Alzheimer’s Disease

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, remains challenging to understand and treat despite decades of research and clinical investigation. This might be partly due to a lack of widely available and cost-effective modalities for diagnosis and prognosis. Recently, the blood-based AD biomarker field has seen significant progress driven by technological advances, mainly improved analytical sensitivity and precision of the assays and measurement platforms. Several blood-based biomarkers have shown high potential for accurately detecting AD pathophysiology. As a result, there has been considerable interest in applying these biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, as surrogate metrics to investigate the impact of various covariates on AD pathophysiology and to accelerate AD therapeutic trials and monitor treatment effects. However, the lack of standardization of how blood samples and collected, processed, stored analyzed and reported can affect the reproducibility of these biomarker measurements, potentially hindering progress toward their widespread use in clinical and research settings. To help address these issues, we provide fundamental guidelines developed according to recent research findings on the impact of sample handling on blood biomarker measurements. These guidelines cover important considerations including study design, blood collection, blood processing, biobanking, biomarker measurement, and result reporting. Furthermore, the proposed guidelines include best practices for appropriate blood handling procedures for genetic and ribonucleic acid analyses. While we focus on the key blood-based AD biomarkers for the AT(N) criteria (e.g., amyloid-beta [Aβ]40, Aβ42, Aβ42/40 ratio, total-tau, phosphorylated-tau, neurofilament light chain, brain-derived tau and glial fibrillary acidic protein), we anticipate that these guidelines will generally be applicable to other types of blood biomarkers. We also anticipate that these guidelines will assist investigators in planning and executing biomarker research, enabling harmonization of sample handling to improve comparability across studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Diagnosing Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) remains a challenge in clinical practice. The use of 123I-ioflupane (DaTscan™) SPECT imaging, which detects reduced dopamine transporter (DAT) uptake-a key biomarker in DLB diagnosis-could improve diagnostic accuracy. However, DAT imaging is underutilized despite its potential, contributing to delays and suboptimal patient management.
    UNASSIGNED: This review evaluates DLB diagnostic practices and challenges faced within the U.S. by synthesizing information from current literature, consensus guidelines, expert opinions, and recent updates on DaTscan FDA filings. It contrasts DAT SPECT with alternative biomarkers, provides recommendations for when DAT SPECT imaging may be indicated and discusses the potential of emerging biomarkers in enhancing diagnostic approaches.
    UNASSIGNED: The radiopharmaceutical 123I-ioflupane for SPECT imaging was initially approved in Europe (2000) and later in the US (2011) for Parkinsonism/Essential Tremor. Its application was extended in 2022 to include the diagnosis of DLB. DaTscan\'s diagnostic efficacy for DLB, with its sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values, confirms its clinical utility. However, US implementation faces challenges such as insurance barriers, costs, access issues, and regional availability disparities.
    UNASSIGNED: 123I-ioflupane SPECT Imaging is indicated for DLB diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Alzheimer\'s Disease, particularly in uncertain cases. Addressing diagnostic obstacles and enhancing physician-patient education could improve and expedite DLB diagnosis. Collaborative efforts among neurologists, geriatric psychiatrists, psychologists, and memory clinic staff are key to increasing diagnostic accuracy and care in DLB management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia, with its diagnosis and management remaining challenging. Amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) has become increasingly important in medical practice for patients with AD. To integrate and update previous guidelines in the field, a task group of experts of several disciplines from multiple countries was assembled, and they revised and approved the content related to the application of amyloid PET in the medical settings of cognitively impaired individuals, focusing on clinical scenarios, patient preparation, administered activities, as well as image acquisition, processing, interpretation and reporting. In addition, expert opinions, practices, and protocols of prominent research institutions performing research on amyloid PET of dementia are integrated. With the increasing availability of amyloid PET imaging, a complete and standard pipeline for the entire examination process is essential for clinical practice. This international consensus and practice guideline will help to promote proper clinical use of amyloid PET imaging in patients with AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the key roles of the cerebellum in motor, cognitive, and affective operations and given the decline of brain functions with aging, cerebellar circuitry is attracting the attention of the scientific community. The cerebellum plays a key role in timing aspects of both motor and cognitive operations, including for complex tasks such as spatial navigation. Anatomically, the cerebellum is connected with the basal ganglia via disynaptic loops, and it receives inputs from nearly every region in the cerebral cortex. The current leading hypothesis is that the cerebellum builds internal models and facilitates automatic behaviors through multiple interactions with the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and spinal cord. The cerebellum undergoes structural and functional changes with aging, being involved in mobility frailty and related cognitive