关键词: 100-kDa speckled protein 110-kDa speckled protein 140-kDa speckled protein AIRE APECED APS1 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathies CARD CBP CIITA CREB-binding protein ChIP DAXX Deaf1 EMSA GST Gfp HEK293 HSR ING2 MHCII MHCII transactivator MM/PBSA MS Molecular Mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann Surface Area NB NLS NMR NucP41/75 P-TEFb PGE PHD PIAS1 PK PML PRR PTM Post-translational protein processing Protein conformation RING RNA-PolII RNA-polymerase II SAND STAT Self-tolerance Sp100 Sp100, AIRE, NucP41/75 and Deaf1 Sp110 Sp140 Transcription factors TsAg aa amino acid(s) autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 autoimmune regulator caspase-recruitment domain chromatin immunoprecipitation class-II major histocompatibility complex coIP coimmunoprecipitation death-associated protein 6 deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor 1 electrophoretic mobility shift assay glutathione-S-transferase green fluorescent protein homogeneously-staining region human-embryonic-kidney epithelial-cell line 293 inhibitor of growth 2 mTEC mass spectrometry medullary thymic epithelial cell nuclear body nuclear localization signal nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear phosphoprotein 41/75 plant homeodomain positive transcription elongation factor b post-translational modification proline-rich region promiscuous gene expression promyelocytic leukemia protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1 protein kinase really-interesting new gene signal transducer and activator of transcription tissue-specific antigen

Mesh : Animals Gene Expression Regulation Humans Models, Molecular Mutation Protein Binding Protein Multimerization Protein Structure, Tertiary Transcription Factors / chemistry genetics metabolism AIRE Protein

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.bbadis.2013.11.020

AIRE (for autoimmune regulator) is a multidomain protein that performs a fundamental function in the thymus and possibly in the secondary lymphoid organs: the regulation, especially in the sense of activation, of the process of gene transcription in cell lines deputed to the presentation of self-antigens to the maturing T lymphocytes. The apoptosis of the elements bearing T-cell receptors with critical affinity for the exhibited self-antigens prevents the escape of autoreactive clones and represents a simple and efficient mechanism of deletional self-tolerance. However, AIRE action relies on an articulated complex of biophysical and biochemical properties, in most cases attributable to single subspecialized domains. Here a thorough review of the matter is presented, with a privileged look at the pathogenic changes of AIRE that interfere with such properties and lead to the impairment in its chief function.