
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxocara canis is a globally distributed zoonotic parasite. The parasite has recently become a concern for public health in Vietnam. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify and quantify the risk factors associated with T. canis infection in dogs in Dak Lak province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The risk factors were identified using a mixed-effects logistic regression model and quantified using population attributable fractions. Examination of fecal samples collected from 1455 dogs using the sodium nitrate flotation technique showed 37.32% (95% CI: 34.83-39.86) of dogs infected with T. canis. The factors, including study location, multiple dogs living in a household, dog age, dog breed, and places keeping dogs were associated with a dog\'s likelihood of being T. canis infection. The household and individual dog levels contributed 17% and 82%, respectively, to the prevalence of T. canis in dogs. The adjusted population attributable fraction for confining dogs and raising an individual dog per household was 52% and 27%, respectively. The result of this study indicated that to minimize the burden of T. canis, intervention measures should target individual dogs and household levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this retrospective study is to summarize causes of disease and mortality in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the North American Species Survival Plan Program (SSP) population. This information will inform and enhance animal health, husbandry, and conservation efforts. Pathology reports were requested from all zoological institutions housing maned wolves between 1930 and 2021. Data were reviewed and cause of death (COD) and reported diseases were summarized and compared by age group, organ system and disease process. One hundred and seventy-one wolves, 82 females and 89 males, met the inclusion criteria. The majority were geriatric (>11 yr; n = 96) or adult (2-11 yr; n = 67). Noninfectious diseases were the most common COD by process (n = 94; 54.9%). For COD by organ system, diseases of the digestive (n = 41) and urinary (n = 34) systems were most common. Neoplasia was the most common noninfectious COD and was the primary COD in 37 wolves (21.6% overall; 39.4% of noninfectious diseases). A total of 145 benign (n = 72) and malignant (n = 73) neoplasms were diagnosed in 44 individuals. Dysgerminoma was the most commonly reported tumor (n = 18), and was the most common neoplastic COD (n = 8). Cystinuria or urolithiasis (n = 71) and gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, or colitis (n = 50) (overall and grouped in each system due to presumed common underlying cause) were also common but were more often reported as comorbidities than as COD (n = 16 and n = 11, respectively). Infectious COD were reported in 17 wolves and included babesiosis (n = 4), acanthocephalans (n = 2), and one viral infection. Infections with a variety of bacteria in different organ systems were a COD in eight wolves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractMortality is considered one of the main costs of dispersal. A reliable evaluation of mortality, however, is often hindered by a lack of information about the fate of individuals that disappear under unexplained circumstances (i.e., missing individuals). Here, we addressed this uncertainty by applying a Bayesian mortality analysis that inferred the fate of missing individuals according to information from individuals with known fate. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that mortality during dispersal is higher than mortality among nondispersers using 32 years of mark-resighting data from a free-ranging population of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) in northern Botswana. Contrary to expectations, we found that mortality during dispersal was lower than mortality among nondispersers, indicating that higher mortality is not a universal cost of dispersal. Our findings suggest that group living can incur costs for certain age classes, such as limited access to resources as group density increases, that exceed the mortality costs associated with dispersal. By challenging the accepted expectation of higher mortality during dispersal, we urge for further investigations of this key life history trait and propose a robust statistical approach to reduce bias in mortality estimates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combining naturalistic enclosure design and animal welfare with visitor interests and education can be challenging for zoos and wildlife parks. To accomplish both purposes, different types of enrichment (food-based or non-food-based items, such as environmental, sensory, cognitive, social) can be used. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of food-based and olfactory enrichments on enclosure use, behavior, and visibility of captive brown bears (Ursus arctos), pine martens (Martes martes), domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo), and golden jackals (Canis aureus).
    We used observational approaches to measure enclosure use, behavior, and visibility during three different experimental phases: (1) pre-enrichment (baseline, no experience with the enrichment yet), (2) during enrichment (enrichment was provided at low frequented locations in the enclosures that are easily visible to visitors), and (3) post-enrichment (enrichment was removed from the enclosures).
