
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extracellular matrix of microbial biofilms has traditionally been viewed as a structural scaffold that retains the resident bacteria in the biofilm. Moreover, a role of the matrix in the tolerance of biofilms to antimicrobials and environmental stressors was recognized early in biofilm research. However, as research progressed it became apparent that the biofilm matrix can also be involved in processes such as bacterial migration, genetic exchange, ion capture and signalling. More recently, evidence has accumulated that the biofilm matrix can also have catalytic functions. Here we review foundational research on this fascinating catalytic role of the biofilm matrix.






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  • 文章类型: Retraction of Publication






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite competition for both space and nutrients, bacterial species often coexist within structured, surface-attached communities termed biofilms. While these communities play important, widespread roles in ecosystems and are agents of human infection, understanding how multiple bacterial species assemble to form these communities and what physical processes underpin the composition of multispecies biofilms remains an active area of research. Using a model three-species community composed of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus faecalis, we show with cellular-scale resolution that biased dispersal of the dominant community member, P. aeruginosa, prevents competitive exclusion from occurring, leading to the coexistence of the three species. A P. aeruginosa bqsS deletion mutant no longer undergoes periodic mass dispersal, leading to the local competitive exclusion of E. coli. Introducing periodic, asymmetric dispersal behavior into minimal models, parameterized by only maximal growth rate and local density, supports the intuition that biased dispersal of an otherwise dominant competitor can permit coexistence generally. Colonization experiments show that WT P. aeruginosa is superior at colonizing new areas, in comparison to ΔbqsS P. aeruginosa, but at the cost of decreased local competitive ability against E. coli and E. faecalis. Overall, our experiments document how one species\' modulation of a competition-dispersal-colonization trade-off can go on to influence the stability of multispecies coexistence in spatially structured ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology that has demonstrated incredible value within medical education. However, medical institutions adopting VR as a learning tool need to ensure that the immersive technology product they pick possesses standard usability criteria. The current literature is limited in defining what specific criteria institutions should look for, or how to select between various VR products. Since there have been little to no algorithms available to the medical education community to aid in this process, a reproducible matrix has been developed to evaluate multiple VR platforms at once which can help identify the best option for medical education programs. The matrix is a 10-point scoring system that includes what the research team considered to be the 10 most important factors when selecting a VR product for medical education. The scores of any two or more VR products can be quantitatively compared. Therefore, the matrix is to be used as a methodological framework to help objectively select the highest-rated immersive technology platform. The research team involved in the development of the matrix consisted of an associate dean for simulation and technology, a director of simulation and technology, and eight medical students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, enhancing the tribological characteristics of novel cast metallic materials-hybrid multi-component cast irons-by applying a strengthening heat treatment is described. The experimental materials were the cast alloys of a nominal composition (5 wt.% W, 5 wt.% Mo, 5 wt.% V, 10 wt.% Cr, 2.5 wt.% Ti, Fe is a balance) supplemented with 0.3-1.1 wt.% C and 1.5-2.5 wt.% B (total of nine alloys). The heat treatment was oil-quenching followed by 200 °C tempering. The quench temperature (QT) varied in the range of 900-1200 °C, with a step of 50 °C (with a 2-h holding at QT). The correlation of the QT with microstructure and properties was estimated using microstructure/worn surface characterization, differential scanning calorimetry, hardness measurement, and three-body-abrasive wear testing (using Al2O3 particles). The as-cast alloys had a multi-phase structure consisting of primary and/or eutectic borocarbide M2(B,C)5, carboborides M(C,B), M7(C,B)3, M3(C,B), and the matrix (ferrite, martensite, pearlite/bainite) in different combinations and volume fractions. Generally, the increase in the quenching temperature resulted in a gradual increase in hardness (maximally to 66-67 HRC) and a decrease in the wear rate in most alloys. This was due to the change in the phase-structure state of the alloys under quenching, namely, the secondary carboboride precipitation, and replacing ferrite and pearlite/bainite with martensite. The wear rate was found to be inversely proportional to bulk hardness. The maximum wear resistance was attributed to QT = 1150-1200 °C, when the wear rate of the alloys was lowered by three to six times as compared to the as-cast state. With the QT increase, the difference in the wear rate of the alloys decreased by three times. The highest abrasive resistance was attributed to the alloys with 1.1 wt.% C, which had a 2.36-3.20 times lower wear rate as compared with that of the reference alloy (13 wt.