head impulse test

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Acoustic neuroma (AN) is a benign tumor that usually affects a patient\'s hearing and balance function. For the screening and diagnosis of AN, the traditional approach mainly relies on audiological examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), often ignoring the importance of vestibular function assessment in the affected area. As an emerging method of vestibular function detection, video head impulse test (vHIT) has been widely used in clinic, but research on its use in AN diagnosis is relatively limited. This study aims to explore the value of vHIT in the diagnosis of AN, vestibular dysfunction assessment, and postoperative compensation establishment in unilateral AN patients undergoing unilateral AN resection through labyrinthine approach.
    METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted on 27 AN patients who underwent unilateral AN resection via labyrinthine approach from October 2020 to March 2022 in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. vHIT was performed 1 week before surgery to assess vestibular function, pure tone audiometry (PTA) was used to assess hearing level, and ear MRI was used to assess tumor size. Follow-up vHIT was conducted at 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year post-surgery. The correlation of vHIT with hearing and tumor size was analyzed.
    RESULTS: Preoperative vHIT showed that the posterior semicircular canal on the affected side was the most common semicircular canal with reduced vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain. There was a correlation between the VOR gain of vHIT on the affected side and the hearing level (r=-0.47, P<0.05) or tumor size (r=-0.54, P<0.01). The results of vHIT on the affected side showed that the hearing level and mean VOR gain of the anterior semicircular canal increased slightly with time, and the amplitude and saccade percentage of the dominant saccades of the 3 semicircular canals increased, while the latency time decreased, with the most obvious changes occurring 1 week post-surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: vHIT can effectively monitor the changes of vestibular function in AN patients before and after surgery and has application value in assisting the diagnosis of vestibular dysfunction in AN patients.
    目的: 听神经瘤(acoustic neuroma,AN)是一种良性肿瘤,通常会影响患者的听觉和前庭功能。对于AN的筛查和诊断,传统方法主要依赖于听力学检查和磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI),而忽略了对病变部位进行前庭功能评估的重要性。视频头脉冲试验(video head impulse test,vHIT)是一种新兴的前庭功能检测方法,已广泛应用于临床,但其应用于AN诊断的研究相对较少。本研究通过在术前及术后对经迷路入路AN切除术的单侧AN患者采用vHIT进行动态检测,以探究vHIT在AN诊断、前庭功能障碍评估、术后代偿建立中的价值。方法: 回顾性纳入2020年10月至2022年3月中南大学湘雅二医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科的27例经迷路入路AN切除术单侧患者。术前1周进行vHIT以评估前庭功能,纯音测听(pure tone audiometry,PTA)评估听力水平,耳部MRI评估肿瘤大小;分别于术后1周、1个月、6个月、1年复查vHIT,并分析vHIT与听力、肿瘤大小之间的相关性。结果: 术前vHIT显示患侧后半规管是前庭眼反射(vestibulo-ocular reflex,VOR)增益降低最常见的半规管。术前患侧vHIT的VOR增益与听力水平(r=-0.47,P<0.05)或肿瘤大小(r=-0.54,P<0.01)存在显著相关性。术后患侧vHIT结果显示水平半规管和前半规管的平均VOR增益随时间略有上升;3个半规管显性扫视的振幅和扫视波百分比均增加,而潜伏期时间缩短,并且在术后1周变化最明显。结论: vHIT能有效监测AN患者手术前后的前庭功能变化,对辅助诊断和治疗AN患者前庭功能障碍具有临床应用价值。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different studies have tried to establish a relationship between dyslexia and the vestibular system function. Subjective Visual Vertical/Horizontal (SVV and SVH) and Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT) are useful for studying the vestibular system and can be easily performed in children. Our aim was to evaluate the vestibular function in dyslexic children by SVV/SVH and VHIT. We enrolled 18 dyslexic children (10M/8F; mean age 10.7 ± 2.3 years; range 7-14 years) and 18 age-matched children with typical development of learning abilities. All children performed VHIT, SVV and SVH. We found normal gain and symmetry of vestibulo-ocular-reflex both in dyslexic and typically developing children. Fifteen out of 18 dyslexic children (83.3%) showed a difference of at least one amongst SVV or SVH. The mean value of SVV was 2.3° and the mean value of SVH was 2.6°. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between typically developing and dyslexic children for both SVV and SVH. We confirm a relationship between dyslexia and the alteration of SVV and SVH. Our results could be related to the pathogenetic hypothesis of a visual processing impairment related to a dysfunction of the magnocellular pathway or to a general deficit related to a multimodal cortical network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a lack of comparative studies examining changes in vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain with head velocity in the video head impulse test (vHIT) of patients with vestibular neuritis (VN). Thus, the purpose of present study was to identify the effect of head impulse velocity on the gain of the VOR during the vHIT in patients with VN. Head impulse velocities ranging from 100%-200°/s [158.08 ± 23.00°/s in the horizontal canal (HC), 124.88 ± 14.80°/s in the anterior canal (AC), and 122.92 ± 14.26°/s in the posterior canal (PC) were used during vHIT trials of 32 patients with VN. Differences in VOR gain on the ipsilesional and contralesional sides according to head velocity were analyzed. The mean VOR gains in ipsilesional side