Bipolar Disorders

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This document constitutes the third and last part of the Third Argentine Consensus on the Management of Bipolar Disorders carried out by the Argentine Association of Biological Psychiatry (AAPB). Continuing with the initial objective, this section of the Consensus on the Management of Bipolar Disorders is focused on the management of bipolar disorders in special populations. This section constitutes a comprehensive review and expert consideration of the scientific evidence on: a) the management of bipolar disorders in treatment-resistant patients; b) the management of bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence; c) the management of bipolar disorders in women during their perinatal period and, d) the management of bipolar disorders in older adults.
    Este documento constituye la tercera y última parte del Tercer Consenso Argentino sobre el Manejo de los Trastornos Bipolares llevada a cabo por la Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatría Biológica (AAPB). Siguiendo con el objetivo propuesto por el comité de expertos, en la actual versión del Consenso sobre el manejo de los trastornos bipolares, esta sección está enfocada al abordaje de los Trastornos Bipolares en situaciones especiales. Esto configura una revisión exhaustiva de la evidencia científica  sobre: a) el manejo de los trastornos bipolares en pacientes resistentes al tratamiento, b) el manejo de los trastornos bipolares en la mujer en el período perinatal, c) el manejo del trastorno bipolar en la etapa infantojuvenil y d) el manejo de los trastornos bipolares en los adultos mayores.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This document constitutes the second section B of the Third Argentine Consensus on the Management of Bipolar Disorders, focused on synthesizing the most updated evidence on therapeutic approaches for adult patients. The scope of this section is to provide therapeutic recommendations for managing bipolar disorders in adults, (i) acute mania (ii) bipolar depression (iii) mixed stated (iv) suicidality and (vi) psychological interventions. In addition, the current manuscript outlines the assessment and management of side effects of pharmacotherapeutic treatments.
    Este documento constituye la segunda parte B del Tercer Consenso Argentino sobre el Manejo de los Trastornos Bipolares llevada a cabo por la Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatría Biológica (AAPB). Siguiendo con el direccionamiento iniciado en el parte 2A sobre el tratamiento integral de los trastornos bipolares, esta sección se ha enfocado en sintetizar la evidencia más actualizada sobre abordajes terapéuticos para pacientes adultos. El alcance de esta sección es proporcionar recomendaciones terapéuticas para el manejo de los trastornos bipolares en adultos, (i) manía aguda, (ii) depresión bipolar, (iii) estado mixto, (iv) el suicidio en el trastorno bipolar, (v) intervenciones psicológicas. Además, el presente manuscrito aborda la evaluación y el manejo de los efectos secundarios de los tratamientos farmacoterapéuticos.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This document constitutes the second section A of the Third Argentine Consensus on the Management of Bipolar Disorders, focused on synthesizing the most updated evidence on therapeutic approaches for adult patients. The aim of this section (2A) is to provide therapeutic recommendations for managing bipolar disorders in adults. In addition, the scope of this current manuscript outlines recommendations on the use of treatment guidelines, levels of evidence available to support these recommendations, general considerations for the treatment of bipolar disorders, the so-called pseudoresistance and adherence to treatment, general considerations on psychological therapies, as well as long term treatment of bipolar disorders.
    Este documento corresponde a la segunda parte del Tercer Consenso Argentino sobre el manejo de los trastornos bipolares, enfocada en sintetizar la evidencia actualizada sobre los abordajes terapéuticos de esta patología en los pacientes adultos. Siguiendo la metodología descripta en la primera parte del Consenso, el panel de expertos realizó una exhaustiva revisión de la bibliografía y, como consecuencia de un posterior debate sobre la información disponible, se generó esta sección A del segundo documento que abarca el tratamiento integral de las personas adultas que padecen este trastorno. Durante la etapa de debate y discusión de estas guías, se decidió incorporar algunos puntos que estimamos serán de gran utilidad para el equipo interdisciplinario encargado del manejo de pacientes con trastornos bipolares.  En tal sentido, en la sección A de la segunda parte de este documento, se podrán encontrar las recomendaciones generales para el uso de las guías de tratamiento, los niveles de evidencia disponibles para sustentar las recomendaciones, las consideraciones generales del tratamiento de los trastornos bipolares, el fenómeno de pseudorresistencia y adherencia al tratamiento, las consideraciones generales sobre el abordaje psicológico, así como el tratamiento a largo plazo de los trastornos bipolares.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The Third Argentine Consensus on the management of bipolar disorders (TB) is an initiative of the Argentine Association of Biological Psychiatry (AAPB). As a reference document, this consensus pursues two main objectives: on the one hand, to summarize and systematize the best available evidence on the comprehensive management of this pathology; on the other, to provide a useful, up-to-date instrument for psychiatrists, multidisciplinary teams dedicated to mental health, and government agencies. During a period of approximately six months of work -that is, from May to October 2022- a committee of experts made up of 18 professionals and representatives of the three most important Psychiatry and Mental Health associations in Argentina (that is, the AAPB, the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists, AAP, and the Association of Argentine Psychiatrists, APSA) have focused on updating the information regarding TB. Finally, this document was prepared as a result of an exhaustive review of the bibliography published to date, which was strategically divided into three parts: the first deals with the generalities of TB; the second deals with the comprehensive treatment of the pathology; finally, the third analyzes TB in the context of special situations.
