGROUND: To assess serum k-periostin fragment levels in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), fractured and non-fractured matched for sex, age, and body mass index.
    METHODS: Twenty-five Caucasian fractured postmenopausal women with PHPT (group Fx) and 25 PHPT non-fractured (group NFx) were enrolled. Each patient underwent DXA scan at lumbar, hip, and forearm, spine X-ray, and biochemical evaluation of calcium metabolism. For k-periostin analyses, we utilized a specific ELISA test that detects CatK-generated fragment levels in the bloodstream.
    RESULTS: We found no difference in mean BMD and bone turnover marker values between Fx and NFx groups. Prevalence of osteoporosis was not significantly different in Fx vs NFx (72% vs 60%, p = 0.55). Among Fx, 16% reported multiple fractures, 28% morphometric vertebral fractures, 4% femoral fractures, 28% non-vertebral non-femoral fractures, and 8% wrist fractures. The only detectable difference between Fx and NFx group was a significantly mean higher k-periostin serum level (46.2 ± 21.4 vs 34.7 ± 13.5 ng/ml, p = 0.02). K-periostin was associated with fracture at any site (odds ratio 1.044, 95% CI 1.005-1.091, p = 0.03). No difference in mean k-periostin values was found between patients with vertebral fracture vs those with non-vertebral fracture, and between those with multiple fractures vs those with single fracture.
    CONCLUSIONS: Serum k-periostin is significantly associated with fracture in PHPT. If confirmed by further studies, k-periostin could be considered a new marker of bone fragility in PHPT, independently of BMD.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase III






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    MIV-711 is a novel selective cathepsin K inhibitor with beneficial effects on bone and cartilage in preclinical osteoarthritis models.
    To evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of MIV-711 in participants with symptomatic, radiographic knee osteoarthritis.
    26-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2a study with a 26-week open-label safety extension substudy. (EudraCT: 2015-003230-26 and 2016-001096-73).
    Six European sites.
    244 participants with primary knee osteoarthritis, Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 or 3, and pain score of 4 to 10 on a numerical rating scale (NRS).
    MIV-711, 100 (n = 82) or 200 (n = 81) mg daily, or matched placebo (n = 77). Participants (46 who initially received 200 mg/d and 4 who received placebo) received 200 mg of MIV-711 daily during the extension substudy.
    The primary outcome was change in NRS pain score. The key secondary outcome was change in bone area on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Other secondary end points included cartilage thickness on quantitative MRI and type I and II collagen C-telopeptide biomarkers. Outcomes were assessed over 26 weeks.
    Changes in NRS pain scores with MIV-711 were not statistically significant (placebo, -1.4; MIV-711, 100 mg/d, -1.7; MIV-711, 200 mg/d, -1.5). MIV-711 significantly reduced medial femoral bone area progression (P = 0.002 for 100 mg/d and 0.004 for 200 mg/d) and medial femoral cartilage thinning (P = 0.023 for 100 mg/d and 0.125 for 200 mg/d) versus placebo and substantially reduced bone and cartilage biomarker levels. Nine serious adverse events occurred in 6 participants (1 in the placebo group, 3 in the 100 mg group, and 2 in the 200 mg group); none were considered to be treatment-related.
    The trial was relatively short.
    MIV-711 was not more effective than placebo for pain, but it significantly reduced bone and cartilage progression with a reassuring safety profile. This treatment may merit further evaluation as a disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the long-term effects of the cathepsin K inhibitor ONO-5334 on bone mass and strength in ovariectomised (OVX) cynomolgus monkeys. Animals were assigned to one of the following six groups: Sham (non-OVX), OVX control treated with vehicle, ONO-5334 1.2, 6 or 30 mg/kg/day, p.o., or alendronate (ALN) 0.05 mg/kg/2 weeks, i.v. for 16 months. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) analysis revealed that ONO-5334 increased not only trabecular bone mineral density (BMD) but also cortical BMD in the distal radius and the lumbar vertebra. ONO-5334 and ALN suppressed the deterioration of trabecular architecture by micro-CT analysis in the distal radius. Assessments of bone strength showed that ONO-5334 increased maximum load at the distal and midshaft radius. The linear regression lines between bone mass and strength in the lumbar vertebra were tended to be shifted towards increasing bone strength in the ONO-5334 6 and 30 mg/kg groups compared with the ALN groups. This indicated that bone strength was higher in the ONO-5334 groups than the ALN group, even though bone mineral content (BMC) and BMD were comparable. Subpopulation analysis revealed that, at similar integral BMC or BMD level, cortical bone mass for ONO-5334 was higher than for ALN; the opposite effects were observed for trabecular bone. In conclusion, ONO-5334 preferentially increased cortical bone, which may provide a greater contribution to bone strength. Since these results support a different mode of action for ONO-5334 compared with that of ALN, ONO-5334 may offer new therapeutic options to patients with osteoporosis.





