Artemether, Lumefantrine Drug Combination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly (HMS) is one of the main causes of massive splenomegaly in malaria-endemic zones. Diagnosis is often challenging in Bobo-Dioulasso. This study aimed to describe the clinical and socio-demographic profile, and the reasons for delay in the diagnosis of HMS cases recorded in the Medicine and Medical Specialties wards of Souro Sanou Teaching hospital.
    METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted from August 2022 by focusing on HMS cases diagnosed in the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Hematology wards of Souro Sanou Teaching Hospital.
    RESULTS: Overall, 65 patients met our inclusion criteria over the 12-year period. Burkinabe nationals and have been residing in Burkina Faso since their birth. 79% (79%) of the patients were seen for medical consultation with the reason for consultation being a voluminous mass in the left hypochondrium. Indigence, self-medication, and lack of information were essential elements in late diagnosis of HMS in Bobo-Dioulasso. All patients were treated with a single tablet of Artemether (80 mg) and Lumefantrine (480 mg) in the morning and evening for 3 days, followed by sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine per week. Nine months later, patients were clinically asymptomatic.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a database on hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly (HMS) in the south-west region of Burkina Faso. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of the disease and appropriate use of effective antimalarial drugs would significantly reduce the burden of HMS in Sub-Saharan African countries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Failure of artemisinin-based combination therapy is increasingly reported in patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. We aimed to describe the clinical and genomic characteristics of recent cases of P. falciparum malaria failing artemether-lumefantrine in Belgium.
    METHODS: Travel-related cases of malaria confirmed at the national reference laboratory of the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, were reviewed. All cases for which attending clinicians reported persistence (beyond Day 3 post-treatment initiation, i.e. early failure) or recrudescence (from Day 7 to 42, i.e. late failure) of P. falciparum parasites despite adequate drug intake were analysed. Both initial and persistent/recurrent samples were submitted to next generation sequencing to investigate resistance-conferring mutations.
    RESULTS: From July 2022 to June 2023, eight P. falciparum cases of failure with artemether-lumefantrine therapy were reported (early failure = 1; late failure = 7). All travellers were returning from sub-Saharan Africa, most (6/8) after a trip to visit friends and relatives. PfKelch13 (PF3D7_1343700) mutations associated with resistance to artemisinin were found in two travellers returning from East Africa, including the validated marker R561H in the patient with early failure and the candidate marker A675V in a patient with late failure. Additional mutations were detected that could contribute to decreased susceptibility to artemisinin in another three cases, lumefantrine in six cases and proguanil in all eight participants. Various regimens were used to treat the persistent/recrudescent cases, with favourable outcome.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within a 12-month period, we investigated eight travellers returning from sub-Saharan Africa with P. falciparum malaria and in whom artemether-lumefantrine failure was documented. Mutations conferring resistance to antimalarials were found in all analysed blood samples, especially against lumefantrine and proguanil, but also artemisinin. There is a pressing need for systematic genomic surveillance of resistance to antimalarials in international travellers with P. falciparum malaria, especially those experiencing treatment failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Concerns about emerging resistance to artemether-lumefantrine (AL) in Africa prompted the pilot introduction of multiple first-line therapies (MFT) in Western Kenya, potentially exposing women-of-childbearing-age (WOCBA) to anti-malarials with unknown safety profiles in the first trimester. The study assessed healthcare provider knowledge and adherence to national guidelines for managing malaria in pregnancy in the context of the MFT pilot.
    METHODS: From March to April 2022, a cross-sectional study was conducted in 50 health facilities (HF) and 40 drug outlets (DO) using structured questionnaires to assess pregnancy detection, malaria diagnosis, and treatment choices by trimester. Differences between HF and DO providers and between MFT and non-MFT HFs were assessed using Chi-square tests.