were decreased to 0.47 in the HC and 0.56 in the AC, leading to marked asymmetry compared to the contralesional side; PC gain was relatively preserved at 0.82 in the ipsilesional side. The mean head impulse velocity applied during vHIT trials in each semicircular canal plane did not differ bilaterally. On the contralesional side, VOR gain was negatively correlated with head impulse velocity (R2=0.25, P=.004 in HC; R2=0.17, P=.021 in AC; R2=0.24, P=.005 in PC), while VOR gain on the ipsilesional sides of the HC and AC was not. Head impulse velocity may have a differential impact on VOR gain, depending on the degree of deficit. Increasing head velocity in vHIT may be considered to identify subtle deficits on the contralesional side of patients with VN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperventilation-induced nystagmus test (HINT) is capable of generating a response in 77.2% of cases of acute unilateral vestibulopathy (AUVP); both nystagmus toward the affected side (excitatory pattern) and toward the healthy side (inhibitory pattern) have been described. The aim of the study is to investigate the clinical and prognostic role of the test by evaluating its correlation with vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain. We evaluated 33 AUVP patients by performing the HINT and video head impulse test (V-HIT) during the acute phase and then at 15 and 90 days after the onset of the symptoms. The correlation between the VOR gain of the affected side and test responses was evaluated first, phase by phase, and then considering the pattern shown during the first assessments. Patients with a negative HINT had a higher mean VOR gain than patients with a positive test at both 15 and 90 days. Patients who showed an inhibitory pattern at the first assessment had a continuous improvement in V-HIT performance, while patients with an initial excitatory response had a transient decrease in gain at the subsequent evaluation (P=.001). No difference between these 2 groups emerged at 90 days (P=.09). The finding of a negative HINT during the follow-up correlates with good V-HIT performance and could be an indicator of good recovery. The inhibitory pattern is associated with a subsequent improvement; and it would be indicative of compensation. but, despite this, the prognostic value of the test is limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  There may be confusion about which canal is involved in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), especially with those that have subtle findings. The study aimed to determine if video head impulse testing may be used in such patients as a diagnostic tool. Symptom scoring and treatment efficiency in BPPV are essential parts of the process. Therefore, inventories like \"Dizziness Handicap Inventory\" may be useful in this regard.
    METHODS:  Patients with posterior and lateral canal BPPV were included. Video head impulse testing was performed prior to treatment and 1 week after treatment. Vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) gains were noted and compared to the opposite side. The presence of correction saccades was noted as well. Also, pretreatment and posttreatment Dizziness Handicap Inventory scores were compared.
    RESULTS:  Fifty-seven patients were diagnosed with posterior canal BPPV, and sixteen were with horizontal canal BPPV. In patients with posterior canal BPPV, there was no difference between the involved canal VOR gains and the other canals on the same side (P=.639). The involved horizontal canal did not differ from the opposite horizontal canal. Patients with lateral canal BPPV show more significant improvement after treatment compared to patients with posterior canal BPPV.
    CONCLUSIONS:  Video head impulse testing may not be used to estimate the involved canal in BPPV; however, it may be used to evaluate the efficiency of the treatment, especially in the lateral canal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: the vestibular system has neural connections from the vestibular nucleus to limbic and cortical areas, involved in both cognition and spatial orientation. The superior vestibular cortex consists of a network that interacts with other sensory systems, such as visual, sensorimotor, motor and cognition. Studies have found structural changes in the brain of patients with persistent perceptual postural dizziness (PPPD) when compared to controls, particularly in visual, vestibular and limbic areas, including a decrease in gray matter volume and turnover, a decrease in blood flow to the cortex region.
    METHODS: cross-sectional, observational and analytical study. The sample consisted of 50 elderly people, of both sexes, aged between 60 and 86 years. Elderly individuals with vestibular dysfunction confirmed by Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) and Video Head Impulse Test (v-HIT) tests were included. Balance and the impact of dizziness on quality of life were evaluated through tests and vestibular scales. Cognition, functioning and depression were assessed in a quiet room using tests and scales. Univariate analysis was performed using the Spearman test. Variables that presented correlation ≤ 0.2 were selected for multivariate analysis by linear regression. A significance level of 5% was adopted (p< 0.05).
