
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) system is a rich genetic element that participates in various physiological processes. Aeromonas veronii is the main bacterial pathogen threatening the freshwater aquaculture industry. However, the distribution of type II TA system in A. veronii was seldom documented and its roles in the life activities of A. veronii were still unexplored. In this study, a novel type II TA system AvtA-AvtT was predicted in a fish pathogen Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria with multi-drug resistance using TADB 2.0. Through an Escherichia coli host killing and rescue assay, we demonstrated that AvtA and AvtT worked as a genuine TA system, and the predicted toxin AvtT actually functioned as an antitoxin while the predicted antitoxin AvtA actually functioned as a toxin. The binding ability of AvtA with AvtT proteins were confirmed by dot blotting analysis and co-immunoprecipitation assay. Furthermore, we found that the toxin and antitoxin labelled with fluorescent proteins were co-localized. In addition, it was found that the transcription of AvtAT bicistronic operon was repressed by the AvtAT protein complex. Deletion of avtA gene and avtT gene had no obvious effect on the drug susceptibility. This study provides first characterization of type II TA system AvtA-AvtT in aquatic pathogen A. veronii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules are widely found in the genomes of pathogenic bacteria. They regulate vital cellular functions like transcription, translation, and DNA replication, and are therefore essential to the survival of bacteria under stress. With a focus on the type II parDE modules, this study thoroughly examines TAome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium well-known for its adaptability and antibiotic resistance. We explored the TAome in three P. aeruginosa strains: ATCC 27,853, PAO1, and PA14, and found 15 type II TAs in ATCC 27,853, 12 in PAO1, and 13 in PA14, with significant variation in the associated mobile genetic elements. Five different parDE homologs were found by further TAome analysis in ATCC 27,853, and their relationships were confirmed by sequence alignments and precise genomic positions. After comparing these ParDE modules\' sequences to those of other pathogenic bacteria, it was discovered that they were conserved throughout many taxa, especially Proteobacteria. Nucleic acids were predicted as potential ligands for ParD antitoxins, whereas ParE toxins interacted with a wide range of small molecules, indicating a diverse functional repertoire. The interaction interfaces between ParDE TAs were clarified by protein-protein interaction networks and docking studies, which also highlighted important residues involved in binding. This thorough examination improves our understanding of the diversity, evolutionary dynamics, and functional significance of TA systems in P. aeruginosa, providing insights into their roles in bacterial physiology and pathogenicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type I toxin-antitoxin systems (T1TAs) are bipartite bacterial loci encoding a growth-inhibitory toxin and an antitoxin small RNA (sRNA). In many of these systems, the transcribed toxin mRNA is translationally inactive, but becomes translation-competent upon ribonucleolytic processing. The antitoxin sRNA targets the processed mRNA to inhibit its translation. This two-level control mechanism prevents cotranscriptional translation of the toxin and allows its synthesis only when the antitoxin is absent. Contrary to this, we found that the timP mRNA of the timPR T1TA locus does not undergo enzymatic processing. Instead, the full-length timP transcript is both translationally active and can be targeted by the antitoxin TimR. Thus, tight control in this system relies on a noncanonical mechanism. Based on the results from in vitro binding assays, RNA structure probing, and cell-free translation experiments, we suggest that timP mRNA adopts mutually exclusive structural conformations. The active form uniquely possesses an RNA pseudoknot structure which is essential for translation initiation. TimR preferentially binds to the active conformation, which leads to pseudoknot destabilization and inhibited translation. Based on this, we propose a model in which \"structural processing\" of timP mRNA enables tight inhibition by TimR in nonpermissive conditions, and TimP synthesis only upon TimR depletion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bpm) is a Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes melioidosis in humans, a neglected, underreported, and lethal disease that can reach a fatal outcome in over 50% of the cases. It can produce both acute and chronic infections, the latter being particularly challenging to eliminate because of the intracellular life cycle of the bacteria and its ability to generate a \"persister\" dormant state. The molecular mechanism that allows the switch between growing and persister phenotypes is not well understood but it is hypothesized to be due at least in part to the participation