    El Tercer Consenso Argentino sobre el manejo de los Trastornos Bipolares (TB) es una iniciativa de la Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatría Biológica (AAPB). Como documento de referencia, este consenso persigue dos objetivos principales: por un lado, resumir y sistematizar la mejor evidencia disponible sobre el manejo integral de esta patología; por el otro, proporcionar un instrumento útil y actualizado a psiquiatras, a equipos multidisciplinarios abocados a la salud mental y a organismos gubernamentales. Durante un período de aproximadamente seis meses de trabajo -desde mayo a octubre de 2022- un comité de expertos integrado por 18 profesionales y por representantes de las tres asociaciones de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental más importantes de la Argentina: la AAPB, la Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatras, (AAP) y la Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos (APSA), se abocaron a actualizar la información respecto de los TB. Finalmente, y como resultado de una exhaustiva revisión de la bibliográfica publicada hasta la actualidad, se confeccionó este documento que fue dividido estratégicamente en tres partes: la primera versa acerca de las generalidades del TB; la segunda aborda el  tratamiento integral de la patología; y, por último, la tercera analiza los TB en el contexto de situaciones especiales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD) provide guidance to health care professionals and patients about the management of core aspects of BD. This study evaluated the overall quality of CPGs and examined the quantity, specificity, clarity and utility of recommendations about four key contemporary themes: sleep, circadian rhythms, activity and energy, and healthy lifestyles. Methods English language editions of CPGs for the treatment of BD were identified by a systematic search of the literature from 2007 onwards (i.e. 15 years). Blind independent ratings were combined to give consensus scores for the quality of each CPGs (using the 14-item International Center for Allied Health Evidence guideline checklist). Composite ratings of the quantity, specificity, clarity and utility of recommendations about the key themes were undertaken using a 0-3 scale. Results Twenty-five CPGs were eligible for review. Overall quality was high (median checklist score=10), but only 11 (44%) CPGs included even basic information about circadian rhythm disturbances. Combined scores for composite ratings about sleep and circadian rhythms were significantly correlated with overall quality of the CPG (sleep, r = 0.43; circadian rhythms, r = 0.42) but not with year of publication. Limitations No reliable scale exists for generating composite ratings of the four themes we examined. Conclusions Circadian rhythms and chronobiology represent neglected domains in CPGs. Incorporating this important theme into future editions of CPGs would aid health care professionals to identify, prevent, or intervene with these problems and improve outcomes for a significant proportion of individuals with BD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The German concept of a trialogue in medicine is at its best a cooperation between patients, relatives, and professionals as partners on equal footing. Prerequisites, and also the aim of the trialogue, are mutual respect, an open attitude from professionals, and self-confidence from patients and relatives. The expertise of each of these groups is to be strengthened through the trialogue and should benefit all. Trialogue cooperation brings about a change of perspective and promotes mutual understanding. By establishing a therapeutic relationship on equal footing with the patient with involvement of their relatives, individual and family resources can be better utilized, professional assistance can be designed to better meet the patient\'s needs, and acceptance of and commitment to treatment can be increased. In addition, early symptoms and new phases of the disease can be recognized earlier and adequate treatment can be initiated more quickly. A favorable course of the disease is thus more likely, and relapses are less likely to present. The use of peers has proven to be quite helpful. The consistently trialogue structure within the German Society for Bipolar Disorder (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen e.V./DGBS: Heinrich-Hoffmann-Straße 10, 60528 Frankfurt am Main) as a medical society enables further development of the trialogue on many levels, for example, the drafting and updating of the German guidelines for bipolar disorder with the trialogue in mind.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Clinical staging is widely used in medicine to map disease progression, inform prognosis, and guide treatment decisions; in psychiatry, however, staging remains a hypothetical construct. To facilitate future research in bipolar disorders (BD), a well-defined nomenclature is needed, especially since diagnosis is often imprecise with blurred boundaries, and a full understanding of pathophysiology is lacking.
    METHODS: Under the auspices of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders, a Task Force of international experts was convened to review, discuss, and integrate findings from the scientific literature relevant to the development of a consensus staging model and standardize a terminology that could be used to advance future research including staging of BD and related disorders.
    RESULTS: Consensus opinion and areas of uncertainty or difference were identified in regard to terms referring to staging as it may apply to BD, to at-risk status and subthreshold stages, and to various clinical stages of BD as it is currently diagnosed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of a standardized nomenclature about the clinical stages of BD will facilitate communication about research on clinical and pathological components of this heterogeneous group of disorders. The concepts presented are based on current evidence, but the template provided allows for further refinements as etiological advances come to light.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    The Japanese Society of Mood Disorders established a committee for treatment guidelines of mood disorders, which created the first edition of a treatment guideline for bipolar disorders on 10 March 2011. The committee has now created a second edition, which we report here. In creating this treatment guideline, the first step was to have several bipolar disorder specialists review well-conducted studies and meta-analyses. Based on this evidence, and with a consensus among the specialists, treatment procedures that were considered optimal were compiled and the strength of recommendation for each treatment method was determined. The first draft, prepared in this manner, was further revised through a process of critical investigation by all committee members to produce the final edition.





