collective cell migration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial tissues respond strongly to the mechanical stress caused by collective cell migration and are able to regulate it, which is important for biological processes such as morphogenesis, wound healing, and suppression of the spread of cancer. Compressive, tensional, and shear stress components are produced in cells when epithelial monolayers on substrate matrices are actively or passively wetted or de-wetted. Increased compressive stress on cells leads to enhanced cell-cell interactions by increasing the frequency of change the cell-cell distances, triggering various signalling pathways within the cells. This can ultimately lead either to cell jamming or to the extrusion of live cells. Despite extensive research in this field, it remains unclear how cells decide whether to jam, or to extrude a cell or cells, and how cells can reduce the compressive mechanical stress. Live cell extrusion from the overcrowded regions of the monolayers is associated with the presence of topological defects of cell alignment, induced by an interplay between the cell compressive and shear stress components. These topological defects stimulate cell re-alignment, as a part of the cells\' tendency to re-establish an ordered trend of cell migration, by intensifying the glancing interactions in overcrowded regions. In addition to individual cell extrusion, collective cell extrusion has also been documented during monolayer active de-wetting, depending on the cell type, matrix stiffness, and boundary conditions. Cell jamming has been discussed in the context of the cells\' contact inhibition of locomotion caused by cell head-on interactions. Since cell-cell interactions play a crucial role in cell rearrangement in an overcrowded environment, this review is focused on physical aspects of these interactions in order to stimulate further biological research in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell migration is crucial in various physiological processes, including wound healing, morphogenesis, and cancer metastasis. Adherens Junctions (AJs) play a pivotal role in regulating cell cohesion and migration dynamics during tissue remodeling. While the role and origin of the junctional mechanical tension at AJs have been extensively studied, the influence of the actin cortex structure and dynamics on junction plasticity remains incompletely understood. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying stress dissipation at junctions are not well elucidated. Here, we found that the ligand-independent phosphorylation of epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) downstream of de novo E-cadherin adhesion orchestrates a feedback loop, governing intercellular viscosity via the Rac pathway regulating actin dynamics. Our findings highlight how the E-cadherin-dependent EGFR activity controls the migration mode of collective cell movements independently of intercellular tension. This modulation of effective viscosity coordinates cellular movements within the expanding monolayer, inducing a transition from swirling to laminar flow patterns while maintaining a constant migration front speed. Additionally, we propose a vertex model with adjustable junctional viscosity, capable of replicating all observed cellular flow phenotypes experimentally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tissue elongation is a fundamental morphogenetic process to construct complex embryonic structures. In zebrafish, somites rapidly elongate in both dorsal and ventral directions, transforming from a cuboidal to a V-shape within a few hours of development. Despite its significance, the cellular behaviors that directly lead to somite elongation have not been examined at single-cell resolution. Here, we describe the motion and shapes of all cells composing the dorsal half of the somite in three-dimensional space using lightsheet microscopy. We identified two types of cell movements-in horizontal and dorsal directions-that occur simultaneously within individual cells, creating a complex, twisted flow of cells during somite elongation. Chemical inhibition of Sdf1 signaling disrupted the collective movement in both directions and inhibited somite elongation, suggesting that Sdf1 signaling is crucial for this cell flow. Furthermore, three-dimensional computational modeling suggested that horizontal cell rotation accelerates the perpendicular elongation of the somite along the dorsoventral axis. Together, our study offers novel insights into the role of collective cell migration in tissue morphogenesis, which proceeds dynamically in the three-dimensional space of the embryo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell migration is an emergent phenomenon, with long-range cell-cell communication influenced by various factors, including transmission of forces, viscoelasticity of individual cells, substrate interactions, and mechanotransduction. We investigate how alterations in cell-substrate distance fluctuations, cell-substrate adhesion, and traction forces impact the average velocity and temporal-spatial correlation of confluent monolayers formed by either wild-type (WT) MDCKII cells or zonula occludens (ZO)-1/2-depleted MDCKII cells (double knockdown [dKD]) representing highly contractile cells. The data indicate that confluent dKD monolayers exhibit decreased average velocity compared to less contractile WT cells concomitant with increased substrate adhesion, reduced traction forces, a more compact shape, diminished cell-cell interactions, and reduced cell-substrate distance fluctuations. Depletion of basal actin and myosin further supports the notion that short-range cell-substrate interactions, particularly fluctuations driven by basal actomyosin, significantly influence the migration speed of the monolayer on a larger length scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell migration occurs when the orientation of cell polarity is aligned with each other in a group of cells. Such collective polarization depends on a reciprocal process between cell intrinsic mechanisms such as cell-cell adhesion and extracellular guidance mechanism such as wound healing and chemotaxis. As part of its development life cycle, individual single cells of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit chemotaxis toward cAMP, which is secreted from a certain population of cells. During the formation of multicellular body by chemotaxis-dependent cell aggregation, D. discoideum is also known to relay on multiple cell-cell adhesion mechanisms. In particular, tail-following behavior at the contact site, called contact following of locomotion (CFL), plays a pivotal role on the formation of the multicellular body. However, whether and how CFL alone can lead to a formation of collective behavior was not well understood. KI cell is a mutant of D. discoideum that lacks all chemotactic activity. Yet, it can exhibit the CFL activity and show nontrivial collective cell migration. This mutant provides an excellent model system to analyze the mechanism of the CFL and the macroscopic phenomena brought by the CFL. This chapter describes protocols for using KI cell to understand the biophysics and cell biology behind the collective cell migration induced by