
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major global catastrophe would likely disrupt trade in liquid fuels. Countries dependent on imported oil products might struggle to sustain industrial agriculture. Island nations importing 100% of refined fuels are particularly vulnerable. Our case study aimed to estimate the agricultural land area and biofuel volumes needed to feed the population of New Zealand in the absence of trade. Results showed that stored diesel would quickly be exhausted with ordinary use (weeks) and even with strict rationing (months). To preserve fuel, we found that farming wheat (requiring as little as 5.4 million liters [L] of diesel per annum) was more fuel-efficient than potatoes (12.3) or dairy (38.7) to feed the national population under a climate-as-usual scenario. In a nuclear winter scenario, with reduced agricultural yields, proportionately greater diesel is needed. The wheat would require 24% of current grain-cropped land, and the canola crop used as feedstock for the required biofuel would occupy a further 1%-7%. Investment in canola biodiesel or renewable diesel refineries could ensure supply for the bare minimum agricultural liquid fuel needs. Were subsequent analysis to favor this option as part of a fuels resilience response and as a tradeoff for routine food use, expansion in refining and canola cropping before a catastrophe could be encouraged through market mechanisms, direct government investment, or a combination of these. Logistics of biofuel refining scale-up, post-catastrophe, should also be analyzed. Further, biodiesel produced in normal times would help the nation meet its emissions reduction targets. Other countries should conduct similar analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is highly detrimental, and its death distribution peculiarity has severely affected people\'s health and the operations of businesses. COVID-19 has wholly undermined the global economy, including inflicting significant damage to the ever-emerging biomass supply chain; its sustainability is disintegrating due to the coronavirus. The biomass supply chain must be sustainable and robust enough to adapt to the evolving and fluctuating risks of the market due to the coronavirus or any potential future pandemics. However, no such study has been performed so far. To address this issue, investigating how COVID-19 influences a biomass supply chain is vital. This paper presents a dynamic risk assessment methodological framework to model biomass supply chain risks due to COVID-19. Using a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) formalism, the impacts of COVID-19 on the performance of biomass supply chain risks have been studied. The proposed model has been applied to the biomass supply chain of a U.S.-based Mahoney Environmental® company in Washington, USA. The case study results show that it would take one year to recover from the maximum damage to the biomass supply chain due to COVID-19, while full recovery would require five years. Results indicate that biomass feedstock gate availability (FGA) is 2%, due to pandemic and lockdown conditions. Due to the availability of vaccination and gradual business reopenings, this availability increases to 92% in the second year. Results also indicate that the price of fossil-based fuel will gradually increase after one year of the pandemic; however, the market prices of fossil-based fuel will not revert to pre-coronavirus conditions even after nine years. K-fold cross-validation is used to validate the DBN. Results of validation indicate a model accuracy of 95%. It is concluded that the pandemic has caused risks to the sustainability of biomass feedstock, and the current study can help develop risk mitigation strategies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women in low and middle-income countries predominantly use biofuel for cooking, resulting in potential adverse health outcomes. In India, it is estimated that about 40% of total primary energy consumption is in the domestic sector with biofuels alone accounting for about 75% of domestic energy consumption. This study assesses linkages between wood consumption and perceptions of women\'s health, combining results from a rapid assessment of eight rural districts in Rajasthan with a regression analysis of data from Rajasthan State (sample size 41,965 women) from the Demographic and Health Survey 7 dataset (2015-2016). The results of the rapid survey indicate that women who cook with biofuels perceive adverse health outcomes. Educational level, income, and age have an impact on fuel consumption and clean fuel purchased. The regression model drawing upon data on women at a regional level in Rajasthan yielded significant results suggesting a strong association between fuel type and symptoms of respiratory infection controlling for age and education. This research is timely as it provides valuable evidence for India\'s Ujjawala Scheme which has the mandate of providing LPG connections to women from below the poverty line.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, centrifugation was used as a standard harvest method, while chemical flocculation was comparatively used as a cost-effective harvest method for microalgae. Lipid recovery from the centrifuged cells was 17.4%, which significantly increased by flocculation to 20.7%. Although both harvest methods showed similar thermal decomposition patterns, flocculated biomass showed 15.7% higher bio-char formation than the centrifuged cells, which resulted in significant reduction in the bio-oil yield by 18.5%. The estimated energy output of bio-oil using centrifugation and flocculation were 0.87 and 0.68 GJ per ton, respectively. For biodiesel production, the energy output using centrifugation and flocculation were 0.177 and 0.211 GJ per ton, respectively. Due to the higher biodiesel yield, better bio-oil quality and lower energy consumption, flocculation was suggested by the present study as a superior method over centrifugation for microalgae harvest from the economic point of view.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While there is ample scholarly work on regulatory science within the state, or single-sited global institutions, there is less on its operation within complex modes of global governance that are decentered, overlapping, multi-sectorial and multi-leveled. Using a co-productionist framework, this study identifies \'epistemic jurisdiction\' - the power to produce or warrant technical knowledge for a given political community, topical arena or geographical territory - as a central problem for regulatory science in complex governance. We explore these dynamics in the arena of global sustainability standards for biofuels. We select three institutional fora as sites of inquiry: the European Union\'s Renewable Energy Directive, the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, and the International Organization for Standardization. These cases allow us to analyze how the co-production of sustainability science responds to problems of epistemic jurisdiction in the global regulatory order. First, different problems of epistemic jurisdiction beset different standard-setting bodies, and these problems shape both the content of regulatory science and the procedures designed to make it authoritative. Second, in order to produce global regulatory science, technical bodies must manage an array of conflicting imperatives - including scientific virtue, due process and the need to recruit adoptees to perpetuate the standard. At different levels of governance, standard drafters struggle to balance loyalties to country, to company or constituency and to the larger project of internationalization. Confronted with these sometimes conflicting pressures, actors across the standards system quite self-consciously maneuver to build or retain authority for their forum through a combination of scientific adjustment and political negotiation. Third, the evidentiary demands of regulatory science in global administrative spaces are deeply affected by 1) a market for standards, in which firms and states can choose the cheapest sustainability certification, and 2) the international trade regime, in which the long shadow of WTO law exerts a powerful disciplining function.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Biofuel heaters are a new form of flame heating for indoor and outdoor use. Fuelled by methylated spirits, they are simple structures with few safety features, and can be associated with severe burn. We report five cases of severe burns in adults that occurred when refilling these heaters.
    METHODS: We undertook a retrospective audit of all adults presenting to the Royal Brisbane and Women\'s Hospital (RBWH) with a biofuel heater-related burn between 20 and 30th June 2014.
    RESULTS: Five patients required admission for management of their burns. Three were admitted to ICU for greater than 3 weeks, and remained inpatients for up to 78 days. Two did not require ICU and were managed in the burns unit. Average total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 24.7%, and patients went to theatre up to seven times for debridement and skin grafting. Average length of stay was 41.8 days.
    CONCLUSIONS: Biofuel heaters are easily accessible yet there is no Australian Standard to ensure they are safe or perform in the way they were intended. As such, people using them are at undue risk of severe burn, even when following the operating instructions. These products should be removed from the market to prevent further harm and potential mortality.





