Antiepileptic drugs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:抗癫痫药物(AEDs)的单药治疗是癫痫初始治疗的首选策略。然而,对最初规定的AED反应不足是长期预后不良的重要指标,强调准确预测癫痫患者初始AED方案治疗结果的重要性。 方法:我们介绍OxcarNet,开发了一个端到端的神经网络框架,用于预测接受奥卡西平单药治疗的患者的治疗结果.所提出的预测模型在其初始层中采用Sinc模块来自适应识别判别频带。然后通过空间模块处理导出的特征图,表征脑电图(EEG)信号的头皮分布模式。随后,这些功能被输入到注意力增强的时间模块中,以捕获时间动态和差异。采用具有注意力机制的通道模块来揭示时间模块的输出内的通道间依赖性。最终实现响应预测。OxcarNet是使用专有数据集进行严格评估的回顾性收集的EEG数据,这些数据来自南京鼓楼医院新诊断的癫痫患者。该数据集包括在临床住院患者环境中接受长期EEG监测的患者。主要结果:OxcarNet在预测接受奥卡西平单药治疗的患者的治疗结果方面具有出色的准确性。在十倍交叉验证中,该模型达到了97.27%的准确率,在涉及看不见的患者数据的验证中,它保持了89.17%的准确率,优于六种传统的机器学习方法和三种通用的神经解码网络。这些发现强调了该模型在准确预测新诊断癫痫患者治疗反应方面的有效性。对Sinc滤波器提取的特征的分析显示,在伽马带的高频范围内,预测频率的主要集中。
意义:我们的研究结果为定制早期AED选择提供了实质性支持和新见解,提高AED响应的预测精度。 .
    OBJECTIVE: Monotherapy with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is the preferred strategy for the initial treatment of epilepsy. However, an inadequate response to the initially prescribed AED is a significant indicator of a poor long-term prognosis, emphasizing the importance of precise prediction of treatment outcomes with the initial AED regimen in patients with epilepsy. Approach: We introduce OxcarNet, an end-to-end neural network framework developed to predict treatment outcomes in patients undergoing oxcarbazepine monotherapy. The proposed predictive model adopts a Sinc Module in its initial layers for adaptive identification of discriminative frequency bands. The derived feature maps are then processed through a Spatial Module, which characterizes the scalp distribution patterns of the electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Subsequently, these features are fed into an attention-enhanced Temporal Module to capture temporal dynamics and discrepancies. A Channel Module with an attention mechanism is employed to reveal inter-channel dependencies within the output of the temporal module, ultimately achieving response prediction. OxcarNet was rigorously evaluated using a proprietary dataset of retrospectively collected EEG data from newly diagnosed epilepsy patients at Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital. This dataset included patients who underwent long-term EEG monitoring in a clinical inpatient setting. Main results: OxcarNet demonstrated exceptional accuracy in predicting treatment outcomes for patients undergoing Oxcarbazepine monotherapy. In the ten-fold cross-validation, the model achieved an accuracy of 97.27%, and in the validation involving unseen patient data, it maintained an accuracy of 89.17%, outperforming six conventional machine learning methods and three generic neural decoding networks. These findings underscore the model\'s effectiveness in accurately predicting the treatment responses in patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy. The analysis of features extracted by the Sinc filters revealed a predominant concentration of predictive frequencies in the high-frequency range of the gamma band. Significance: The findings of our study offer substantial support and new insights into tailoring early AED selection, enhancing the prediction accuracy for the responses of AEDs. .






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare but life-threatening skin lesion triggered by hypersensitive drug reaction. They are characterized by extensive epidermal necrosis and skin exfoliation. Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus (FT1DM) is featured by a rapid-onset of hyperglycemia with ketoacidosis due to severely destroyed β-cell function. Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus as a sequela of SJS/TEN has rarely been reported.
    METHODS: We present a 73-year-old female patient who developed SJS/TEN skin allergic reaction after taking carbamazepine and phenytoin for 35 days. Then, hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis occurred 20 days after discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs. A very low serum C-peptide level (8.79 pmol/l) and a near-normal glycosylated hemoglobin level met the diagnostic criteria for fulminant T1DM. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and insulin were promptly administered, and the patient recovered finally.
