Appetitive Behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The etiology of childhood appetitive traits is poorly understood. Early-life epigenetic processes may be involved in the developmental programming of appetite regulation in childhood. One such process is DNA methylation (DNAm), whereby a methyl group is added to a specific part of DNA, where a cytosine base is next to a guanine base, a CpG site. We meta-analyzed epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs) of cord blood DNAm and early-childhood appetitive traits. Data were from two independent cohorts: the Generation R Study (n = 1,086, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) and the Healthy Start study (n = 236, Colorado, USA). DNAm at autosomal methylation sites in cord blood was measured using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. Parents reported on their child\'s food responsiveness, emotional undereating, satiety responsiveness and food fussiness using the Children\'s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire at age 4-5 years. Multiple regression models were used to examine the association of DNAm (predictor) at the individual site- and regional-level (using DMRff) with each appetitive trait (outcome), adjusting for covariates. Bonferroni-correction was applied to adjust for multiple testing. There were no associations of DNAm and any appetitive trait when examining individual CpG-sites. However, when examining multiple CpGs jointly in so-called differentially methylated regions, we identified 45 associations of DNAm with food responsiveness, 7 associations of DNAm with emotional undereating, 13 associations of DNAm with satiety responsiveness, and 9 associations of DNAm with food fussiness. This study shows that DNAm in the newborn may partially explain variation in appetitive traits expressed in early childhood and provides preliminary support for early programming of child appetitive traits through DNAm. Investigating differential DNAm associated with appetitive traits could be an important first step in identifying biological pathways underlying the development of these behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the food transport efficiency of termite using an individual-based model. Termites are believed to have evolved tunneling patterns that optimize food search and transport efficiency. However, few studies have investigated transport efficiency due to the difficulty of field observations. The model is characterized by four control variables: the number of simulated termites participating in transport (k1), the distribution of high curvature sections of the termite tunnel (k2), a quantity related to the density of the tunnel sections (k3), and the duration of traffic jams (k4). As k3 increases, the total length of the high curvature section decreases. Our simulation results show that the E(k1, k2) maps for k3 and k4 contain two modes: Mode A shows that E decreases with increasing k1 due to an increase in traffic jams, while Mode B shows E increasing with increasing k1 due to a decrease in the density of curved sections and an increase in jamming resolution time. The partial rank correlation coefficient analysis reveals that k1 and k2 have a negative effect on E, while k3 and k4 have a positive effect, with k1 having the greatest influence on E, followed by k3, k4, and k2. The ecological implications of the simulation results are briefly described, and the limitations of the model are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One-trial appetitive learning developed from one-trial passive avoidance learning as a standard test of retrograde amnesia. It consists of one learning trial followed by a retention test, in which physiological manipulations are presented. As in passive avoidance learning, food- or waterdeprived rats or mice finding food or water inside an enclosure are vulnerable to the retrograde amnesia produced by electroconvulsive shock treatment or the injection of various drugs. In one-trial taste or odor learning conducted in rats, birds, snails, bees, and fruit flies, there is an association between a food item or odorant and contextual stimuli or the unconditioned stimulus of Pavlovian conditioning. The odor-related task in bees was sensitive to protein synthesis inhibition as well as cholinergic receptor blockade, both analogous to results found on the passive avoidance response in rodents, while the task in fruit flies was sensitive to genetic modifications and aging, as seen in the passive avoidance response of genetically modified and aged rodents. These results provide converging evidence of interspecies similarities underlying the neurochemical basis of learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing interest in animal welfare and the knowledge of equine physiological and ethological needs have led to the development of different types of horses\' management and housing systems. The research presented here aimed to assess the daytime activity budget of horses. Focal animal sampling was used as an observational sampling method, and the five animals were observed for a total of 9920 minutes in the paddock and inside the stall. The results showed that horses spent most of the daytime in foraging behaviors, followed by resting behaviors, and locomotion. Social behaviors (s.e. allogrooming, olfactory investigation) were rare, and the stereotypic behaviors (s.e. oral and locomotor stereotypies) occupied 2.74%±2.74% of the total time. The percentage of time spent in foraging, resting, and locomotion, reflects the activity budget observed in free-roaming feral horses. However, the rare occurrence of positive social interactions and the presence of some stereotypies could be aspects to ameliorate. This kind of housing facility could be considered a good alternative to traditional management; indeed, it might offer a better trade-off between the needs of the horse and the management goals from humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colonies of leaf-cutting ants of the genus Atta need to collect large quantities of vegetal substrate in their environment to ensure their growth. They do so by building and extending over time a foraging network that consists of several underground tunnels extending above ground by physical trails. This paper presents a longitudinal study of the foraging network of two mature colonies of the grass-cutting ant Atta capiguara (Gonçalves) located in a pasture in central Brazil. Specifically, we investigated whether the extension of the foraging area of the colonies required to reach new resources occurs by building new and longer underground tunnels or by building new and longer physical trails. Each nest was surveyed at intervals of approximately 15 days during 1 year. At each survey we mapped the position of the tunnel entrances and foraging trails at which activity was observed. In addition, we assessed the excavation effort of the colonies since the last survey by the number and distance to the nest of new tunnel entrances, and the physical trail construction effort by the number and length of newly built physical trails. Our study reveals that in A. capiguara the collection of new resources around the nest required to ensure the continuous growth of the colonies is achieved mainly through the excavation of new underground tunnels, opening at greater distance from the nest, not through the building of longer aboveground physical trails.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the span of a decade we have seen a rapid progress in the application of genetic tools and genome editing approaches in \'non-model\' insects. It is now possible to target sensory receptor genes and neurons, explore their functional roles and manipulate behavioral responses in these insects. In this review, we focus on the latest examples from Diptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera of how applications of genetic tools advanced our understanding of diverse behavioral phenomena. We further discuss genetic methods that could be applied to study insect behavior in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure therapy is a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders but remains ineffective in a large proportion of patients. A proposed mechanism of exposure involves inhibitory learning whereby the association between a stimulus and an aversive outcome is suppressed by a new association with an appetitive or neutral outcome. The blood pressure medication losartan augments fear extinction in rodents and may have similar synergistic effects on human exposure therapy, but the exact cognitive mechanisms underlying these effects remain unknown.
