Capillary electrophoresis (CE)

毛细管电泳 (CE)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper serves as an annual review of capillary electrophoresis (CE) technology for 2023. The journals were selected based on their impact factor (IF), a universally recognized academic performance metric, combined with experimental work closely related to CE technology, to facilitate the rapid acquisition of significant research and application advancements in CE technology in 2023. A thematic search of the ISI Web of Science database yielded 669 research papers on CE technology published in 2023. This review highlights five experimental papers published in journals with IFs greater than 10.0, including Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research, Engineering, Journal of Medical Virology, and Carbohydrate Polymers, and 31 experimental papers from representative journals with IFs between 5.0 and 10.0, such as Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Talanta, and Food Chemistry. It also provides an overview of experimental research in journals with focused reporting on CE technology but with IFs less than 5.0, such as Journal of Chromatography A and Electrophoresis, as well as significant experimental research from key domestic Chinese core journals (Peking University). In 2023, all the latest scientific advancements reported in journals with an IF greater than 10.0 utilized previously reported CE methods, offering new breakthroughs for the promotion and application of CE technology. Additionally, new applications of CE in conjunction with mass spectrometry remained a hot topic. An increase in reports on the hardware aspects of CE, such as 3D printing and underwater systems, and significant breakthroughs in the analysis of non-solution samples, such as solid particles, cell vesicles, cells, viruses, and bacteria, was noted. CE is advantageous for the analysis of drugs and their components. In Chinese journals, the number of papers on CE applications exceeded that in previous years, with particular focus on the field of printing for new applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetic foot is a serious late complication frequently caused by infection and ischaemia. Both require prompt and aggressive treatment to avoid lower limb amputation. The effectiveness of peripheral arterial disease therapy can be easily verified using triplex ultrasound, ankle-brachial/toe-brachial index examination, or transcutaneous oxygen pressure. However, the success of infection treatment is difficult to establish in patients with diabetic foot. Intravenous systemic antibiotics are recommended for the treatment of infectious complications in patients with moderate or serious stages of infection. Antibiotic therapy should be initiated promptly and aggressively to achieve sufficient serum and peripheral antibiotic concentrations. Antibiotic serum levels are easily evaluated by pharmacokinetic assessment. However, antibiotic concentrations in peripheral tissues, especially in diabetic foot, are not routinely detectable. This review describes microdialysis techniques that have shown promise in determining antibiotic levels in the surroundings of diabetic foot lesions.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This article provides a detailed review of capillary electrophoresis (CE) technology in 2022, summarizing a total of 881 CE technology-related articles searched from ISI Web of Science using the keywords \"capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry\" or \"capillary isoelectric focusing\" or \"micellar electrokinetic chromatography\" or \"capillary electrophoresis\" (excluding \"capillary electrochromatography\"\"microchip\" \"microfluidic\" \"capillary monolithic column\"). The review focuses on 16 articles published in Lancet Global Health, ACS Central Science, Microbiome, Trends in Food Science & Technology, TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, Food Hydrocolloids, Science of the Total Environment, and Carbohydrate Polymers with impact factors (IFs) greater than 10.0, and 46 articles published in Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Talanta, and Food Chemistry with IFs between 5.0 and 10.0. A comprehensive overview of representative CE works published in Journal of Chromatography A, Electrophoresis, and important Chinese core journals (Peking University) with IFs<5.0 is also provided. Based on IFs, this review introduces representative works on CE to facilitate readers\' understanding of important research advances in CE technology over the last year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review provides an overview of the online hyphenation of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) with separation methods to date. The online coupling between separation techniques (gas and liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis) and FT-ICR MS essentially raises questions of compromise and is not look as straightforward as hyphenation with other analyzers (QTOF-MS for instance). FT-ICR MS requires time to reach its highest resolving power and accuracy in mass measurement capabilities whereas chromatographic and electrophoretic peaks are transient. In many applications, the strengths and the weaknesses of each technique are balanced by their hyphenation. Untargeted \"Omics\" (e.g. proteomics, metabolomics, petroleomics, …) is one of the main areas of application for FT-ICR MS hyphenated to online separation techniques because of the complexity of the sample. FT-ICR MS achieves the required high mass measurement accuracy to determine accurate molecular formulae and resolution for isobar distinction. Meanwhile separation techniques highlight isomers and reduce the ion suppression effects extending the dynamic range. Even if the implementation of FT-ICR MS hyphenated with online separation methods is a little trickier (the art of compromise), this review shows that it provides unparalleled results to the scientific community (the art of the possible), along with raising the issue of its future in the field with the relentless technological progress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper provides an annual review of capillary electrophoresis (CE) technology in 2021. A total of 291 research papers related to CE technology published in 2021 were retrieved from the ISI Web of Science using the keywords, \"capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry\" \"capillary isoelectric focusing\" \"micellar electrokinetic chromatography\", or \"capillary electrophoresis\" (not \"capillary electrochromatography\" \"microchip\" and \"capillary monolithic column\"). In addition, nine research papers related to CE technology in Chinese journals were reviewed: Chinese Journal of Chromatography and Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. This review focused on seven papers published in Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, Nature Protocols, TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, and Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy with impact factors (IFs) greater than 10.0, as well as 42 papers reported in Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Talanta, and Food Chemistry with IFs between 5.0 and 10.0. This review also provides a comprehensive overview of representative CE works in Journal of Chromatography A and Electrophoresis with IFs<5.0, as well as important Chinese journals, Chinese Journal of Chromatography and Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. According to the IF, this paper introduces the representative work of CE-related papers to allow readers to quickly understand the important research progress of CE technology in the past year.