    RESULTS: there was a correlation between vestibular dysfunction and imbalance with the results of neuropsychological assessment (p = 0.000), depressive symptoms (p = 0.001) and functionality (p = 0.002).
    CONCLUSIONS: in this present study, a correlation was found between vestibular dysfunction and imbalance with the worst clinical and functional indices, worse functionality, depressive symptoms and in visuospatial function skills, executive functions and praxis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bevezetés: A Ménière-betegség gyógyíthatatlan, de menedzselhető betegség. Alapja az endolympha terének „kitágulása”, az endolympha hydrops. Lehet egy- vagy kétoldali. A tünetek megjelenése alapján metakrón vagy szinkrón megjelenésről beszélhetünk. Hasonló tünetekkel jelentkezhet az autoimmun belsőfül-betegség. Célkitűzés: Kétoldali Ménière-betegséggel diagnosztizált betegek (7 beteg: 2 férfi és 5 nő) belső fülének feltérképezése, immunológiai statusuk felderítése, továbbá az egyéb kórképektől, főleg az autoimmun belsőfül-betegségtől való differenciálás, tapasztalatok alapján egy kivizsgálási protokoll felállítása. Módszer: Kétoldali Ménière-betegeknél rohammentes állapotban a fül-orr-gégészeti, otoneurológiai és immunológiai status, valamint az anamnézis felvétele, továbbá az angularis vestibuloocularis reflex (aVOR) nagy és kis frekvenciájú működésének felmérése. Az előbbit videofejimpulzus-teszt (vHIT), míg az utóbbit kalorizációs teszt során vizsgáltuk. Tisztahang-küszöbaudiogramot végeztünk. Mágneses rezonanciás képalkotó segítségével koponyafelvétel készült. Az immunológiai laborvizsgálat vérszérumból történt. Eredmények: A betegeknél szisztémás autoimmun betegség nem igazolódott. Minden esetben kétoldali, a mély frekvenciákat is érintő pancochlearis sensorineuralis halláscsökkenés volt látható. vHIT során két esetben a magas frekvenciájú aVOR érintettsége is igazolható volt, melyet a betegség előrehaladottságának véleményeztünk. A többi esetben ép működésű, magas frekvenciájú aVOR-t találtunk. A kalorizációs teszt során minden esetben kétoldali ívjáratparesis volt látható. Megbeszélés: A szakirodalomban számos tanulmány foglalkozik az általunk megfigyelt, a vHIT és a kalorizációs teszt közötti diszkrepanciával. Ez az aVOR receptorának, a crista ampullarisnak az anatómiájából következhet: míg a magas frekvenciájú aVOR-t a centrálisan elhelyezkedő I-es típusú szőrsejtek érzékelik, addig az alacsony frekvenciájú aVOR-t a perifériásan elhelyezkedő II-es típusú szőrsejtek. Az utóbbiak szelektív károsodását figyelték meg Ménière-betegségben és autoimmun belsőfül-betegségben is. Ugyanakkor segített a differenciálásban a betegek rendezett immunológiai statusa, az intravénás kortikoszteroidra adott gyenge válaszuk, egy esetben pedig a saccotomiát követő állapotjavulás. Következtetés: A tapasztalatok alapján egy kivizsgálási protokollt kíséreltünk meg felállítani olyan betegek esetében, akik kétoldali fültünetekkel, rohamokban jelentkező, forgó jellegű szédüléssel jelentkeznek. Javasoljuk többek között a vHIT, a kalorizációs teszt és az immunológiai kivizsgálás elvégzését is. Megfontolandónak tartjuk egy multicentrikus vizsgálat elvégzését is mindkét kórképpel kapcsolatban. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(30): 1176–1183.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recently, end-point nystagmus, traditionally observed in an upright position, has been identified in the Dix-Hallpike position among healthy subjects, suggesting a physiological origin.However, its characteristics in individuals with vestibular hypofunction remain unexplored.
    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the impact of vestibular hypofunction on the characteristics of positional end-point nystagmus.
    METHODS: Thirty-one patients diagnosed with acute unilateral vestibulopathy according to Bárány Society criteria were selected. A video head impulse test was conducted in all participants, followed by McClure and Dix-Hallpike maneuvers with and without gaze fixation, and with the initial position of the eye in the straight-ahead position or in the horizontal end-point position. Nystagmus direction, sense, latency, slow-phase velocity, and duration were recorded. The relationship between these characteristics and video head impulse test values was analyzed.
    RESULTS: Positional end-point nystagmus was observed in 92.6% of subjects with vestibular hypofunction, significantly more than in healthy individuals. Nystagmus direction varied depending on the performed positional test and on the vestibulo-ocular reflex gains. Gaze occlusion and the initial horizontal end-point position increased its frequency.
