
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    This study was conducted on the concentrations of PAHs, including benzo[a]pyrene and the sum of four PAHs (benz[a]anthracene, chryseno, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene), in unsmoked fish tissues. The values were related to the time period, locality (country and region), living habits, eating habits, and types of environments of the fish species. The data obtained has been also compared with the limits established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and European Union (E.U.) legislation. The data were collected through a PRISMA systematic review (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) from 1982 to 2020. Only documents that presented the PAHs concentration values were selected. China, Nigeria, and Iran had the highest number of studies. The species Coptodon zillii, Siganus punctatus, and Liza abu were the most commonly used bioindicators. Fish inhabiting demersal and pelagic environments showed the highest concentrations of PAHs. The majority of PAH concentrations of the analyzed documents fell within permissible limits for human consumption, representing a total percentage of 79.49 % for benzo[a]pyrene and 82.86 % for the sum of the 4 PAHs. Although some studies identified concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene alone and benzo[a]pyrene, benz[a]anthracene, chryseno, benzo[b]fluoranthene above the legislation limits, in most of them, the concentrations reported in fish tissue were below the limits defined by European Legislation for human consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypericin can be derived from St. John\'s wort, which is widely spread around the world. As a natural product, it has been put into clinical practice such as wound healing and depression for a long time. In this article, we review the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and safety of hypericin, aiming to introduce the research advances and provide a full evaluation of it. Turns out hypericin, as a natural photosensitizer, exhibits an excellent capacity for anticancer, neuroprotection, and elimination of microorganisms, especially when activated by light, potent anticancer and antimicrobial effects are obtained after photodynamic therapy. The mechanisms of its therapeutic effects involve the induction of cell death, inhibition of cell cycle progression, inhibition of the reuptake of amines, and inhibition of virus replication. The pharmacokinetics properties indicate that hypericin has poor water solubility and bioavailability. The distribution and excretion are fast, and it is metabolized in bile. The toxicity of hypericin is rarely reported and the conventional use of it rarely causes adverse effects except for photosensitization. Therefore, we may conclude that hypericin can be used safely and effectively against a variety of diseases. We hope to provide researchers with detailed guidance and enlighten the development of it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hypericin is a polycyclic aromatic naphthodianthrone that occurs naturally. It is also an active ingredient in some species of the genus Hypericum. Emerging evidence suggests that hypericin has attracted great attention as a potential anticancer drug and exhibits remarkable antiproliferative effect upon irradiation on various tumour cells. This paper aims to summarise the anticancer effect and molecular mechanisms modulated by hypericin-medicated photodynamic therapy and its potential role in the cancer treatment.
    RESULTS: Hypericin-medicated photodynamic therapy could inhibit the proliferation of various tumour cells including bladder, colon, breast, cervical, glioma, leukaemia, hepatic, melanoma, lymphoma and lung cancers. The effect is primarily mediated by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), JNK, PI3K, CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP)/TRIB3/Akt/mTOR, TRAIL/TRAIL-receptor, c-Met and Ephrin-Eph, the mitochondria and extrinsic signalling pathways. Furthermore, hypericin-medicated photodynamic therapy in conjunction with chemotherapeutic agents or targeted therapies is more effective in inhibiting the growth of tumour cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: During the past few decades, the anticancer properties of photoactivated hypericin have been extensively investigated. Hypericin-medicated photodynamic therapy can modulate a variety of proteins and genes and exhibit a great potential to be used as a therapeutic agent for various types of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Karwinskia genus consists of shrubs and small trees. Four toxic compounds have been isolated from Karwinskia plants, which were typified as dimeric anthracenones and named T496, T514, T516, and T544. Moreover, several related compounds have been isolated and characterized. Here we review the toxicity of the fruit of Karwinskia plants when ingested (accidentally or experimentally), as well as the toxicity of its isolated compounds. Additionally, we analyze the probable antineoplastic effect of T514. Toxins cause damage mainly to nervous system, liver, lung, and kidney. The pathophysiological mechanism has not been fully understood but includes metabolic and structural alterations that can lead cells to apoptosis or necrosis. T514 has shown selective toxicity in vitro against human cancer cells. T514 causes selective and irreversible damage to peroxisomes; for this reason, it was renamed peroxisomicine A1 (PA1). Since a significant number of malignant cell types contain fewer peroxisomes than normal cells, tumor cells would be more easily destroyed by PA1 than healthy cells. Inhibition of topoisomerase II has also been suggested to play a role in the effect of PA1 on malignant cells. More research is needed, but the evidence obtained so far indicates that PA1 could be an effective anticancer agent.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A review of analytical methods for the determination of hypericin in foods, herbal, biological and pharmaceutical matrices.