    CONCLUSIONS: This rare case indicates that monitoring blood glucose is necessary in SJS/TEN drug reaction, and comprehensive therapy with rehydration, insulin, antibiotics, and IVIG may improve the prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by excessive neuronal activity and synchronized electrical discharges, ranks among the most prevalent global neurological conditions. Despite common use, antiepileptic drugs often result in adverse effects and lack effectiveness in controlling seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Recent research explored the potential of occidentalin-1202, a peptide inspired by Polybia occidentalis venom, in safeguarding Wistar rats from chemically induced seizures. The present study evaluated the new analog from occidentalin-1202 named NOR-1202 using acute and chronic pilocarpine-induced models and an acute kainic acid (KA) male mice model. NOR-1202 was administered through the intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.), subcutaneous, or intraperitoneal routes, with stereotaxic procedures for the i.c.v. injection. In the acute pilocarpine-induced model, NOR-1202 (i.c.v.) protected against generalized seizures and mortality but lacked systemic antiepileptic activity. In the KA model, it did not prevent generalized seizures but improved survival. In the chronic TLE model, NOR-1202\'s ED50 did not differ significantly from the epileptic or healthy groups regarding time spent in spontaneous recurrent seizures during the five-day treatment. However, the NOR-1202 group exhibited more seizures than the healthy group on the second day of treatment. In summary, NOR-1202 exhibits antiepileptic effects against chemoconvulsant-induced seizures, but no effect was observed when administered systemically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The most commonly prescribed anti-seizures medications (ASMs) for the treatment of epilepsy are currently topiramate, zonisamide, lacosamide, carbamazepine and levetiracetam. The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative metabolic acidosis and the use of ASMs prior to craniotomy operations.
    METHODS: This retrospective cross-sectional study evaluated patients who underwent intracranial surgery with craniotomy under general anaesthesia between May 2020 and April 2023 and used ASMs. The patients were classified into four groups based on the pharmacological mechanisms of action of the ASMs administered before intracranial surgery (Group-I, zonisamide or topiramate; Group-II, lacosamide; Group-III, carbamazepine; Group-IV, levetiracetam). Metabolic acidosis severity was defined based on base excess (BE) levels: mild (-3 to -5), moderate (-5 to -10), and severe (below - 10). The study investigated the correlation between ASMs and the severity of metabolic acidosis in preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative blood gas measurements.
    RESULTS: Out of 35 patients, 24 patients underwent intracranial surgery and 11 patients underwent epilepsy surgery. There were statistically significant differences in the severity of metabolic acidosis between preoperative (p < 0.001), intraoperative (p < 0.001) and postoperative (p = 0.01) groups. The preoperative mean BE of group-I was - 4.7, which was statistically lower than that of group-III (p = 0.01) and group-IV (p < 0.001). Intraoperatively and postoperatively, group-I had a mean BE of -7.5 and - 3.2, respectively, which was statistically lower than that of groups II (p = 0.007; p = 0.04), III (p = 0.002; p = 0.03), and IV (p < 0.001; p = 0.009). There was no statistically significant difference in BE between groups II, III and IV at all three time points. Group I had the lowest BE at all three time points. Intraoperative bicarbonate was administered to all patients in group I, whereas no intraoperative bicarbonate was required in the other groups. In group I, 50% of patients required postoperative intensive care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of ASMs in patients undergoing surgery is important in terms of mortality and morbidity. Topirimat and zonisamide are ASMs that can cause preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative metabolic acidosis. Patients receiving topirimat or zonisamide are particularly susceptible to metabolic acidosis. Special care should be taken in the management of anaesthesia in patients receiving these drugs, and monitoring of the perioperative metabolic status is essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the experience of prescribing phenosanic acid in the practice of a neurologist/epileptologist when prescribing the second, third anticonvulsant drug (AED) as part of combination therapy for patients with manifestations of fatigue due to epilepsy.
    METHODS: 501 patients with focal epilepsy accompanied by asthenic disorders were included in the observational program. The observation program protocol included 5 visits, including visit 1, at which screening and inclusion in the OP took place. The observation period was 10 months. At baseline and at the end of the 10-month follow-up, the patients\' condition was assessed according to the following indicators: frequency and transformation of attacks with focal onset, severity of fatigue (self-assessment scale MFI-20); quality of life (questionnaire QoLiE-10-P); frequency of attacks with focal onset. The safety of phenosanic acid (Dibufelon) was also assessed.
    RESULTS: In 10 months after the inclusion of Dibufelon as the 2nd, 3rd AED in the treatment regimen, a statistically significant (p<0.01) decrease in the frequency of seizures was observed: in general - in 88% of patients; by 50% or more - in 76% of patients; transition from the group with a large number of seizures to the group with a smaller number of seizures - 74% of patients. Also when taking phenosanic acid, a positive dynamics of seizure type was noted: a reliable decrease in the proportion of patients with seizures with secondary generalization from 70% to 56%; a decrease in the number of focal seizures with impaired consciousness from 65% to 53%. In addition, there was a 38% decrease in the severity of fatigue on the MFI-20 scale (the greatest decrease on the «Mental fatigue» scale), improvement in the quality of life - a 2.7-fold increase in the mean values of the QOLIE-10 questionnaire.
