alpha particles

Alpha 粒子
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目标:在扩散α发射体放射治疗(DaRT)中,扩散-泄漏(DL)模型用于确定发射器的空间分布和相应的α剂量,对于成功的治疗至关重要。这项工作介绍了与解吸相关的DL模型参数在实际范围内的变化,扩散和泄漏过程会影响α剂量分布和临床意义的α粒子10Gy等剂量的位置。这项工作还介绍了三种建模近似的效果:两种源几何近似(实心圆柱体代替空心,像素化横截面而不是圆形),和单源剂量叠加(而不是多源直接剂量计算)。 方法。使用有限体积方法来开发数值方案,以模拟DL模型,二维和三维,并获得发射器的空间分布。在假设α粒子能量局部沉积的情况下,计算了相应的α剂量分布。DL模型参数的变化范围基于先前发布的数据。对于所研究的每个建模近似,计算了α剂量分布的误差和相对误差,并评估了10Gy等剂量的位移。 主要结果。在现实范围内,解吸概率,扩散长度,和泄漏概率分别影响阿尔法粒子10Gy等剂量的位置,约0.1毫米,1.5毫米和0.5毫米。所研究的三个建模近似对α粒子10Gy等剂量位置的影响可以忽略不计,位移≤0.01mm。 意义。这项工作定量评估了DaRTα剂量计算中不同参数和近似值的相对重要性,这些参数和近似值不仅对距来源给定距离的剂量变化的影响,而且对临床显着等剂量的位移。 .
    Objective.In diffusing alpha-emitters radiation therapy (\'Alpha DaRT\'), the diffusion-leakage (DL) model is used to determine the spatial distributions of the emitters and the corresponding alpha dose, critical for a successful treatment. This work first introduces a finite volume (FV) approach to develop numerical schemes to simulate the DL model in one, two and three dimensions then presents how variations over realistic ranges of the DL model parameters related to desorption, diffusion and leakage processes affect the alpha dose distribution and the position of the clinically significant alpha particle10Gy isodose. This work also presents the effects of three modeling approximations: two source geometry approximations (solid cylinder instead of hollow, pixelized cross section instead of circular), and one dosimetric approximation (single-source dose superposition instead of multiple-sources direct dose calculation).Approach.The introduced FV approach was used to obtain spatial distributions of the emitters, from which the corresponding alpha dose distributions were calculated under the assumption of a local deposition of the alpha particles\' energies. Variation ranges of the DL model parameters were based on previously published data. For each modeling approximation studied, the error and relative error on the alpha dose distribution were calculated and the displacement of the10Gy isodose was evaluated.Main results.Over realistic ranges, the desorption probabilities, diffusion lengths, and leakage probabilities affect the position of the alpha particle10Gy isodose by∼0.1mm,∼1.5mm and∼0.5mm, respectively. The three modeling approximations studied have a negligible effect on the alpha particle10Gy isodose position, with displacements⩽0.01mm.Significance.This work quantitatively evaluates the relative importance of different parameters and approximations in Alpha-DaRT alpha dose calculations based on their impact not only on the dose variation at a given distance from the source but also on the displacement of clinically significant isodoses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increased risk of liver malignancies was found in workers of the first Russian nuclear production facility, Mayak Production Association, who had been chronically exposed to gamma rays externally and to alpha particles internally due to plutonium inhalation. In the present study, we updated the radiogenic risk estimates of the hepatobiliary malignancies using the extended follow-up period (1948-2018) of the Mayak worker cohort and the improved «Mayak worker dosimetry system-2013». The cohort comprised 22,377 workers hired at the Mayak PA between 1948 and 1982. The analysis considered 62 liver malignancies (32 hepatocellular carcinomas, 13 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, 16 angiosarcomas, and 1 anaplastic cancer) and 33 gallbladder adenocarcinomas. The analysis proved the positive significant association of the liver malignancy risk (the total of histological types, hepatocellular carcinoma) with the liver absorbed alpha dose from internal exposure. The excess relative risk per Gy (95% confidence interval) of alpha dose (the linear model) was 7.56 (3.44; 17.63) for the total of histological types and 3.85 (0.95; 13.30) for hepatocellular carcinoma. Indications of non-linearity were observed in the dose-response for internal exposure to alpha radiation. No impact of external gamma-ray exposure on the liver malignancy incidence was found. In the study cohort, the number of angiosarcomas among various types of liver malignancies was very high (25.8%), and most of these tumors (73.3%) were registered in individuals internally exposed to alpha radiation at doses ranging between 6.0 and 21.0 Gy. No association with chronic occupational radiation exposure was observed for the incidence of gallbladder malignancies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disorder with limited treatment options. It is characterized by the presence of several biomarkers, including amyloid-β aggregates, which lead to oxidative stress and neuronal decay. Targeted α-therapy (TAT) has been shown to be efficacious against metastatic cancer. TAT takes advantage of tumor-localized α-particle emission to break disease-associated covalent bonds while minimizing radiation dose to healthy tissues due to the short, micrometer-level, distances traveled. We hypothesized that TAT could be used to break covalent bonds within amyloid-β aggregates and facilitate natural plaque clearance mechanisms. Methods: