Antinuclear antibodies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) is an ongoing international initiative dedicated to harmonizing technical and interpretation aspects of the HEp-2 IFA test. Comprised of internationally recognized experts in autoimmunity and HEp-2 IFA testing, ICAP has operated for the last 10 years by promoting accurate reading, interpretation, and reporting of HEp-2 IFA images by professionals involved in various areas related to autoimmune diseases, such as clinical diagnostic laboratories, academic research, IVD industry, and patient care. ICAP operates through continuous information exchange with the international community and encourages the participation of younger experts from all over the world. The 7th ICAP workshop has addressed several aspects that originated from this interaction with the international community and has effectively established objective goals and tasks to be delivered over the next two years. Some of these are outlined in this article, including the planning of three audio-visual educational modules to be posted at the website, the classification of two novel HEp-2 IFA patterns, the implementation of a project dedicated to continuously updating the information on the clinical and immunologic relevance of the HEp-2 IFA patterns, and the launch of two additional branches of the HEp-2 Clinical and Immunological (HEp-2 CIC) project.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The establishment of the International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) in 2014-2015 was welcomed by members of the medical community as a significant improvement in guiding harmonization of ANA test interpretation and reporting. In the subsequent years, several itinerant meetings and continuous interaction with the community contributed to disseminate the ICAP harmonization on the immunofluorescence patterns observed in the indirect immunofluorescence assay on HEp-2 cells (HEp-2 IFA) and to promote progressive improvement in the classification of HEp-2 IFA patterns. The 6th ICAP Workshop was held in person on September 6, 2021 as a satellite meeting of the 15th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies. This article summarizes the major discussions at the meeting as well as outlining the current plans for the ICAP committee.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The morphological patterns in indirect immunofluorescence assay on HEp-2 cells (HEp-2 IFA) reflect the autoantibodies in the sample. The International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) classifies 30 relevant patterns (AC-0 to AC-29). AC-4 (fine speckled nuclear pattern) is associated to anti-SS-A/Ro, anti-SS-B/La, and several autoantibodies. Anti-SS-A/Ro samples may contain antibodies to Ro60 and Ro52. A variation of AC-4 (herein designated AC-4a), characterized by myriad discrete nuclear speckles, was reported to be associated with anti-SS-A/Ro. The plain fine speckled pattern (herein designated AC-4b) seldom was associated with anti-SS-A/Ro. This study reports the experience of four expert laboratories on AC-4a and AC-4b.
    Anti-Ro60 monoclonal antibody A7 was used to investigate the HEp-2 IFA pattern. Records containing concomitant HEp-2 IFA and SS-A/Ro tests from Durand Laboratory, Argentina (n = 383) and Fleury Laboratory, Brazil (n = 144,471) were analyzed for associations between HEp-2 IFA patterns and disease-associated autoantibodies (DAA): double-stranded DNA, Scl-70, nucleosome, SS-B/La, Sm, and U1-RNP. A total of 381 samples from Dresden Technical University (TU-Dresden), Germany, were assayed for HEp-2 IFA and DAA.
    Monoclonal A7 recognized Ro60 in Western blot and immunoprecipitation, and yielded the AC-4a pattern on HEp-2 IFA. Analyses from Durand Laboratory and Fleury Laboratory yielded compatible results: AC-4a was less frequent (8.9% and 2.7%, respectively) than AC-4b (26.1% and 24.2%) in HEp-2 IFA-positive samples. Reactivity to SS-A/Ro occurred in 67.6% and 96.3% of AC-4a-pattern samples against 23% and 6.8% of AC-4b pattern samples. Reciprocally, AC-4a occurred in 24% and 47.1% of anti-SS-A/Ro-positive samples, and in 3.8% and 0.1% of anti-SS-A/Ro-negative samples. Data from TU-Dresden show that the AC-4a pattern occurred in 69% of 169 anti-SS-A/Ro-monospecific samples (62% of all anti-SS-A/Ro-positive samples) and in 4% of anti-SS-A/Ro-negative samples, whereas anti-SS-A/Ro occurred in 98.3% of AC-4a samples and in 47.9% of AC-4b samples. In all laboratories, coexistence of anti-SS-B/La, but not other DAA, in anti-SS-A/Ro-positive samples did not disturb the AC-4a pattern. AC-4a was predominantly associated with anti-Ro60 antibodies.