% Cr cast iron, hardness of 66 HRC). The effects of carbon and boron on hardness and wear behavior are analyzed using the regression models developed according to the factorial design procedure. The wear mechanisms are discussed based on worn surface characterization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arthropod movement has been noticeably understudied compared to vertebrates. A crucial knowledge gap pertains to the factors influencing arthropod movement at habitat boundaries, which has direct implications for population dynamics and gene flow. While larger arthropod species generally achieve greater dispersal distances and large-scale movements are affected by weather conditions, the applicability of these relationships at a local scale remains uncertain. Existing studies on this subject are not only scarce but often limited to a few species or laboratory conditions. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a field study in two nature reserves in Belgium, focusing on both flying and cursorial (non-flying) arthropods. Over 200 different arthropod species were captured and released within a circular setup placed in a resource-poor environment, allowing quantification of movement speed and direction. By analysing the relationship between these movement variables and morphological (body size) as well as environmental factors (temperature and wind), we aimed to gain insights into the mechanisms driving arthropod movement at natural habitat boundaries. For flying species, movement speed was positively correlated with both body size and tailwind speed. In contrast, movement speed of cursorial individuals was solely positively related with temperature. Notably, movement direction was biased towards the vegetated areas where the arthropods were originally caught, suggesting an internal drive to move towards suitable habitat. This tendency was particularly strong in larger flying individuals and under tailwind conditions. Furthermore, both flying and cursorial taxa were hindered from moving towards the habitat by strong upwind. In conclusion, movement speed and direction at patch boundaries are dependent on body size and prevailing weather conditions, and reflect an active decision-making process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Idiopathic subglottic stenosis (ISGS) is a rare fibrotic disease of the upper trachea with an unknown pathomechanism. It typically affects adult Caucasian female patients, leading to severe airway constrictions caused by progressive scar formation and inflammation with clinical symptoms of dyspnoea, stridor and potential changes to the voice. Endoscopic treatment frequently leads to recurrence, whereas surgical resection and reconstruction provides excellent long-term functional outcome. This study aimed to identify so far unrecognized pathologic aspects of ISGS using single cell RNA sequencing. Our scRNAseq analysis uncovered the cellular composition of the subglottic scar tissue, including the presence of a pathologic, profibrotic fibroblast subtype and the presence of Schwann cells in a profibrotic state. In addition, a pathology-associated increase of plasma cells was identified. Using extended bioinformatics analyses, we decoded pathology-associated changes of factors of the extracellular matrix. Our data identified ongoing fibrotic processes in ISGS and provide novel insights on the contribution of fibroblasts, Schwann cells and plasma cells to the pathogenesis of ISGS. This knowledge could impact the development of novel approaches for diagnosis and therapy of ISGS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparations are prepared at the point of care. Centrifugation cellular density separation sequesters a fresh unit of blood into three main fractions: a platelet-poor plasma (PPP) fraction, a stratum rich in platelets (platelet concentrate), and variable leukocyte bioformulation and erythrocyte fractions. The employment of autologous platelet concentrates facilitates the biological potential to accelerate and support numerous cellular activities that can lead to tissue repair, tissue regeneration, wound healing, and, ultimately, functional and structural repair. Normally, after PRP preparation, the PPP fraction is discarded. One of the less well-known but equally important features of PPP is that particular growth factors (GFs) are not abundantly present in PRP, as they reside outside of the platelet alpha granules. Precisely, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are mainly present in the PPP fraction. In addition to their roles as angiogenesis activators, these plasma-based GFs are also known to inhibit inflammation and fibrosis, and they promote keratinocyte migration and support tissue repair and wound healing. Additionally, PPP is known for the presence of exosomes and other macrovesicles, exerting cell-cell communication and cell signaling. Newly developed ultrafiltration technologies incorporate PPP processing methods by eliminating, in a fast and efficient manner, plasma water, cytokines, molecules, and plasma proteins with a molecular mass (weight) less than the pore size of the fibers. Consequently, a viable and viscous protein concentrate of functional total proteins, like fibrinogen, albumin, and alpha-2-macroglobulin is created. Consolidating a small volume of high platelet concentrate with a small volume of highly concentrated protein-rich PPP creates a protein-rich, platelet-rich plasma (PR-PRP) biological preparation. After the activation of proteins, mainly fibrinogen, the PR-PRP matrix retains and facilitates interactions between invading resident cells, like macrophages, fibroblast, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), as well as the embedded concentrated PRP cells and molecules. The administered PR-PRP biologic will ultimately undergo fibrinolysis, leading to a sustained release of concentrated cells and molecules that have been retained in the PR-PRP matrix until the matrix is dissolved. We will discuss the unique biological and tissue reparative and regenerative properties of the PR-PRP matrix.