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This paper reviews the developments in capillary electrophoresis (CE) in 2020. A total of 222 research papers related to CE technology published in 2020 were retrieved from the ISI Web of Science. These papers were selected by using the keywords \"capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry\", \"capillary isoelectric focusing\", \"micellar electrokinetic chromatography\", or \"capillary electrophoresis\" as search conditions. A further 37 research papers related to CE technology were found in Chinese journals: Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry and Chinese Journal of Chromatography. The 38 papers published in 13 different journals with an impact factor (IF)≥5.0 are individually discussed. In particular, the journal Analytical Chemistry (IF=6.8) was found to have nine relevant articles, eight of which were related to CE-MS technology and its application, while Food Chemistry (IF=6.3) published five articles with four papers based on micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and its combined technology. This demonstrated that MEKC can simultaneously separate negatively charged, positively charged, and neutral particles, in addition to featuring the advantage of combining different detector applications for the analysis of target matter in a complex matrix. In Analytica Chimica Acta (IF=6.0), five articles were collected, which mainly focused on new applications of CE-MS and multimode CE research. In Talanta (IF=5.3), 10 articles were collected, which focused on new methods and applications of CE and CE-MS. The remaining nine articles, i. e., seven experimental articles, one review article, and one introduction of scientific research achievements, were published in various other high-impact journals. At the same time, 184 articles were found in 89 journals with IF<5.0. In particular, the Journal of Chromatography A (IF=4.1) and Electrophoresis (IF=3.1) contained intensive reports for CE: 16 and 24 publications in relevant areas. The representative contents of 40 articles published in two journals were introduced comprehensively in this review, including new materials and new applications of MEKC, as well as new applications of CE-MS and CE. An overview of the work in the 37 articles collected from Chinese journals included \"Aptamer Special Issue\" published by Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry and two CE technical special issues published by Chinese Journal of Chromatography. In the \"Aptamer Special Issue\", Qu Feng\'s research group from Beijing Institute of Technology reported five works on aptamers based on CE, while the contents of Chinese Journal of Chromatography include new applications of CE and new materials in capillary tubes. In summary, new methods and applications of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) were the prominent development trend in CE technology in the year 2020, with the main focus being on the combination of CE-MS with electrochemical detection, solid-phase extraction, and various capillary electrophoresis modes. The number of reports related to the CE-MS interface has decreased compared to that in previous years. Conventional CE technology is mainly focused on the applications of MEKC in the analysis and concentration of complex samples, especially for the analysis of complex matrix samples such as food and drugs. In addition, the scientific research achievements of Chinese experts and scholars in CE-related fields cover the application of CE in life sciences, clinical medicine, pharmaceutical research and development, environmental science, natural products, food analysis, etc., representing the level and current status of the application of CE research in China.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This paper reviews the capillary electrophoresis (CE) in 2019. The literatures searched from ISI Web of Science published in 2019 (Jan.1st to Dec.31th) are classified and introduced based on bioanalysis, drug analysis, clinical tests and medical diagnosis, chiral separation, foods tests, other compounds and ion analysis, and the application of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS). International and domestic conferences related to CE and the important research reports are briefly introduced.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This paper reviews the capillary electrophoresis (CE) in 2018. The literatures searched from ISI Web of Science in 2018 (Jan. 1st to Dec. 31th) are classified and introduced based on life science, drugs analysis, chiral separation, medical and clinical tests, CE related instruments improvement, food safety tests and environmental monitoring. Eight conferences and the important reports are introduced briefly. The current domestic and foreign standards of CE method are complemented. In the end, the major domestic CE instruments are listed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper reviews the capillary electrophoresis (CE) in 2017.The literatures searched from ISI Web of Science published in 2017(Jan.1 to Dec.31) is classified and introduced based on drug analysis, medical and clinical tests, foodsafety tests, environmental monitoring, CE-mass spectrometry technology, chiral analysis, and biological molecules.Seven international and two national conferences are included and important reports are briefly described.Finally, the first prize of the 2017 China Science and Technology Awards, which involved CE applications, is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem repeats are the gold standard for human identification but are not informative for forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as genetic markers can be applied to both identification and FDP. The concept of DNA intelligence emerged with the potential for SNPs to infer biogeographical ancestry (BGA) and externally visible characteristics (EVCs), which together enable the FDP process. For more than a decade, the SNaPshot® technique has been utilised to analyse identity and FDP-associated SNPs in forensic DNA analysis. SNaPshot is a single-base extension (SBE) assay with capillary electrophoresis as its detection system. This multiplexing technique offers the advantage of easy integration into operational forensic laboratories without the requirement for any additional equipment. Further, the SNP panels from SNaPshot® assays can be incorporated into customised panels for massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Many SNaPshot® assays are available for identity, BGA and EVC profiling with examples including the well-known SNPforID 52-plex identity assay, the SNPforID 34-plex BGA assay and the HIrisPlex EVC assay. This review lists the major forensically relevant SNaPshot® assays for human DNA SNP analysis and can be used as a guide for selecting the appropriate assay for specific identity and FDP applications.





