关键词: Anti-platelet Case report Hemorrhagic Bartholin’s cyst Marsupialization Menopause

来  源:   DOI:10.12998/wjcc.v11.i24.5755   PDF(Pubmed)

BACKGROUND: We report the case of a postmenopausal female with a hemorrhagic Bartholin\'s cyst who has been using an antiplatelet medication.
METHODS: A postmenopausal woman, 84 years of age, had a medical history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease (three-vessel disease), chronic kidney disease (stage 3), and dementia. The patient has been taking clopidogrel, an antiplatelet medication, for several years. She presented at our outpatient clinic complaining of painful swelling over her left vulva for several days. A Bartholin\'s cyst over the left vulva was suspected, and the patient underwent marsupialization under local anesthesia, which was well-tolerated. During the incision procedure, bright-red blood with some blood clots was discharged, and a hemorrhagic Bartholin\'s cyst was observed. There was no recurrence of the hemorrhagic Bartholin\'s cyst during the 6-mo subsequent follow-up period.
CONCLUSIONS: Hemorrhagic Bartholin\'s cysts rarely occur. We report the case of a postmenopausal female with a hemorrhagic Bartholin\'s cyst who had been on antiplatelets and was successfully treated with marsupialization. No recurrence was noted during the 6-mo follow-up period. Older females taking antiplatelets should be cautious of bleeding when presenting with a Bartholin\'s cyst.