    CONCLUSIONS: The addition of phenosanic acid to antiepileptic therapy as a second or third AED allows for better control of seizures, leading to a decrease the frequency and severity of attacks and the severity of fatigue both, and an increase of the quality of life of patients with epilepsy.
    UNASSIGNED: Оценка эффективности фенозановой кислоты в практике врача-невролога при назначении 2-м, 3-м противоэпилептическим препаратом (ПЭП) в составе комбинированной терапии пациентов с проявлениями астении.
    UNASSIGNED: В наблюдательную программу (НП) был включен 501 пациент с фокальной эпилепсией с наличием астении. Протокол наблюдательной программы предусматривал 5 визитов, включая визит скрининга, на котором происходило включение в НП. Длительность наблюдения составила 10 мес. Исходно и по окончании 10-месячного наблюдения оценивались частота и трансформация приступов с фокальным дебютом; выраженность астении (шкала MFI-20); качество жизни (опросник QoLiE-10-P). Также оценивалась безопасность применения фенозановой кислоты.
    UNASSIGNED: В результате анализа динамики частоты приступов через 10 мес после включения в схему лечения Дибуфелона было отмечено статистически значимое снижение частоты приступов: в целом — у 88% пациентов (p<0,01); на 50% и более — у 76%; переход из группы с большим количеством приступов в группу с меньшим количеством — у 74%. На фоне приема Дибуфелона отмечалась положительная трансформация типа приступов: достоверное снижение доли пациентов с приступами с вторичной генерализацией с 70 до 56%; снижение количества фокальных приступов с нарушением осознанности с 65 до 53%. Зарегистрированы снижение выраженности астении на 38% (наибольшее снижение по шкале «психическая астения»), повышение качества жизни — увеличение средних значений показателей опросника QOLIE-10 в 2,7 раза.
    UNASSIGNED: Добавление Дибуфелона к противоэпилептической терапии в качестве 2-го, 3-го ПЭП позволяет добиться более полного контроля над приступами, приводя к снижению частоты и тяжести приступов, уменьшению выраженности астении, повышению качества жизни пациентов.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders affect millions of people worldwide, with a significant proportion experiencing drug-resistant forms where conventional medications fail to provide adequate seizure control. This abstract delves into recent advancements and innovative therapies aimed at addressing the complex challenge of CNS-related drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) management. The idea of precision medicine has opened up new avenues for epilepsy treatment. Herbs such as curcumin, ginkgo biloba, panax ginseng, bacopa monnieri, ashwagandha, and rhodiola rosea influence the BDNF pathway through various mechanisms. These include the activation of CREB, inhibition of NF-κB, modulation of neurotransmitters, reduction of oxidative stress, and anti- inflammatory effects. By promoting BDNF expression and activity, these herbs support neuroplasticity, cognitive function, and overall neuronal health. Novel antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) with distinct mechanisms of action demonstrate efficacy in refractory cases where traditional medications falter. Additionally, repurposing existing drugs for antiepileptic purposes presents a cost-effective strategy to broaden therapeutic choices. Cannabidiol (CBD), derived from cannabis herbs, has garnered attention for its anticonvulsant properties, offering a potential adjunctive therapy for refractory seizures. In conclusion, recent advances and innovative therapies represent a multifaceted approach to managing drug-resistant epilepsy. Leveraging precision medicine, neurostimulation technologies, novel pharmaceuticals, and complementary therapies, clinicians can optimize treatment outcomes and improve the life expectancy of patients living with refractory seizures. Genetic testing and biomarker identification now allow for personalized therapeutic approaches tailored to individual patient profiles. Utilizing next-generation sequencing techniques, researchers have elucidated genetic mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hyperekplexia is a rare neurogenetic disorder that is classically characterized by an exaggerated startle response to sudden unexpected stimuli. This study aimed to determine clinical and genetic characteristics of our patients with hyperekplexia.
    METHODS: The age of onset and diagnosis, familial and perinatal history, clinical course, complications, metabolic screening tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), medications, neuropsychometric evaluations, and gene mutations of patients diagnosed with hyperekplexia were reviewed retrospectively.
