
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Stylosanthes has economic importance in semi-arid regions and requires studies that reveal complex relationships between species involving different ploidies. The aim of this study was to cytogenetically investigate accessions of Stylosanthes identified as S. scabra, in order to properly identify the number, morphology, and pattern of distribution of heterochromatin, analyzing the karyological variability of these species. Accessions with 2n=40 and 2n=20 were identified, exhibiting semi-reticulate interphase nuclei, symmetric karyotype, varied morphology, with differences in average chromosomal size, and genome length. The analysis with the fluorochromes chromomycin (CMA) and 4\',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) allowed the visualization of two CMA+ blocks in the subterminal region of the short arm in all accessions, and DAPI+/CMA- bands in S. scabra accessions. This suggests that not only chromosomal rearrangements, but also changes in the composition of heterochromatin, may have occurred during the speciation of this genus, and that S. scabra may be undergoing chromosomal evolution based on the observed karyological differences. In addition to the ploidy level, the distribution pattern of CMA+ heterochromatin reinforces the separation between S. scabra and S. seabrana. Thus, this genus represents an interesting group of plants for further studies on the content and quantity of repetitive and non-repetitive DNA sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Approximately one person in 1000 is a Robertsonian translocation carrier. Errors in the formation of eggs (or more rarely of sperms) may be the cause of Robertsonian translocation. Most Robertsonian translocation carriers are healthy and have a normal lifespan, but do have an increased risk of offsprings with trisomies and pregnancy loss. The fitness of Robertsonian translocation carriers is reduced, but can provide material for evolution.
    METHODS: We have done prenatal diagnosis and molecular cytogenetic analyses on this homozygous Robertson translocation family. We report a homozygous Robertson translocation family with previously undescribed mosaic Robertsonian fission karyotype.
    RESULTS: We identified six Robertsonian translocation carriers in this family. Four were heterozygous translocation carriers of 45,XX or XY,der(14;15)(q10;q10), one was a homozygous translocation carrier of a 44,XY,der(14;15)(q10;q10),der(14;15)(q10;q10), and one was a previously undescribed Robertsonian fission carrier of 45,XN,der(14;15)(q10;q10)[42]/46,XN[58] with normal phenotype.
    CONCLUSIONS: We reported a previously undescribed mosaic Robertsonian fission karyotype. The homozygosity of Robertsonian translocation for speciation may be a potential mechanism of speciation in humans. In theory, the carriers of homologous Robertsonian translocation cannot produce normal gametes, but Robertson fission made it possible for them to produce normal gametes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sex chromosomes usually arise from chromosomal rearrangements which involve ancestral sex chromosomes. There is a fundamental condition to be met for their long-term fixation: the meiosis must function, leading to the stability of the emerged system, mainly concerning the segregation of the sex multivalent. Here, we sought to analyze the degree of differentiation and meiotic pairing properties in the selected fish multiple sex chromosome system present in the wolf-fish Hoplias malabaricus (HMA). This species complex encompasses seven known karyotype forms (karyomorphs) where the karyomorph C (HMA-C) exhibits a nascent XY sex chromosomes from which the multiple X1X2Y system evolved in karyomorph HMA-D via a Y-autosome fusion. We combined genomic and cytogenetic approaches to analyze the satellite DNA (satDNA) content in the genome of HMA-D karyomorph and to investigate its potential contribution to X1X2Y sex chromosome differentiation. We revealed 56 satDNA monomers of which the majority was AT-rich and with repeat units longer than 100 bp. Seven out of 18 satDNA families chosen for chromosomal mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) formed detectable accumulation in at least one of the three sex chromosomes (X1, X2 and neo-Y). Nine satDNA monomers showed only two hybridization signals limited to HMA-D autosomes, and the two remaining ones provided no visible FISH signals. Out of seven satDNAs located on the HMA-D sex chromosomes, five mapped also to XY chromosomes of HMA-C. We showed that after the autosome-Y fusion event, the neo-Y chromosome has not substantially accumulated or eliminated satDNA sequences except for minor changes in the centromere-proximal region. Finally, based on the obtained FISHpatterns, we speculate on the possible contribution of satDNA to sex trivalent pairing and segregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Allotetraploid wheat reflects evolutionary divergence and domestication convergence in the karyotypic and phenotypic evolution, accompanied with the transformation from r- strategy to K- strategy in reproductive fitness. Allotetraploid wheat, the progenitor of hexaploidy bread wheat, has undergone 300,000 years of natural evolution and 10,000 years of domestication. The variations in karyotype and phenotype as well as fertility fitness have not been systematically