Amino acid sequence

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the genetic basis for child with CHARGE syndrome.
    METHODS: A child who was diagnosed at Ningbo Women and Children\'s Hospital on September 29, 2022 was selected as the study subject. Relevant clinical data were collected. The child and her parents were subjected to whole exome sequencing (WES), and candidate variant was verified by Sanger sequencing and bioinformatic analysis.
    RESULTS: The child was found to harbor a de novo c.2972T>C (p.L991S) missense variant of the CHD7 gene, which was detected in neither of her parents. Based on the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), the variant was predicted to be likely pathogenic (PM6+PM2_Supporting+PP2+PP3+PP4). Bioinformatic analysis predicted that amino acid 991 is highly conserved among various species, and a hydrogen bond has formed between Asp993 and the mutant Ser991.
    CONCLUSIONS: The heterozygous c.2972T>C (p.L991S) missense variant of the CHD7 gene probably underlay the pathogenesis of CHARGE syndrome in this child. Above finding has also enriched the mutational spectrum for CHARGE syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly important in the selection and optimization of therapeutic molecules, as well as for the selection of formulation components and the prediction of long-term stability. Compared to first-principle models, machine learning techniques are easier to implement, and can identify correlations that would be hard to describe at a mechanistic level, but strongly rely on high-quality input training data. Here, we evaluate the potential of the \"chaos game\" representation to provide input data for machine learning models. The chaos game is an algorithm originally developed for the production of fractal structures, and later on applied also to the representation of biological sequences, such as genes and proteins. Our results show that the combination of the chaos game representation with convolutional neural networks results in comparable accuracy to other machine learning approaches, thus indicating that chaos game representations could be a valid alternative to existing featurization strategies for machine learning models of biological sequences.
    METHODS: We implement the chaos game in Python 3.8.10, and use it to produce fractal as well as novel expanding representations of protein sequences. We then feed the resulting images to a convolutional neural network, built in Python 3.8.10, using TensorFlow 2.9.1, Keras 2.9.0, and the scikit-learn 1.1.1 packages. We select as case study a recently published dataset for the antibody emibetuzumab, with the objective of co-optimizing antibodies variants with both high affinity and low non-specific binding.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The β-hairpin conformation is regarded as an important basic motif to form and regulate protein-protein interactions. Single-domain VH H antibodies are potential therapeutic and diagnostic tools, and the third complementarity-determining regions of the heavy chains (CDR3s) of these antibodies are critical for antigen recognition. Although the sequences and conformations of the CDR3s are diverse, CDR3s sometimes adopt β-hairpin conformations. However, characteristic features and interaction mechanisms of β-hairpin CDR3s remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated the molecular recognition of the anti-HigB2 VH H antibody Nb8, which has a CDR3 that forms a β-hairpin conformation. The interaction was analyzed by evaluation of alanine-scanning mutants, molecular dynamics simulations, and hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. These experiments demonstrated that positions 93 and 94 (Chothia numbering) in framework region 3, which is right outside CDR3 by definition, play pivotal roles in maintaining structural stability and binding properties of Nb8. These findings will facilitate the design and optimization of single-domain antibodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyze modularity for a B-M-E triblock protein designed to self-assemble into antifouling coatings. Previously, we have shown that the design performs well on silica surfaces when B is taken to be a silica-binding peptide, M is a thermostable trimer domain, and E is the uncharged elastin-like polypeptide (ELP), E = (GSGVP)40. Here, we demonstrate that we can modulate the nature of the substrate on which the coatings form by choosing different solid-binding peptides as binding domain B and that we can modulate antifouling properties by choosing a different hydrophilic block E. Specifically, to arrive at antifouling coatings for gold surfaces, as binding block B we use the gold-binding peptide GBP1 (with the sequence MHGKTQATSGTIQS), while we replace the antifouling blocks E by zwitterionic ELPs of different lengths, EZn = (GDGVP-GKGVP)n/2, with n = 20, 40, or 80. We find that even the B-M-E proteins with the shortest E blocks make coatings on gold surfaces with excellent antifouling against 1% human serum (HS) and reasonable antifouling against 10% HS. This suggests that the B-M-E triblock protein can be easily adapted to form antifouling coatings on any substrate for which solid-binding peptide sequences are available.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the majority of developed adverse outcome pathways (AOPs), the taxonomic domain of applicability (tDOA) is typically narrowly defined with a single or a handful of species. Defining the tDOA of an AOP is critical for use in regulatory decision-making, particularly when considering protection of untested species. Structural and functional conservation are two elements that can be considered when defining the tDOA. Publicly accessible bioinformatics approaches, such as the Sequence Alignment to Predict Across Species Susceptibility (SeqAPASS) tool, take advantage of existing and growing databases of protein sequence and structural information to provide lines of evidence toward structural conservation of key events (KEs) and KE relationships (KERs) of an AOP. It is anticipated that SeqAPASS results could readily be combined with data derived from empirical toxicity studies to provide evidence of both structural and functional conservation, to define the tDOA for KEs, KERs, and AOPs. Such data could be incorporated in the AOP-Wiki as lines of evidence toward biological plausibility for the tDOA. We present a case study describing the process of using bioinformatics to define the tDOA of an AOP using an AOP linking the activation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to colony death/failure in Apis mellifera. Although the AOP was developed to gain a particular biological understanding relative to A. mellifera health, applicability to other Apis bees, as well as non-Apis bees, has yet to be defined. The present study demonstrates how bioinformatics can be utilized to rapidly take advantage of existing protein sequence and structural knowledge to enhance and inform the tDOA of KEs, KERs, and AOPs, focusing on providing evidence of structural conservation across species. