
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs), tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in size, have emerged as a common and worrying pollutant in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments worldwide. In this study, we revealed the microplastic exposure of two endemic newt species for Türkiye. We found that polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was the predominant microplastic polymer type in both species, with the blue fiber shape in particular. We also found that there was a negative correlation between microplastic size and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) weight, but there was no significant difference between body length and GIT weight of both species. Our findings might be surprising as the studied species live in natural spring waters in remote, high-altitude areas. However, the detection of water bottles in their habitats appears to be the reason for their exposure to microplastic pollution. Therefore, reducing the use of single-use plastics is predicted to contribute to the conservation of these endemic newts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accumulation of heavy metal in circulating TCMs has attracted widespread attention because the security and therapeutic efficacy are inevitably imperiled by the survival ecological environment and human production activities. How to reduce the pollution level and improve the toxicity damage becomes an urgent issue. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of heavy metal contamination over a thousand types of single herbal (botanical, animal and mineral medicines) and TCM preparations published over nearly two decades. The survey revealed that growth ecosystems (soil, water sources), anthropogenic factors (harvesting, processing, storage), specific varieties and medicinal parts utilized as well as the inherent resistance capacity are the key factors that affect the accumulation of heavy metals in TCMs. And Pb, Cu and Cr are the major cumulative elements for botanicals, while mineral and animal medicines are dominated by As and Cu elements, respectively. Ongoing efforts aimed at mitigating the level and translocation rate of heavy metals by optimized cultivation processes, appropriate processing methodologies and advanced adsorption techniques are effective removal strategies. And the prospects of TCMs as a detoxifying agent for heavy metal toxicity damage posed development potential. Besides, the correlation between the speciation of arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) and their toxicity should also be elaborated in order to provide effective references for standardizing drug dosage and cycle. And the imperative from the perspective of improving limitations standards of HMs for animal medicines, external preparations and folk medicines as well as exploring the interaction mechanisms between heavy metals and active ingredients of TCMs provides the direction for the follow-up study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of heavy metals and metalloids (metal(loid)s) in the food chain is a global problem, and thus, metal(loid)s are considered to be Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs). Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd) are identified as prominent hazards related to human health risks throughout the food chain. This study aimed to carry out a source attribution for metal(loid)s in shallow topsoil of north-midlands, northwest, and border counties of the Republic of Ireland, followed by an assessment of the potential ecological and human health risks. The positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was used for source characterization of PTEs, followed by the Monte Carlo simulation method, used for a probabilistic model to evaluate potential human health risks. The mean concentrations of prioritized metal(loid)s in the topsoil range in the order of Pb (28.83 mg kg-1) > As (7.81 mg kg-1) > Cd (0.51 mg kg-1) > Hg (0.11 mg kg-1) based on the open-source Tellus dataset. This research identified three primary sources of metal(loid) pollution: geogenic sources (36 %), mixed sources of historical mining and natural origin (33 %), and anthropogenic activities (31 %). The ecological risk assessment showed that Ireland\'s soil exhibits low-moderate pollution levels however, concerns remain for Cd and As levels. All metal(loid)s except Cd showed acceptable non-carcinogenic risk, while Cd and As accounted for high to moderate potential cancer risks. Potato consumption (if grown on land with elevated metal(loid) levels), Cd concentration in soil, and bioaccumulation factor of Cd in potatoes were the three most sensitive parameters. In conclusion, metal(loid)s in Ireland present low to moderate ecological and human health risks. It underscores the need for policies and remedial strategies to monitor metal(loid) levels in agricultural soil regularly and the production of crops with low bioaccumulation in regions with elevated metal(loid) levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the relationship between openness and pollutant emission intensity across 286 Chinese cities from 1990 to 2019, aiming to evaluate the potential environmental benefits of open economy strategies. The findings indicate that enhanced urban openness significantly lowers pollutant emission intensity. To ensure the robustness of our findings, we make an innovative attempt to employ high-speed rail connection and motorway density as instrumental variables to address potential endogeneity issues, corroborating the reliability of the results through various robustness tests. Moreover, we also find the heterogeneous effects of urban openness on pollution emissions, highlighting the moderating influences of trade complexity, urbanization level, and environmental regulatory intensity. Lastly, the study elucidates the mechanisms through which urban openness diminishes pollution emissions, namely fostering green innovation capacity and enhancing public environmental awareness. This research makes theoretical contributions on understanding the nexus between open economies and environmental protection while offering practical insights to inform governmental environmental policy formulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoremediation is a rapidly expanding process due to its technical and economic viability. The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytoremediation potential of Helianthus annuus in three cultivation media: artificially contaminated Catalão soil, hydroponics and roadside soil. In hydroponics, ZnCl2 doses 0.32 mgL- 1, 29.94 mgL- 1, 60.06 mgL- 1, 119.94 mgL- 1 were used. While in the artificially contaminated soil, the doses were 0 mgkg- 1, 299 mgkg- 1, 599 mgkg- 1, 1498 mgkg- 1. Physiological analyzes made it possible to demonstrate that treatments T3 and T4, with the highest concentrations of the metal, inhibited growth and promoted darkening of the roots. The highest Zn contents occurred in the aerial part. The results indicated that Helianthus annuus was classified as hyperaccumulator due to its ability to accumulate high levels of Zn mainly in artificially contaminated soil.