patient engagement

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Integrated care pathways (ICPs) are crucial for delivering individualised care. However, the development of ICPs is challenging and must be well designed to provide the expected benefits. Regarding this, healthcare organisations are increasingly adopting management systems based on Lean Thinking to improve their organisational processes by eliminating non-value-added steps. This study elucidates the process and evaluates the impact of applying Lean Thinking to redesign an ICP for patients with spondyloarthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease affecting young adults.
    METHODS: A multidisciplinary team was assembled and trained in Lean Thinking. Patient\'s perspective was gathered through a focus group. Guided by an expert methodologist, the team constructed a value stream map of the entire care pathway and analysed each step. Five work streams were defined to increase value at each step, leading to targeted process improvements. Key process and outcome metrics were collected and compared in 2-month baseline and post-implementation audits.
    RESULTS: A total of 118 patients were included in the baseline audit (September-October 2022), and 116 in the post-implementation audit (January-February 2023). Process redesign resulted in statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05), including a reduction in the mean number of hospital visits per patient over a 2-month period from 2.54 (SD = 0.93) to 1.84 (SD = 0.79), an increase in complementary exams scheduled on the same day (81.4% to 94.8%) and an increase in baseline disease and treatment education (from 22.2% to 84.2% and from 18.2% to 84.6%, respectively). Regarding standardisation of clinical practice, there were significant increases in collecting data for medical records on composite activity indices (76.3% to 95.7%), reporting of pharmacological treatment adherence (68.6% to 94%) and providing nonpharmacological recommendations (31.3% to 95.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The application of Lean Thinking to redesign the spondyloarthritis ICP led to significant improvements in outpatient appointment scheduling, reduced patient hospital visits, improved interdepartmental coordination and standardised clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patient-oriented research is now widely regarded as key to improving health systems and patient outcomes. This shift toward meaningful patient involvement in health research has sparked a growing interest in patient-oriented research training across Canada. Yet some barriers to participation, including distance and scheduling constraints, may impede the provision of in-person patient-oriented research training. Virtual course delivery options may help surmount those barriers, as well as offer unique pedagogical advantages.
    OBJECTIVE: To help increase patient-oriented research training uptake, the research team adapted the Canadian Institutes of Health Research\'s (CIHR) Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research\'s Foundations for Patient-Oriented Research course to a virtual format. The course consists of three modules, which focus respectively on patient-oriented research, health research methods, and teamwork skills. The current evaluation of this virtual delivery examines how a diverse set of participants received the online course.
    METHODS: Course participants from a variety of professional backgrounds, including researchers, patients, clinicians, and policy decision-makers, were recruited from across Canada to participate in the adapted course. Participant and facilitator feedback was solicited via online surveys that were distributed shortly after the delivery of each module.
    RESULTS: Over the span of the current project, the online course was delivered seven times across Canada. A total of 189 learners and 12 facilitators participated in the course. We received 89 completed feedback surveys in total. These included a total of 78 responses from learners, with 22 on Module 1, 32 on Module 2, and 24 on Module 3, in addition to 11 responses from facilitators. Overall, participants and facilitators were very satisfied with the course, indicating a successful adaptation from traditional to online delivery. Survey respondents were especially pleased with the course\'s co-learning elements, which exposed them to fresh perspectives and real patient voices, as well as ample opportunity for discussion. Some participants offered recommendations for minor course revisions. Future iterations of the course will reflect participant and facilitator feedback to enhance accessibility via minor changes to course format (e.g., shorter live sessions), content (e.g., more concrete examples), and workload (e.g., reduced pre-work requirements).
    CONCLUSIONS: Sustainable and effective health care depends on health research that includes active partnerships across diverse populations. These collaborative relationships are fostered by strong capacity in patient-oriented research, which in turn hinges on widely accessible training opportunities. This online course overcomes common barriers to face-to-face training and offers the accessible, inclusive training environment required for sustained progress in patient-oriented research.
    In the past, patients were only involved in health research as study subjects and were excluded from membership on the research team. Today, it is the norm to involve patients and other non-researchers, such as clinicians and policy makers, as full, active partners in health research projects. This approach is called patient-oriented research, and is regarded as essential for good health care. In 2016, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) developed a course in patient-oriented research that helps people develop the skills they need to work together on a team with researchers, patients, caregivers, care providers, policy makers, and others. However, logistical challenges such as travel distance and scheduling conflicts may create barriers to in-person participation. Our research team adapted CIHR’s course in patient-oriented research for online delivery, which can help overcome these challenges and provide additional educational benefits. We delivered the online course seven times to diverse groups of participants from across Canada, including researchers, patients, clinicians, and policy makers. A total of 189 participants completed at least one of the three course modules. In this article, we examine the results of 89 completed feedback surveys (78 from learners and 11 from facilitators). Overall, the feedback was very positive, with participants appreciating the opportunity to learn from real patient experiences in an inclusive environment. We also received suggestions for improvement, such as reducing pre-work and using more concrete examples, which will be incorporated into future versions of the course. This evaluation shows that this course was successfully adapted for online delivery and offers a valuable opportunity for building skills in patient-oriented research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patients with persistent critical illness experience prolonged multi-system morbidity, functional impairments, and chronic conditions. As a result, these patients have prolonged intensive care unit admissions. If discharged, they return home with long-term medical dependencies. Care partners take on a variety of physical, mental health, cognitive, and social roles to support the provision of care for these patients. There is limited evidence, however, of the impact of being a care partner for this patient population during hospitalization.
    METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to explore the impact care provision on care partners for patients experiencing persistent critical illness. Patients who have or have had persistent critical illness and care partners were recruited from two inpatient units in a single community academic hospital in Toronto, Canada to participate in semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed using a team-based inductive content analysis.
    RESULTS: Seven (43.8%) participants were patient survivors, and nine (56.3%) were care partners. Patients and care partners reported physical, socio-emotional, and social stress as impacts of care provision during persistent critical illness hospitalization. Care partners identified several protective strategies that they used to mitigate the impacts of care provision on them such as seeking external mental health support and boundary setting. Features of formalized and care partner programs were also identified and suggest that these programs can be protective of care partner values, mitigate feelings of helplessness and stress, and may improve relationships between the family members who are in the care partner role and the healthcare team.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study identified physical, socio-emotional, and social stress related impacts of care provision on care partners of patients with persistent critical illness during hospitalization. Additionally, this study identified protective factors initiated by care partners to mitigate the reported stresses of the role, as well as protective features of a care partner program. The results provide a better understanding supportive features of care partner programs that are specific to the experiences and needs of persistent critical illness and add to the growing body of evidence about how to provide equitable access to care during and post hospitalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diagnostic excellence underscores the patient-centered diagnosis and patient engagement in the diagnostic process. In contrast to a patient-centered diagnosis, a doctor-centered diagnosis with a lack of patient engagement may inhibit the diagnostic process due to the lack of responsibility, disrupted information, and increased effect of cognitive biases, particularly in a situation where multiple physicians are involved. In this paper, we suggest a promising idea to enhance patient engagement in the diagnostic process by using written information by a patient about their perspective and experience, which can fill the gaps needed for diagnosis that doctors cannot find alone.
    METHODS: A 38-year-old woman developed chest pain, which gradually worsened during the following two years. For two years, she was evaluated in multiple departments; however, no definitive diagnosis was made, and her condition did not improve. During this evaluation, she searched her symptoms and image findings online. She reached a possible diagnosis of \'esophageal achalasia.\' Still, she could not tell her concerns to any physicians because she felt that her concerns were not correctly recognized, although she showed her notes that her symptoms were recorded. She finally consulted the department of internal medicine, where her notes and previous test results were thoroughly reviewed. The final diagnosis of esophageal achalasia was confirmed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Doctors must organize an environment where patients can freely express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas regarding their diagnosis. Cogenerating visit notes using patient input through written communication can be a promising idea to facilitate patient engagement in the diagnostic process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been crucial in medicine research and development (R&D) for decades. Initially, PPPs involved private and academic innovators working in bilateral collaborations to advance pharmaceutical innovation. Later, a precompetitive open innovation environment was created, where multiple public and private innovators collaborated on mutual interests. The entry of regulators and patient interest organizations into PPPs has triggered a third shift from an innovator result-driven to a multi-actor impact-oriented partnership model. Using the second Innovative Medicines Initiative program (IMI2) as an example, this chapter focuses on the increasing roles of patient interest organizations in PPPs in roughly the last decade.Most IMI2 partnerships focused on raising awareness and sharing information tailored to patient needs (listener role) and inviting patients to share their experiences and needs (co-thinker role). Many partnerships also integrated the patient perspective by implementing patient advisory bodies (advisor role) or including patients as equal partners in steering the project (partner role). Notably, partnerships like EUPATI and PARADIGM showed that patient interest organizations can lead initiatives, especially those aiming at advancing patient engagement across the medicine R&D lifecycle (decision-maker role). While the overall impact of patient involvement in the IMI2 program is still being assessed, it has exposed many innovators and regulators to the patient perspective and created a community of patient experts with access to tools and guidelines for meaningful involvement.The PPP model continues to evolve, shifting from a treatment-only to a comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring approach by incorporating digital and medical technology actors. This development, alongside continued patient and public integration could revolutionize the R&D and accessibility of new treatments and diagnostics.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This conceptual study introduces the \"virtual waiting room,\" an innovative, interactive, web-based platform designed to enhance the waiting experience in oncology by providing personalized, educational, and supportive content. Central to our study is the implementation of the circular entry model, which allows for non-linear navigation of health information, empowering patients to access content based on their immediate needs and interests. This approach respects the individual journeys of patients, acknowledging the diverse pathways through which they seek understanding and manage their health. The virtual waiting room is designed not only to support patients but also to facilitate stronger communication and shared understanding between patients, caregivers, and families. By providing a shared digital space, the platform enables caregivers and family members to access the same information and resources, thereby promoting transparency and collective knowledge. This shared access is crucial in managing the emotional complexities of oncology care, where effective communication can significantly impact treatment outcomes and patient well-being. Furthermore, the study explores how the circular entry model within the virtual waiting room can enhance patient autonomy and engagement by offering customized interactions based on user feedback and preferences. This personalized approach aims to reduce anxiety, improve health literacy, and prepare patients more effectively for clinical interactions. By transforming passive waiting into active engagement, the virtual waiting room turns waiting time into a meaningful, informative period that supports both the psychological and informational needs of patients and their support networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To review the effects of shared decision making (SDM) on health outcomes, health care quality, cost, and consultation time METHODS: We conducted an umbrella review and searched systematic reviews on SDM from PubMed, CINHAL, and Web of Science. We included reviews on SDM interventions used in a health care setting with patients. We assessed the eligibility of retrieved articles and evaluated whether the review addressed Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) characteristics.