linked. Here, by combining fluorescent in situ hybridization with the quantification of phenotypic and reproductive traits, we compared the karyotype, vegetative growth phenotype and reproductive fitness among synthesized, wild and domesticated accessions of allotetraploid wheat. We detected that the wild accessions showed dramatically high frequencies of homologous recombination and copy number variations of simple sequence repeats (SSR) comparing with synthetic and domesticated accessions. The phenotypic traits reflected significant differences among the populations shaped by distinct evolutionary processes. The diversity observed in wild accessions was significantly greater than that in domesticated ones, particularly in traits associated with vegetative growth and spike morphology. We found that the active pollen of domesticated accessions exhibited greater potential of germination, despite a lower rate of active pollen compared with the wild accessions, indicating a transformation in reproductive fitness strategy for pollen development in domesticated accessions compared to the wild accessions, from r-strategy to K-strategy. Our results demonstrate the condensation of karyotype and phenotype from natural wild accessions to domesticated accessions in allotetraploid wheats. Ecological strategy transformation should be seriously considered from evolution to domestication in polyploid plants, especially crops, which may provide a perspective on the adaptive evolution of polyploid plants.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics of a male carrier of exceptional complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR) and the outcome of preimplantation genetic testing for chromosomal structural rearrangement (PGT-SR).
    METHODS: Using the modified high resolution G banding technique and whole-genome low-coverage sequencing (WGLCS), we analyzed the cellular karyotype and molecular karyotype of a male carrier of CCR, performed an analysis of the single-sperm chromosome copy number and conducted PGT-SR for the patient by next-generation sequencing (NGS). In addition, we reviewed the literature on reported male carriers of CCRs and summarized their normal/balanced sperm ratios and PGT-SR outcomes.
    RESULTS: The karyotype of the patient was 46,XY,der(5)inv(5)(q14.3q23.2)t(5;14;11) (q23.2;q31.1;q21),der(11)t(5;14;11);der(14)t(5;14;11), with the translocation breakpoints located in the intergenic region. Single-sperm sequencing revealed 20.0%(7/35)of normal haploids in the male\'s spermatozoa, and the results PGT-SR showed a proportion of 25.0%(4/16)of normal/balanced embryos. After thawing and transferring of 2 euploid blastocysts, a healthy male infant was successfully delivered.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of normal haploids in the spermatozoa of male CCR carriers may be higher than theoretically predicted, and PGT-SR can effectively improve the pregnancy outcome in male CCR carriers and provide valuable data for genetic counseling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The karyotype of Litoria (L.) paraewingi (Watson et al., 1971) (Big River State Forest, Victoria) is described here for the first time. It is prepared following tissue culture of toe clipping macerates, cryopreservation, reculture and conventional 4\',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. The L.paraewingi karyotype is then compared to similarly processed IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) least concern members L.ewingii (Duméril et Bibron, 1841) (southern Victoria) and L.jervisiensis (Duméril et Bibron, 1841) (Myall Lakes National Park, New South Wales), all members of the same L.ewingii complex/group. The L.paraewingi diploid number is 2n = 26, the same as for the other two species. Litoriaparaewingi chromosomes 1, 2, 6 and 7 are submetacentric, chromosomes 3 and 5 are subtelocentric and the remainder are metacentric. No secondary constriction or putative nucleolus organiser region (NOR) was readily identifiable following conventional DAPI staining in any scored L.paraewingi metaphase spread. Conversely, a putative NOR was readily identifiable on the long arm of chromosome 1 in all examined metaphase spreads for the other two species. The karyotypes of L.ewingii and L.jervisiensis here further differ from L.paraewingi with chromosome 1 being metacentric and chromosomes 8 and 10 being submetacentric for both former species. The L.jervisiensis karyotype differs from those of L.ewingii and L.paraewingi by DAPI staining with: (i) apparent relative length inversion of subtelocentric chromosome 3 and metacentric chromosome 4 and (ii) chromosome 6 being metacentric rather than submetacentric. All three species have a highly conserved chromosome morphology with respect to chromosomes 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13. The greatest gross morphological difference karyotypically is observed between L.paraewingi and L.jervisiensis. These karyotype data support the previous phylogenetic separation of these three species based upon genetic compatibility and behavioural, biochemical and molecular genetic analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytogenetic information about the product of conception (POC) is important to determine the presence of recurrent chromosomal abnormalities that are an indication for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy or structural