关键词: animal rhodopsins cell ablation channelrhodopsins chemical ablation genetic ablation hyperpolarization laser ablation optogenetics photosensitizer synaptic vesicle release

来  源:   DOI:10.1093/genetics/iyae119

To understand the function of cells such as neurons within an organism, it can be instrumental to inhibit cellular function, or to remove the cell (type) from the organism, and thus to observe the consequences on organismic and/or circuit function and animal behavior. A range of approaches and tools were developed and used over the past few decades that act either constitutively or acutely and reversibly, in systemic or local fashion. These approaches make use of either drugs or genetically encoded tools. Also, there are acutely acting inhibitory tools that require an exogenous trigger like light. Here, we give an overview of such methods developed and used in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.