Mesh : Humans Surveys and Questionnaires Public Health China Adult Middle Aged Health Personnel Workforce Health Workforce / statistics & numerical data Female Male

来  源:   DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20240305-00186

This study aims to promote the system construction of public health talent through understanding the status and identifying problems of public health human resources in Weihai City. A survey on professional public health institutions was conducted through questionnaires and interviews in Weihai City, and statistical analysis on the personnel structure, introduction, and turnover of professional public health institutions was conducted. There were 24 professional public health institutions in Weihai City, with a vacancy rate of 44.27% (1 367/3 088). Health professionals accounted for 68.09% (1 669/2 451) of the on-duty personnel. The number of health technicians in professional public health institutions in the city was 0.57 per thousand people. Among the 1 669 health professionals, the age groups≤35, 36-45, 46-54, and ≥55 accounted for 47.63% (795/1 669), 30.26% (505/1 669), 18.10% (302/1 669), and 4.01% (67/1 669), respectively. The personnel with bachelor\'s degrees and master\'s degrees accounted for 74.60% (1 245/1 669) and 8.09% (135/1 669). The personnel holding clinical medical, nursing, laboratory, and public health qualifications accounted for 61.34% (995/1 622), 28.30% (459/1 622) and 10.36% (168/1 622), respectively. Only 17.73% (296/1 669) of personnel held deputy senior or above technical titles, while 45.96% (767/1 669) held junior or below technical titles. About 70.10% (1 170/1 669) personnel held permanent positions, and 29.90% (499/1 669) held non-permanent positions. From 2021 to 2023, the employment rate of public health institutions was 65.51% (207/316), and the ratio of introduced and lost personnel was approximately 3∶2 (207/132).
本研究通过了解威海市公共卫生人力资源状况,发现公共卫生人才建设存在问题与短板,推进全市公共卫生人才队伍和体系建设。采取调查问卷、访谈形式对威海市专业公共卫生机构进行调查,对专业公共卫生机构人员结构、引入和流失情况进行统计分析。威海市现有24所专业公共卫生机构,空编率为44.27%(1 367/3 088),卫生专业技术人员占在岗人员68.09%(1 669/2 451),全市每千人专业公共卫生机构卫生技术人员为0.57人。1 669名卫生专业技术人员中,≤35、36~45、46~54、55岁及以上人员分别占47.63%(795/1 669)、30.26%(505/1 669)、18.10%(302/1 669)、4.01%(67/1 669),大学本科学历占74.60%(1 245/1 669),硕士研究生占8.09%(135/1 669);具有临床医学资格证书占61.34%(995/1 622),护理和检验等资格证书占28.30%(459/1 622),公共卫生资格证书占10.36%(168/1 622);副高级以上职称占17.73%(296/1 669),初级及以下职称占45.96%(767/1 669);在编人员占70.10%(1 170/1 669),非在编占29.90%(499/1 669)。2021—2023年威海市公共卫生机构招聘到岗率为65.51%(207/316),引进与流失人员比约为3∶2(207/132)。.