Mesh : Animals Blotting, Western Brain Injuries / metabolism pathology Calcium-Binding Proteins / metabolism Dystroglycans / metabolism Dystrophin / metabolism Dystrophin-Associated Protein Complex / metabolism Dystrophin-Associated Proteins / metabolism Female Immunohistochemistry Male Membrane Proteins / metabolism Microscopy, Confocal Muscle Proteins / metabolism Rats Rats, Wistar Utrophin / metabolism

来  源:   DOI:10.14670/HH-26.1435

Dystroglycan is a laminin receptor, which with dystrophins and other components forms the dystrophin-dystroglycan complex. It has an important role in the formation of gliovascular connections, cerebral vascularisation and blood-brain barrier. Dystroglycan consists of two sub-units, α and β. Previous studies demonstrated that the β-dystroglycan immunoreactivity of cerebral vessels temporarily disappeared in the area adjacent to the lesion, whereas the vascular laminin which is not immunoreactive in the intact brain became detectable. The present study extends these investigations over other components of the complex: utrophin, α1-syntrophin and α1-dystrobrevin. The experiments were performed on adult rats. The lesions were stab wounds or cryogenic lesions in deep ketamine-xylasine narcosis. Following survival periods 2 to 30 days, the animals were perfused and floating brain sections were processed for fluorescent immunohistochemistry. The α1-dystrobrevin, like β-dystroglycan, vanished temporarily around the lesion. The immunoreactivity of utrophin changed in a similar way to that of laminin. In intact brains they were confined to the entering segments of the vessels and to the circumventricular organs. Following lesions their immunoreactivity manifested in the vessels around the lesions. However, utrophin followed laminin with a delay: their peaks were about POD (postoperative days) 21 and 7, respectively. Only immunoreactivity of α1-syntrophin appeared in the reactive astrocytes, peaking at POD 14. Double-labeling proved its co-localization with GFAP. Cryogenic lesions had similar immunohistochemical effects, but provided more suitable samples for Western blot analysis, which proved the altered levels of α1-dystrobrevin and α1-syntrophin. The phenomena may help to monitor the post-lesion vascular processes and the alterations of the gliovascular connections.