Trigger Points

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Migraine affects one in ten individuals worldwide and is the second leading cause of disability. Studies have shown an association between migraine and the musculoskeletal system, and myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) play an essential role. Additionally, those with myofascial pain have been proven to experience higher levels of depression and anxiety. Understanding the association between MTrPs and migraine is crucial for developing targeted treatment strategies. Additionally, recognizing the link between MTrPs and migraine-related depression and anxiety underscores the importance of a holistic approach to migraine management. By addressing both musculoskeletal and neurological factors, healthcare providers can provide more effective and personalized care for migraine patients. This study aims to determine the association between MTrPs with migraine-related disability, anxiety, depression, and migraine characteristics.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 68 migraine patients from an outpatient neurology clinic. The number of MTrPs was determined through examination by an experienced neurologist during a migraine-free period using the recommended international criteria. We evaluated anxiety and depression with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and disability with the Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS).
    RESULTS: We enrolled 68 patients (22 males) with a mean age of 36.23 ± 9.63 years. The mean number of MTrPs was 2.75 ± 2.934. MTrPs were positively correlated with severity (CC: 0.576, P-value < 0.001). There was no association between MTrPs and HADS-D or MIDAS, but migraine patients with abnormal HADS-A scores had more MTrPs than patients with normal HADS-A scores (0.6 ± 0.84 vs 3.56 ± 3.11, P-value:0.013).
    CONCLUSIONS: The number of MTrPs is associated with higher anxiety levels and headache intensity. Further research could investigate the impact of MTrP-based therapies on anxiety among individuals suffering from migraines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Myofascial pelvic pain (MFPP) is a prevalent yet frequently overlooked condition characterized by myofascial trigger points located within the pelvic floor muscles. Women with MFPP often experience severely reduced quality of life due to impaired sexual health. Here, we examined the relationship between MFPP and sexual function. Materials and Methods: Eighty-three women with a benign gynecological condition were included in this pilot study. For each patient, we obtained a complete medical history, measured different types of subjective pain intensity using a visual analog scale, performed a validated standardized examination of the pelvic floor muscles for measuring MFPP, and used the German Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI-d) questionnaire. Results: Compared to women without MFPP (46 out of 83; 55.4%), the women with MFPP (37 out of 83; 44.6%) reported experiencing pain on more days per month (8 vs. 3 days/month; p = 0.002) and higher median VAS scores for dyspareunia (4 vs. 0; p < 0.001). We also found a significant inverse correlation between the severity of MFPP and overall FSFI-d scores (r = -0.35; p < 0.001), particularly in the FSFI-d subdomains of pain (r = -0.364; p < 0.001), lubrication (r = -0.230; p = 0.005), and arousal (r = -0.360; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Due to the higher prevalence of dyspareunia and pelvic pain, MFPP significantly impacts several aspects of female sexual health and function. This information, combined with increased awareness regarding MFPP, may provide a foundation for designing individualized therapies, thereby improving the quality of life of women affected by MFPP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the effectiveness of trigger point manual therapy (TPMT) in treating rotator cuff related shoulder pain (RCRSP).
    UNASSIGNED: Randomized controlled trials that compared the effects of TPMT with no or other conservative treatments in patients with RCRSP were included. Primary outcomes were shoulder pain intensity and function. Secondary outcomes were pressure pain threshold (PPT) and number of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). The Cochrane Risk of Bias 2.0 tool, PEDro scale and GRADE approach were employed.
    UNASSIGNED: Ten studies were included in this systematic review and seven in the meta-analysis. Very low to low quality of evidence showed no statistically significant difference between TPMT and other conservative treatments in rest and activity pain reduction in the short term (3 days to 12 weeks), and the difference in shoulder function was statistically significant in favor of TPMT. Furthermore, TPMT was found to be effective in the improvement of PPT and the inactivation of active MTrPs in the short term.
    UNASSIGNED: TPMT may be equally effective as other passive treatments for the pain reduction in patients with RCRSP in the short term, and slightly more effective for functional improvement. TPMT seems to be effective to treat the active MTrPs in RCRSP.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42023409101.