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroalgal nitrogen isotope analysis (δ15N) is a reliable method for the identification of nitrogen pollutant sources. Understanding δ15N geospatial variation within small bays and/or harbour environments can help identify point sources of nitrogen pollution. This study sampled over 300 Fucus vesiculosus and Ulva sp. specimens in September 2022 and May 2023 from Staithes Harbour, North Yorkshire, England. δ15N values for Staithes Beck were elevated when compared to sites in Staithes Harbour and the North Sea: this is attributed to sewage effluent and/or agricultural manure. Few sites within Staithes Harbour were significantly different from one another in terms of δ15N, suggesting a relatively homogenous nitrogen isotope record of the harbour. Simple harbour environments like Staithes may be relatively well mixed, and thus, sampling one harbour site may be enough to represent the entire harbour. Of course, more complex harbours may require more sample locations to ascertain point sources and mixing in the harbour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging evidence indicates that chemical exposures in the environment are overlooked drivers of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Recent evidence suggests that micro- and nanoplastic (MNP) particles derived largely from the chemical or mechanical degradation of plastics might represent a novel CVD risk factor. Experimental data in preclinical models suggest that MNPs can foster oxidative stress, platelet aggregation, cell senescence, and inflammatory responses in endothelial and immune cells while promoting a range of cardiovascular and metabolic alterations that can lead to disease and premature death. In humans, MNPs derived from various plastics, including polyethylene and polyvinylchloride, have been detected in atherosclerotic plaques and other cardiovascular tissues, including pericardia, epicardial adipose tissues, pericardial adipose tissues, myocardia, and left atrial appendages. MNPs have measurable levels within thrombi and seem to accumulate preferentially within areas of vascular lesions. Their presence within carotid plaques is associated with subsequent increased incidence of cardiovascular events. To further investigate the possible causal role of MNPs in CVD, future studies should focus on large, prospective cohorts assessing the exposure of individuals to plastic-related pollution, the possible routes of absorption, the existence of a putative safety limit, the correspondence between exposure and accumulation in tissues, the timing between accumulation and CVD development, and the pathophysiological mechanisms instigated by pertinent concentrations of MNPs. Data from such studies would allow the design of preventive, or even therapeutic, strategies. Meanwhile, existing evidence suggests that reducing plastic production and use will produce benefits for the environment and for human health. This goal could be achieved through the UN Global Plastics Treaty that is currently in negotiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Waste engine oils are hazardous waste oils originating from the transportation sector and industrial heavy-duty machinery operations. Improper handling, disposal, and miscellaneous misuses cause significant air, soil, sediments, surface water, and groundwater pollution. Occupational exposure by prolonged and repeated contact poses direct or indirect health risks, resulting in short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) toxicities. Soil pollution causes geotoxicity by disrupting the biocenosis and physicochemical properties of the soil, and phytotoxicity by impairing plant growth, physiology and metabolism. Surface water pollution impacts aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Air pollution from incineration causes the release of greenhouse gases creating global warming, noxious gases and particulate matter eliciting pulmonary disorders. The toxicity of waste engine oil is due to the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) composition, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners, organometallic compounds, and toxic chemical additives. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ecotoxicological effects, human and animal health toxicology and exposure to waste engine oils. It highlights the properties and functions of engine oil and describes waste engine oil generation, disposal and recycling. It provides intensive evaluations and descriptions of the toxicokinetics, metabolism, routes of exposure and toxicosis in human and animal studies based on toxicological, epidemiological and experimental studies. It emphasises the preventive measures in occupational exposure and recommends risk-based remediation techniques to mitigate environmental pollution. The review will assist in understanding the potential risks of waste engine oil with significant consideration of the public health benefits and importance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: To assess household air pollution levels in urban Chicago households and examine how socioeconomic factors influence these levels. Methods: We deployed wireless air monitoring devices to 244 households in a diverse population in Chicago to continuously record household fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration. We calculated hourly average PM2.5 concentration in a 24-hour cycle. Four factors-race, household income, area deprivation, and exposure to smoking-were considered in this study. Results: A total of 93085 h of exposure data were recorded. The average household PM2.5 concentration was 43.8 μg m-3. We observed a significant difference in the average household PM2.5 concentrations between Black/African American and non-Black/African American households (46.3 versus 31.6 μg m-3), between high-income and low-income households (18.2 versus 52.5 μg m-3), and between smoking and non-smoking households (69.7 versus 29.0 μg m-3). However, no significant difference was observed between households in less and more deprived areas (43.7 versus 43.0 μg m-3). Implications: Household air pollution levels in Chicago households are much higher than the recommended level, challenging the hypothesis that household air quality is adequate for populations in high income nations. Our results indicate that it is the personal characteristics of participants, rather than the macro environments, that lead to observed differences in household air pollution.





