关键词: actinic keratoses antioxidants basal cell carcinoma chemical filters encapsulation inorganic filters iron oxide keratinocyte carcinoma melanoma melasma nanoparticles organic filters photoaging photodermatoses photoprotection physical filters pigmentation squamous cell carcinoma sunburn sunscreen tinted sunscreen ultraviolet light visible light

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.jaad.2024.02.065

As our knowledge of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation continues to evolve, sunscreen remains an integral part of a comprehensive photoprotection strategy against multiple endpoints of ultraviolet-mediated damage. Part 1 of this review covers sunscreen active and additive ingredient properties, mechanisms of action and gaps in coverage. Following an overview of sunscreen\'s efficacy in protecting against sunburn, photocarcinogenesis, photoaging, pigmentary disorders, and idiopathic photodermatoses, we highlight considerations for product use and selection in children and individuals with skin of color.