关键词: 3D-ECM, three dimensional extracellular matrix ASCs, adipose stem cells BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor BM-MSCs BM-MSCs, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells Biomaterial CREB, cAMP- response element binding protein DPSCs, dental pulp stem cells Differentiation ECM, extracellular matrix ECs, endothelial cells EGF, epidermal growth factor FGF, fibroblast growth factor FGF-2, fibroblast growth factor-2 GCSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor GDNF, glial derived neurotrophic factor GPT, gelatin-poly(ethylene glycol)- tyramine HGF, hepatocyte growth factor IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1 IL, interleukin LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor MRF, myogenic muscle factor NSAIDs, non-steroidal drugs PDGF-BB, platelet derived growth factor-BB PGE2, prostaglandin E2 PRP, platelet rich plasma S1P, sphingosine 1-phosphate SDF-1, stromal cell derived factor-1 Skeletal muscle injury TGF-β, transforming growth factor-β Tissue regeneration TrkB, tyrosine kinaseB VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor VML, volumetric muscle loss

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.reth.2020.11.002   PDF(Sci-hub)   PDF(Pubmed)

Skeletal muscle injuries have bothered doctors and caused great burdens to the public medical insurance system for a long time. Once injured, skeletal muscles usually go through the processes of inflammation, repairing and remodeling. If repairing and remodeling stages are out of balance, scars will be formed to replace injured skeletal muscles. At present, clinicians usually use conventional methods to restore the injured skeletal muscles, such as flap transplantation. However, flap transplantation sometimes needs to sacrifice healthy autologous tissues and will bring extra harm to patients. In recent years, stem cells-based tissue engineering provides us new treatment ideas for skeletal muscle injuries. Stem cells are cells with multiple differentiation potential and have ability to differentiate into adult cells under special condition. Skeletal muscle tissues also have stem cells, called satellite cells, but they are in small amount and new muscle fibers that derived from them may not be enough to replace injured fibers. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) could promote musculoskeletal tissue regeneration and activate the myogenic differentiation of satellite cells. Biomaterial is another important factor to promote tissue regeneration and greatly enhance physiological activities of stem cells in vivo. The combined use of stem cells and biomaterials will gradually become a mainstream to restore injured skeletal muscles in the future. This review article mainly focuses on the review of research about the application of BM-MSCs and several major biomaterials in skeletal muscle regeneration over the past decades.