    This study confirms the association of AC-4a pattern and anti-SS-A/Ro in opposition to the AC-4b pattern. The results of four international expert laboratories support the worldwide applicability of these AC-4 pattern variants and their incorporation into ICAP classification under codes AC-4a and AC-4b, respectively. The AC-4 pattern should be maintained as an umbrella pattern for cases in which one cannot discriminate AC-4a and AC-4b patterns. The acknowledgment of the AC-4a pattern should add value to HEp-2 IFA interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neonatal lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease acquired during fetal life as a result of transplacental passage of maternal anti-Sjögren\'s-syndrome-related antigen A (anti-SSA/Ro), anti-Sjögren\'s-syndrome-related antigen B (anti-SSB/La) or anti-U1 ribonucleoprotein (anti-U1-RNP) antinuclear autoantibodies.
    BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations include skin lesions, congenital heart block, hepatobiliary involvement and cytopenias. Most of the disorders disappear spontaneously after clearance of maternal antibodies. Cardiac symptoms, however, are not self-resolving and often pacemaker implantation is required. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation and the presence of typical antibodies in the mother\'s or infant\'s serum.
    CONCLUSIONS: Neonatal lupus erythematosus may develop in children born to anti-SSA/Ro or anti-SSB/La women with various systemic connective tissue diseases. However, in half of the cases, the mother is asymptomatic, which may delay the diagnosis and have negative impact on the child\'s prognosis. Testing for antinuclear antibodies should be considered in every pregnant woman since early treatment with hydroxychloroquine or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has proven to be effective in preventing congenital heart block.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The V Brazilian Consensus for determination of autoantibodies against cellular constituents on HEp-2 cells, held in Brasilia (DF, Brazil) on August 27, 2016, discussed the harmonization between the Brazilian Consensus on ANA (BCA) guidelines and the International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) recommendations ( ). Initial guidelines were formulated by the group of Brazilian experts with the purpose of guiding and enabling Brazilian clinical laboratories to adopt recommendations and to provide a common standard for national and international consensuses.
    Twenty Brazilian researchers and experts from universities and clinical laboratories representing the various geographical regions of the country participated in the meeting. Three main topics were discussed, namely the harmonization between the BCA guidelines and latest recommendations of the ICAP initiative, the adjustment of the terminology and report on HEp-2 patterns, and a reassessment of quality assurance parameters. For the three topics, our aim was to establish specific guidelines. All recommendations were based on consensus among participants. There was concrete progress in the adjustment of the BCA guidelines to match the ICAP guidelines. To a certain extent, this derives from the fact that ICAP recommendations were largely based on the algorithm and recommendations of the IV Brazilian ANA Consensus, as consistently recognized in the ICAP publications and presentations. However, although there is great overlap between the two Consensuses, there are some point divergences. These specific items were individually and extensively discussed, and it was acknowledged that in several points ICAP improved recommendations previously issued by the Brazilian ANA Consensus and these changes were readily implemented. Regarding some specific topics, the BCA panel of experts felt that the previously issued recommendations remained relevant and possibly will require further discussion with ICAP. The term anti-cell antibodies was adopted as the recommended designation, recognizing that the assay addresses antibodies against antigens in the nucleus and in other cell compartments. However, the acronym ANA HEp-2 was maintained due to historical and regulatory reasons. It was also signalized that the latest trend in ICAP is to adopt the term Indirect Immunofluorescent Assay on HEp-2 cell substrate (HEp-2 IIFA). In addition, the quality assurance strategies previously presented were ratified and emphasized.
