
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Managing invasive species is crucial to mitigate their negative impacts on ecosystems, yet conflicts may arise when their social benefits are disregarded. Human pressure on the endemic-rich forests of São Tomé has been high since the island was discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century, and numerous species have been introduced. These include the invasive West African giant land snail (Archachatina marginata), which was introduced in the mid-20th century, is now widespread on the island, and is a potential threat to native flora and fauna. We assessed the frequency of consumption of this species and its socioeconomic importance to people across the island with household questionnaires, focus group discussions, and semistructured interviews. We explored the prevalence and potential drivers of use (e.g., wealth, household composition, and diversity of occupations) and characterized the commodity chain to identify demographic groups linked to the snail trade. We interviewed 672 people (1 person per household), conducted 6 focus groups, and interviewed 80 key actors belonging to 5 subcategories. The snail was the most widely consumed bushmeat and an important source of income, particularly for women and unemployed youth. Insecure and scarce livelihood alternatives, mostly in rural areas, were reported as drivers for trade involvement. Snail harvesting was more frequent in poorer households with low occupational diversity. Selling tended to occur in households that were well-established in the community and had a higher proportion of children. Both were stimulated by the proximity of communities to the native forest. Buying snails was common in all demographic groups, but it was linked to wealth and occupational diversity. Interventions to manage the impact of this introduced species on the valuable ecosystems of the island should involve multiple sectors of society to ensure societal support. This requires robust consideration of the welfare of vulnerable demographic groups that benefit from the species.
    Importancia socioeconómica y comercial de un caracol invasor en la isla rica en endemismos de Santo Tomé, África Central Resumen La gestión de las especies invasoras es crucial para mitigar sus efectos negativos en los ecosistemas, aunque pueden surgir conflictos cuando no se tienen en cuenta sus beneficios sociales. La presión humana sobre los bosques de Santo Tomé, ricos en endemismos, ha sido alta desde que la isla fue colonizada por los portugueses en el siglo XV y desde entonces se han introducido numerosas especies. Una de ellas es el caracol terrestre gigante de África Occidental (Archachatina marginata), introducido a mediados del siglo XX y que ahora tiene una distribución amplia en la isla y es una amenaza potencial para la flora y la fauna autóctonas al ser invasor. Evaluamos la frecuencia de consumo de esta especie y su importancia socioeconómica para la población de toda la isla mediante encuestas en hogares, grupos de discusión y entrevistas semiestructuradas a actores clave de cinco categorías. Exploramos la prevalencia y los posibles factores impulsores del consumo (por ejemplo, la riqueza, la composición de los hogares y la diversidad de ocupaciones) y caracterizamos la cadena comercial para identificar los grupos demográficos vinculados al comercio de caracoles. Entrevistamos a 672 personas (una persona por hogar), realizamos seis grupos de discusión y entrevistamos a 80 actores clave. El caracol fue la carne de caza más consumida y una importante fuente de ingresos, sobre todo para las mujeres y los jóvenes desempleados. La inseguridad y la escasez de medios de subsistencia, sobre todo en las zonas rurales, fueron los factores que impulsaron la participación en el mercado. La colecta de caracoles fue más frecuente en los hogares más pobres y con escasa diversidad ocupacional. La venta tendía a producirse en hogares bien establecidos en la comunidad y con una mayor proporción de niños. Ambos factores se vieron estimulados por la proximidad de las comunidades al bosque nativo. La compra de caracoles fue común en todos los grupos demográficos, pero estuvo vinculada a la riqueza y a la diversidad ocupacional. Las intervenciones para gestionar el impacto de esta especie introducida en los valiosos ecosistemas de la isla deben implicar a múltiples sectores de la sociedad para garantizar su apoyo. Para ello es necesario tener muy en cuenta el bienestar de los grupos demográficos vulnerables que se benefician de la especie.