CFL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-cell interaction mediated by secreted and adhesive signaling molecules forms the basis of the coordinated cell movements (i.e., collective cell migration) observed in developing embryos, regenerating tissues, immune cells, and metastatic cancer. Decoding the underlying input/output rules at the single-cell level, however, remains a challenge due to the vast complexity in the extracellular environments that support such cellular behaviors. The amoebozoa Dictyostelium discoideum uses GPCR-mediated chemotaxis and cell-cell contact signals mediated by adhesion proteins with immunoglobulin-like folds to form a collectively migrating slug. Coordinated migration and repositioning of the cells in this relatively simple morphogenetic system are driven strictly by regulation of actin cytoskeleton by these signaling factors. Its unique position in the eukaryotic tree of life outside metazoa points to basic logics of tissue self-organization that are common across taxa. Here, we describe a method to reconstitute intercellular contact signals and the resulting cell polarization using purified adhesion proteins. In addition, a protocol using a microfluidic chamber is laid out where one can study how the cell-cell contact signal and chemoattractant signals, when simultaneously presented, are interpreted. Quantitative image analysis for obtaining cell morphology features is also provided. A similar approach should be applicable to study other collectively migrating cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A fundamental feature of collective cell migration is phenotypic heterogeneity which, for example, influences tumour progression and relapse. While current mathematical models often consider discrete phenotypic structuring of the cell population, in-line with the \'go-or-grow\' hypothesis (Hatzikirou et al., 2012; Stepien et al., 2018), they regularly overlook the role that the environment may play in determining the cells\' phenotype during migration. Comparing a previously studied volume-filling model for a homogeneous population of generalist cells that can proliferate, move and degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) (Crossley et al., 2023) to a novel model for a heterogeneous population comprising two distinct sub-populations of specialist cells that can either move and degrade ECM or proliferate, this study explores how different hypothetical phenotypic switching mechanisms affect the speed and structure of the invading cell populations. Through a continuum model derived from its individual-based counterpart, insights into the influence of the ECM and the impact of phenotypic switching on migrating cell populations emerge. Notably, specialist cell populations that cannot switch phenotype show reduced invasiveness compared to generalist cell populations, while implementing different forms of switching significantly alters the structure of migrating cell fronts. This key result suggests that the structure of an invading cell population could be used to infer the underlying mechanisms governing phenotypic switching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collective cell migration, where cells move as a cohesive unit, is a vital process underlying morphogenesis and cancer metastasis. Thanks to recent advances in imaging and modelling, we are beginning to understand the intricate relationship between a cell and its microenvironment and how this shapes cell polarity, metabolism and modes of migration. The use of biophysical and mathematical models offers a fresh perspective on how cells migrate collectively, either flowing in a fluid-like state or transitioning to more static states. Continuing to unite researchers in biology, physics and mathematics will enable us to decode more complex biological behaviours that underly collective cell migration; only then can we understand how this coordinated movement of cells influences the formation and organisation of tissues and directs the spread of metastatic cancer. In this Perspective, we highlight exciting discoveries, emerging themes and common challenges that have arisen in recent years, and possible ways forward to bridge the gaps in our current understanding of collective cell migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the first description of adenomyosis more than 150 years ago, multiple hypotheses have attempted to explain its pathogenesis. Indeed, research over recent years has greatly enhanced our knowledge of the underlying causes. This has opened up avenues for the development of strategies for both disease prevention and treatment of its main symptoms, such as pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and infertility. However, the current means are still largely ineffective, so it is vital that we shed light on the pathways involved. Dysregulated mechanisms and aberrant protein expression have been identified as contributing factors in interactions between endometrial epithelial and stromal cells, ultimately leading to the growth of adenomyotic lesions. These include collective cell migration, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, hormonal influence, and signaling from non-coding RNAs and extracellular vesicles. We provide a concise summary of the latest insights into the crosstalk between glands and stroma in ectopic adenomyotic lesion formation. While there is an abundance of literature on similarities between adenomyosis and deep endometriosis, there are insufficient data on the cytochemical, molecular, and pathogenetic mechanisms of these two disorders. However, various shared features, including alterations of cell adhesion molecules, abnormal hormone regulation, and the presence of cancer-driving mutations and epigenetic modifications, have been identified. Nevertheless, the pathogenic mechanisms that contribute to the cause and development of these enigmatic diseases have not been fully elucidated yet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The precise assembly of tissues and organs relies on spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression to coordinate the collective behavior of cells. In Drosophila embryos, the midgut musculature is formed through collective migration of caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) cells, but how gene expression changes as cells migrate is not well understood. Here, we have focused on ten genes expressed in the CVM and the cis-regulatory sequences controlling their expression. Although some genes are continuously expressed, others are expressed only early or late during migration. Late expression relates to cell cycle progression, as driving string/Cdc25 causes earlier division of CVM cells and accelerates the transition to late gene expression. In particular, we found that the cell cycle effector transcription factor E2F1 is a required input for the late gene CG5080. Furthermore, whereas late genes are broadly expressed in all CVM cells, early gene transcripts are polarized to the anterior or posterior ends of the migrating collective. We show this polarization requires transcription factors Snail, Zfh1 and Dorsocross. Collectively, these results identify two sequential gene expression programs bridged by cell division that support long-distance directional migration of CVM cells.