impairment as observed in the physio-cognitive decline syndrome (PCDS) affecting older, functionally-preserved adults who show slowness and/or weakness. Reductions in cerebellar volume accompany aging and are at least correlated with cognitive decline. There is a strongly negative correlation between cerebellar volume and age in cross-sectional studies, often mirrored by a reduced performance in motor tasks. Still, predictive motor timing scores remain stable over various age groups despite marked cerebellar atrophy. The cerebello-frontal network could play a significant role in processing speed and impaired cerebellar function due to aging might be compensated by increasing frontal activity to optimize processing speed in the elderly. For cognitive operations, decreased functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN) is correlated with lower performances. Neuroimaging studies highlight that the cerebellum might be involved in the cognitive decline occurring in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), independently of contributions of the cerebral cortex. Grey matter volume loss in AD is distinct from that seen in normal aging, occurring initially in cerebellar posterior lobe regions, and is associated with neuronal, synaptic and beta-amyloid neuropathology. Regarding depression, structural imaging studies have identified a relationship between depressive symptoms and cerebellar gray matter volume. In particular, major depressive disorder (MDD) and higher depressive symptom burden are associated with smaller gray matter volumes in the total cerebellum as well as the posterior cerebellum, vermis, and posterior Crus I. From the genetic/epigenetic standpoint, prominent DNA methylation changes in the cerebellum with aging are both in the form of hypo- and hyper-methylation, and the presumably increased/decreased expression of certain genes might impact on motor coordination. Training influences motor skills and lifelong practice might contribute to structural maintenance of the cerebellum in old age, reducing loss of grey matter volume and therefore contributing to the maintenance of cerebellar reserve. Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation techniques are increasingly being applied to enhance cerebellar functions related to motor, cognitive, and affective operations. They might enhance cerebellar reserve in the elderly. In conclusion, macroscopic and microscopic changes occur in the cerebellum during the lifespan, with changes in structural and functional connectivity with both the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. With the aging of the population and the impact of aging on quality of life, the panel of experts considers that there is a huge need to clarify how the effects of aging on the cerebellar circuitry modify specific motor, cognitive, and affective operations both in normal subjects and in brain disorders such as AD or MDD, with the goal of preventing symptoms or improving the motor, cognitive, and affective symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the progressive cognitive impairment is often combined with a variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms, firstly depression. Nevertheless, its diagnosis and management is difficult, since specific diagnostic criteria and guidelines for treatment are still lacking. The aim of this Delphi study is to reach a shared point of view among different Italian specialists on depression in AD.
    METHODS: An online Delphi survey with 30 questions regarding epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment of depression in AD was administered anonymously to a panel of 53 expert clinicians.
    RESULTS: Consensus was achieved in most cases (86%). In the 80% of statements, a positive consensus was reached, while in 6% a negative consensus was achieved. No consensus was obtained in 14%. Among the most relevant findings, the link between depression and AD is believed to be strong and concerns etiopathogenesis and phenomenology. Further, depression in AD seems to have specific features compared to major depressive disorder (MDD). Regarding diagnosis, the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for MDD seems to be not able to detect the specific aspects of depression in AD. Concerning treatment, antidepressant drugs are generally considered the main option for depression in dementia, according to previous guidelines. In order to limit side effects, multimodal and SSRI antidepressant are preferred by clinicians. In particular, the procognitive effect of vortioxetine seems to be appealing for the treatment of depression in AD.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights some crucial aspects of depression in AD, but more investigations and specific recommendations are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain requires sustained interaction with a rich physical and social environment to stay healthy. Individuals without access to such enabling environments and who instead live and grow in disabling environments tend to have greater risk of developing dementia. But research and policymaking as regards dementia risk reduction have so far focused almost exclusively on the role of how individuals\' health behaviors change their risk profile. This exclusive focus on \"lifestyle\" is both ethically problematic and therapeutically inadequate. I highlight a growing literature on three different kinds of deprivation, an independent and overlooked risk factor for dementia that invites upstream action against inequalities. Future prevention guidelines should include explicit mention of deprivation as a risk factor and be developed around the need to make society fairer. Meanwhile, interventions and discourse based on lifestyle modification should respect the principle of \"no ought without support.\"






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a disease continuum from pathophysiologic, biomarker and clinical perspectives. With the advent of advanced technologies, diagnosing and managing patients is evolving.