    RESULTS: Of 174 providers (77% HF, 23% DO), 56% were from MFT pilot facilities. Most providers had tertiary education; 5% HF and 20% DO had only primary or secondary education. More HF than DO providers had knowledge of malaria treatment guidelines (62% vs. 40%, p = 0.023), received training in malaria in pregnancy (49% vs. 20%, p = 0.002), and reported assessing for pregnancy in WOCBA (98% vs. 78%, p < 0.001). Most providers insisted on parasitological diagnosis, with 59% HF using microscopy and 85% DO using rapid diagnostic tests. More HF than DO providers could correctly name the drugs for treating uncomplicated malaria in the first trimester (oral quinine, or AL if quinine is unavailable) (90% vs. 58%, p < 0.001), second and third trimesters (artemisinin-based combination therapy) (84% vs. 70%, p = 0.07), and for severe malaria (parenteral artesunate/artemether) (94% vs. 60%, p < 0.001). Among HF providers, those in the MFT pilot had more knowledge of malaria treatment guidelines (67% vs. 49%, p = 0.08) and had received training on treatment of malaria in pregnancy (56% vs. 32%, p = 0.03). Few providers (10% HF and 12% DO) had adequate knowledge of malaria treatment in pregnancy, defined as the correct drug and dose for uncomplicated and severe malaria in all trimesters.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of national malaria in pregnancy treatment guidelines among providers in Western Kenya is suboptimal. Robust training on appropriate anti-malarial and dosage is needed, particularly given the recent change in recommendation for artemether-lumefantrine use in the first trimester. Supervision of DO and HF practices is essential for correct treatment of malaria in pregnancy in the context of MFT programmes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Malaria is a serious, contagious infection caused by single-celled parasites. About 200 species of Plasmodium have been described that can cause infection in vertebrates. Five different species of Plasmodium are known to cause infection in humans to date. Infection with more than one type of pathogen is called coinfection. This type of infections can be caused by different species of the same genus, as well as by different species. Malaria coinfections are mostly caused by the combination of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. In this study, a case of malaria admitted to the hospital and diagnosed was presented. Thin smear blood preparations were prepared from the peripheral blood of a 54 year-old Republic of Türkiye citizen male patient who applied to the emergency department with fever and chills. The preparations were stained with Giemsa and examined under a microscope with a x 100 objective, and trophozoite and gametocyte forms belonging to Plasmodium genus were determined. As a result of probe-based quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRt-PCR) study with primers specific to Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium knowlesi for definitive species identification, co-infection of P.vivax, P.falciparum, P.ovale and P.knowlesi was detected in the patient. In addition, it was proved that our patient was infected with four different species by conventional PCR study in which five species were studied and then by DNA sequence analysis. On the fourth day of artemether-lumefantrine treatment, the patient\'s fever response was observed and the trophozoite forms disappeared from the third day in the daily peripheral smear follow-up. Since P.vivax and P.ovale species were also detected after species determination by molecular methods, primaquine 1 x 30 mg tablet was added to the existing drugs for the treatment of hypnozoite forms of the parasite. In recent years, there has been an increase in malaria imported cases, especially after visits to African countries. Such rare cases of malaria coinfection may be encountered during visits to geographies located at the intersection of endemic regions. According to the data of the World Health Organization, maximum attention should be paid to the prevention and prophylaxis protocols from vectors, especially in travels to countries with the highest mortality and morbidity. In co-infection cases similar to our patient, for tertian malaria and tertiary ovale malaria, hypnozoid therapy should not be overlooked. When the insecticide-resistant vectors and drug-resistant Plasmodium strains encountered in recent years are evaluated as a whole, there is a need to develop more effective strategies in the fight against malaria. In addition to microscopic examination, which is accepted as the gold standard, we believe that evaluating molecular studies together in diagnosis is extremely important for the treatment process when hypnozoite periods are considered.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Community case management of malaria (CCM) has been expanded in many settings, but there are limited data describing the impact of these services in routine implementation settings or at large scale. Zambia has intensively expanded CCM since 2013, whereby trained volunteer community health workers (CHW) use rapid diagnostic tests and artemether-lumefantrine to diagnose and treat uncomplicated malaria.
    METHODS: This retrospective, observational study explored associations between changing malaria service point (health facility or CHW) density per 1000 people and severe malaria admissions or malaria inpatient deaths by district and month in a dose-response approach, using existing routine and programmatic data. Negative binomial generalized linear mixed-effect models were used to assess the impact of increasing one additional malaria service point per 1000 population, and of achieving Zambia\'s interim target of 1 service point per 750 population. Access to insecticide-treated nets, indoor-residual spraying, and rainfall anomaly were included in models to reduce potential confounding.
    RESULTS: The study captured 310,855 malaria admissions and 7158 inpatient malaria deaths over 83 districts (seven provinces) from January 2015 to May 2020. Total CHWs increased from 43 to 4503 during the study period, while health facilities increased from 1263 to 1765. After accounting for covariates, an increase of one malaria service point per 1000 was associated with a 19% reduction in severe malaria admissions among children under five (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 0.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.75-0.87, p < 0.001) and 23% reduction in malaria deaths among under-fives (IRR 0.77, 95% CI 0.66-0.91). After categorizing the exposure of population per malaria service point, there was evidence for an effect on malaria admissions and inpatient malaria deaths among children under five only when reaching the target of one malaria service point per 750 population.
    CONCLUSIONS: CCM is an effective strategy for preventing severe malaria and deaths in areas such as Zambia where malaria diagnosis and treatment access remains challenging. These results support the continued investment in CCM scale-up in similar settings, to improve access to malaria diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The community case management (CCM) program for malaria control is a community-based strategy implemented to regulate malaria in children in Burundi. This study compared the cost and utility of implementing the CCM program combined with health facility management (HFM) versus HFM alone for malaria control in children under five in Burundi.
    This study constructed a five-year Markov model with one-week cycles to estimate cost-utility and budget impact analysis (BIA). The model defined 10 health states, simulating the progression of the disease and the risk of recurrent malaria in children under five years of age. Cost data were empirically collected and presented for 2019. Incremental cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted, and a five-year budget was estimated. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSAs) were then performed.
