06 06.Review of Normal ECG
  • 课程介绍

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36 36.ECG of Premature Ventricular Contraction PVC
35 35.ECG Case - 77-year-old Man with Pacemaker
34 34.Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator ICD Pacemaker
33 33.How to Read a Pacemaker ECG
32 32.Types of Pacemaker
31 31.ECG Case - 80-year-old Woman with Palpitations and Shortness of Breath
30 30.ECG of Nodale Extra Systoles
28 28.ECG of Supraventricular Tachycardia
27 27.ECG of Atrial Premature Beats
26 26.Supraventricular Arrhythmias - Introduction
25 25.ECG Case - 88-year-old Man with Syncope
24 24.Third-degree AV Blocks
23 23.Second-degree AV Blocks
22 22.First-degree AV Blocks
21 21.Sick Sinus Syndrome and Sinus Exit Block
20 20.ECG Case - 70-year-old Man with Acute Anterior MI
19 19.Bundle Branch and Fascicular Blocks
18 18.Review of Cardiac Conduction System
17 17.ECG Case - 44-year-old Woman with Shortness of Breath and Fatigue
16 16.ECG Case - 52-year-old Man with Shortness of Breath
15 15.ECG of Atrial Enlargement
14 14.ECG of Ventricular Hypertrophy
13 13.ECG Case - 17-year-old Man with Pressure Feeling under Sternum
12 12.ECG Case - 67-year-old Diabetic Man with Low Blood Pressure
11 11.Abnormal T Waves - Differentiating Pericarditis from Myocardial Infarction M
10 10.Abnormal Q Waves - ECGs of Healed Myocardial Infarction MI
09 09.ECG of Anterior Myocardial Infarction MI
08 08.ECG of Inferior Myocardial Infarction MI
07 07.ECG of Myocardial Infarction MI - STEMI vs NSTEMI
06 06.Review of Normal ECG
05 05.ECG Case - 22-year-old Man with Anterior Chest Pain
04 04.Systematic ECG Interpretation
03 03.Standard 12 Lead ECG
02 02.Cardiac Action Potential
01 01.How to Read an Electrocardiogram ECG - Introduction