    Trigger point manual therapy (TPMT) seems to be effective to treat the active trigger points of rotator cuff related shoulder pain (RCRSP) in the short term (3 days to 12 weeks).TPMT may be equally effective as other passive treatments for the pain reduction in patients with RCRSP in the short term (3 days to 12 weeks), and slightly more effective for functional improvement.TPMT may be recommended for use in comprehensive treatment programs which may include active components such as exercise therapy and education for the rehabilitation of RCRSP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome is usually made after structural-morphological explanations have been ruled out. The lack of positive findings to guide treatment inevitably leaves room for interpretation despite the extensive use of all imaging, neurophysiological or serological diagnostics. Under these circumstances, a careful differential diagnosis must be made between functional and structural aspects, both of which in many cases must be assessed in their different relevance. Particular attention must be paid to indications of vegetative-sympathetic adjustment disorders.The great importance of a clinical, experience-based approach to this symptom pattern becomes clear here, especially if the technical diagnostic data is of no help. The dominance of imaging findings naturally promotes a structure-based, mechanistic understanding of the illness. In contrast, the emotional, vegetative mood of the patient should be given greater consideration as a diagnostic and therapeutic focus. Treatment measures should have a high success rate, as persistent reductions in stimulus thresholds may lead to prognostically unfavorable chronification.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Diagnose eines myofaszialen Schmerzsyndroms wird in der Regel gestellt nach Ausschluss strukturell-morphologischer Erklärungsmuster. Das Fehlen handlungsleitender radiologischer oder neurophysiologischer Befunde eröffnet unvermeidlich einen Interpretationsspielraum. Unter diesen Umständen muss sorgfältig differentialdiagnostisch abgewogen werden zwischen funktionellen und strukturellen Gesichtspunkten, die in vielen Fällen beide in ihrer unterschiedlichen jeweiligen Relevanz zu würdigen sind. Insbesondere muss auf Hinweise für vegetativ-sympathische Anpassungsstörungen geachtet werden.Dieser Zusammenhang betont die große Bedeutung eines klinischen, erfahrungsgestützten Zugangs zu diesem Beschwerdebild, insbesondere wenn die technischen Diagnosedaten nicht weiterhelfen. Die Dominanz der bildgebenden Befunde fördert naturgemäß ein strukturbasiertes, mechanistisches Krankheitsverständnis. Demgegenüber ist die emotionale, vegetative Gestimmtheit der Patienten als diagnostischer und therapeutischer Schwerpunkt beim MFSS stark zu beachten. Behandlungsmaßnahmen sollten eine hohe Erfolgsquote haben, da anhaltende Reizschwellenabsenkungen zur prognostisch ungünstigen Chronifizierung führen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is also called soleus syndrome because the resultant periostitis is localized to the medial insertion of the soleus muscle. This study explores the effectiveness of dry needling (DN) targeting soleus myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in managing MTSS.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the impact of DN on pain reduction and ankle range of motion (ROM) improvement in athletes with MTSS.
    UNASSIGNED: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) included 50 university-level athletes. (DN group = 25; control group = 25).
    UNASSIGNED: Outcome variables, pain, and ankle dorsiflexion ROM were measured using the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) and universal goniometer, respectively. The trial used statistical analyses like Wilcoxon rank test for within-group comparisons and Mann-Whitney U test for between-group comparisons. The trial was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry of India; CTRI/2023/10/058837.
    UNASSIGNED: There were 24 Females (Age = 21.4 ± 2.06) & 26 Males (Age = 20.5 ± 2.35). DN significantly reduced pain in the intervention group from NPRS 7 ± 1.30 to 2 ± 0.87 (p < 0.001), but in the control group, the pain increased from NPRS 7 ± 0.99 to 7 ± 1.05 (p = 0.009). There was no improvement in ankle ROM.
    UNASSIGNED: DN effectively alleviated MTSS-associated pain in the short-term but was not effective in improving ankle ROM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neck pain is a pathology with a high impact in terms of physical disability in modern society. The position of the head is related to neck pain. The Frankfort plane determines the position of the skull in space. The profile photograph of the subjects was used to determine the Frankfort plane and to study its degree of inclination. Myofascial pain syndrome is one of the most common causes of musculoskeletal pain. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots located in a palpable taut band of skeletal muscle that is painful on compression or stretch and causes a local twitch in response to snapping or palpation of the band. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the Frankfort plane and the presence of myofascial trigger points causing cervical myofascial pain. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive observational study. All subjects underwent a photographic study to determine the degree of Frankfort plane inclination, and the posterior cervical musculature was palpated to find myofascial trigger points that were measured with a pressure algometer in three cervical locations on the right and left sides. Results: Our study included 47 subjects who had suffered at least one episode of cervical pain in their lifetimes. The mean age was 22.3 ± 2.9 years. Statistically significant results were found in the first right location and sports practice (p = 0.007), in the second right location and gender (p = 0.0097), in the second right location and sports practice (p = 0.0486), in the third right location and gender (p = 0.0098), and in the first, second, and third left locations and gender (p = 0.0083; p = 0.024; p = 0.0016, respectively). In the correlation between the Frankfort plane and the presence of myofascial trigger points, all locations were positive, with the first right location being statistically significant (p = 0.048). Conclusions: A positive relationship was found between the Frankfort plane and the presence of myofascial trigger points. The greater the angle of the Frankfort plane, the less the myofascial pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a common musculoskeletal disorder characterized by muscle pain, tenderness, and trigger points. Ultrasonography has emerged as a key tool for diagnosing and treating MPS owing to its ability to provide precise, minimally invasive guidance. This review discusses the use of ultrasonography in various approaches to evaluate and manage MPS. Studies have shown that shear-wave sonoelastography can effectively assess muscle elasticity and offer insights into trapezius stiffness in patients with MPS. Ultrasound-guided interfascial hydrodissection, especially with visual feedback, has demonstrated effectiveness in treating trapezius MPS. Similarly, ultrasound-guided rhomboid interfascial plane blocks and perimysium dissection for posterior shoulder MPS have significantly reduced pain and improved quality of life. The combination of extracorporeal shockwave therapy with ultrasound-guided lidocaine injections has been particularly successful in reducing pain and stiffness in trapezius MPS. Research regarding various guided injections, including dry needling, interfascial plane blocks, and fascial hydrodissection, emphasizes the importance of ultrasonography for accuracy and safety. Additionally, ultrasound-guided delivery of local anesthetics and steroids to the quadratus lumborum muscle has shown lasting pain relief over a 6-month period. Overall, these findings highlight the pivotal role of ultrasonography in the assessment and treatment of MPS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Myofascial trigger points (TrPs) are hypersensitive points located in a tight band of muscle that, when palpated, produce not only local pain but also referred (distant) pain. The role of TrPs in patients with cervical dystonia (CD) has not been investigated.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the presence of TrPs in patients with isolated idiopathic CD and their association with pain.