We synthesized a 213Bi-chelate-linked benzofuran pyridyl derivative (BiBPy) and generated [213Bi]BiBPy, with a specific activity of 120.6 GBq/μg, dissociation constant of 11 ± 1.5 nM, and logP of 0.14 ± 0.03. Results: As the first step toward the validation of [213Bi]BiBPy as a TAT agent for the reduction of Alzheimer disease-associated amyloid-β, we showed that brain homogenates from APP/PS1 double-transgenic male mice (6-9 mo old) incubated with [213Bi]BiBPy exhibited a marked reduction in amyloid-β plaque concentration as measured using both enzyme-linked immunosorbent and Western blotting assays, with a half-maximal effective concentration of 3.72 kBq/pg. Conclusion: This [213Bi]BiBPy-concentration-dependent activity shows that TAT can reduce amyloid plaque concentration in vitro and supports the development of targeting systems for in vivo validations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three different reactions with the use of natural targets are investigated to produce 155Tb for medical applications from the decay of its precursor 155Dy. The TALYS code has been exploited to optimize the cross section description and to improve the agreement with the full set of available data. The study is completed by a theoretical model for the two radio-chemical separations: optimal solutions are presented for the production of high quality 155Tb samples, guaranteed by the absence of the main contaminant, 156Tb.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monitoring of internal exposure to short-lived alpha-emitting radionuclides such as actinium-225 (225Ac), which are becoming increasingly important in nuclear medicine, plays an important role in the radiation protection of occupationally exposed persons. After having tested gamma spectrometry, liquid scintillation counting and alpha spectrometry for monitoring of internal exposure, the focus of the present study was on solid phase extraction of 225Ac from urine in combination with alpha spectrometry. The development of the method was based on recent findings from the literature on this topic. The method was used in a pilot phase to monitor internal exposure of four workers who were directly or indirectly involved in the manufacture and/or use of 225Ac. The monitoring protocol allowed a relatively short 24-hour urine sample analysis with excellent recovery of the internal standard, but it did not allow for a detection limit of less than 1 mBq nor a sufficient yield of 225Ac. Based on these results it is concluded that an in vitro excretion analysis alone is not appropriate for monitoring internal exposure to 225Ac. Instead, different radiation monitoring techniques have to be combined to ensure the radiation protection of employees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determination of uranium isotopes in ground water plays a key role in assessment of geochemical condition of ground water and for estimating ingestion dose received by the general public because of uranium intake through drinking water. An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate isotopic composition and activity ratios (AR) of uranium isotopes by analysing the ground water samples using alpha spectrometry. Associated age-dependent ingestion dose was also calculated for the public of different age groups. 238U, 235U and 234U activity concentration was found to vary in the ranges of 5.85 ± 1.19 to 76.67 ± 4.16, < 0.90 to 3.15 ± 0.84 and 6.52 ± 1.25 to 107.02 ± 4.92 mBq/L, respectively. 235U/238U AR varies from 0.038 to 0.068 with an average of 0.047 which is close to 0.046 implies that uranium in the ground water is from natural origin. Uranium concentration was found to vary in the range of 0.47 ± 0.10 μg/L to 6.20 ± 0.34 μg/L with a mean value of 3.01 ± 0.23 μg/L, which is much lower than national as well as international recommendation value. Annual ingestion dose to the public of all age groups for uranium intake through drinking water ranges from 0.60 ± 0.11 to 19.50 ± 1.03 μSv/y.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The initial favorable efficacy and safety profile for Alpha DaRT have been demonstrated (NCT04377360); however, the longer-term safety and durability of the treatment are unknown. This pooled analysis of four prospective trials evaluated the long-term safety and efficacy of Alpha DaRT for the treatment of head and neck or skin tumors. A total of 81 lesions in 71 patients were treated across six international institutions, with a median follow-up of 14.1 months (range: 2-51 months). Alpha DaRT sources were delivered via a percutaneous interstitial technique and placed to irradiate the tumor volume with the margin. The sources were removed two to three weeks following implantation. A complete response was observed in 89% of treated lesions (n = 72) and a partial response in 10% (n = 8). The two-year actuarial local recurrence-free survival was 77% [95% CI 63-87]. Variables, including recurrent versus non-recurrent lesions, baseline tumor size, or histology, did not impact long-term outcomes. Twenty-seven percent of patients developed related acute grade 2 or higher toxicities, which resolved