    We found that enrichment led to a uniform use of the enclosure and enhanced visibility in brown bears, increased activity budgets in pine martens, and observed high object interaction in both species. No effects of enrichment were detected in domestic ferrets. Golden jackals did not leave their burrows during daytime during the entire observation period; thus, observations were not possible at all. Our results suggest different effects of food-based enrichment, e.g., enclosure use, temporal activity patterns, and animal visibility. However, further studies should control for the specific role of the factors involved. Our study represents one of the first explorations of food-based enrichment in rather understudied species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To utilize standardized clinical veterinary methods to analyze dental health in a series of Roman dog maxillae and mandibles and to compare results to modern clinical data.
    METHODS: 28 skulls of juvenile and adult dogs from three archaeological sites in Switzerland and Germany dating to the Roman period.
    METHODS: Standardized examination was carried out, which included metric radiographic assessment to diagnose oral pathology and estimate age at death. In one case, CT analysis was undertaken.
    RESULTS: The estimated average age at death was between three and four years old. Tooth fracture, periodontal disease, the presence of non-vital teeth, and brachycephalic skull form were found in the sample. Tooth resorption was unexpectedly noted.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study provides valuable insights into the dental health of dogs in the Roman era. Compared to modern dogs, Roman dogs examined in this study appear to have a shorter lifespan but display a high rate of pathological dental disease, while disease patterns were very similar to those of modern dogs. Dogs with pronounced brachycephalic features were found.
    CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study is the first to use standardized clinical examination and recording techniques to assess dental health in dogs from archaeological contexts. It provides insight into the dental health of Roman era dogs and offers data upon which cross-populational studies can be initiated.
    CONCLUSIONS: The sample size and geographic location of the archaeological sites were limited.
    UNASSIGNED: Subsequent standardized studies, preferably in as many different Roman Empire regions as possible, are recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is part of captive breeding programs designed to support free-living populations and genetic diversity. This study\'s aim was to identify common causes of morbidity and mortality objectively in United Kingdom captive African wild dogs to inform management recommendations that will improve health and welfare and reduce disease prevalence. Data were gathered from 140 individual dogs housed in 10 institutions, with morbidity records for 122 individuals and 70 postmortem reports. Descriptive statistics including the Mann-Whitney U test and odds ratios were used to analyze morbidity and mortality across age and sex. The most common cause of death for African wild dogs, excluding those,< 7 d old, was trauma (23%), followed by geriatric (18%), degenerative (15%), and neoplastic (14%) conditions. The most common morbidity was also trauma (62%), of which 76% was caused by intraspecific aggression. Integumentary disease secondary to trauma was the most common morbidity by body system. Eight independent incidents of barbiturate toxicosis from consumption of contaminated carcasses, affecting 18 animals, were identified. Records for neonatal deaths were incomplete and conclusions limited; neonatal loss was estimated at 20.5%. Recommendations include research into factors affecting intraspecific aggression in captivity, operant conditioning for hand injection, provision of dietary carcasses from reputable sources, and improved record-keeping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to assess the biocompatibility and efficacy of a prostatic urethral lift (PUL) for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Human BPH-1 cells were co-cultured with implant anchors and sutures, and cytotoxicity was measured. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe adhesion and growth of cells and to evaluate implant biocompatibility. Fifteen male beagle dogs were randomly assigned to the surgical (n = 9) or sham-operated (n = 6) groups. The surgical group underwent cystotomy, and PUL was used to insert two implants in each lobe of the prostate to compress the enlarged prostate and dilate the urethra; the sham group underwent cystotomy without implant insertion. Compared with the control group, no significant difference in cell viability among the groups with different co-culture times of implant anchors and sutures (P > 0.05) was observed. SEM revealed good adhesion and growth of prostate cells on the implants. Improvements in urine flow rates remained stable at 7, 28, and 180 days after surgery, and the urethral diameter in the prostate region was significantly increased compared with that before surgery. PUL is a biocompatible and effective treatment for BPH, improving the urine flow rate without causing