replication stress

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MCM10 plays a vital role in genome duplication and is crucial for DNA replication initiation, elongation, and termination. It coordinates several proteins to assemble at the fork, form a functional replisome, trigger origin unwinding, and stabilize the replication bubble. MCM10 overexpression is associated with increased aggressiveness in breast, cervical, and several other cancers. Disruption of MCM10 leads to altered replication timing associated with initiation site gains and losses accompanied by genome instability. Knockdown of MCM10 affects the proliferation and migration of cancer cells, manifested by DNA damage and replication fork arrest, and has recently been shown to be associated with clinical conditions like CNKD and RCM. Loss of MCM10 function is associated with impaired telomerase activity, leading to the accumulation of abnormal replication forks and compromised telomere length. MCM10 interacts with histones, aids in nucleosome assembly, binds BRCA2 to maintain genome integrity during DNA damage, prevents lesion skipping, and inhibits PRIMPOL-mediated repriming. It also interacts with the fork reversal enzyme SMARCAL1 and inhibits fork regression. Additionally, MCM10 undergoes several post-translational modifications and contributes to transcriptional silencing by interacting with the SIR proteins. This review explores the mechanism associated with MCM10\'s multifaceted role in DNA replication initiation, chromatin organization, transcriptional silencing, replication stress, fork stability, telomere length maintenance, and DNA damage response. Finally, we discuss the role of MCM10 in the early detection of cancer, its prognostic significance, and its potential use in therapeutics for cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Topoisomerase 1 cleavage complexes (Top1-ccs) comprise a DNA-protein crosslink and a single-stranded DNA break that can significantly impact the DNA replication machinery (replisome). Consequently, inhibitors that trap Top1-ccs are used extensively in research and clinical settings to generate DNA replication stress, yet how the replisome responds upon collision with a Top1-cc remains obscure. By reconstituting collisions between budding yeast replisomes, assembled from purified proteins, and site-specific Top1-ccs, we have uncovered mechanisms underlying replication fork stalling and collapse. We find that stalled replication forks are surprisingly stable and that their stability is influenced by the template strand that Top1 is crosslinked to, the fork protection complex proteins Tof1-Csm3 (human TIMELESS-TIPIN), and the convergence of replication forks. Moreover, nascent-strand mapping and cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) of stalled forks establishes replisome remodeling as a key factor in the initial response to Top1-ccs. These findings have important implications for the use of Top1 inhibitors in research and in the clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genotoxic stress activates the DNA-damage response (DDR) signalling cascades responsible for maintaining genome integrity. Downstream DNA repair pathways include the tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1) enzyme that hydrolyses the phosphodiester bond between the tyrosine of topoisomerase I (TopI) and 3\'-phosphate of DNA. The plant TDP1 subfamily contains the canonical TDP1α gene and the TDP1β gene whose functions are not fully elucidated. The current study proposes to investigate the involvement of TDP1 genes in DDR-related processes by using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants treated with genotoxic agents. The phenotypic and molecular characterization of tdp1α, tdp1β and tdp1α/β mutants treated with cisplatin (CIS), curcumin (CUR), NSC120686 (NSC), zeocin (ZEO), and camptothecin (CPT), evidenced that while tdp1β was highly sensitive to CIS and CPT, tdp1α was more sensitive to NSC. Gene expression analyses showing upregulation of the TDP2 gene in the double mutant indicate the presence of compensatory mechanisms. The downregulation of POL2A gene in the tdp1β mutant along with the upregulation of the TDP1β gene in pol2a mutants, together with its sensitivity to replication inhibitors (CIS, CTP), point towards a function of this gene in the response to replication stress. Therefore, this study brings novel information relative to the activity of TDP1 genes in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication stress is one of the primary causes of genome instability. In response to replication stress, cells can employ replication restart mechanisms that rely on homologous recombination to resume replication fork progression and preserve genome integrity. In this review, we provide an overview of various methods that have been developed to induce site-specific replication fork stalling or collapse in eukaryotic cells. In particular, we highlight recent studies of mechanisms of replication-associated recombination resulting from site-specific protein-DNA barriers and single-strand breaks, and we discuss the contributions of these findings to our understanding of the consequences of these forms of stress on genome stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Werner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by loss of function of WRN. WS is a segmental progeroid disease and shows early onset or increased frequency of many characteristics of normal aging. WRN possesses helicase, annealing, strand exchange, and exonuclease activities and acts on a variety of DNA substrates, even complex replication and recombination intermediates. Here, we review the genetics, biochemistry, and probably physiological functions of the WRN protein. Although its precise role is unclear, evidence suggests WRN plays a role in pathways that respond to replication stress and maintain genome stability particularly in telomeric regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homologous recombination (HR) plays an essential role in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), replication stress responses, and genome maintenance. However, unregulated HR during replication can impair genome duplication and