rearrangements. Although microscopic examination by G-staining has long been used for such an evaluation, detection failures are relatively common with this method, due to cell-culture-related issues. The utility of low-coverage whole-genome sequencing (lcWGS) using short-read next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been highlighted recently as an alternative cytogenomic approach for POC analysis. We, here, performed comparative analysis of two NGS-based protocols for this purpose based on different short-read sequencers (the Illumina VeriSeq system using a MiSeq sequencer and the Thermo Fisher ReproSeq system using an Ion S5 sequencer). The cytogenomic diagnosis obtained with each NGS method was equivalent in each of 20 POC samples analyzed. Notably, X chromosome sequence reads were reduced in some female samples with both systems. The possibility of low-level mosaicism for monosomy X as an explanation for this was excluded by FISH analysis. Additional data from samples with various degrees of X chromosome aneuploidy suggested that it was a technical artifact related to X chromosome inactivation. Indeed, subsequent nanopore sequencing indicated that the DNA in the samples showing the artifact was predominantly unmethylated. Our current findings indicate that although X chromosome data must be interpreted with caution, both the systems we tested for NGS-based lcWGS are useful alternatives for the karyotyping of POC samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cytotaxonomy employs chromosome visualization to study organismal relationships and evolution. Despite the critical value of cytogenetic data, cytotypes are lacking for many plant groups. Here, we present an improved approach for visualizing mitotic chromosomes in ferns, a key lineage of land plants, using the dividing cells of unfurling croziers (fiddleheads).
    UNASSIGNED: Our modified mitotic chromosome preparation incorporates a brief pectinase-cellulase pretreatment, as well as colchicine fixation and the Feulgen reaction to improve the staining and separation of mitotic chromosomes. To demonstrate this easy and efficient assessment, we determined the sporophytic (2n) chromosome number for three fern species: Cheilanthes mollis (2n = 60), Cheilanthes hypoleuca (2n = 120), and Nephrolepis cordifolia (2n = 82).
    UNASSIGNED: The new method presented here improves visualizations of mitotic chromosomes from the dividing nuclei of young fern croziers. Fiddleheads are widely accessible in nature and in living collections worldwide, and this modified approach increases their suitability for fern cytotaxonomic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Rhinella corresponds to a group of anurans characterized by numerous taxonomic and systemic challenges, leading to their organization into species complexes. Cytogenetic data for this genus thus far are limited to the diploid number and chromosome morphology, which remain highly conserved among the species. In this study, we analyse the karyotypes of three species of the genus Rhinella (Rhinella granulosa, Rhinella margaritifera, and Rhinella marina) using both classical (conventional staining and C-banding) and molecular (FISH-fluorescence in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA, telomeric sequences, and microsatellite probes) cytogenetic approaches. The aim of this study is to provide data that can reveal variations in the distribution of repetitive sequences that can contribute to understanding karyotypic diversification in these species. The results revealed a conserved karyotype across the species, with 2n = 22 and FN = 44, with metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. C-banding revealed heterochromatic blocks in the pericentromeric region for all species, with a proximal block on the long arms of pairs 3 and 6 in R. marina and on the short arms of pairs 4 and 6 in R. margaritifera. Additionally, 18S rDNA probes hybridized to pair 5 in R. granulosa, to pair 7 in R. marina, and to pair 10 in R. margaritifera. Telomeric sequence probes displayed signals exclusively in the distal region of the chromosomes, while microsatellite DNA probes showed species-specific patterns. These findings indicate that despite a conserved karyotypical macrostructure, chromosomal differences exist among the species due to the accumulation of repetitive sequences. This variation may be attributed to chromosome rearrangements or differential accumulation of these sequences, highlighting the dynamic role of repetitive sequences in the chromosomal evolution of Rhinella species. Ultimately, this study emphasizes the importance of the role of repetitive DNAs in chromosomal rearrangements to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms leading to independent diversification in the distinct phylogenetic groups of Rhinella.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly advanced in the past years, particularly in medicine for improved diagnostics. In clinical cytogenetics, AI is becoming crucial for analyzing chromosomal abnormalities and improving precision. However, existing software lack learning capabilities from experienced users. AI integration extends to genomic data analysis, personalized medicine and research, but ethical concerns arise. In this article, we discuss the challenges of the full automation in cytogenetic test interpretation and focus on its importance and benefits.





