
BoDV - 1
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The emerging zoonotic Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) and the variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 (VSBV-1) cause severe and fatal human encephalitis in Germany. We conducted the first systematic clinical analysis of acute, molecularly confirmed fatal bornavirus encephalitis cases comprising 21 BoDV-1 and four VSBV-1 patients to identify options for better diagnosis and timely treatment.
    METHODS: Analyses were based on medical records and, for BoDV-1, on additional medical interviews with patients\' relatives.
    RESULTS: Disease onset was unspecific, often with fever and headache, inconsistently mixed with early fluctuating neurological symptoms, all rapidly leading to severe encephalopathy and progressive vigilance decline. Very shortly after seeking the first medical advice (median time interval 2 and 0 days for BoDV-1 and VSBV-1, respectively), all except one patient were hospitalised upon manifest neurological symptoms (median 10 and 16 days respectively after general symptom onset). Neurological symptoms varied, always progressing to coma and death. BoDV-1 and VSBV-1 patients required ventilation a median of three and five days, and died a median of 32 and 72 days, after hospitalisation. Death occurred mostly after supportive treatment cessation at different points in time based on poor prognosis. Disease duration therefore showed a wide, incomparable range.
    CONCLUSIONS: The extremely rapid progression is the most obvious clinical characteristic of bornavirus encephalitis and the timeframe for diagnosis and targeted therapy is very short. Therefore, our results demand an early clinical suspicion based on symptomatology, epidemiology, imaging, and laboratory findings, followed by prompt virological testing as a prerequisite for any potentially effective treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2018, Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) was confirmed as a human zoonotic pathogen causing rare but fatal encephalitis in Germany. While diagnostic procedures and the clinical picture have been described, epidemiology remains mysterious. Though endemic areas and a natural reservoir host have been identified with the shrew Crocidura leucodon shedding virus in secretions, transmission events, routes and risk factors are unclear. We performed the first comprehensive epidemiological study, combining a large case series with the first case-control study: We interviewed family members of 20 PCR-confirmed BoDV-1 encephalitis cases deceased in 1996-2021 with a standardized questionnaire covering medical history, housing environment, profession, animal contacts, outdoor activities, travel, and nutrition. Cases\' median age was 51 (range 11-79) years, 12/20 were female, and 18/20 lived in the federal state of Bavaria in Southeastern Germany. None had a known relevant pre-existing medical condition. None of the interviews yielded a transmission event such as direct shrew contact, but peridomestic shrew presence was confirmed in 13 cases supporting environmental transmission. Residency in rural areas endemic for animal BoDV-1 was the common denominator of all cases. A subsequent individually matched case-control study revealed residence close to nature in a stand-alone location or on the fringe of the settlement as a risk factor for disease in multivariable analysis with an adjusted OR of 10.8 (95% CI 1.3-89.0). Other variables including keeping cats were not associated with disease. Targeted prevention, future post-exposure-prophylaxis, and timely diagnosis remain challenging.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The true burden and geographical distribution of human Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) encephalitis is unknown. All detected cases so far have been recorded in Bavaria, southern Germany.
    METHODS: A retrospective laboratory and epidemiological investigation of a 2017 case of fatal encephalitis in a farmer in Brandenburg, northeast Germany, demonstrated BoDV-1 as causative agent by polymerase chain reaction, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Next-generation sequencing showed that the virus belonged to a cluster not known to be endemic in Brandenburg. The investigation was triggered by a recent outbreak of animal Borna disease in the region. Multiple possible exposures were identified. The next-of-kin were seronegative.
    CONCLUSIONS: The investigation highlights clinical awareness for human BoDV-1 encephalitis which should be extended to all areas endemic for animal Borna disease. All previously diagnosed human cases had occurred > 350 km further south. Further testing of shrews and livestock with Borna disease may show whether this BoDV-1 cluster is additionally endemic in the northwest of Brandenburg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human bornavirus encephalitis is a severe and often fatal infection caused by variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 (VSBV-1) and Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1). We conducted a prospective study of bornavirus etiology of encephalitis cases in Germany during 2018-2020 by using a serologic testing scheme applied along proposed graded case definitions for VSBV-1, BoDV-1, and unspecified bornavirus encephalitis. Of 103 encephalitis cases of unknown etiology, 4 bornavirus infections were detected serologically. One chronic case was caused by VSBV-1 after occupational-related contact of a person with exotic squirrels, and 3 acute cases were caused by BoDV-1 in virus-endemic areas. All 4 case-patients died. Bornavirus etiology could be confirmed by molecular methods. Serologic testing for these cases was virus specific, discriminatory, and a practical diagnostic option for living patients if no brain tissue samples are available. This testing should be guided by clinical and epidemiologic suspicions, such as residence in virus-endemic areas and animal exposure.





