
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore the subjective views of general practitioners on the applicability of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5 (ASRS-5) as a screening tool for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults in general practice.
    METHODS: Eleven general practitioners, who had participated in the validation study of the German version of the ASRS-5, were interviewed. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview guide was designed using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz.
    RESULTS: The ASRS-5 seems to work well in general medical practice. But there is evidence for a lack of knowledge about ADHD in adults among general practitioners and a demand for further training in this area. Moreover, insufficient possibilities for subsequent treatment after a positive ADHD screening were claimed.
    CONCLUSIONS: In general medicine, the introduction of a screening using ASRS-5 in cases of clinical suspicion could be the first step towards improving the management of adult patients with ADHD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Optimizing the management of adults with ADHD requires additional information and training initiatives to support early diagnosis especially in the primary care setting, and to reveal treatment options and care concepts for adults with ADHD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Climate change is the greatest threat to human health and therefore has a direct impact on the work of physicians. At the same time, the health sector is also an originator of pollutants that burden the climate. The concept of Planetary Health describes, among other things, ways in which the health sector can counter the effects of climate change. Nevertheless, the inclusion of contents on sustainable action in the education of health professionals has not been made mandatory to date. The aim of this study is to answer the question of how an intervention has to be designed so that medical students specifically develop an interest in dealing with the topic on their own.
    METHODS: The intervention consisted ofFor evaluation purposes, a qualitative study with guided focus group interviews of attendees was conducted. The fully transcribed focus group transcripts were analysed using Mayring\'s structuring qualitative content analysis. Additionally, we checked the semester evaluation for feedback on the intervention.
    RESULTS: Four focus groups comprising n = 14 medical students (11 female, 3 male) were conducted. Dealing with Planetary Health as a topic during medical education was considered relevant. The partially restrained to negative reaction of the teaching practice staff involved to the checklist had a demotivating effect. A lack of time was given as a further reason for not dealing with the topic independently. Participants suggested integrating specific Planetary Health content in mandatory courses and considered environmental medicine to be especially suited. As a didactic method, case-based working in small groups seemed to be particularly appropriate. In the semester evaluation, we found both approving and critical commentaries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Participants considered Planetary Health a relevant topic in the context of medical education. The intervention proved to be of limited use in motivating students to deal with the topic independently. A longitudinal integration of the topic in the medical curriculum seems to be appropriate.
    CONCLUSIONS: From the students\' perspective, it is important to teach and acquire knowledge and skills regarding to Planetary Health in the future. Despite a high level of interest, additional offers are not being utilised due to a lack of time and should therefore be made part of the mandatory curriculum, where possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Quality indicators to assess the quality of primary care have only been applied on a national or regional level in European countries, and there have been no comparisons between regions of different countries. In the interventional pre-post-study \"Improvement of Quality by Benchmarking - IQuaB\" (level of evidence: 3), we aimed to improve and compare quality of process care in 57 participating general practices in Salzburg, Austria, and South Tyrol, Italy.
    METHODS: The intervention consisted of self-audit, benchmarking and quality circles. Quality indicators for eight common chronic diseases (e. g., diabetes) were extracted from the electronic health records in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Based on 19 quality indicators, a supra-regional quality score was calculated and compared using Mann-Whitney U tests.
