关键词: actinic carcinoma cutaneous horn keratoacanthoma keratosis seborrheic squamous cell carcinoma verruca vulgaris actinic carcinoma cutaneous horn keratoacanthoma keratosis seborrheic squamous cell carcinoma verruca vulgaris

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.19925   PDF(Pubmed)

A cutaneous horn, sometimes referred to as cornu cutaneum, is a projection arising on the skin due to an overgrowth of the epidermal stratum corneum. This lesion is a clinical presentation of an underlying skin tumor. A woman with a verruca vulgaris-associated cutaneous horn is described. Cutaneous horns are often solitary and appear most commonly on the face, ears, and the dorsum of the hands of older patients. The most frequent tumors associated with cutaneous horns include actinic keratoses and seborrheic keratoses; however, cutaneous horns have also been observed overlying other benign and malignant tumors. In conclusion, a cutaneous horn is a common clinical feature; however, the diagnosis of the underlying skin lesion requires a biopsy that permits adequate microscopic evaluation of the associated tumor.