    RESULTS: Out of 3678 records, 48 reviews were included. Half of the reviews focused exclusively on RCT studies (n = 21). A little less than half were focused specifically on decision aids (n = 23). Thirty-two reviews discussed CFIR characteristics explicitly or implicitly; the majority of which were specific to intervention characteristics. Reviews tended to cluster around patient populations and tended to be low or critically low to moderate in their quality. Reviews of SDM on health outcomes, health care quality, cost, and consultation time were highly uncertain but often ranged from neutral to positive.
    CONCLUSIONS: We observed that SDM implementation did not typically increase costs or increase consultation time while having some neutral to positive benefits on outcomes and quality for certain populations. Gaps in knowledge remain including better research on the climate where SDM is most effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates whether systems-level interventions, specifically patient-centered culturally sensitive health care (PC-CSHC) from healthcare providers, office staff, and the clinic environment, moderate the relationship between health self-efficacy and patient engagement among Black American adults. An online survey was completed by 198 Black American adults. PC-CSHC from healthcare providers, office staff, and the clinic environment did not mitigate the adverse effects of low health self-efficacy on patient engagement. However, PC-CSHC from healthcare providers (b = 0.38) was as significant as health self-efficacy (b = 0.37) in predicting patient engagement, R2 = 0.47, F(9, 177) = 19.61, p < 0.001. Provider-delivered PC-CSHC can enhance patient engagement among Black American adults. This systems-level approach has the potential to reach more patients than intrapersonal interventions alone and alleviates the undue burden placed on Black Americans to leverage intrapersonal strengths in the face of health disparities rooted in structural racism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The integration of artificial intelligence and chatbot technology in health care has attracted significant attention due to its potential to improve patient care and streamline history-taking. As artificial intelligence-driven conversational agents, chatbots offer the opportunity to revolutionize history-taking, necessitating a comprehensive examination of their impact on medical practice.
    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aims to assess the role, effectiveness, usability, and patient acceptance of chatbots in medical history-taking. It also examines potential challenges and future opportunities for integration into clinical practice.
    METHODS: A systematic search included PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE (via Ovid), CENTRAL, Scopus, and Open Science and covered studies through July 2024. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the studies reviewed were based on the PICOS (participants, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study design) framework. The population included individuals using health care chatbots for medical history-taking. Interventions focused on chatbots designed to facilitate medical history-taking. The outcomes of interest were the feasibility, acceptance, and usability of chatbot-based medical history-taking. Studies not reporting on these outcomes were excluded. All study designs except conference papers were eligible for inclusion. Only English-language studies were considered. There were no specific restrictions on study duration. Key search terms included \"chatbot*,\" \"conversational agent*,\" \"virtual assistant,\" \"artificial intelligence chatbot,\" \"medical history,\" and \"history-taking.\" The quality of observational studies was classified using the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) criteria (eg, sample size, design, data collection, and follow-up). The RoB 2 (Risk of Bias) tool assessed areas and the levels of bias in randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
    RESULTS: The review included 15 observational studies and 3 RCTs and synthesized evidence from different medical fields and populations. Chatbots systematically collect information through targeted queries and data retrieval, improving patient engagement and satisfaction. The results show that chatbots have great potential for history-taking and that the efficiency and accessibility of the health care system can be improved by 24/7 automated data collection. Bias assessments revealed that of the 15 observational studies, 5 (33%) studies were of high quality, 5 (33%) studies were of moderate quality, and 5 (33%) studies were of low quality. Of the RCTs, 2 had a low risk of bias, while 1 had a high risk.
    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provides critical insights into the potential benefits and challenges of using chatbots for medical history-taking. The included studies showed that chatbots can increase patient engagement, streamline data collection, and improve health care decision-making. For effective integration into clinical practice, it is crucial to design user-friendly interfaces, ensure robust data security, and maintain empathetic patient-physician interactions. Future research should focus on refining chatbot algorithms, improving their emotional intelligence, and extending their application to different health care settings to realize their full potential in modern medicine.