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;42:71-87. © 2022 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane-active peptides are a promising class of antimicrobial and anticancer therapeutics. For this reason, their molecular mechanisms of action are currently actively investigated. By exploiting Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, we study the membrane interaction of two spin-labeled analogs of the antimicrobial and cytotoxic peptide trichogin GA IV (Tri), with opposite bioactivity: Tri(Api8), able to selectively kill cancer cells, and Tri(Leu4), which is completely nontoxic. In our attempt to determine the molecular basis of their different biological activity, we investigate peptide impact on the lateral organization of lipid membranes, peptide localization and oligomerization, in the zwitter-ionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) model membrane We show that, despite their divergent bioactivity, both peptide analogs (i) are membrane-bound, (ii) display a weak tendency to oligomerization, and (iii) do not induce significant lipid rearrangement. Conversely, literature data show that the parent peptide trichogin, which is cytotoxic without any selectivity, is strongly prone to dimerization and affects the reorganization of POPC membranes. Its dimers are involved in the rotation around the peptide helix, as observed at cryogenic temperatures in the millisecond timescale. Since this latter behavior is not observed for the inactive Tri(Leu4), we propose that for short-length peptides as trichogin oligomerization and molecular motions are crucial for bioactivity, and membrane binding alone is not enough to predict or explain it. We envisage that small changes in the peptide sequence that affect only their ability to oligomerize, or their molecular motions inside the membrane, can tune the peptide activity on membranes of different compositions.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Oomycetes of the genus Phytophthora encompass several of the most successful plant pathogens described to date. The success of infection by Phytophthora species is attributed to the pathogens\' ability to secrete effector proteins that alter the host\'s physiological processes. Structural analyses of effector proteins mainly from bacterial and viral pathogens have revealed the presence of intrinsically disordered regions that host short linear motifs (SLiMs). These motifs play important biological roles by facilitating protein-protein interactions as well as protein translocation. Nonetheless, SLiMs in Phytophthora species RxLR effectors have not been investigated previously and their roles remain unknown. Using a bioinformatics pipeline, we identified 333 candidate RxLR effectors in the strain INRA 310 of Phytophthora parasitica. Of these, 71 (21%) were also found to be present in 10 other genomes of P. parasitica, and hence, these were designated core RxLR effectors (CREs). Within the CRE sequences, the N terminus exhibited enrichment in intrinsically disordered regions compared to the C terminus, suggesting a potential role of disorder in effector translocation. Although the disorder content was reduced in the C-terminal regions, it is important to mention that most SLiMs were in this terminus. PpRxLR1 is one of the 71 CREs identified in this study, and its genes encode a 6-amino acid (aa)-long SLiM at the C terminus. We showed that PpRxLR1 interacts with several host proteins that are implicated in defense. Structural analysis of this effector using homology modeling revealed the presence of potential ligand-binding sites. Among key residues that were predicted to be crucial for ligand binding, L102 and Y106 were of interest since they form part of the 6-aa-long PpRxLR1 SLiM. In silico substitution of these two residues to alanine was predicted to have a significant effect on both the function and the structure of PpRxLR1 effector. Molecular docking simulations revealed possible interactions between PpRxLR1 effector and ubiquitin-associated proteins. The ubiquitin-like SLiM carried in this effector was shown to be a potential mediator of these interactions. Further studies are required to validate and elucidate the underlying molecular mechanism of action. IMPORTANCE The continuous gain and loss of RxLR effectors makes the control of Phytophthora spp. difficult. Therefore, in this study, we endeavored to identify RxLR effectors that are highly conserved among species, also known as \"core\" RxLR effectors (CREs). We reason that these highly conserved effectors target conserved proteins or processes; thus, they can be harnessed in breeding for durable resistance in plants. To further understand the mechanisms of action of CREs, structural dissection of these proteins is crucial. Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) that do not adopt a fixed, three-dimensional fold carry short linear motifs (SLiMs) that mediate biological functions of proteins. The presence and potential role of these SLiMs in CREs of Phytophthora spp. have been overlooked. To our knowledge, we have effectively identified CREs as well as SLiMs with the potential of promoting effector virulence. Together, this work has advanced our comprehension of Phytophthora RxLR effector function and may facilitate the development of innovative and effective control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of membrane channels facilitating diffusion of water and small solutes into and out of cells. Despite their biological relevance in osmoregulation and ubiquitous distribution throughout metazoans, the presence of AQPs in annelids has been poorly investigated. Here, we searched and annotated Aqp sequences in public genomes and transcriptomes of annelids, inferred their evolutionary relationships through phylogenetic analyses and discussed their putative physiological relevance. We identified a total of 401 Aqp sequences in 27 annelid species, including 367 sequences previously unrecognized as Aqps. Similar to vertebrates, phylogenetic tree reconstructions clustered these annelid Aqps in four clades: AQP1-like, AQP3-like, AQP8-like and AQP11-like. We found no clear indication of the existence of paralogs exclusive to annelids; however, several gene duplications seem to have occurred in the ancestors of some Sedentaria annelid families, mainly in the AQP1-like clade. Three of the six Aqps annotated in Alitta succinea, an estuarine annelid showing high salinity tolerance, were validated by RT-PCR sequencing, and their similarity to human AQPs was investigated at the level of \"key\" conserved residues and predicted three-dimensional structure. Our results suggest a diversification of the structures and functions of AQPs in Annelida comparable to that observed in other taxa.