    RESULTS: All hyperekplexia patients had displayed neonatal excessive startle response and muscle stiffness, which we accepted as the major form of the disorder. Sixteen patients had mutations in genes associated with hyperekplexia. The ages at clinical diagnosis and genetic confirmation ranged from newborn to 16 years old and from 2.5 to 19 years, respectively. Nine patients (56.25%) were initially misdiagnosed with epilepsy. Seven patients (43.75%) carried a diagnosis of intellectual disability, defined here as a total IQ <80. Delayed gross motor development was detected in 4 patients (25%), and speech delay was reported in 3 (18.75%). Mutations in GLRA1 (NM_000171.4) and SLC6A5 (NM_004211.5) were identified in 13 (81.25%) and 3 patients (18.75%), respectively. Fifteen of the 16 patients (93.75%) showed autosomal recessive inheritance. Only 1 patient (6.25%) showed autosomal dominant inheritance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although hyperekplexia is a potentially treatable disease, it can be complicated by delayed speech and/or motor acquisition and also by intellectual disability. This study shows that hyperekplexia is not always a benign condition and that all patients diagnosed with hyperekplexia should be evaluated for neuropsychiatric status and provided with genetic testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of levetiracetam(LEV), lamotrigine(LTG), oxcarbazepine(OXC), topiramate(TPM) and valproate (VPA) on postictal state (PIS).
    METHODS: A total of 187 epilepsy patients undergoing monotherapy were enrolled in a long-term follow-up study at the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou College. This included 30 patients on levetiracetam, 41 on valproate, 30 on oxcarbazepine, 28 on topiramate, and 31 on lamotrigine. A control group of 28 newly diagnosed or previously untreated epilepsy patients was also included. The Liverpool Seizure Severity Scale 2.0 (LSSS2.0) and the Seizure Severity Questionnaire (SSQ) were utilized to evaluate the patients\' condition, with comparison based on the results of the postictal status items. EEG during PIS termination was assessed using the Grand Total EEG score (GTE) as an objective tool to measure the impact of Antiseizure medications (ASMs) on the post-seizure state.
    RESULTS: The LSSS2.0 score indicated a statistically significant difference in post-seizure status score among the 5 groups (p < 0.05). The difference between the 5 groups and the control group was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Results of the SSQ demonstrated that all 5 drugs significantly reduced the post-seizure status score compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The GTE score revealed that, in the later stage of the seizure, the GTE score of the levetiracetam group, valproate group, oxcarbazepine group, and lamotrigine group significantly decreased compared to the control group (P < 0.05). There was no significant decrease in the GTE score in the topiramate group (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Levetiracetam, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, and valproate demonstrate favorable efficacy in ameliorating the severity of post-seizure condition. Further investigations are warranted to assess the potential of other widely employed anti-seizure medications in enhancing post-seizure status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenytoin, an antiepileptic drug, induces neurotoxicity and abnormal embryonic development and reduces spontaneous locomotor activity in fish. However, its effects on other endpoints remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effects of phenytoin on the swimming behavior and reproductive ability of Japanese medaka. Abnormalities in swimming behavior, such as imbalance, rotation, rollover, and vertical swimming, were observed. However, when phenytoin exposure was discontinued, the behavioral abnormality rates decreased. Phenytoin exposure also significantly reduced reproductive ability. By investigating reproduction-related gene expression of gnrh1, gnrh2, fshb, and lhb remained unchanged in males and females. In contrast, kiss1 expression was significantly suppressed due to phenytoin exposure in males and females. kiss2 expression was also significantly suppressed in females but not in males. We filmed videos to examine phenytoin exposure effects on sexual behavior. Females showed no interest in the male\'s courtship. As the kisspeptin 1 system controls sexual behavior in Japanese medaka, phenytoin exposure may have decreased kiss1 expression, which decreased female reproductive motivation; hence, they did not spawn eggs. This is the first study to show that phenytoin exposure induces behavioral abnormalities, and suppresses kiss1 expression and reproductive performance in Japanese medaka.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to assess the impact of acute and chronic treatment with oxcarbazepine on its anticonvulsant activity, neurological adverse effects, and protective index in mice. Oxcarbazepine was administered in four protocols: once or twice daily for one week (7 × 1 or 7 × 2) and once or twice daily for two weeks (14 × 1 or 14 × 2). A single dose of the drug was employed as a control. The anticonvulsant effect was evaluated in the maximal electroshock test in mice. Motor and long-term memory impairment were assessed using the chimney test and the passive avoidance task, respectively. The concentrations of oxcarbazepine in the brain and plasma were determined via high-performance liquid chromatography. Two weeks of oxcarbazepine treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the anticonvulsant (in the 14 × 1; 14 × 2 protocols) and neurotoxic (in the 14 × 2 schedule) effects of this drug. In contrast, the protective index for oxcarbazepine in the 14 × 2 protocol was found to be lower than that calculated for the control. No significant deficits in memory or motor coordination were observed following repeated administration of oxcarbazepine. The plasma and brain concentrations of this anticonvulsant were found to be significantly higher in the one-week protocols. Chronic treatment with oxcarbazepine may result in the development of tolerance to its anticonvulsant and neurotoxic effects, which appears to be dependent on pharmacodynamic mechanisms.





