
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Disulfiram-like reactions occur when alcohol is consumed concurrently with certain drugs and can sometimes be fatal. Some cephalosporins such as cefoperazone could cause disulfiram-like reaction, known as cephalosporin-induced disulfiram-like reactions (CIDLRs). We describe a case of cefmetazole (CMZ)-treated CIDLR triggered by alcohol consumption. A 72-year-old Japanese man, treated with CMZ for perforated appendicitis and subsequent paralytic ileus, presented with skin flushing and chest discomfort, developing 30 min after consuming usual meals and alcohol. CIDLR was diagnosed due to recent use of CMZ and the symptoms alleviated without any medication. This is the first case report of a CMZ-induced disulfiram-like reaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 22 years old undergraduate student was injured three times by a C. medius spider while wearing pants. Right foot and internal lower leg were bitten in three sites, leading to local pain and oedema, besides a total leg paresthesia as immediate symptoms. A series of photographs of the sites were taken since day 0 until resolution in day 10. Two hours after the accident, the victim received intravenous promethazine. Despite cessation of pain and paresthesia after 24 hours, an intense erythema and itching emerged reaching the maximum in day 4, when the victim returned to hospital and received topic dexamethasone and oral dexchlorpheniramine. The regression was complete in day 10. This accident opened room for discussion of empiric drug choice for immediate and subsequent symptoms of unknown envenomations, as good as a reference for further accidents with this common spider. Biological aspects such as venom composition and spider control of delivered venom amount are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This article covers an interesting topic. Paraneoplastic pruritus is rare but can be severe. It can sometimes be resistant to usual treatments. In our case, it was resistant to antihistamines but was relieved by inhibitors of serotonin scrapping.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Histamine is suggested to play a role in ovarian carcinogenesis. We examined the association between antihistamine use and ovarian cancer risk in a nationwide case-control study.
    METHODS: Cases (n = 5 556) comprised all women in Denmark aged 30-84 years with a histologically verified first diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer during 2000-2015. Age-matched population controls (n = 83 340) were selected using risk-set sampling. Data on prescription use, patient and demographic characteristics were retrieved from nationwide registries.
    METHODS: We used conditional logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for epithelial ovarian cancer associated with antihistamine use (≥2 prescriptions). The association was evaluated according to patterns of antihistamine use, menopausal status, and histological subtype of ovarian cancer.
    RESULTS: Ever use of antihistamines was not associated with ovarian cancer overall (OR = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.90-1.05). The lack of association remained in subanalyses for patterns of antihistamine use. We observed an inverse association between antihistamine use and ovarian cancer among pre-menopausal women (<50 year: OR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.57-0.90), but not post-menopausal women (≥50 year: OR = 1.02, 95%CI = 0.93-1.11). In analyses of histological subtypes, an inverse association emerged for mucinous ovarian cancer (OR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.57-0.96), but not for other subtypes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Antihistamine use was not associated with overall ovarian cancer risk. Additional research is needed to confirm inverse associations between antihistamine use and mucinous ovarian cancer, and overall ovarian cancer among pre-menopausal women.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Solar urticaria is a rare type of inducible urticaria characterized by wheal and erythema formation shortly after exposure to sunlight or to an artificial light source; its pathophysiology is not yet entirely understood. The treatment of choice, in addition to exposure avoidance, consists in antihistamine administration.
    This is the case of a 27-year-old woman with no personal history of allergic diseases and with a 2-year history of erythema and wheals in photo-exposed areas associated with sunlight exposure for periods longer than 10 minutes. A provocation test was carried out; she was started on fexofenadine at 4-fold the standard dose (720 mg/day). Six weeks later, a new challenge was carried out without the antihistamine being discontinued; the reaction was less severe, but she continued with erythema for the first 60 minutes post-exposure. After 3 months on high-dose antihistamines, she referred marked improvement in her quality of life and tolerance to brief sunlight exposure (for less than 15 minutes).
    Solar urticaria is a rare process but with a high impact on the patient. The use of antihistamines partially relieves symptoms and allows better tolerance to lighting expositions.
    Antecedentes: La urticaria solar es un tipo infrecuente de urticaria inducible que se manifiesta con erupciones y eritema poco después de la exposición a la luz del sol o de una fuente de luz artificial; su fisiopatología aún no se comprende del todo. El tratamiento de elección, además de evitar la exposición, consiste en la administración de antihistamínicos. Caso clínico: Mujer de 27 años, sin antecedente personal de enfermedades alérgicas, con cuadro clínico de 2 años de evolución consistente en eritema y erupciones en áreas fotoexpuestas asociados con exposición a la luz del sol durante más de 10 minutos. Se realizó prueba de reto. Se decidió continuar con una dosis de fexofenadina 4 veces mayor a la convencional (720 mg/día). Seis semanas después se efectuó nuevo reto sin suspender el antihistamínico; la reacción fue menos severa, pero la paciente continuó con eritema durante los primeros 60 minutos posteriores a la exposición. Después de 3 meses con dosis altas de antihistamínicos, la paciente refirió notable mejoría en su calidad de vida y tolerancia a exposiciones cortas a luz solar (menos de 15 minutos). Conclusiones: La urticaria solar es un proceso raro pero con alto impacto en el paciente. El uso de antihistamínicos alivia parcialmente los síntomas y permite una mejor tolerancia a las exposiciones lumínicas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: After regulatory restrictions for terfenadine and astemizole in \'90s, only scarce evidence on proarrhythmic potential of antihistamines has been published. We evaluate the risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VA) related to the use of individual antihistamines.