with conservative measures. No grade 2 or higher late toxicities were observed. These data support the favorable safety profile of Alpha DaRT, which is currently being explored in a pivotal US trial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Targeted alpha therapy is an emerging alternative for palliative therapy of a wide range of tumor types. Data from preclinicaland clinical research demonstrates a high potential for the selective killing of tumor cells and minimal toxicity to surroundinghealthy tissues. This article summarizes the developmental stages of alpha-targeted therapy from benchtop to commercialization.It discusses fundamental properties, production pathways, microdosimetry, and possible targeting vectors. Proper coverage hasalso been given to comparing it with other standard treatment procedures while exploring clinical applications of alpha emitters.In the end, like other therapies, the challenges it faces and its future impact on personalized medicine are also illustrated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astatine (211At) is a cyclotron-produced alpha emitter with a physical half-life of 7.2 h. In our previous study, the 211At-labeled prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) compound ([211At]PSMA-5) exhibited excellent tumor growth suppression in a xenograft model. We conducted preclinical biodistribution and toxicity studies for the first-in-human clinical trial. [211At]PSMA-5 was administered to both normal male ICR mice (n = 85) and cynomolgus monkeys (n = 2). The mice were divided into four groups for the toxicity study: 5 MBq/kg, 12 MBq/kg, 35 MBq/kg, and vehicle control, with follow-ups at 1 day (n = 10 per group) and 14 days (n = 5 per group). Monkeys were observed 24 h post-administration of [211At]PSMA-5 (9 MBq/kg). Blood tests and histopathological examinations were performed at the end of the observation period. Blood tests in mice indicated no significant myelosuppression or renal dysfunction. However, the monkeys displayed mild leukopenia 24 h post-administration. Despite the high accumulation in the kidneys and thyroid, histological analysis revealed no abnormalities. On day 1, dose-dependent single-cell necrosis/apoptosis was observed in the salivary glands of mice and intestinal tracts of both mice and monkeys. Additionally, tingible body macrophages in the spleen and lymph nodes indicated phagocytosis of apoptotic B lymphocytes. Cortical lymphopenia (2/10) in the thymus and a decrease in the bone marrow cells (9/10) were observed in the 35 MBq/kg group in mice. These changes were transient, with no irreversible toxicity observed in mice 14 days post-administration. This study identified no severe toxicities associated with [211At]PSMA-5, highlighting its potential as a next-generation targeted alpha therapy for prostate cancer. The sustainable production of 211At using a cyclotron supports its applicability for clinical use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiation therapy (RT) remains a common treatment for cancer patients worldwide, despite the development of targeted biological compounds and immunotherapeutic drugs. The challenge in RT lies in delivering a lethal dose to the cancerous site while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues. Low linear energy transfer (low-LET) and high linear energy transfer (high-LET) radiations have distinct effects on cells. High-LET radiation, such as alpha particles, induces clustered DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), potentially inducing cell death more effectively. However, due to limited range, alpha-particle therapies have been restricted. In human cancer, mutations in TP53 (encoding for the p53 tumor suppressor) are the most common genetic alteration. It was previously reported that cells carrying wild-type (WT) p53 exhibit accelerated senescence and significant rates of apoptosis in response to RT, whereas cells harboring mutant p53 (mutp53) do not. This study investigated the combination of the alpha-emitting atoms RT based on internal Radium-224 (224Ra) sources and systemic APR-246 (a p53 reactivating compound) to treat tumors with mutant p53. Cellular models of colorectal cancer (CRC) or pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) harboring mutant p53, were exposed to alpha particles, and tumor xenografts with mutant p53 were treated using 224Ra source and APR-246. Effects on cell survival and tumor growth, were assessed. The spread of alpha emitters in tumors was also evaluated as well as the spatial distribution of apoptosis within the treated tumors. We show that mutant p53 cancer cells exhibit radio-sensitivity to alpha particles in vitro and to alpha-particles-based RT in vivo. APR-246 treatment enhanced sensitivity to alpha radiation, leading to reduced tumor growth and increased rates of tumor eradication. Combining alpha-particles-based RT with p53 restoration via APR-246 triggered cell death, resulting in improved therapeutic outcomes. Further preclinical and clinical studies are needed to provide a promising approach for improving treatment outcomes in patients with mutant p53 tumors.