    We used a reinforcement learning paradigm with compound rewards and punishments to test the prediction that losartan augments learning from appetitive relative to aversive outcomes. In a double-blind parallel design, healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to single-dose losartan (50 mg) (n = 28) versus placebo (n = 25). Participants then performed a reinforcement learning task, which simultaneously probes appetitive and aversive learning. Participant choice behavior was analyzed using both a standard reinforcement learning model and analysis of choice switching behavior.
    Losartan significantly reduced learning rates from aversive events (losses) when participants were first exposed to the novel task environment, while preserving learning from positive outcomes. The same effect was seen in choice switching behavior.
    This study shows that losartan enhances learning from positive relative to negative events. This effect may represent a computationally defined neurocognitive mechanism by which the drug could enhance the effect of exposure in clinical populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active search for prey is energetically costly, so understanding how foragers optimize search has been central to foraging theory. Some theoretical work has suggested that foragers of randomly distributed prey should search using Lévy flights, while work on area-restricted and intermittent search strategies has demonstrated that foragers can use the information provided by prey encounters to more effectively adapt search direction and velocity. Previous empirical comparisons of these search modes have tended to rely on distribution-level analyses, due to the difficulty of collecting event-level data on encounters linked to the GPS tracks of foragers. Here we use a preliminary event-level data-set (18.7 hours of encounter-annotated focal follows over 6 trips) to show that two Colombian blowgun hunters use adaptive encounter-conditional heuristics, not non-conditional Lévy flights, when searching for prey. Using a theoretically derived Bayesian model, we estimate changes in turning-angle and search velocity as a function of encounters with prey at lagged time-steps, and find that: 1) hunters increase average turning-angle in response to encounters, producing a more tortuous search of patches of higher prey density, but adopt more efficient uni-directional, inter-patch movement after failing to encounter prey over a sufficient period of time; and, 2) hunters reduce search velocity in response to encounters, causing them to spend more of their search time in patches with demonstrably higher prey density. These results illustrate the importance of using event-level data to contrast encounter-conditional, area-restricted search and Lévy flights in explaining the search behavior of humans and other organisms.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bird egg predation is widespread in non-human primates. Although nest predation is often described as opportunistic, little is known about foraging strategies and nest detection in primates. Since it is the prevalent cause of nest failure in the tropics, birds select nest sites within specific microhabitats and use different nest types to increase nesting success. Identifying the nests targeted by the northern pigtailed macaques (Macaca leonina), an omnivorous cercopithecine species, and known nest predator, will shine light on nest foraging strategies in primates. The aim of this research was to reveal if nest predation is a selective or opportunistic feeding behavior. We studied, using artificial nests and camera traps, the influence of nest type (open-cup vs. cavity), microhabitat (i.e., understory density, canopy cover, canopy height, ground cover, and presence vs. absence of thorns and lianas), and nest height, on nest predation by a troop of northern pigtailed macaques in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve (Thailand), a degraded environment. In our study, macaque predation on artificial nests was high; out of the 200 nests that were set up, 112 were plundered by macaques. Although predation rates decreased with nest height, nest type, and microhabitat had no significant effect on predation by macaques. Nest detectability and accessibility did not affect predation rates. Macaques actively searched for nests in different microhabitats, suggesting that nest predation by this primate might be considered a selective feeding behavior in this degraded habitat. Consequently, nest predation by this primate might have important conservation implications on the population dynamics of forest-dwelling bird species. Behavior observation methods, such as instantaneous scan sampling, may underestimate nest predation by primates, a furtive and cryptic behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity is a major public health problem in modern society. Appetitive behavior has been proposed to be partially driven by unconscious decision-making processes and thus, targeting the unconscious cognitive processes related to eating behavior is essential to develop strategies for overweight individuals and obese patients. Here, we presented food pictures below the threshold of awareness to healthy male volunteers and examined neural activity related to appetitive behavior using magnetoencephalography. We found that, among participants who did not recognize food pictures during the experiment, an index of heart rate variability assessed by electrocardiography (low-frequency component power/high-frequency component power ratio, LF/HF) just after picture presentation was increased compared with that just before presentation, and the increase in LF/HF was negatively associated with the score for cognitive restraint of food intake. In addition, increased LF/HF was negatively associated with increased alpha band power in Brodmann area (BA) 47 caused by food pictures presented below the threshold of awareness, and level of cognitive restraint was positively associated with increased alpha band power in BA13. Our findings may provide valuable clues to the development of methods assessing unconscious regulation of appetite and offer avenues for further study of the neural mechanisms related to eating behavior.





