Arcuate eminence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arcuate eminence (AE) is an anatomically consistent bony protrusion located on the upper surface of the petrous bone that has been previously studied as a reference for lateral skull base approaches. There is a paucity of information in the neurosurgical literature seeking to improve the safety of the extended middle cranial fossa (MCF) approach using detailed morphometric analysis of the AE.
    To evaluate the use of the AE as an anatomical landmark to help with early identification of the internal acoustic canal (IAC) in MCF approaches by means of a cadaveric study, using a new morphometric reference termed the \"M-point.\"
    A total of 40 dry temporal bones and 2 formalin-preserved, latex-injected cadaveric heads were used. The M-point was established as a new anatomic reference by identifying the intersection of a line perpendicular to the alignment of the petrous ridge (PR), originating from the midpoint of the AE, with the PR itself. Subsequent anatomical measurements were performed to measure the distance between M-point and IAC. Additional distances, including PR length and the anteroposterior and lateral AE surfaces, were also measured.
    The mean distance between the M-point and the center of the IAC was 14.9 mm (SD ± 2.09), offering a safe drilling area during an MCF approach.
    This study provides novel information on identification of a new anatomic reference point known as the M-point that that can be used to improve early surgical identification of the IAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study the anatomical correlation between the arcuate eminence and the superior semicircular canal.
    METHODS: A study of the height of the arcuate eminence was carried out in 295 temporal bones. In addition, 30 temporals with different heights of the arcuate eminence (10 flat, 10 prominent and 10 very prominent) were randomly selected and radiological tests were performed by computed tomography (Pöschl projection) and subsequent dissection by milling until the apex of the superior semicircular canal was found, establishing, with both methods, the anatomical relationship with the arcuate eminence.
    RESULTS: The arcuate eminence was classified as: smooth, when there was no relief (1.7%); flat, measured less than 1 mm (20.3%), prominent, measured between 1 and 2 mm, in (62%), and very prominent, measured above 2 mm (12.6%). The tomographic study (CT) and its subsequent dissection by bone milling showed a direct relationship between the arcuate eminence and the semicircular canal only when it was flat, while the rest of the types corresponded to the presence of pneumatized peri-labyrinthine cells and/or cancellous bone without a direct anatomical relationship with the apex of the superior semicircular canal.
    CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between the arcuate eminence and the superior semicircular canal is direct only when it is flat (1 mm), being related to peri-labyrinthine cells and/or cancellous bone when the arcuate eminence is prominent or very prominent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background  This article aims to describe the regional anatomy of the anterior end of the arcuate eminence, the lateral end of the trigeminal notch, and the line connecting the two (i.e., the arcuate eminence-trigeminal notch line [ATL]) and to determine whether the ATL could be used as a landmark for localizing the internal auditory canal (IAC). Methods  Twenty sides of the middle cranial fossae were examined. The anterior end of the arcuate eminence, the lateral end of the trigeminal notch, the ATL, and other crucial structures were exposed. The relevant distance and angle of related structures in the anterior wall of the petrosal bone were measured. Results  The anterior end of the arcuate eminence and the lateral end of the trigeminal notch could be identified in all specimens. The anterior end of the arcuate eminence lay over the geniculate ganglia and the vestibule area, and could be visualized directly or determined from the intersection of the long axes of the greater superficial petrosal nerve and arcuate eminence. On the petrous ridge, the lateral end of the trigeminal notch was also the transitional point of the suprameatal tubercle and trigeminal notch. The ATL corresponded to the projection of the anterior wall of the IAC on the anterior surface of the petrous bone. Conclusion  The ATL corresponded to the projection of the anterior wall of the IAC on the anterior petrous surface and could be used as an alternative landmark for localizing the anterior wall of the IAC.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to define the structural relationship between the arcuate eminence (AE) and a known fixed external bony landmark, the root of the zygoma (ZR), and to determine its reliability as a consistent guide for guiding surgical approaches. To our knowledge, this is the only anatomic study to quantify the relationship between the AE and ZR.
    Twenty-one dry temporal bones were measured using digital calipers. The distance from the posterior aspect of the ZR to the midpoint of the AE was measured. Additionally, the anteroposterior distance between the ZR and AE and vertical distance between the 2 structures were measured. Student\'s t-test was used to compare the left and right sides.
    An AE was found in every specimen. The mean ZR to AE distance was 30.9 mm. On most sides (91%), the ZR was located more inferiorly than the AE with a mean distance of 3 mm between the 2 structures. The mean distance between the AE and ZR was 17 mm. On all sides, the AE was located posterior to the ZR. No significant differences were found between sides. No anatomic variations or pathologic conditions were noted in any of the specimens.
    The ZR is an easily identifiable and consistent bony landmark often used by skull base surgeons. In this investigation, we measured the anatomic relationships between the ZR and AE. Such data might assist in planning surgical trajectories and minimizing complications when skull base pathologies are approached.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Middle fossa surgery is challenging, and reliable surgical landmarks are essential to perform accurate and safe surgery. Although many descriptions of the middle fossa components have been published, a clinically practical description of this very complex anatomical region is lacking. Small structure arrangements in this area are often not well visualized or accurately demarcated with neuronavigation systems. The objective is to describe a \"roadmap\" of key surgical reference points and landmarks during middle fossa surgery to help the surgeon predict where critical structures will be located.
    The authors studied 40 dry skulls (80 sides) obtained from the anatomical board at their institution. Measurements of anatomical structures in the middle fossa were made with a digital caliper and a protractor, taking as reference the middle point of the external auditory canal (MEAC). The results were statistically analyzed.
    The petrous part of the temporal bone was found at a mean of 16 mm anterior and 24 mm posterior to the MEAC. In 87% and 99% of the sides, the foramen ovale and foramen spinosum, respectively, were encountered deep to the zygomatic root. The posterior aspect of the greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN) groove was a mean of 6 mm anterior and 25 mm medial to the MEAC, nearly parallel to the petrous ridge. The main axis of the IAC projected to the root of the zygoma in all cases. The internal auditory canal (IAC) porus was found 5.5 mm lateral and 4.5 mm deep to the lateral aspect of the trigeminal impression along the petrous ridge (mean measurement values). A projection from this point to the middle aspect of the root of the zygoma, being posterior to the GSPN groove, could estimate the orientation of the IAC.
    In middle fossa approaches, the external acoustic canal is a reliable reference before skin incision, whereas the zygomatic root becomes important after the skin incision. Deep structures can be related to these 2 anatomical structures. An easy method to predict the location of the IAC in surgery is described. Careful study of the preoperative imaging is essential to adapt this knowledge to the individual anatomy of the patient.