    CONCLUSIONS: Vestibular hypofunction influences the manifestation of positional end-point nystagmus. Recognizing this nystagmus can aid in resolving diagnostic uncertainties and preventing the misdiagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in subjects with acute unilateral vestibulopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To improve diagnostic precision in pediatric vertigo, particularly in Vestibular Migraine of Childhood (VMC), probable VMC (pVMC), Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood (RVC), and unspecified categories, by delineating clinical characteristics and prevalence to refine diagnostics and treatments.
    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 102 pediatric patients (five to 18 years; 46 females, 56 males) at the Dizziness Center of the Otolaryngology Department in a tertiary-level hospital from January 2019 to December 2023. Patients were classified into VMC, pVMC, RVC, and indeterminate groups. Evaluations included audiometry and vestibular tests (video head impulse test [vHIT] or caloric testing), conducted in the audiology unit and vestibular testing laboratory. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 20.0.
    RESULTS: Diagnoses were 8.8% VMC, 31.4% pVMC, 51.0% RVC, and 8.8% indeterminate. Nausea and vomiting were common in VMC and pVMC; cochlear symptoms like tinnitus and hearing loss predominated in VMC. Although vestibular testing showed no significant group differences, VMC had more vHIT abnormalities and RVC had more caloric test anomalies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the need for comprehensive diagnostics in pediatric vestibular disorders, revealing unique and overlapping traits across VMC, pVMC, and RVC. Insights call for further research to refine diagnostic criteria and improve treatment methods.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective:To explore the correlation between the parameters of suppression head impulse paradigm(SHIMP) and changes in dizziness handicap inventory(DHI) scores. Additionally, to evaluate the degree of vertigo and prognosis of patients with acute vestibular neuritis through SHIMP parameters. Methods:Thirty-three patients with acute vestibular neuritis were enrolled for DHI evaluation, vHIT and SHIMP. A secondary DHI score were evaluated after after two weeks, once patients no longer exhibited spontaneous nystagmus. The decrease in the second DHI score was used as the efficacy index(EI). All patients were divided into significantly effective group, effective group and ineffective group based on EI. Differences of the VOR gain values of SHIMP and the anti-compensatory saccade were compared among the three groups. Results:There were 13 cases in the significant effective group, 11 cases in the effective group, and 9 cases in the ineffective group. ①The mean gain of the horizontal semicircular canal in the significant effective group, the effective group, and the ineffective group was(0.50±0.11), (0.44±0.12), and(0.34±0.08), respectively. The difference between the significant effective group and the ineffective group was statistically significant(P<0.01). The gain of horizontal semicircular canal was positively correlated with EI(r=0.538 5, P<0.01) 。②The occurrence rate of the anti-compensatory saccade in the significant effective group, the effective group, and the ineffective group was(51.23±19.59), (33.64±17.68), and(13.78±11.81), respectively. Pairwise comparisons between each group showed statistical significance(P<0.05). The occurrence rate of anti-compensatory saccade was positively correlated with EI(r=0.658 2, P<0.01). Conclusion:The horizontal semicircular canal gain and the occurrence rate of the anti-compensatory saccade in SHIMP for patients with acute vestibular neuritis were closely correlated with decrease in DHI score.
    目的:探讨视频头脉冲抑制试验(suppression head impulse paradigm,SHIMP)的参数与眩晕障碍量表(dizziness handicap inventory,DHI)评分改变的相关性,以期通过SHIMP的相关参数来评估急性前庭神经炎的眩晕程度及预后。 方法:选取急性前庭神经炎患者33例,行DHI量表评估、vHIT和SHIMP检查,病程达2周且不伴自发性眼震时再次行DHI量表评估。以第二次DHI评分的下降幅度,作为疗效指标(efficacy index,EI)。将所有患者按照疗效分为显效、有效和无效3组。比较3组患者SHIMP的前庭眼反射增益值及反代偿扫视波出现率之间的差异。 结果:显效组13例,有效组11例,无效组9例。①在各组水平半规管增益均值比较中,显效组增益均值为(0.50±0.11);有效组增益均值为(0.44±0.12);无效组增益均值为(0.34±0.08)。显效组与无效组增益均值差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。水平半规管增益值与EI呈正相关(r=0.538 5,P<0.01);②在各组水平半规管反代偿扫视波出现率均值比较中,显效组反代偿扫视波出现率均值为(51.23±19.59);有效组反代偿扫视波出现率均值为(33.64±17.68);无效组反代偿扫视波出现率均值为(13.78±11.81)。各组间两两比较均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。水平半规管反代偿扫视波出现率与EI呈正相关(r=0.658 2,P<0.01)。 结论:急性前庭神经炎患者SHIMP检查中的增益值以及反代偿扫视波出现率与DHI评分下降幅度密切相关。.