    METHODS: A systematic literature review (SLR) of practice guidelines for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD dementia was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). This systematic literature review (SLR) aimed to summarize current clinical practice guidelines for screening, testing, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring in the AD continuum. The results of this SLR were used to propose a way forward for practice guidelines given the possible introduction of biomarker-guided technology using blood- or plasma-based assays and disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) targeted for early disease.
    RESULTS: 53 clinical practice guidelines were identified, 15 of which were published since 2018. Screening for asymptomatic populations was not recommended. Biomarker testing was not included in routine diagnostic practice. There was no consensus on which neurocognitive tests to use to diagnose and monitor MCI or AD dementia. Pharmacologic therapies were not recommended for MCI, while cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine were recommended for AD treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pre-2018 and post-2018 practice guidelines share similar recommendations for screening, diagnosis and treatment. However, once DMTs are approved, clinicians will require guidance on the appropriate use of DMTs in a clinical setting. This guidance should include strategies for identifying eligible patients and evaluating the DMT benefit-to-risk profile to facilitate shared decision-making among physicians, patients and care partners.
    CONCLUSIONS: Regular evidence-based updates of existing guidelines for the AD continuum are required over the coming decades to integrate rapidly evolving technologic and medical scientific advances and bring emerging approaches for management of early disease into clinical practice. This will pave the way toward biomarker-guided identification and targeted treatment and the realization of precision medicine for AD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Due to the demographic development, the number of dementia patients in Germany is continuously increasing. The complex care situation of those affected calls for meaningful guidelines. In 2008, the first S3 guideline on dementia was published, coordinated by the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (DGPPN) and the German Association for Neurology (DGN) and accompanied by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF). An update was published in 2016. In recent years, the diagnostic possibilities for Alzheimer\'s disease, in particular, have greatly developed and a new disease concept has emerged that includes mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as part of the clinical manifestation of the disease and also enables the diagnosis of Alzheimer\'s disease in this phase. In the area of treatment, the first causal disease-modifying therapies will likely soon be available. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have also shown that up to 40% of the risks for dementia are dependent on modifiable risk factors, making prevention increasingly more important. In order to do justice to these developments a completely updated S3 guideline on dementia is currently being developed, which will be available digitally for the first time in the form of an app and which, in the sense of living guidelines, will enable rapid adjustments to progress in the future.
    UNASSIGNED: Aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung steigt die Zahl der Demenzerkrankten in Deutschland kontinuierlich an. Die komplexe Versorgungssituation der Betroffenen erfordert aussagekräftige Leitlinien. Im Jahr 2008 wurde die erste S3-Leitline Demenzen, koordiniert durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) und die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN) sowie begleitet durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wissenschaftlicher Medizinischer Fachgesellschaften (AWMF) publiziert. Eine Aktualisierung wurde 2016 vorgenommen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich insbesondere bei der Alzheimer-Krankheit die diagnostischen Möglichkeiten stark weiterentwickelt und eine neue Krankheitskonzeption ist entstanden, die die leichte kognitive Störung („mild cognitive impairment“, MCI) in die klinische Phase der Erkrankung mit einbezieht und die Diagnosestellung der Alzheimer-Krankheit auch in dieser Phase ermöglicht. Im Bereich der Therapie werden voraussichtlich bald erste krankheitsmodifizierende Therapien verfügbar sein. Epidemiologische Studien haben darüber hinaus gezeigt, dass bis zu 40 % des Demenzrisikos von modifizierbaren Risikofaktoren abhängt, was die Prävention zunehmend bedeutsam macht. Um diesen Entwicklungen gerecht zu werden, entsteht aktuell eine vollständig überarbeitete S3-Leitlinie Demenzen, die erstmalig digital in Form einer App verfügbar sein wird und die im Sinn einer „living guideline“ zukünftig schnell Anpassungen an den Fortschritt erlaubt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) published a provisional consensus definition of agitation in cognitive disorders in 2015. As proposed by the original work group, we summarize the use and validation of criteria in order to remove \"provisional\" from the definition.
    METHODS: This report summarizes information from the academic literature, research resources, clinical guidelines, expert surveys, and patient and family advocates on the experience of use of the IPA definition. The information was reviewed by a working group of topic experts to create a finalized definition.
    RESULTS: We present a final definition which closely resembles the provisional definition with modifications to address special circumstances. We also summarize the development of tools for diagnosis and assessment of agitation and propose strategies for dissemination and integration into precision diagnosis and agitation interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The IPA definition of agitation captures a common and important entity that is recognized by many stakeholders. Dissemination of the definition will permit broader detection and can advance research and best practices for care of patients with agitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





