  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Amyloidoses are a heterogeneous group of disorders resulting from deposition of amyloid fibrils into extracellular tissues. While the kidneys are one of the most frequent sites of amyloid deposition, amyloid deposits can also affect a wide range of organ systems, including the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and peripheral nerves. The prognosis of amyloidosis, especially with cardiac involvement, remains poor; however, a collaborative approach applying new tools for diagnosis and management may improve outcomes. In September 2021, the Canadian Onco-Nephrology Interest Group hosted a symposium to discuss diagnostic challenges and recent advances in the management of amyloidosis from the perspectives of the nephrologist, cardiologist, and onco-hematologist.
    UNASSIGNED: Through structured presentations, the group discussed a series of cases highlighting the varied clinical presentations of amyloidoses affecting the kidney and heart. Expert opinions, clinical trial findings, and publication summaries were used to illustrate patient-related and treatment-related considerations in the diagnosis and management of amyloidoses.
    UNASSIGNED: (1) Overview of the clinical presentation of amyloidoses and the role of specialists in performing timely and accurate diagnostic workup; (2) review of best practices for multidisciplinary management of amyloidosis, including prognostic variables and determinants of treatment response; and (3) update on new and emerging treatments in the management of light chain and amyloid transthyretin amyloidoses.
    UNASSIGNED: This conference featured multidisciplinary discussion of cases, and learning points reflect the assessments by the involved experts/authors.
    UNASSIGNED: Identification and management of amyloidoses can be facilitated with a multidisciplinary approach and higher index of suspicion from cardiologists, nephrologists, and hemato-oncologists. Increased awareness of clinical presentations and diagnostic algorithms for amyloidosis subtyping will lead to more timely interventions and improved clinical outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Les amyloïdoses sont un groupe hétérogène de troubles résultant du dépôt de fibrilles amyloïdes dans les tissus extracellulaires. Les reins sont un des sites les plus fréquents de dépôts amyloïdes, mais ces derniers peuvent également affecter un large éventail de systèmes et d’organes, notamment le cœur, le foie, le tractus gastro-intestinal et les nerfs périphériques. Le pronostic de l’amyloïdose, en particulier en cas d’atteinte cardiaque, est mauvais. Les résultats peuvent cependant être améliorés par une approche collaborative utilisant de nouveaux outils de diagnostic et de prise en charge. En septembre 2021, le Canadian Onco-Nephrology Interest Group (groupe canadien d’intérêt en onco-néphrologie) a organisé un symposium pour discuter des défis liés au diagnostic de l’amyloïdose et des récents progrès dans la gestion de cette maladie du point de vue du néphrologue, du cardiologue et de l’hémato-oncologue.
    UNASSIGNED: Au moyen de présentations structurées, le groupe a discuté d’une série de cas mettant en évidence les diverses présentations cliniques d’amyloïdoses affectant les reins et le cœur. Les opinions d’experts, les résultats des essais cliniques et les résumés des publications ont été utilisés pour illustrer les facteurs liés au patient et au traitement à considérer dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge des amyloïdoses.
    UNASSIGNED: 1) Aperçu de la présentation clinique des amyloïdoses et du rôle des spécialistes dans la réalisation d’un bilan diagnostic précis et en temps opportun (2) Examen des meilleures pratiques de gestion multidisciplinaire de l’amyloïdose, y compris des variables pronostiques et des déterminants de la réponse au traitement (3) Mise à jour sur les traitements nouveaux et émergents dans la prise en charge des amyloïdoses à chaîne légère (AL) et à transthyrétine (ATTR).
    UNASSIGNED: Ce symposium a donné lieu à une discussion multidisciplinaire de cas; les points d’apprentissage reflètent les évaluations des experts/auteurs concernés.
    UNASSIGNED: L’identification et la prise en charge des amyloïdoses peuvent être facilitées par une approche multidisciplinaire et un indice de suspicion plus élevé de la part des cardiologues, des néphrologues et des hémato-oncologues. Une meilleure connaissance des présentations cliniques et des algorithmes de diagnostic pour le sous-typage de l’amyloïdose permettra d’intervenir plus rapidement et d’améliorer les résultats cliniques.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Light chain amyloidosis (AL) causes irreversible multi-organ damage if not diagnosed early in the disease process. Fat pad biopsy is thought to be a highly sensitive screening test in systemic AL cases, especially if greater than three organs are involved. We present a case of a 64-year-old female who was admitted to the hospital with worsening heart and kidney failure, anasarca, increased free serum lambda light chains, and a negative fat pad biopsy for amyloidosis. Later, she developed asystole, bradycardia, severe hypotension, and respiratory distress. Because X-rays of her calvarium showed multiple osteolytic lesions, a bone marrow biopsy was planned to assess for multiple myeloma. Due to her non-reassuring vitals, the biopsy was not attempted, and she passed away several weeks later. Autopsy findings identified the cause of death as multiple system organ failure due to systemic AL. Through microscopic examination, pathologists found amyloid deposits in her heart, kidneys, rectum, thyroid, adrenals, bone marrow, liver, and spleen. Postmortem fat pad biopsy was negative; however, bone marrow biopsy demonstrated clusters of CD138-positive cells, confirming plasma cell dyscrasia. In cases with a negative fat pad biopsy, an additional superficial or involved organ biopsy should be pursued to establish a diagnosis of amyloidosis if strong clinical suspicion exists.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Species of Aristolochia are associated with aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN), a renal interstitial fibrosis and upper urinary tract cancer (UUC). Aristolochic acid nephropathy has been reported in ten countries but its true incidence is unknown and most likely underestimated. By combining an ethnobotanical and phytochemical approach we provide evidence for the risk of AAN occurring in Bangladesh. More specifically, we assess the intra-specific variation of aristolochic acid analogues in medicinally used Aristolochia indica samples from Bangladesh.
    METHODS: Ethnobotanical information was collected from 16 kavirajes (traditional healers) in different study locations in Bangladesh. Plant samples were obtained from native habitats, botanical gardens, herbal markets and pharmaceutical companies. The samples were extracted using 70% methanol and were analysed using LC-DAD-MS and (1)H-NMR.
    RESULTS: Roots as well as leaves are commonly used for symptoms such as snake bites and sexual problems. Among the informants knowledge about toxicity or side effects is very limited and Aristolochia indica is often administered in very high doses. Replacement of Aristolochia indica with other medicinal plants such as Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz was common. Aristolochia indica samples contained a variety of aristolochic acid analogues such as aristolochic acid I, aristolochic acid II, cepharadione A and related compounds.
    CONCLUSIONS: AAN cases are likely to occur in Bangladesh and more awareness needs to be raised about the health risks associated with the use of Aristolochia indica and other species of Aristolochia as herbal medicines.