    Hypericin (HYP) is a naturally-occurring pigment obtained from some plants of the genus Hypericum. Although HYP has been known for many years, it has recently attracted attention due to its varied biological properties, such as anti-inflammatory and antidepressant activity and it is also an efficient photosensitizer.
    The objective of this review is to provide insights into the physicochemical properties of HYP, as well as to report the analytical methods existing in the literature and official compendia for different matrices.
    The survey data were collected by Google Scholar® and Scopus® using keys terms.
    Analytical methods involving HYP are mainly concerned with the quality control of pharmaceutical preparations, foods, beverages, biological samples and drug delivery systems using different types of analysis methods. Some difficulties have also been identified due to the physicochemical properties of HYP. It presents great solubility in alkaline solutions, organic bases and common polar organic solvents.
    It can be analyzed by thin layer chromatography, spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region, but the most commonly used method is by HPLC. HYP presents monographs in the American, British and European Pharmacopoeias, however, the methods of analysis are not yet harmonized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There are many trials on the combination of Pinaverium bromide (PB) and Flupentixol-melitracen (FM) in the treatment of diarrhea-type irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D), but the sample sizes are small, and the research conclusions are inconsistent. Thus, a meta-analysis was performed, aiming to evaluate the efficacy and safety of this combination therapy in patients with IBS-D.
    METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted in 7 databases covering the period up to July 2018 to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of PB combined with FM versus PB alone for IBS-D. The primary outcome was the total symptom relief rate. The other outcomes were the adverse events rate, HAMA/SAS score, and HAMD/SDS score. The methodological quality of the RCTs was assessed independently using 6 criteria according to the Cochrane Collaboration. All data were analyzed using Review Manager 5.3.
    RESULTS: Fifteen RCTs with 1487 participants were identified from 2005 to 2018. Compared with PB alone, 15 RCTs showed significant effects of PB plus FM in terms of improved symptom relief in patients with IBS-D (n = 1487, OR = 5.17, 95%CI, 3.79-7.07, P < .00001). Eleven RCTs reported adverse effects in both the PB plus FM and PB groups, there was no statistically significant difference in the adverse events rate between the 2 groups (n = 1207, OR = 2.91, 95%CI, 0.91-9.28, P = 0.07). Two RCTs and 3 RCTs reported HAMA and HAMD scores respectively, and 3 RCTs reported both SAS and SDS scores. After treatment, the above scores in the PB plus FM group were significantly lower than the PB group (all P < .01). However, the trials were deemed to have a medium risk of bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: The efficacy of PB combined with FM is superior to PB alone in the treatment of IBS-D, and it is safe for clinical use. However, the conclusions still need to be verified by conducting more large-scale and high-quality RCTs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hypericum perforatum is, with Ginkgo biloba, one of the most frequently prescribed medicinal plants in the world. Its popular name, St. John\'s wort (SJW), is due to the fact that its flowers, yellow, are gathered around the feast of St. John the Baptist (24th June) whereas \"wort\" is an old English word for plant. Of interest, SJW possesses antidepressant actions and is currently used to alleviate symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Nearly two dozens of bioactive compounds have been isolated from SJW. Hypericin, originally described as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor type A, was thought to be responsible for the antidepressant properties of SJW extracts. However, subsequent studies could not confirm this observation and hyperforin, a phloroglucinol derivative, was shown to display antidepressive properties. Indeed, the efficiency of the extracts of SJW has been reported to be dependent on the concentration of hyperforin. However, its effects on brain cells and on the mechanisms underlying its putative clinical antidepressant effect remain poorly characterized.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review article is to propose an overview of the recent scientific publications that have provided new and relevant insights into the neurobiological actions of hyperforin.