    From provider and societal perspectives, combining the CCM program with HFM for malaria control in Burundi was more cost-effective than implementing HFM alone. The addition of CCM, using artesunate amodiaquine (ASAQ) as the first-line treatment, increased by US$1.70, and US$ 1.67 per DALY averted from the provider and societal perspectives, respectively. Using Artemether Lumefantrine (AL) as the first-line treatment, adding the CCM program to HFM increased by US$ 1.92, and US$ 1.87 per DALY averted from the provider and societal perspectives. At a willingness-to-pay of one GDP/capita, the CCM program remained a 100% chance of being cost-effective. In addition, implementing the program for five years requires a budget of US$ 15 800 486-19 765 117.
    Implementing the CCM program and HFM is value for money for malaria control in Burundi. The findings can support decision-makers in Burundi in deciding on resource allocation, especially during the program\'s scale up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Community case management of malaria (CCMm) is an equity-focused strategy that complements and extends the reach of health services by providing timely and effective management of malaria to populations with limited access to facility-based healthcare. In Kenya, CCMm involves the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and treatment of confirmed uncomplicated malaria cases with artemether lumefantrine (AL) by community health volunteers (CHVs). The test positivity rate (TPR) from CCMm reports collected by the Ministry of Health in 2018 was two-fold compared to facility-based reports for the same period. This necessitated the need to evaluate the performance of CHVs in conducting malaria RDTs.
    METHODS: The study was conducted in four counties within the malaria-endemic lake zone in Kenya with a malaria prevalence in 2018 of 27%; the national prevalence of malaria was 8%. Multi-stage cluster sampling and random selection were used. Results from 200 malaria RDTs performed by CHVs were compared with test results obtained by experienced medical laboratory technicians (MLT) performing the same test under the same conditions. Blood slides prepared by the MLTs were examined microscopically as a back-up check of the results. A Kappa score was calculated to assess level of agreement. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated to determine diagnostic accuracy.
    RESULTS: The median age of CHVs was 46 (IQR: 38, 52) with a range (26-73) years. Females were 72% of the CHVs. Test positivity rates were 42% and 41% for MLTs and CHVs respectively. The kappa score was 0.89, indicating an almost perfect agreement in RDT results between CHVs and MLTs. The overall sensitivity and specificity between the CHVs and MLTs were 95.0% (95% CI 87.7, 98.6) and 94.0% (95% CI 88.0, 97.5), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Engaging CHVs to diagnose malaria cases under the CCMm strategy yielded results which compared well with the results of qualified experienced laboratory personnel. CHVs can reliably continue to offer malaria diagnosis using RDTs in the community setting.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Artemisinin derivatives are used globally in the management of falciparum malaria. Postartemisinin delayed haemolysis (PADH) is a recognised adverse event contributing to severe anaemia. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first recorded fatal case of PADH. A 60-year-old woman presented with two episodes of collapse at home and feeling generally unwell. She had recently been treated for uncomplicated falciparum malaria 1 month prior with artemether 80 mg/lumefantrine 480 mg in Congo. Her results on admission revealed an anaemia (haemoglobin 43 g/L), raised lactate dehydrogenase and positive direct antiglobulin test that suggested an intravascular haemolytic process. She made a capacitous decision to refuse blood products in line with her personal beliefs. Despite best supportive treatment, she did not survive. This case highlights the importance of postartemisinin follow-up and should encourage discussion and careful consideration of its use in the context of lack of access to/patient refusal of blood products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health workers\' compliance with outpatient malaria case-management guidelines has been improving in Africa. This study examined the factors associated with the improvements.
    Data from 11 national, cross-sectional health facility surveys undertaken from 2010-2016 were analysed. Association between 31 determinants and improvement trends in five outpatient compliance outcomes were examined using interactions between each determinant and time in multilevel logistic regression models and reported as an adjusted odds ratio of annual trends (T-aOR).
    Among 9,173 febrile patients seen at 1,208 health facilities and by 1,538 health workers, a higher annual improvement trend in composite \"test and treat\" performance was associated with malaria endemicity-lake endemic (T-aOR = 1.67 annually; p<0.001) and highland epidemic (T-aOR = 1.35; p<0.001) zones compared to low-risk zone; with facilities stocking rapid diagnostic tests only (T-aOR = 1.49; p<0.001) compared to microscopy only services; with faith-based/non-governmental facilities compared to government-owned (T-aOR = 1.15; p = 0.036); with a daily caseload of >25 febrile patients (T-aOR = 1.46; p = 0.003); and with under-five children compared to older patients (T-aOR = 1.07; p = 0.013). Other factors associated with the improvement trends in the \"test and treat\" policy components and artemether-lumefantrine administration at the facility included the absence of previous RDT stock-outs, community health workers dispensing drugs, access to malaria case-management and Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) guidelines, health workers\' gender, correct health workers\' knowledge about the targeted malaria treatment policy, and patients\' main complaint of fever. The odds of compliance at the baseline were variable for some of the factors.
    Targeting of low malaria risk areas, low caseload facilities, male and government health workers, continuous availability of RDTs, improving health workers\' knowledge about the policy considering age and fever, and dissemination of guidelines might improve compliance with malaria guidelines. For prompt treatment and administration of the first artemether-lumefantrine dose at the facility, task-shifting duties to community health workers can be considered.