    RESULTS: A relatively weak baseline performance was identified in both regions. In all three assessments, the median quality score increased in both regions and was significantly higher in South Tyrol than in Salzburg. During the study period the median supra-regional quality score increased from 20.00 to 38.00 in the Salzburg sample and from 47.00 to 79.50 in the South Tyrolian sample. The differences between the two regions were significant at baseline and after intervention (2012: p=0.015, 2014: p=0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite data extraction challenges in Austria, we are convinced that our data highlight real differences in (processual) quality of care between the two regions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reasons underlying the persisting differences between the two regions may include: (1) different functions in electronic health records, (2) benchmarking as an integral part of the electronic health record, (3) gate-keeping system and use of registration lists, (4) state-supported quality initiatives.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Contrary to current guideline recommendations, second-line antibiotics are still frequently used in the ambulatory treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI), which are associated with a high risk of antibiotic resistance development. The REDARES project (REDuction of Antibiotic RESistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infections by treatment according to national guidelines in ambulatory care), funded by the Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G-BA)/Innovation Fund is developing a multimodal intervention for primary care physicians to support them in a guideline-based approach. The intervention consists of the following components: (1) provision of local resistance data of pathogens of uncomplicated UTI (Robert Koch Institute), (2) concise guideline content on the therapy of uncomplicated UTI for patients (paper and online), and (3) prescription feedback on practice level and benchmarking among the study participants (anonymized). In a participatory approach and as part of the process evaluation, representatives of the intended target group were interviewed in advance about the acceptance and feasibility of the intervention.
    METHODS: Using guided individual interviews, Thuringian GPs were interviewed before the start of the intervention phase. Following a description of the study concept and the planned components of the intervention, the interviewees were asked about their assessment regarding acceptance and feasibility. The individual interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and qualitatively analyzed according to Mayring.
    RESULTS: A total of ten interviews with an average duration of 29minutes were conducted and evaluated. 40 per cent of the interviewed GPs were female and, on average, 45 years old. The interviewees described the uncomplicated UTI as an easily manageable condition. The practical nature of the research question was described as a reason to potentially participate in the intervention phase; lack of time or human resources were cited as potential barriers. Regarding the intervention elements, the provision of local resistance data of UTI pathogens was considered beneficial to their own work. The extraction of their own antibiotic prescription data from the practice software was basically assessed as feasible. The interviewees differed in their assessment of whether they would take account of the feedback on their prescribing behavior in their daily work.
    CONCLUSIONS: The interviews generated a detailed picture of the different diagnostic and therapeutic pathways used by respondents for uncomplicated UTI. Overall, they predominantly regarded both the study concept and the intervention components as feasible. Although the study population is small and not representative, some of the results seem to be transferable to other regions in Germany.
    CONCLUSIONS: A research question relating to their daily routine can increase participation of primary care physicians in (intervention) studies. Starting the process evaluation before the intervention seems to be reasonable since the results will be integrated into the design of the intervention. The method of data extraction from practice software by practice teams seems to be promising.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Due to individual care needs, the provision of care to patients with two or more chronic diseases (multimorbidity) is described as complex. In addition, the number of chronically ill people is increasing, due in part to demographic changes which pose a challenge, especially for outpatient primary care. In order to fulfil patients\' needs and to promote self-management as a central care element of chronically ill patients, the use of eHealth applications increases. TelePraCMan will be developed as one of these applications and includes a symptom-based electronic diary, which will be implemented in the established German disease management programme \'PraCMan\'. This study is conducted as a part of the TelePraCMan project and aims to detect the needs of potential end users (physicians, medical assistants, patients).
    METHODS: In the TelePraCMan development phase, an explorative cross-sectional study was conducted with potential end users of the TelePraCMan app (patients, physicians and medical assistants). For this purpose, a written survey was conducted in Baden-Wurttemberg between April 2019 and March 2020. The survey covered smartphone usage behaviour, technology affinity using the standardised questionnaire TA-EG, support network for technical questions and sociodemographic data.
    RESULTS: A total of n=202 patients (n=98), physicians (n=58) and medical assistants (n=43) participated in the survey. Concerning smartphone use, 78.2 % of the participants stated that the function used most frequently was writing short messages. Health apps were the least used function (9.6 %). Furthermore, patients (12.6 %) use health apps more often than medical assistants (10.3%) and doctors (4.4 %). Participants aged 50 and younger were found to have a higher affinity for technology (mean=3.20, SD=0.51) than participants over 50 years of age (mean=2.98, SD=0.67). Older, multimorbid respondents had a particularly low affinity for technology (mean=2.52, SD=0.69). 10.9 % of the over-fifties and 12.5 % of the multimorbid persons felt able to fix any technical problems on their own without help. Multimorbid participants over the age of 50 were observed to prefer personal support over internet-based support.