    METHODS: Thirty-one patients (74.2% women; age: 61.2 years, SD: 10.1 years) participated. TrPs were explored in the sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, anterior scalene, suboccipital, and infraspinatus muscles. Clinical features of CD were documented as well as the presence of pain. The severity of dystonia and its consequences were assessed using the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS).
    RESULTS: The mean number of TrPs for each patient was 12 (SD:3), with no differences between patients with pain (n = 20) and those without pain (n = 11). Active TrPs were only found in patients with pain (mean: 7.5, SD:4). Latent TrPs were found in both groups but were more prevalent (P < 0.001) in patients without pain (mean: 11, SD:3.5) than in those with pain (mean: 5, SD:3.5). The number of active TrPs or latent TrPs was positively associated with the TWSTRS disability subscale and the TWSTRS total score. The number of active, but not latent, TrPs was associated with worse scores on the TWSTRS pain subscale.
    CONCLUSIONS: Active TrPs were present in patients with CD reporting pain, while latent TrPs were present in all CD patients, irrespective of their pain status. The numbers of active/latent TrPs were associated with disability. TrPs could act as pain generators in CD and also contribute to the involuntary muscle contractions characteristic of dystonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous scientific papers have compared different treatment options in the management of myofascial pain syndrome. This study evaluated the efficacy of Extracorporeal ShockWave Treatment (ESWT) and mesotherapy in patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) in terms of improvement in pain, functional capacity, and quality of life. A case-control study was conducted on 54 patients, who were randomized into 2 groups: group A, consisting of 27 patients, who were treated with 5 sessions of focal ESWT on a weekly basis; and group B, consisting of 27 patients, who underwent 5 sessions of mesotherapy with Thiocolchicoside fl 4 mg/2 mL and Mepivacaine fl 10 mg/1 mL on a weekly basis. Patients were evaluated at enrollment (T0), after 5 weeks, at the end of rehabilitation treatment (T1), and at a follow- up 30 days after the end of treatment (T2), by administering rating scales (Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) - Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT) - Short Form-36 (SF-36)). The results showed that focal ESWT and Mesoterapy are two valid and effective treatment options in reducing algic symptoms and improving short- and long-term quality of life. However, the use of ESWTs, despite being mildly painful but tolerated, has been shown to be superior to mesotherapy in terms of pain reduction and increased functional capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and factors of myofascial release therapy combined with electrical and magnetic stimulation in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). A total of 79 female patients diagnosed with CPPS from January 2021 to December 2022 were prospectively analyzed. Every patient received 3 weeks of treatment which included myofascial release therapy combined with electrical and magnetic stimulation. The visual analog score (VAS) of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) trigger points (TrPs) and the changes in pelvic floor surface electromyography before and after treatment were compared. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of each outcome index. There were significant differences in VASs of muscle TrPs before and after treatment (P < 0.05). For the surface electromyography of PFMs, the differences in pre-baseline rest, post-baseline rest, isometric contractions for muscle endurance evaluation, and coefficient of variation were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Linear regression analysis showed that disease course (X 1), dyspareunia (X 5), and urinary incontinence (X 6) were influencing factors for the decline of pre-baseline rest (r5 = 1.067, R 2 = 0.089), post-baseline rest (r1 = 0.055, r5 = 0.99, R 2 = 0.119), VASs of ischial spine (r5 = 0.916, R 2 = 0.102), obturator internus (r5 = 0.796, r6 = -0.703, R 2 = 0.245), and pubococcygeus (r5 = 0.885, R 2 = 0.149) after treatment in the CPPS group. This study confirmed that individualized myofascial release therapy combined with electrical and magnetic stimulation has significant efficacy for patients with CPPS. At the same time, it is more effective for CPPS patients with longer course of disease, dyspareunia, and without urinary incontinence.