of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. We have previously studied the link between one of those systems (defined as HigBA) with specific expression patterns associated with levofloxacin antibiotic exposure. Through in silico methods, we predicted the presence of another three pairs of genes encoding for additional putative HigBA systems. Therefore, our main goal was to establish which mechanisms are conserved as well as which pathways are specific among different Bpm TA systems from the same family. We hypothesize that the high prevalence, and sometimes even redundancy of these systems in the Bpm chromosomes indicates that they can interact with each other and not function as only individual systems, as it was traditionally thought, and might be playing an undefined role in Bpm lifecycle. Here, we show that both the toxin and the antitoxin of the different systems contribute to bacterial survival and that toxins from the same family can have a cumulative effect under environmental stressful conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems play a significant role in bacterial persistence, a phenomenon where bacterial cells enter a dormant or slow-growing state to survive adverse conditions such as nutrient deprivation, antibiotic exposure, or host immune responses. By studying TA systems in Burkholderia pseudomallei, we can gain insights into how this pathogen survives and persists in the host environment, contributing to its virulence and ability to cause melioidosis chronic infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of nanotechnology has significantly advanced the development of novel platforms that enhance disease treatment and diagnosis. A key innovation in this field is the creation of antitoxin nanoparticles (ATNs), designed to address toxin exposure. These precision-engineered nanosystems have unique physicochemical properties and selective binding capabilities, allowing them to effectively capture and neutralize toxins from various biological, chemical, and environmental sources. In this review, we thoroughly examine their therapeutic and diagnostic potential for managing toxin-related challenges. We also explore recent advancements and offer critical insights into the design and clinical implementation of ATNs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxin-antitoxins (TAs) are prokaryotic two-gene systems composed of a toxin neutralized by an antitoxin. Toxin-antitoxin-chaperone (TAC) systems additionally include a SecB-like chaperone that stabilizes the antitoxin by recognizing its chaperone addiction (ChAD) element. TACs mediate antiphage defense, but the mechanisms of viral sensing and restriction are unexplored. We identify two Escherichia coli antiphage TAC systems containing host inhibition of growth (HigBA) and CmdTA TA modules, HigBAC and CmdTAC. HigBAC is triggered through recognition of the gpV major tail protein of phage λ. Chaperone HigC recognizes gpV and ChAD via analogous aromatic molecular patterns, with gpV outcompeting ChAD to trigger toxicity. For CmdTAC, the CmdT ADP-ribosyltransferase toxin modifies mRNA to halt protein synthesis and limit phage propagation. Finally, we establish the modularity of TACs by creating a hybrid broad-spectrum antiphage system combining the CmdTA TA warhead with a HigC chaperone phage sensor. Collectively, these findings reveal the potential of TAC systems in broad-spectrum antiphage defense.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are ubiquitously distributed genetic elements in prokaryotes and are crucial for cell maintenance and survival under environmental stresses. The antitoxin is a modular protein consisting of the disordered C-terminal region that physically contacts and neutralizes the cognate toxin and the well-folded N-terminal DNA binding domain responsible for autorepression of TA transcription. However, how the two functional domains communicate is largely unknown. Herein, we determined the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of the type II antitoxin MazE-mt10 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, revealing a homodimer of the ribbon-helix-helix (RHH) fold with distinct DNA binding specificity. NMR studies demonstrated that full-length MazE-mt10 forms the helical and coiled states in equilibrium within the C-terminal region, and that helical propensity is allosterically enhanced by the N-terminal binding to the cognate operator DNA. This coil-to-helix transition may promote toxin binding/neutralization of MazE-mt10 and further stabilize the TA-DNA transcription repressor. This is supported by many crystal structures of type II TA complexes in which antitoxins form an α-helical structure at the TA interface. The hidden helical state of free MazE-mt10 in solution, favored by DNA binding, adds a new dimension to the regulatory mechanism of type II TA systems. Furthermore, complementary approaches using X-ray crystallography and NMR allow us to study the allosteric interdomain interplay of many other full-length antitoxins of type II TA systems.