    CONCLUSIONS: On average, multimorbid respondents in the age group over 50 have a lower affinity for technology than respondents aged under 50 without multimorbidity. The most frequent negative attitude towards electronic devices is also found among patients over 50 years of age, who are expected to be the main target group of the TelePraCMan app. These findings can be used to derive requirements for the design and development of functions of the app, as well as accompanying measures, such as intuitive and simple user interface, a telephone hotline to support users, close consultation with users on the planned functions, and more.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on this survey, we were able to determine the needs of the future target group of the TelePraCMan app. This is seen as a starting point for the development of an implementation strategy and the pilot testing of the app in primary care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Germany is facing a shortage of primary care physicians (general practitioners, GPs). To improve post-graduate training in general practice, competency centres were established across Germany. The core of their work is a seminar programme. It was observed that some GP trainees constantly participate, while others are seldomly seen. The aim of this study was to explore what helps and what hinders constant participation.
    METHODS: GP trainees of the Verbundweiterbildungplus Baden-Württemberg (2008 - 2017), predecessor of the KWBW Verbundweiterbildungplus© program (2017 - present), were included in the study. First, participation in the years 2014 and 2015 was analysed. We recruited the very active as well as the no-show participants for semi-structured telephone interviews. Content analysis was performed by three independent scientists.
    RESULTS: Participation of n=353 trainees was analysed. N=30 trainees participated in the study (including n=13 no show). The average interview length was 25minutes (13-36minutes). Trainees felt motivated by practice-oriented, varying and learner-oriented subjects. They highlighted the professional and personal interaction and its networking effects. Participants favoured lecturing during working days, topics structuring daily training and supporting every day practice. The seminar moderators\' treasure trove of experience and their teaching competencies were regarded as essential. The fact that employers do not regularly grant time away from work to attend the training programme was cited as a major inhibiting factor. Other reasons given for non-attendance included long travel distances, repeat topics or an imbalance between gain of knowledge and social interactions, and finally, a high individual level of work strain, given the dual burden on those trying to combine work and family life and taking on the main responsibility for children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The main enablers (motivators) of participation were practice- and learner-oriented topics and beneficial social interactions. During the seminars, participants experience group membership and the enthusiastic (learning) atmosphere boosts trainees to proceed with their training and follow their career paths in general practice. Continuous participation requires protected time. Competence centres for postgraduate medical education should take these findings into consideration for quality management and programme planning, and, if possible, should initiate and evaluate appropriate countermeasures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although the role of general practice has been strengthened in recent years, undergraduate teaching at medical schools and the clinical phase of specialist training remain dominated by specialized care of seriously ill people in hospitals. It is to be assumed that young doctors\' views on medical care are strongly shaped by this clinical focus.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate how young general practitioners (GPs) perceive transition from medical school and hospital work to general practice.
    METHODS: In a qualitative study, a total of 13 physicians in specialist training for general practice as well as general practitioners who had completed their specialist examination up to two years ago participated in problem-oriented interviews. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis.
    RESULTS: The significant differences between hospital-based and primary care practice initially came as quite a shock to the study participants. Key differences and challenges compared to working in a hospital included: 1) the totally different type of patients or complaints they faced; 2) learning that in many situations one can and should bide one\'s time (\"wait-and-see\" approach); 3) ruling out avoidable dangerous developments in patients reliably and coping with the corresponding residual risk; 4) the discovery that sometimes it makes sense not to make a diagnosis; 5) that the doctor-patient relationship should be more cooperative in general practice; and 6) that GPs are often under pressure to act although there is no clear need for taking action or no clear treatment option from a medical and scientific point of view.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that young doctors\' initial views on medical care are strongly shaped by the clinical focus of medical schools and hospital work. Working in general practice is perceived as being very different from working in a hospital.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For the treatment of anxiety disorders behavior therapy-oriented methods are recommended for primary care as well. Within the trial \"Jena-PARADISE\" a primary care practice team-supported exposure training for patients with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia was developed and evaluated. The present paper gives an overview of general practitioners\' subjective views on the practicability, feasibility and effectiveness of this new intervention for both patients and GP teams.