    入侵物种管理对于减轻其对生态系统的负面影响至关重要, 但如果无视其社会效益, 则可能会引发冲突。自15世纪葡萄牙人发现圣多美岛以来, 人类活动对该岛特有且丰富的森林造成了巨大压力, 并引入了大量物种。其中包括20世纪中叶引入的入侵物种西非厚缘原玛瑙螺 (Archachatina marginata), 该物种现已在岛上广泛分布, 对原生动植物构成了潜在威胁。我们通过家庭焦点小组讨论和对五类主要参与者的半结构式访谈, 评估了人们对该蜗牛物种的食用频率及其对全岛人民的社会经济重要性。我们探讨了蜗牛利用的普遍性和潜在驱动因素(如财富、家庭组成和职业多样性), 并描述了商品链特点以确定与蜗牛贸易相关的人口群体。研究共调查了672人(每户一人), 进行了六次焦点小组讨论, 并与80位主要参与者进行了访谈。结果显示, 该蜗牛是最普遍被食用的野味, 也是当地居民重要的收入来源, 尤其是对妇女和无业青年而言。受访者报告, 生计没有保障和缺乏替代生计选择是参与蜗牛贸易的驱动因素, 尤其是在农村地区。在职业多样性较低的贫困家庭中, 蜗牛的采集更为频繁。蜗牛的销售往往发生在社区中长期定居、儿童比例较高的家庭。这两种情况都与社区更靠近原始森林有关。在所有人口群体中, 购买蜗牛的行为都很常见, 但与财富和职业多样性有关。采取干预措施来控制这种外来物种对岛上珍贵生态系统的影响需要多个社会部门的参与, 以确保得到社会支持。这就需要充分考虑从该物种中获益的弱势群体的福利。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invertebrates greatly support the growth, development, and reproduction of insectivorous birds. However, the influence of human activity (e.g., pesticide use, deforestation, and urbanization) inevitably leads to a decrease in global arthropods. The diversity and variation in invertebrate diet influence the food composition of birds, especially species living in rapidly changing environments, such as the Tibetan Plateau. However, little is known of the seasonal variation in invertebrate diet in response to environmental changes. Here, we characterized the invertebrate diet composition in pre- and post-breeding black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) using fecal metabarcoding. We identified 38 invertebrate genera; the top three were Tipula (82.1% of relative abundance), Ceramica (3.0%), and unclassified_Hymenoptera (2.5%), with Tipula predominated the diet in both seasons. We also observed 20 and 16 unique genera in the pre- and post-breeding periods, and the genera composition was distinct between seasons (R = .036, p = .024). In pre-breeding, black-necked cranes tended to consume more diverse foods, and individual cranes exhibited greater heterogeneity at the genus level. At the genera and species level, pre-breeding black-necked cranes showed a wider dietary niche than post-breeding cranes. We observed season-specific features, with Tipula (common crane fly) and Stethophyma (grasshoppers) being enriched in the post-breeding period and Ceramica (moth) being more abundant in the pre-breeding period. Three Tipula species had the greatest importance in discriminating between seasonal diets. This study demonstrated a seasonal pattern of invertebrate diet in the black-necked crane, suggesting diet composition in response to resource and species availability. These results elaborate on the foraging ecology of highland birds and can inform the management of black-necked crane conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glial cells modulate brain development, function, and health across all bilaterian animals, and studies in the past two decades have made rapid strides to uncover the underlying molecular mechanisms of glial functions. The nervous system of the invertebrate genetic model Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) has small cell numbers with invariant lineages, mapped connectome, easy genetic manipulation, and a short lifespan, and the animal is also optically transparent. These characteristics are revealing C. elegans to be a powerful experimental platform for studying glial biology. This chapter discusses studies in C. elegans that add to our understanding of how glia modulate adult neural functions, and thereby animal behaviors, as well as emerging evidence of their roles as autonomous sensory cells. The rapid molecular and cellular advancements in understanding C. elegans glia in recent years underscore the utility of this model in studies of glial biology. We conclude with a perspective on future research avenues for C. elegans glia that may readily contribute molecular mechanistic insights into glial functions in the nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three new species of the genus Belisana Thorell, 1898 are described from karst caves in Guangxi, China: Belisanalangping Zhang, Li & Yao, sp. nov. (♂♀), B.lingui Zhang, Li & Yao, sp. nov. (♂♀), and B.tianyang Zhang, Li & Yao, sp. nov. (♂♀). In addition, a list of all Belisana species from Guangxi is also provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endocannabinoid system plays a critical role in modulating both peripheral and central nervous system function. Despite being present throughout the animal kingdom, there has been relatively little investigation of the endocannabinoid system beyond traditional animal models. In this study, we report on the identification and characterization of a putative fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) in the medicinal leech, Hirudo verbana. FAAH is the primary enzyme responsible for metabolizing the endocannabinoid signaling molecule arachidonoyl ethanolamide (anandamide or AEA) and therefore plays a critical role in regulating AEA levels in the nervous system. mRNA encoding Hirudo FAAH (HirFAAH) is expressed in the leech central nervous system (CNS) and sequence analysis suggests that this is an orthologue of FAAH-2 observed in vertebrates. Functionally, HirFAAH has serine hydrolase activity based on activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) studies using the fluorophosphonate probe TAMRA-FP. HirFAAH also hydrolyzes arachidonyl 7-amino, 4-methyl coumarin amide (AAMCA), a substrate specific to FAAH. Hydrolase activity during both the ABPP and AAMCA assays was eliminated by a mutation at a conserved catalytic serine. Activity was also blocked by the known FAAH inhibitor, URB597. Treatment of Hirudo ganglia with URB597 potentiated synapses made by the pressure-sensitive mechanosensory neuron (P cell), mimicking the effects of exogenously applied AEA. The Hirudo CNS has been a useful system in which to study properties of endocannabinoid modulation of nociception relevant to vertebrates. Therefore, this characterization of HirFAAH is an important contribution to comparative studies of the endocannabinoid system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptides are essential neuronal signaling molecules that orchestrate animal behavior and physiology via actions within the nervous system and on peripheral tissues. Due to the small size of biologically active mature peptides, their identification on a proteome-wide