    METHODS: A matched case-control study nested in a cohort of new users of antihistamines was conducted within the EU-funded ARITMO project. Data on 1997-2010 were retrieved from seven healthcare databases: AARHUS (Denmark), GEPARD (Germany), HSD and ERD (Italy), PHARMO and IPCI (Netherlands) and THIN (UK). Cases of VA were selected and up to 100 controls were matched to each case. The odds ratio (OR) of current use for individual antihistamines (AHs) was estimated using conditional logistic regression.
    RESULTS: For agents largely used to prevent allergic symptoms, such as cetirizine, levocetirizine, loratadine, desloratadine and fexofenadine, we found no VA risk. A statistically significant, increased risk of VA was found only for current use of cyclizine in the pooled analysis (ORadj, 5.3; 3.6-7.6) and in THIN (ORadj, 5.3; 95% CI, 3.7-7.6), for dimetindene in GEPARD (ORadj, 3.9; 1.1-14.7) and for ebastine in GEPARD (ORadj, 3.3; 1.1-10.8) and PHARMO (ORadj, 4.6; 1.3-16.2).
    CONCLUSIONS: The risk of VA associated with a few specific antihistamines could be ascribable to heterogeneity in pattern of use or in receptor binding profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: H1 antihistamines differ from each other by their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. The resulting sedating effect can be sought in therapy but may be a driving hazard. The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of sedating H1-antihistamines on the risk of road traffic crash, with a particular focus on hydroxyzine which is also indicated as an anxiolytic in France.
    METHODS: The study consisted in extracting and matching data from three French nationwide databases: the national healthcare insurance database, police reports and the police national database of injurious crashes. All sedating H1-antihistamines, including hydroxyzine, were considered in the study. A case-control analysis, in which responsible drivers were cases and non-responsible were controls was performed. A case-crossover analysis, comparing for the same subject exposure during a period immediately before the crash with exposure during an earlier period, was also conducted.
    RESULTS: The extraction and matching procedures over the July 2005-December 2011 period led to the inclusion of 142,771 drivers involved in an injurious road traffic crash. The responsibility study found an increased risk of being responsible for an injurious road traffic crash in hydroxyzine users who were registered with a long-term chronic disease (mostly psychiatric disorders) on the day of the crash (OR=1.67 [1.22-2.30]). Among them, the risk was even higher in drivers with highest exposure levels (OR=2.60 [1.23-5.50]). There was no impact of sedating H1 antihistamine treatment initiation on the risk of crash.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even if it is difficult to disentangle the part of the increased risk that would be causally related to hydroxyzine and the part related to behaviours of patients with a heavy psychiatric disorder, our study raises the alarm on the crash risk linked to hydroxyzine utilization in countries in which the anxiolytic indication is widespread.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although there have been experimental studies concerning driving and drugs, studies on the risk of antihistamines are not numerous. This is the first population-based epidemiological study concerning the association of sedating/nonsedating antihistamines and fatal traffic accidents.
    METHODS: Car drivers (n = 428) who died in accidents before reaching the hospital and controls (n = 688) matched for accident area and driving season were studied for antihistamines in blood. At the time of the fatal road traffic accident, 6 drivers had a detectable amount of sedating antihistamines in blood, and the corresponding number for controls was 4; nonsedating antihistamines in blood were detected in 12 accident cases and 28 controls. The fatal accidents occurred between 1998 and 2002 and the information on the controls was collected between 2000 and 2002 in Finland.
    RESULTS: Regarding fatal traffic accident causality, the nonsedating antihistamines proved to have a protective effect after adjusting for age and gender (relative risk = 0.40, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20 to 0.82; P =.01). The risk of fatal traffic accident of those driving under the influence of sedating antihistamines was 1.61 (0.38 to 6.77, P =.51) times the risk of those without medication.
    CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study supports the protective effect of second-generation antihistamines with respect to fatal traffic accidents. Due to the small sample size the results are not conclusive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It remains unknown why proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use may be associated with risk of osteoporotic fractures; evidence of direct effects on calcium absorption or on the osteoclast in humans is weak or absent. However, the ensuing increased gastrin levels may cause histamine production through hypertrophy of gastric enterochromaffin like cells, which could lead to bone loss. We speculated that H1 receptor antagonists (H1RA) used for allergies would then reduce the effect of PPI on bone. We therefore conducted a register-based case-control study comprising 124,655 patients with hospital treated fractures, who were matched 3:1 with non fracture control subjects of the same age and gender. Use of prescription medications was retrieved from the National Prescription Database and data was analyzed using conditional logistic regression analysis. We observed a significant interaction between PPI and H1RA use on fracture risk in general (adjusted OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.87-0.98) though not on hip fracture risk (adjusted OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.85-1.16). There was a significant modification of the interaction by age (p<0.05 for both fracture categories). As previously shown, fracture risk was higher in PPI users both for fractures in general and for hip fractures. Irrespective of PPI use, H1RA users had lower risk of hip fractures than non-users (adjusted OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.79-0.93). This short report suggests that the effects of PPI on bone could be driven by in part by increased histamine release as the increased fracture risk can be modified by H1RA.