inflammation, tissue damage, or cytotoxic effects. Here, the basis for further PUL application was provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization between species with different evolutionary trajectories can be a powerful threat to wildlife conservation. Anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture and livestock, have led to the degradation and loss of natural habitats for wildlife. Consequently, the incidence of interspecific hybridization between wild and domestic species has increased, although cases involving species of different genera are rare. In Vacaria, a Southern city in Brazil, a female canid with a strange phenotype, which had characteristics between the phenotype of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and that of the pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus), was found. Our analysis suggests that the animal is a hybrid between a domestic dog and a pampas fox, but future studies are necessary to investigate additional cases of this hybridization in nature. This finding worries for the conservation of wild canids in South America, especially concerning Lycalopex species. Hybridization with the domestic dog may have harmful effects on pampas fox populations due to the potential for introgression and disease transmission by the domestic dog. Therefore, future studies to explore the consequences of hybridization on genetics, ecology, and behavior of wild populations will be essential to improve the conservation of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trichophyton, Microsporum, Nannizzia and Epidermophyton genera cause dermatophytosis, the most common and highly contagious infectious skin disease. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most visited cities in the Southern Hemisphere, located in the most visited state of Brazil. This retrospective study investigated epidemiological and laboratorial aspects of dermatophytosis in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, by using spatiotemporal analysis. More than half of all individuals were infected by one or more dermatophytes. A variation between 18 and 106 years-old of the studied population was verified, and women more frequently affected. Patients were more frequently infected by Trichophyton spp., most of them T. rubrum, followed by T. mentagrophytes. M. canis and N. gypsea were more frequently isolated in the age group between 40 and 60 years old, while T. rubrum predominates among younger patients. All species presented homogeneous distribution while T. tonsurans appears to be restricted to the Rio de Janeiro capital and E. floccosum to the municipality of Macaé (190 Km apart from RJ). Rio de Janeiro state presented spatial clusters of dermatophytosis with high density in Guanabara Bay (E. floccosum, M. canis, N. gypsea, T. tonsurans) and Niterói (T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes) but low density in Macaé (E. floccosum). Significant spatiotemporal clusters on dermatophytosis cases were detected in distinct municipalities (p-value ≤ 0.05). The Vulnerability Index (r = 0.293) and Demographic Density (r = 0.652) distributed according to neighborhoods in Niterói were direct related with dermatophytosis cases whereas Income (r = -0.306) was inversely correlated (p-value ≤ 0.05). The dermatophytosis spatiotemporal distinct distribution after two major international events in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, highlight the pressing need for specific measures of its prevention and controlling. This is particularly relevant in touristic tropical localities which must consider both socio-economical and traveler\'s medicine variables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sense of smell plays a fundamental role in mammalian survival. There is a considerable amount of information available on the vomeronasal system of both domestic and wild canids. However, much less information is available on the canid main olfactory system, particularly at the level of the main olfactory bulb. Comparative study of the neuroanatomy of wild and domestic canids provides an excellent model for understanding the effects of selection pressure associated with domestication. A comprehensive histological (hematoxylin-eosin, Nissl, Tolivia and Gallego\'s Trichrome stains), lectin (UEA, LEA) and immunohistochemical (Gαo, Gαi2, calretinin, calbindin, olfactory marker protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, microtubule-associated protein 2) study of the olfactory bulbs of the dog, fox and wolf was performed. Our study found greater macroscopic development of the olfactory bulb in both the wolf and fox compared to the dog. At the microscopic level, all three species show a well-developed pattern of lamination and cellularity typical of a macrosmatic animal. However, greater development of cellularity in the periglomerular and mitral layers of wild canids is characteristic. Likewise, the immunohistochemical study shows comparable results between the three species, but with a noticeably higher expression of markers in wild canids. These results suggest that the reduction in encephalization experienced in dogs due to domestication also corresponds to a lower degree of morphological and neurochemical differentiation of the olfactory bulb.