scale poses a significant challenge using existing bioinformatics tools like BLAST. To address this, we have developed NeuroPeptide-HMMer (NP-HMMer), a hidden Markov model (HMM)-based tool to facilitate neuropeptide discovery, especially in underexplored invertebrates. NP-HMMer utilizes manually curated HMMs for 46 neuropeptide families, enabling rapid and accurate identification of neuropeptides. Validation of NP-HMMer on Drosophila melanogaster, Daphnia pulex, Tribolium castaneum and Tenebrio molitor demonstrated its effectiveness in identifying known neuropeptides across diverse arthropods. Additionally, we showcase the utility of NP-HMMer by discovering novel neuropeptides in Priapulida and Rotifera, identifying 22 and 19 new peptides, respectively. This tool represents a significant advancement in neuropeptide research, offering a robust method for annotating neuropeptides across diverse proteomes and providing insights into the evolutionary conservation of neuropeptide signaling pathways.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1001750.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThe sub-Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems survive on isolated oceanic islands in the path of circumpolar currents and winds that have raged for more than 30 million years and are shaped by climatic cycles that surpass the tolerance limits of many species. Surprisingly little is known about how these ecosystems assembled their native terrestrial fauna and how such processes have changed over time. Here, we demonstrate the patterns and timing of colonization and speciation in the largest and dominant arthropod predators in the eastern sub-Antarctic: spiders of the genus Myro. Our results indicate that this lineage originated from Australia before the Plio-Pleistocenic glacial cycles and underwent an adaptive radiation on the Crozet archipelago, from where one native species colonized multiple remote archipelagos via the Antarctic circumpolar current across thousands of kilometers. The results indicate limited natural connectivity between terrestrial macroinvertebrate faunas in the eastern sub-Antarctic and partial survival of repeated glaciations in the Plio-Pleistocene. Furthermore, our findings highlight that by integrating arthropod taxa from multiple continents, the climatically more stable volcanic Crozet archipelago played a critical role in the evolution and distribution of arthropod life in the sub-Antarctic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rocky intertidal habitats occur worldwide and are mainly characterized by primary space holders such as seaweeds and sessile invertebrates. Some of these organisms are foundation species, as they can form structurally complex stands that host many small invertebrates. The abundance of primary space holders is known to vary along coastlines driven directly or indirectly by environmental variation. However, it is less clear if the invertebrate assemblages associated to a foundation species may remain relatively unchanged along coastlines, as similar stands of a foundation species can generate similar microclimates. We examined this question using abundance data for invertebrate species found in mussel stands of a similar structure in wave-exposed rocky habitats at mid-intertidal elevations along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Canada). While the most abundant invertebrate species were found at three locations spanning 315 km of coastline, species composition (a combined measure of species identity and their relative abundance) differed significantly among the locations. One of the species explaining the highest amount of variation among locations (a barnacle) exhibited potential signs of bottom-up regulation involving pelagic food supply, suggesting benthic-pelagic coupling. The abundance of the species that explained the highest amount of variation (an oligochaete) was positively related to the abundance of their predators (mites), further suggesting bottom-up forcing in these communities. Overall, we conclude that species assemblages associated to structurally similar stands of a foundation species can show clear changes in species composition at a regional scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater ecosystems host disproportionately high biodiversity and provide unique ecosystem services, yet they are being degraded at an alarming rate. Fires, which are becoming increasingly frequent and intense due to global change, can affect these ecosystems in many ways, but this relationship is not fully understood. We conducted a systematic review to characterize the literature on the effects of fires on stream ecosystems and found that (1) abiotic indicators were more commonly investigated than biotic ones, (2) most previous research was conducted in North America and in the temperate evergreen forest biome, (3) following a control-impact (CI) or before-after (BA) design, (4) predominantly assessing wildfires as opposed to prescribed fires, (5) in small headwater streams, and (6) with a focus on structural and not functional biological indicators. After quantitatively analyzing previous research, we detected great variability in responses, with increases, decreases, and no changes being reported for most indicators (e.g., macroinvertebrate richness, fish density, algal biomass, and leaf decomposition). We shed light on these seemingly contradicting results by showing that the presence of extreme hydrological post-fire events, the time lag between fire and sampling, and whether the riparian forest burned or not influenced the outcome of previous research. Results suggest that although wildfires and the following hydrological events can have dramatic impacts in the short term, most biological endpoints recover within 5-10 years, and that detrimental effects are minimal in the case of prescribed fires. We also detected that no effects were more often reported by BACI studies than by CI or BA studies, raising the question of whether this research field may be biased by the inherent limitations of CI and BA designs. Finally, we make recommendations to help advance this field of research and guide future integrated fire management that includes the protection of freshwater ecosystems.





