关键词: Bariatric surgery Cardiometabolic health Lipidomics Metabolomics Weight loss

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2024.155955

OBJECTIVE: Bariatric surgery improves metabolic health, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We analyzed the effects of two types of bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), on the plasma metabolome and lipidome.
METHODS: We characterized the plasma metabolome (1268 metabolites) and lipidome (953 lipids) pre-operatively and at 3 and 12 months post-operatively in 104 obese adults who were previously recruited to a prospective cohort of bariatric surgery. The metabolomic and lipidomic responses to bariatric surgery over time were analyzed using multivariable linear mixed-effects models.
RESULTS: There were significant changes in multiple metabolites and lipids, including rapid early changes in amino acid and peptide metabolites, including decreases in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), aromatic AAs, alanine and aspartate, and increases in glycine, serine, arginine and citrulline. There were also significant decreases in many triglyceride species, with increases in phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines. There were significant changes in metabolites related to energy metabolism that were apparent only after 12 months. We observed differences by bariatric surgery type in the changes in a small number of primary and secondary bile acids, including glycohyocholate and glyco-beta-muricholate.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the comprehensive changes in metabolites and lipids that occur over the 12 months following bariatric surgery. While both SG and RYGB caused profound changes in the metabolome and lipidome, RYGB was characterized by greater increases in bile acids following surgery.