    The V BCA edition was successful in establishing an overall harmonization with the ICAP recommendations for interpretation of the HEp-2 IIFA test, pinpointing the perspectives in filling the remaining gaps between both initiatives.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIFA) on HEp-2 cells is widely used for detection of antinuclear antibodies (ANA). The dichotomous outcome, negative or positive, is integrated in diagnostic and classification criteria for several systemic autoimmune diseases. However, the HEp-2 IIFA test has much more to offer: besides the titre or fluorescence intensity, it also provides fluorescence pattern(s). The latter include the nucleus and the cytoplasm of interphase cells as well as patterns associated with mitotic cells. The International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) initiative has previously reached consensus on the nomenclature and definitions of HEp-2 IIFA patterns. In the current paper, the ICAP consensus is presented on the clinical relevance of the 29 distinct HEp-2 IIFA patterns. This clinical relevance is primarily defined within the context of the suspected disease and includes recommendations for follow-up testing. The discussion includes how this information may benefit the clinicians in daily practice and how the knowledge can be used to further improve diagnostic and classification criteria.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To revise the current juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) classification criteria with an evidence-based approach, using clinical and routine laboratory measures available worldwide, to identify homogeneous clinical groups and to distinguish those forms of chronic arthritis typically seen only in children from the childhood counterpart of adult diseases.
    The overall project consists of 4 steps. This work represents Step 1, a Delphi Web-based consensus and Step 2, an international nominal group technique (NGT) consensus conference for the new provisional Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization JIA classification criteria. A future large data collection of at least 1000 new-onset JIA patients (Step 3) followed by analysis and NGT consensus (Step 4) will provide data for the evidence-based validation of the JIA classification criteria.
    In Step 1, three Delphi rounds of interactions were implemented to revise the 7 ILAR JIA categories. In Step 2, forty-seven questions with electronic voting were implemented to derive the new proposed criteria. Four disorders were proposed: (a) systemic JIA; (b) rheumatoid factor-positive JIA; (c) enthesitis/spondylitis-related JIA; and (d) early-onset antinuclear antibody-positive JIA. The other forms were gathered under the term \"others.\" These will be analyzed during the prospective data collection using a list of descriptors to see whether the clustering of some of them could identify homogeneous entities.
    An international consensus was reached to identify different proposed homogeneous chronic disorders that fall under the historical term JIA. These preliminary criteria will be formally validated with a dedicated project.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second meeting for the International Consensus on Antinuclear antibody (ANA) Pattern (ICAP) was held on 22 September 2015, one day prior to the opening of the 12th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies in Dresden, Germany. The ultimate goal of ICAP is to promote harmonization and understanding of autoantibody nomenclature, and thereby optimizing ANA usage in patient care. The newly developed ICAP website was introduced to the more than 50 participants. This was followed by several presentations and discussions focusing on key issues including the two-tier classification of ANA patterns into competent-level versus expert-level, the consideration of how to report composite versus mixed ANA patterns, and the necessity for developing a consensus on how ANA results should be reported. The need to establish on-line training modules to help users gain competency in identifying ANA patterns was discussed as a future addition to the website. To advance the ICAP goal of promoting wider international participation, it was agreed that there should be a consolidated plan to translate consensus documents into other languages by recruiting help from members of the respective communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the 12th International Workshop on Autoantibodies and Autoimmunity held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on August 28, 2014, a full day session was devoted to establishing a consensus on the nomenclature of staining patterns observed in the antinuclear antibody (ANA) indirect immunofluorescence test on HEp-2 cells. The current report summarizes the collective agreements with input from the host Brazilian and international communities that represented research, clinical, and diagnostic service laboratories. Patterns are categorized in three major groups (nuclear, cytoplasmic, and mitotic patterns) and each pattern has been defined and described in detail. The consensus nomenclature and representative patterns are made available online at the international consensus on antinuclear antibody pattern (ICAP) website ( To facilitate continuous improvement and input, specific comments on ICAP are encouraged and these will be discussed in subsequent ICAP meetings. The ultimate goal with the establishment of the ICAP is to promote harmonization and understanding of autoantibody test nomenclature, as well as interpretation guidelines for ANA testing, thereby optimizing usage in patient care.