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    This publication describes the outcome of a project to develop a replacement European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) Biological Reference Preparation (BRP) for Human tetanus immunoglobulin (TIg) as well as for the World Health Organization (WHO) International Standard (IS) for Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human. Bulk TIg was kindly provided by a European manufacturer and was used to prepare the candidate standard. The candidate standard was freeze-dried and calibrated in an international collaborative study jointly co-ordinated by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM, Council of Europe). The results of this study show that there was good agreement between laboratories for the potency estimates obtained for the candidate standard relative to the current WHO IS/Ph. Eur. BRP. The study also demonstrated that the candidate standard is suitable for use in Ph. Eur. assays for potency testing of TIg products and there was good agreement in the potency estimates obtained using the different assay methods included in the study. Accelerated degradation studies performed at the MHRA over a period of 4 years suggest that the freeze-dried candidate standard will be very stable. The candidate standard was established as Ph. Eur. BRP for Human tetanus immunoglobulin, batch 2 with an assigned potency of 45 IU/ampoule. The same preparation was also adopted by the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) to serve as the WHO 2nd IS for Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human (13/240).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Botulism is a fatal neurologic disease caused by the botulinum toxin (BoNT) produced by Clostridium botulinum. It is a rare but highly toxic disease with symptoms, such as cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dysphagia, respiratory failure, muscle weakness, and even death. Currently, two types of antitoxin are used: equine-derived heptavalent antitoxin and human-derived immunoglobulin (BabyBIG®). However, heptavalent treatment may result in hypersensitivity, whereas BabyBIG®, has a low yield. The present study focused on the development of three anti-BoNT monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 1B18, C25, and M2, in Nicotiana benthamiana. The plant-expressed mAbs were purified and examined for size, purity and integrity by SDS-PAGE, western blotting and size-exclusion chromatography. Analysis showed that plant-produced anti-BoNT mAbs can fully assemble in plants, can be purified in a single purification step, and mostly remain as monomeric proteins. The efficiency of anti-BoNT mAbs binding to BoNT/A and B was then tested. Plant-produced 1B18 retained its ability to recognize both mBoNT/A1 and ciBoNT/B1. At the same time, the binding specificities of two other mAbs were determined: C25 for mBoNT/A1 and M2 for ciBoNT/B1. In conclusion, our results confirm the use of plants as an alternative platform for the production of anti-BoNT mAbs. This plant-based technology will serve as a versatile system for the development botulism immunotherapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The toxin-antitoxin system is a genetic element that is highly present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the causative agent of tuberculosis. The toxin-antitoxin system comprises toxin protein and antitoxin protein or non-encoded RNA interacting with each other and inhibiting toxin activity. M. Tuberculosis has more classes of TA loci than non-tubercle bacilli and other microbes, including VapBC, HigBA, MazEF, ParDE, RelBE, MbcTA, PemIK, DarTG, MenTA, one tripartite type II TAC chaperone system, and hypothetical proteins.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to demonstrate the genes encoded toxin-antitoxin system in mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from clinical samples.
    METHODS: The pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis clinical samples were collected, and smear microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen staining) was performed for the detection of high bacilli (3+) count, followed by nucleic acid amplification assay. Bacterial culture and growth assay, genomic DNA extraction, and polymerase chain reaction were also carried out.
    RESULTS: The positive PTB and EPTB samples were determined by 3+ in microscopy smear and the total count of tubercle bacilli determined by NAAT assay was 8.0×1005 in sputum and 1.3×1004 CFU/ml in tissue abscess. Moreover, the genomic DNA was extracted from culture, and the amplification of Rv1044 and Rv1045 genes in 624 and 412 base pairs (between 600-700 and 400-500 in ladder), respectively, in the H37Rv and clinical samples was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: It has been found that Rv1044 and Rv1045 are hypothetical proteins with 624 and 882 base pairs belonging to the AbiEi/AbiEii family of toxin-antitoxin loci. Moreover, the significant identification of TA-encoded loci genes may allow for the investigation of multidrugresistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.