    RESULTS: Hyperforin has been described as an inhibitor of the reuptake of many neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin or glutamate. It is thus a potent modulator of synaptic transmission. In addition, it blocks the activity of many receptors such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. More recently, hyperforin has been shown to activate TRPC6, a Ca(2+)-conducting channel of the plasma membrane, which is the only channel opened by this molecule. Interestingly, the other transient receptor potential channels of C type (TRPC) isoforms (TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC4, TRPC5 and TRPC7) are insensitive to hyperforin. Due to this specific property, it is now used as a convenient pharmacological tool to investigate the functions of endogenous TRPC6 channels in various cell types. Chronically applied to neuronal cell line PC12, hyperforin promotes the extension of neurites via a mechanism implying TRPC6 channels. It is also known to trigger an intracellular signalling pathway that involves the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and the transcription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein (CREB). This leads to an up-regulation of the expression of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptor neurotrophic tyrosine kinase (TrkB) and TRPC6. This hyperforin-dependent cascade is controlled by Ca(2+) ions and occurs specifically in the cortex but not in the hippocampus. One key aspect of the cellular responses induced by hyperforin is its impact on the homeostasis of several cations (Na(+), Ca(2+), Zn(2+) and H(+)). In vitro experiments demonstrated that hyperforin, which changes the fluidity of membranes, elevates the intracellular concentration of these elements by promoting their influx and/or their release from internal compartments.
    CONCLUSIONS: The phloroglucinol derivative hyperforin is an important bioactive molecule of Hypericum perforatum exhibiting antidepressive properties. Although it inhibits the reuptake of many neurotransmitters, hyperforin is in fact a multi-target drug influencing the cellular homeostatic mechanisms of Ca(2+), Zn(2+), H(+) and Na(+) due to its effects on their influx and/or release from internal stores. In addition, hyperforin is a potent modulator of mitochondrial functions. In spite of recent progress in the characterization of the cellular hyperforin responses, it remains unclear what pharmacological aspects of hyperforin functions are relevant in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoluminescent materials have been extensively applied in various fields of science because of their numerous advantages, such as excellent sensitivity, good specificity, a large linear range of analysis, ease of handling, and so on. Many strategies have been used to understand and manipulate the photophysical properties of photoluminescent materials. This Focus Review describes recent progress focused on tuning the photophysical properties, especially the emission wavelengths of pi-conjugated oligomers, photoluminescent organometallic complexes, and fluorescent organic dyes by chemical modification.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Modern radiotherapy (RT) reduces the side effects at organ at risk. However, skin toxicity is still a major problem in many entities, especially head and neck cancer. Some substances like chemotherapy provide a risk of increased side effects or can induce a \"recall phenomenon\" imitating acute RT-reactions months after RT. Moreover, some phototoxic drugs seem to enhance side effects of radiotherapy while others do not. We report a case of \"radiation recall dermatitis\" (RRD) one year after RT as a result of taking hypericin (St. John\'s wort).
    METHODS: A 65 year old man with completely resected squamous cell carcinoma of the epiglottis received an adjuvant locoregional RT up to a dose of 64.8 Gy. The patient took hypericin during and months after RT without informing the physician. During radiotherapy the patient developed unusual intensive skin reactions. Five months after RT the skin was completely bland at the first follow up. However, half a year later the patient presented erythema, but only within the area of previously irradiated skin. After local application of a steroid cream the symptoms diminished but returned after the end of steroid therapy. The anamnesis disclosed that the patient took hypericin because of depressive mood. We recommended to discontinue hypericin and the symptoms disappeared afterward.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several drugs are able to enhance skin toxicity of RT. Furthermore, the effect of RRD is well known especially for chemotherapy agents such as taxans. However, the underlying mechanisms are not known in detail so far. Moreover, it is unknown whether photosensitising drugs can also be considered to increase radiation sensitivity and whether a recall phenomenon is possible. The first report of a hypericin induced RRD and review of the literature are presented. In clinical practise many interactions between drugs and radiotherapy were not noticed and if registered not published. We recommend to ask especially for complementary or alternative drugs because patients tend to conceal such medication as harmless.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An effective therapeutic outcome in the treatment of bladder cancer is largely defined by its early detection. In this context, big expectations have been placed on the fluorescence-guided diagnosis of bladder cancer. This paper reviews the applications of endo- and exogenous fluorescence for early diagnosis of in situ carcinoma of the bladder. Despite certain advantages of autofluorescence, exogenous fluorescence, based on the intravesical instillation of fluorophores with the following visible light excitation, has been shown to be more effective in terms of sensitivity and specificity for detecting carcinoma in situ. The equipment consists of a slightly modified light source in order to choose between white (conventional endoscopy) or blue light (fluorescence endoscopy) excitation, and specific lenses, in order to enhance maximally the contrast between normal (blue) autofluorescence and red fluorescence from malignancies. Among exogenous fluorophores, a particular emphasis will be put on the 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), its ester derivative (h-ALA) and hypericin. These dyes demonstrated an excellent sensitivity above 90% and specificity ranging from 70% to 90%.





