ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1

ATP 结合盒转运蛋白,亚科 B,成员 1
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: According to the regulatory guidelines, one of the critical steps in using in-vitro permeability methods for permeability classification is to demonstrate the suitability of the method. Here, suitability of the permeability method by using a monolayer of cultured epithelial cells was verified with different criteria.
    METHODS: Imaging with a transmission electron microscope was used for characterisation of the cells. Monolayer integrity was confirmed by transepithelial electrical resistance measurements and permeability of zero permeability marker compounds. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was employed to evaluate expression levels of 84 known transporters. Samples for bidirectional permeability determination were quantified by ultra-performance liquid chromatography.
    RESULTS: The Caco-2 cells grow in an intact monolayer and morphologically resemble enterocytes. Genes of 84 known transporters were expressed at different levels; furthermore, expression was time depended. Functional expression of efflux transporter P-glycoprotein was confirmed. We established a correlation between permeability coefficients of 21 tested drug substances ranging from low, moderate and high absorption with human fraction absorbed literature data (R2  = 0.84).
    CONCLUSIONS: Assay standardisation assures the consistency of experimental data. Only such fully characterised model has the ability to accurately predict drug\'s intestinal permeability at the early stage of research or for the BCS-based biowaiver application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic polymorphisms in biotransformation enzyme CYP3A5 (6986G > A, CYP3A5*3; 14690A > G, CYP3A5*6) and drug transporter ABCB1 (1236C > T; 2677G > T/A; 3435C > T) are known to influence tacrolimus (Tac) dose requirements and trough blood levels in stable transplant patients. In a group of 19 volunteers selected with relevant genotypes among a list of 221 adult renal transplant candidates, we evaluated whether consideration of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms could explain the interindividual variability in Tac pharmacokinetics after the first administration of a standard dose (0.1 mg/kg body weight twice a day). Lower area under the time versus blood concentration curves (AUC) or lower trough concentrations were observed among CYP3A5 expressors (n = 9) than among nonexpressors (n = 10) using two different analytical methods for Tac determination (liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunoassay). The median AUC(0-infinity) was 2.6- and 2.1-fold higher in nonexpressors for LC-MS/MS and immunologic methods, respectively. No difference was observed in Tac pharmacokinetic parameters in relation to ABCB1 polymorphisms. In conclusion, our study confirms the very significant effect of CYP3A5 polymorphism early after the first administration of Tac. It also provides a strong argument for a doubling of the loading dose in patients early identified a priori on the transplantation list as possessing at least one CYP3A5*1 allele.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Before the prognostic significance of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression can be properly evaluated in prospective clinical trials of P-gp modulators, standard techniques for the measurement of P-gp must be widely accepted. Several multicenter trials have demonstrated large discrepancies in the observed levels of P-gp expression in the same clinical samples evaluated at different centers. The greatest discrepancies occurred with samples that expressed low levels of P-gp. Although standardized procedures have dramatically increased the interlaboratory reproducibility of flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction assays, data from immunocytochemistry remain difficult to interpret. Consensus recommendations are presented for improving data reproducibility. These recommendations emphasize the importance of using calibrated batches of antibodies and two different antibodies for immunocytochemistry, the need for an internal standard for reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays, the need for the presentation of data as a continuous variable, and the need for setting standard parameters for flow cytometry. It is also extremely important for the success of clinical trials that multiple techniques be employed to insure accurate measurement of P-gp expression.






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    文章类型: Clinical Trial
    Multidrug resistance (MDR), especially that associated with overexpression of MDR1 and its product, P-glycoprotein (Pgp), is thought to play a role in the outcome of therapy for some human tumors; however, a consensus conclusion has been difficult to reach, owing to the variable results published by different laboratories. Many factors appear to influence the detection of Pgp in clinical specimens, including its low and heterogeneous expression; conflicting definitions of detection end points; differences in methods of sample preparation, fixation, and analysis; use of immunological reagents with variable Pgp specificity and avidity and with different recognition epitopes; use of secondary reagents and chromogens; and differences in clinical end points. Also, mechanisms other than Pgp overexpression may contribute to clinical MDR. The combined effect of these factors is clearly important, especially among tumors with low expression of Pgp. Thus, a workshop was organized in Memphis, Tennessee, to promote the standardization of approaches to MDR1 and Pgp detection in clinical specimens. The 15 North American and European institutions that agreed to participate conducted three preworkshop trials with well-characterized MDR myeloma and carcinoma cell lines that expressed increasing amounts of Pgp. The intent was to establish standard materials and methods for a fourth trial, assays of Pgp and MDR1 in clinical specimens. The general conclusions emerging from these efforts led to a number of recommendations for future studies: (a) although detection of Pgp and MDR1 is at present likely to be more reliable in leukemias and lymphomas than in solid tumors, accurate measurement of low levels of Pgp expression under most conditions remains an elusive goal; (b) tissue-specific controls, antibody controls, and standardized MDR cell lines are essential for calibrating any detection method and for subsequent analyses of clinical samples; (c) use of two or more vendor-standardized anti-Pgp antibody reagents that recognize different epitopes improves the reliability of immunological detection of Pgp; (d) sample fixation and antigen preservation must be carefully controlled; (e) multiparameter analysis is useful in clinical assays of MDR1/Pgp expression; (f) immunostaining data are best reported as staining intensity and the percentage of positive cells; and (g) arbitrary minimal cutoff points for analysis compromise the reliability of conclusions. The recommendations made by workshop participants should enhance the quality of research on the role of Pgp in clinical MDR development and provide a paradigm for investigations of other drug resistance-associated proteins.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Basal transcription of the human multidrug resistance (mdr1) promoter was studied by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter fusion gene analysis in two parental and doxorubicin-resistant human tumor cell lines. Deletion of mdr1 DNA sequences to -89 relative to the start of transcription (at +1) had little effect on expression. Deletion of nucleotide sequences from -89 to -70, however, resulted in a 5-10-fold reduction in mdrCAT expression. DNase I footprint analysis demonstrated that the region from -85 to -70 was protected from nuclease digestion using nuclear extracts from these cell lines. The sequence between -82 and -73 is perfectly homologous with the 10-base pair Y-box consensus sequence found in the promoters of all major histocompatibility complex class-II (MHC II) genes. The Y-box sequence in MHC II genes is required for accurate and efficient transcription and contains the sequence CCAAT in the reverse orientation (Dorn, A., Durand, B., Marfing, C., Le Meur, M., Benoist, C., and Mathis, D. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 6249-6253). Mutations in the reverse CCAAT sequence of the Y-box consensus substantially reduced expression of an mdrCAT vector and eliminated nucleoprotein binding in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. These results suggest that proteins which bind to the putative Y-box consensus sequence are critical for basal transcriptional regulation of the human mdr1 gene.





