关键词: ForenSeq kintelligence kit ForenSeq universal analysis software Forensic investigative genetic genealogy (FIGG) Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) MiSeq FGx sequencing system Next generation sequencing (NGS) SWGDAM developmental validation Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)

Mesh : Humans Software High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing DNA Fingerprinting Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide Sequence Analysis, DNA

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.fsigen.2024.103055

Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy, a recent sub discipline of forensic genomics, leverages the high throughput and sensitivity of detection of next generation sequencing and established genetic and genealogical approaches to support the identification of human remains from missing persons investigations and investigative lead generation in violent crimes. To facilitate forensic DNA evidence analysis, the ForenSeq® Kintelligence multiplex, consisting of 10,230 SNPs, was developed. Design of the ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit, the MiSeq FGx® Sequencing System and the ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software is described. Developmental validation in accordance with SWGDAM guidelines and forensic quality assurance standards, using single source samples, is reported for the end-to-end workflow from library preparation to data interpretation. Performance metrics support the conclusion that more genetic information can be obtained from challenging samples compared to other commercially available forensic targeted DNA assays developed for capillary electrophoresis (CE) or other current next generation sequencing (NGS) kits due to the higher number of markers, the overall shorter amplicon sizes (97.8% <150 bp), and kit design. Data indicate that the multiplex is robust and fit for purpose for a wide range of quantity and quality samples. The ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit and the Universal Analysis Software allow transfer of the genetic component of forensic investigative genetic genealogy to the operational forensic laboratory.