
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inequalities in illness, service provision, and outcomes are well documented in the Nordic universal welfare state. The ways in which inequalities are produced during illness recovery trajectories remain largely unknown. Long-term brain injury rehabilitation in this context provides a window into veiled aspects of inequality and the underlying mechanisms. We examine inequality empirically by combing framing field structures with the classed abilities of families to mobilise capital after a severe acquired brain injury (severe ABI). Using a Bourdieuan theoretical framework, informed by the concepts of field, doxa, cultural health capital (CHC), and rehabilitation capital (RC), we designed a longitudinal case study encompassing professional records, observations, and interviews that tracked and analysed subjects\' trajectories. We found that families\' consistent accumulation and conversion of capital was crucial after a severe ABI because of the multifaceted rehabilitation process involving many different field specific agendas and doxas. This study supplements previous concepts (CHC and RC) developed in a health care context by including other rehabilitation contexts. These disparities in forms of capital amongst social classes result in winners and losers and were reflected in the rehabilitation trajectories of the young adults, characterised by continuity on one extreme and broken trajectories on the other.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medical education research field operates at the crossroads of two distinct academic worlds: higher education and medicine. As such, this field provides a unique opportunity to explore new forms of cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange.
    Cross-disciplinary knowledge flow in medical education research was examined by looking at citation patterns in the five journals with the highest impact factor in 2017. To grasp the specificities of the knowledge flow in medical education, the field of higher education was used as a comparator. In total, 2031 citations from 64 medical education and 41 higher education articles published in 2017 were examined.
    Medical education researchers draw on a narrower range of knowledge communities than their peers in higher education. Medical education researchers predominantly cite articles published in health and medical education journals (80% of all citations), and to a lesser extent, articles published in education and social science journals. In higher education, while the largest share of the cited literature is internal to the domain (36%), researchers cite literature from across the social science spectrum. Findings suggest that higher education scholars engage in conversations with academics from a broader range of communities and perspectives than their medical education colleagues.
    Using Pierre Bourdieu\'s concepts of doxa and field, it is argued that the variety of epistemic cultures entering the higher education research space contributes to its interdisciplinary nature. Conversely, the existence of a relatively homogeneous epistemic culture in medicine potentially impedes cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fundamental cause theory (FCT) is among the most widely recognised and accepted social science frameworks used to examine the processes driving health inequalities. Despite the wide influence of the theory, it remains largely underutilised in practical and applied research on health disparities. This paper proposes that Pierre Bourdieu\'s theories of capital and symbolic power can be integrated with FCT to address limitations in the latter theory, making it more useful in health disparities research. Using a case study of U.S. health insurance claim denials for genetic testing among women with a breast cancer diagnosis, this work illustrates how the theoretical constructs of FCT and Bourdieu\'s work articulate, and consequently deepens our appreciation for the durable relationship between socioeconomic status and health. Study results reveal the multiple and complex mechanisms that play a role in access to healthcare services, which has significant implications for how we think about the role of health policy in addressing health disparities.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Class relations have been proven to affect various aspects of social life, even in modern individualized societies. However, following claims on individualization and the so-called \'death of class\' thesis, studying the subjective dimension of class - that is, the way individuals perceive of class relations and their own position within them - has gone out of style. We argue that even in equalized societies, subjective class perceptions may still influence attitudes and behaviour as they evolve to fit modern class relations. To explore the existence as well as structure and content of perceived social classes, this article investigates how people describe society and social groups in focus group discussions. We find that groups in different positions in terms of education and economy all tend to apply hierarchical class categories to describe Danish society, which is normally seen as one of the most equal societies and political systems in the world. In addition, we find that economic resources serve as a baseline for the hierarchical ordering, often supplemented with notions of education, lifestyle and/or occupational profile. Even though people are somewhat uncomfortable with the notion of class, their descriptions of Danish society and classes are surprisingly similar within and across groups. We conclude that not only do class relations matter; people are also highly aware of the existing classes and able to position themselves and others according to their notion of classes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to consider the sociology of childhood in relation to child health maintenance, restoration and promotion, through discussion of three intersecting themes: children as a minority social group; children as embodied social actors and children as agents in the inter-generational division of labour. I build on my previous work on children\'s negotiations of their health status, at home and at school and review some important developments and research studies over the last 15 years or so. This period has seen the expansion of research on childhood, linguistically and geographically; and has focused attention on how children\'s health and well-being relate to social expectations of them as paid workers and as schoolchildren.