    METHODS: Questions were operationalized based on Bellg\'s intervention fidelity framework. Fourteen GPs of the intervention group were sampled purposefully and interviewed in a semi-structured way. Generated data were analyzed following Mayring\'s content analysis approach.
    RESULTS: The treatment program was positively assessed among the GPs and seen as a useful therapeutic option for inadequately treated patients. The therapy elements \'psycho-education\' and \'interoceptive exposure exercises\' were described as feasible, while situational exercises and relapse prevention got a less positive rating. The active participation of the nurse in the treatment program was seen as supportive.
    CONCLUSIONS: From the GP perspective, the treatment program for patients with panic disorder and/or agoraphobia seems to be a viable therapeutic option in primary care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2011, the national German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) published guidelines for a slim-lined training program in general practice (Quereinstieg) for qualified medical specialists in other fields (e. g., surgeons, internists or anesthesiologists). This step is part of a strategy to prevent further shortages of general practitioners in Germany. In the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, qualified medical specialists are allowed to complete their general practice training in approximately two years instead of five. The aim of this study was to understand the reasons of specialists for changing to a career in general practice.
    METHODS: The postgraduate training program VerbundweiterbildungplusBaden-Württemberg had 597 trainees at the time of the study in December 2015. Previously qualified specialists in another medical discipline were identified and invited to participate in this study. Qualitative data was gathered using semi-structured interviews with content analysis of the interviews performed by three independent members of the research team.
    RESULTS: In total, 36 out of 597 trainees were identified as previously qualified specialists in another medical discipline. All 36 were invited to take part and 15 agreed to participate in this study. Overall, 15 interviews were performed, with a mean time of 24.19minutes. Participants with a median age of 40 years (33-59 years) - mainly anesthesiologists (n=7), surgeons (n=3) and internists (n=3) - presented with an average of 6.5 years of professional experience in their specialty. First, the participants\' motivation to switch career arose from the wish to intensify the quality of patient contacts with a holistic approach including family and social background and from the infinite variety of general practice. Another reason given for a career change was self-employment opportunities. Finally, feelings of frustration over poor working conditions in hospitals resulted in a job search elsewhere in medicine, taking account of the challenges of ageing and family life. A major finding was that without the slim-lined program, the majority of participants would not have changed their career.
    CONCLUSIONS: The slim-lined training program in general practice attracts experienced medical doctors. Specialists decide to change career because of the particular ways of working in general practice and with the intention to improve their daily work as a physician, either to improve individual working conditions and/or to improve their individual curative work profile. In addition, specialists are attracted by the concept of self-employment in general practice. Therefore, appreciation of the specific ways of working in general practice as well as management skills are most important during the reduced 2-year training. Further studies should investigate if facilitating a career switch to general practice is a good way to improve the shortage of general practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Implementation of guidelines in general practice is difficult. Do general practitioners (GPs) reject evidence-based medicine (EBM) in general? Which attitudes do GPs have towards EBM and guidelines, and which value do they attach to EBM in daily routine?
    METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study using five focus groups with 53 GPs. The study was set in the German federal states of Bavaria, Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Hamburg. Participants were selected according to area (rural/urban), region (North/South, East/West) and grade of professionalisation. Focus groups were digitally recorded and fully transcribed. Data were analysed in a multidisciplinary team using qualitative content analysis.
    RESULTS: Most participants felt positive towards EBM. Lack of feasibility was explicitly mentioned: the participants distinguished between \"practised\" and \"true\" EBM. Guidelines are often considered unsuitable for general practice. The GPs felt confident that their treatment of patients was evidence-based.
    CONCLUSIONS: Compared to older studies, German GPs have an increasingly favourable opinion about EBM. In order to enhance the practical application of EBM and guidelines the attitudes of GPs need to be considered.