compromise genome stability. The mechanisms underlying HR regulation during DNA replication are obscure. Here, we find that RTEL1 helicase, RAD51, and RAD51 paralogs are enriched at stalled replication sites. The absence of RTEL1 leads to an increase in the RAD51-mediated HR and fork reversal during replication and affects genome-wide replication, which can be rescued by co-depleting RAD51 and RAD51 paralogs. Interestingly, co-depletion of fork remodelers such as SMARCAL1/ZRANB3/HLTF/FBH1 and expression of HR-defective RAD51 mutants also rescues replication defects in RTEL1-deficient cells. The anti-recombinase function of RTEL1 during replication depends on its interaction with PCNA and helicase activity. Together, our data identify the role of RTEL1 helicase in restricting RAD51-mediated fork reversal and HR activity to facilitate error-free genome duplication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a hereditary disorder characterized by a deficiency in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks and the response to replication stress. Endogenous DNA damage, most likely caused by aldehydes, severely affects hematopoietic stem cells in FA, resulting in progressive bone marrow failure and the development of leukemia. Recent studies revealed that expression levels of SLFN11 affect the replication stress response and are a strong determinant in cell killing by DNA-damaging cancer chemotherapy. Because SLFN11 is highly expressed in the hematopoietic system, we speculated that SLFN11 may have a significant role in FA pathophysiology. Indeed, we found that DNA damage sensitivity in FA cells is significantly mitigated by the loss of SLFN11 expression. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that SLFN11 destabilizes the nascent DNA strands upon replication fork stalling. In this review, we summarize our work regarding an interplay between SLFN11 and the FA pathway, and the role of SLFN11 in the response to replication stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication is remarkably accurate with estimates of only a handful of mutations per human genome per cell division cycle. Replication stress caused by DNA lesions, transcription-replication conflicts, and other obstacles to the replication machinery must be efficiently overcome in ways that minimize errors and maximize completion of DNA synthesis. Replication fork reversal is one mechanism that helps cells tolerate replication stress. This process involves reannealing of parental template DNA strands and generation of a nascent-nascent DNA duplex. While fork reversal may be beneficial by facilitating DNA repair or template switching, it must be confined to the appropriate contexts to preserve genome stability. Many enzymes have been implicated in this process including ATP-dependent DNA translocases like SMARCAL1, ZRANB3, HLTF, and the helicase FBH1. In addition, the RAD51 recombinase is required. Many additional factors and regulatory activities also act to ensure reversal is beneficial instead of yielding undesirable outcomes. Finally, reversed forks must also be stabilized and often need to be restarted to complete DNA synthesis. Disruption or deregulation of fork reversal causes a variety of human diseases. In this review we will describe the latest models for reversal and key mechanisms of regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication ensures the complete and accurate duplication of the genome. The traditional approach to analysing perturbation of DNA replication is to use chemical inhibitors, such as hydroxyurea or aphidicolin, that slow or stall replication fork progression throughout the genome. An alternative approach is to perturb replication at a single site in the genome that permits a more forensic investigation of the cellular response to the stalling or disruption of a replication fork. This has been achieved in several organisms using different systems that share the common feature of utilizing the high affinity binding of a protein to a defined DNA sequence that is integrated into a specific locus in the host genome. Protein-mediated replication fork blocking systems of this sort have proven very valuable in defining how cells cope with encountering a barrier to fork progression. In this review, we compare protein-based replication fork barrier systems from different organisms that have been developed to generate site-specific replication fork perturbation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1, HMOX1) degrades heme protecting cells from heme-induced oxidative damage. Beyond its well-established cellular functions, heme has emerged as a stabilizer of G-quadruplexes. These secondary DNA structures interfere with DNA replication. We recently revealed that nuclear HO-1 colocalizes with DNA G-quadruplexes and promotes their removal. Here, we investigate whether HO-1 safeguards cells against replication stress. Experiments were conducted in control and HMOX1-deficient HEK293T cell lines. Immunostaining unveiled that DNA G-quadruplexes accumulated in the absence of HO-1, the effect that was further enhanced in response to δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a substrate in heme synthesis. This was associated with replication stress, as evidenced by an elevated proportion of stalled forks analyzed by fiber assay. We observed the same effects in hematopoietic stem cells isolated from Hmox1 knockout mice and in a lymphoblastoid cell line from an HMOX1-deficient patient. Interestingly, in the absence of HO-1, the speed of fork progression was higher, and the response to DNA conformational hindrance less stringent, indicating dysfunction of the PARP1-p53-p21 axis. PARP1 activity was not decreased in the absence of HO-1. Instead, we observed that HO-1 deficiency impairs the nuclear import and accumulation of p53, an effect dependent on the removal of excess heme. We also demonstrated that administering ALA is a more specific method for increasing intracellular free heme compared to treatment with hemin, which in turn induces strong lipid peroxidation. Our results indicate that protection against replication stress is a universal feature of HO-1, presumably contributing to its widely recognized cytoprotective activity.





